Washington: A Life (183 page)

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Authors: Ron Chernow

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new army and conflict with GW
on New York
as president
Society of the Cincinnati condemned by
as vice president
vice presidential reelection of
XYZ Affair and
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Samuel
on Boston Tea Party
GW supported by
Adams administration
Addison, Joseph
“Address to the Cherokee Nation,”
Adventurers for Draining the Dismal Swamp
Albany, N.Y.
Albemarle, Lord
alcohol, alcohol abuse
Alexandria, Va.
Alexandria Academy
Alice (slave)
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
Allegheny Mountains
Allegheny River
Allen, Ethan
Allen, John
Alton, John
American Museum
American Revolution
French Revolution and
as global conflict
GW’s view of moral struggle in
Native Americans and
origin in measured protests of
Paris peace treaty in
profiteering during
Ames, Fisher
Amson, John
Anderson, Fred
Anderson, James
André, John
Annals of Agriculture
Annapolis, Md.
conference on Articles of Confederation in
Apotheosis of Washington
Appalachian Mountains
Appleby Grammar School
Arbuthnot, Admiral
Argand, Aimé
Armistead, James
Armstrong, John
Armstrong, John, Jr.
GW’s proposed command of new
Indians and request for expansion of
military academy proposed for
military preparedness and
standing, Constitutional Convention and
standing, GW’s proposal for
standing, ideological fears of
in Whiskey Rebellion
see also
Army, British
American prisoners held by
Arnold affair and
as best trained and equipped
Charleston captured by
German mercenaries in,
local suppliers’ favoring of
as model for GW
prisoners from
retreat to Nova Scotia by
Royal Ethiopian Regiment in
status of colonial soldiers in
see also specific battles
Army, Continental,
Continental Army
Arnold, Benedict
in British Army
kidnapping attempt on
as traitor
Arnold, Peggy Shippen
Articles of Confederation
GW’s critique of
Asbury, Francis
Asgill, Charles
Asgill, Lady
Associated Loyalists
Atlantic Ocean
attorney general
Austin (slave)
Austin, Jonathan Loring
Bache, Benjamin Franklin
Bache, Sarah Franklin
Bailyn, Bernard
Baker, John
Baldwin, Abraham
Ball, Joseph (grandfather)
Ball, Joseph (uncle)
Ball, Mary Johnson (grandmother)
Baltimore, Charles Calvert, Lord
Baltimore, Md.
Continental Congress in
Bank of Alexandria
Bank of England
Bank of the United States
creation of new
Baptist Church
Barbary pirates
Barbé-Marbois, François
Bard, John
Bard, Samuel
Barlow, Joel
Barras, Count de
Bassett, Anna Maria Dandridge (sister-in-law)
Bassett, Burwell (brother-in-law)
Bassett, Burwell, Jr.
Bassett, Fanny,
Washington, Fanny Bassett
Bastille, fall of
Baurmeister, Carl Leopold
Beckley, John
Beckwith, George
Bedford, Gunning
Bemis Heights, Battle of
Benedict, Abner
Berkeley Springs, W.Va.
Betty (slave)
Biddle, Clement
Bingham, Anne Willing
Bingham, William
Bishop, Thomas
education of
Blair, John
Blanchard, Claude
Bland, Martha Daingerfield
Bland, Theodorick
Blockade, The
Blue Ridge Mountains
Blueskin (horse)
Board of Trade, British
Board of War
Bonhomme Richard
Boston, Mass.
siege of
Boston Gazette
Boston Harbor
Boston Massacre
Boston Port Bill
Boston Sailcloth Manufactory
Boston Tea Party
Botetourt, Lord
Boucher, Jonathan
Boudinot, Elias
Boudinot, Elisha
Bouquet, Henry
Bowie, John
Braddock, Edward
Braddock’s Field
Bradford, William
Brady, Patricia
Brandywine Creek, Battle of
Brant, Joseph
Breed’s Hill,
Bunker Hill, Battle of
Bréhan, Marquise de
Broadwater, Charles
Brooklyn (Long Island), Battle of
Brooklyn Heights
Brown, Elias
Brown, Gustavus Richard
Brown, Philip
Brown University (Rhode Island College)
Bryan, Helen
Buchanan, Walter
Bullskin Plantation
Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill), Battle of
Burgoyne, John
Saratoga defeat of
Burke, Edmund
Burr, Aaron
Bush, Benjamin
Butler, James
Butler, Pierce
Butler, Richard
Butler, Walter
Cabot, George
Cadwalader, John
Caesar (slave)
Callender, James T.
Calvert, Benedict
Calvert, Charles
Cambridge, Mass.
Camden, Battle of
Campbell, Christiana
border with
fishing rights and
French and Indian War in
French Catholics in
Capitol, U.S.
War of Jenkins’ Ear in
Carleton, Sir Guy
