War Games (Alien Instincts) (13 page)

Read War Games (Alien Instincts) Online

Authors: Cynthia Lore

Tags: #alpha male, #love, #sci-fi, #government, #aliens, #space travel, #romance, #fantasy, #military, #erotica

BOOK: War Games (Alien Instincts)
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A low growl began, and she could feel the vibrations flow from his body and into hers. “Mine.” Markar commanded in a rough growl, before pressing his body further into Rae’s. She gasped at the sensation, her hands moving to grip his shoulders to pull him even closer, but it would never be close enough.

“You are mine, Rae.” he growled, Markar’s voice so low it sounded animalistic. Instead of frightening her, it only served to heighten her insane desire. She made some sound, unsure whether it was a denial or an agreement, and then Markar was removing her clothing. His actions so fast, his speed was inhuman. It was the only thing that reminded Rae he wasn’t from Earth, but the information didn’t matter to her now.

Her body began to move, her legs wrapping around his waist. Anything to get their bodies closer, but it still wasn’t close enough. In her frustration, Rae’s movements became frantic, and she cried out, desperate to satiate the craving flowing through her veins.

Markar moved to place his body where she needed him, his hands caressing her, giving her exactly what she wanted. His still hard cock pressed against her wet folds and Rae cried out in triumph, trying desperately to impale herself on his thick shaft. Markar held her back, moving agonizingly slow, stretching her inch by measured inch.

Rae couldn’t help but sob in pleasure as the flames died down with his entrance into her body, but still they were not fully quenched. If she could have formed words, she would have begged Markar for more, but even so, he seemed to understand. Moving back and forth within her body, he began to give her what she demanded.

Pulling her legs more firmly around his hips, Rae moved against him; helping to deepen their connection, quicken their pace. She looked into Markar’s eyes with wonder, overcome by the sensations flowing through her body. His eyes were now the only light within the dark forest, the small glowing creatures frightened off by his growling.         He leaned closer to her, aware of her watchful gaze.

“Mine.” he growled, softer this time, but still just as commanding. It was a declaration, a branding. It was spoken lovingly, like a caress, and Rae came apart at the word. Her vaginal walls gripping desperately at Markar’s shaft, holding him to her, her body answered his statement with orgasmic bliss. The waves that finally quenched the flames running rampant through her body were even more overwhelming, her mind completely submerged within the joyful pleasure.

Markar’s lips descended on hers as his own release moved through him, but the chemical she usually associated with his kisses was surprisingly absent. His hand lifted to move sweat soaked strands of her hair, his touch so gentle after the frenzied mating they had just done. His gaze had softened, and Rae once again looked on in wonder at the yellow glow, her own hand lifting to touch his face, still wanting to be close to him.

He leaned forward to press his lips lightly over hers, before reluctantly moving away. “We must make camp for tonight. It is getting late, and there may be nocturnal predators.”

Rae nodded in agreement, even as she tried to pull him closer once again.

“I will set up camp and be right back, Rae. I will never leave you.” Markar whispered to soften the sting of separation, before running off into the darkness. Rae was left alone, the soft glow of the tiny creatures slowly returning to float around the black forest.

The Final Battle

Markar had left her. He had fucked her, and then just ran off. At the moment Rae was still too overwhelmed by what had just happened to be angry at his sudden desertion, but she was definitely very confused. Awkwardly putting her discarded clothing on, she glanced nervously around the dark forest that was quickly becoming way more creepy than exciting.

The darkness around her was all consuming. Without the light from the glowing bug-like creatures, (which wasn’t much to begin with) Rae wouldn’t have been able to see anything. As it was, she could barely make out her own hand when placed directly in front of her face. That same hand was shaking. She told herself it was from the adrenaline rush from just having sex. As Rae tried hopelessly to see beyond the black void in front of her, she slowly began to admit that she was ever so slightly afraid of her situation.

Without the use of her sight, Rae could feel her other senses begin to expand out into the darkness. Every twig snapping, every movement of the wind had her whipping her head around in fear, wondering in which direction danger would come from. Some deep-rooted instinct for survival began to overwhelm her, and Rae could feel the atmosphere of doom surrounding her like a blanket: the kind of fabric that smothered and not comforted.

She felt closed in on all sides by unseen foes. Glowing eyes winked at her, laughing at her fear. Rae automatically shifted her stance, trying to ready herself for defense, but it was pointless. The darkness had her trapped, enclosed in on all sides by patient demons. Just waiting for her to let down her guard for one moment.

Rae spun around; trying to determine in which direction her instincts were telling her the danger was coming from, but direction was impossible to discern. The only thing visible was the winking glow of creeping eyes watching her every move. One pair appeared larger, more visible, moving closer. Rae stood still, horrified, as the thing slowly approached. Her heart hammering in her chest contradicted her frozen body. Her physique had been trained for combat, so Rae was outwardly calm, but her mind was screaming in terror.

Slowly reaching for the small handgun on her tool belt, Rae watched the glowing set of eyes advance purposely towards her. It was no strange beast that emerged from the forest, no evil horror stalking her as prey in the night.     

It was Markar’s eyes that watched her, his