Carlisle, Pa.
Carlyle & Adam
Caroline (slave)
Carrington, Edward
Carrington, Elizabeth Ambler
Carter, Charles
Carter, Charles, Jr.
Cary, Mary
Cary, Robert
Cary, Wilson
Caswell, Richard
Catawba nation
Catherine the Great, empress of Russia
Cayenne (French Guiana)
Cayuga nation
Chamberlayne, Richard
Champe, John
Charles II, king of England
Charleston, S.C.
Charlestown, Mass.
Charlotte (slave)
Charlton, John
Chastellux, Chevalier de
Chateaubriand, François-Auguste-René de
checks and balances
Cherokee nation
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
Chesapeake Bay
Chester, Pa.
Chew, Benjamin
Chovet, Abraham
Church of England (Anglican Church)
Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius
circuit courts
“Circular to State Governments,”
City Tavern
civil liberties
Civil War, American
Clarkson, Thomas
Claypoole, David
Claypoole’s American Daily Advertiser
Clermont-Crèvecoeur, Count de
Clinton, George
Clinton, Sir Henry
at Battle of Monmouth
on Cowpens disaster
kidnap attempt on
recall of
in siege of Charleston
Closen, Ludwig von, Baron
Clymer, George
Coast Guard
Cobb, David, Jr.
Cobbett, William
Cochran, John
Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) (1774)
Coke, Thomas
College of New Jersey (Princeton University)
College of Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania)
College of William and Mary
Columbian Magazine
Columbia University (King’s College)
Committee of Public Safety
Common Sense
Concord, Mass.
Congregational Church
Congregation Yeshuat Israel
Congress, Confederation
Constitutional Convention approved by
Constitution presented to
departments of
Congress, U.S.
antislavery petitions in
Bill of Rights in
capital construction and
debate over proportional vs. equal representation in
departments of
enlarged powers proposed for
first, delay in opening of
GW’s annual addresses to
GW’s election announced by
GW’s final address to
GW’s inauguration and
GW’s relationship with
Report on Manufactures
Report on Public Credit
on Indian warfare
Jay Treaty and
powers reserved for
presidential veto and
proportional representation and
site in new federal city for
slavery and
Constitution ratified by
volunteer troops from
Connecticut Continentals
Constitution, British
Constitution, U.S.
advice and consent in
amendment process for
annual address mandated by
Article I of
Article II of
bank bill and
bicameral legislature in
Bill of Rights and
emergency government sessions and
executive branch in
Federalist vs. Republican views of
first elections seen as support for
GW’s support for
Jefferson’s ambivalence toward
on judiciary
as living and open-ended document
necessary and proper clause of
preamble to
proportional representation in
ratification of
slavery in
strict constructionists and
treaty-making powers in
tripartite government in
Twenty-second Amendment of
two-thirds rule of
Whiskey Rebellion as test of
Constitutional Convention
GW as president of
GW’s hesitation about
secrecy rule of
on slavery
Continental Army
Articles of Confederation and
blacks in
bounties for
casualties in
decrease in support for
desertions and short-term enlistments in
discipline in
early formation of
generals of
gunpowder and weapons shortage for
GW’s command of
GW’s frustrations with
GW’s insistence on smallpox inoculations for
GW’s Life Guard in
heroism of
illness in
long-term enlistments for
maintaining unity in
militias in
as model for new country
morale problems in
move south by
music in
mutinies in
in Newport approach
northern department of
origins of
pay not given to
prisoners from
prisoners treated humanely by
reenlistments for
sanitary conditions for
size of
southern department of
Steuben’s training of
supply shortages for
uniforms for
see also specific battles
Continental Association
Continental Congress
see also
First Continental Congress; Second Continental Congress
Conway, Richard
Conway, Thomas
Conway “Cabal,”
Cooper, Myles
Corbin, Richard
Cornwallis, Charles, Lord
in siege of Charleston
at Yorktown
cotton gin
Cowpens, S.C.
Craik, James
Crawford, William
America’s lack of
Creek Nation
Cresswell, Nicholas
Crisis, The
Cromwell, Oliver
Crow, Hiland
Cunliffe, Marcus
Cupid (slave)

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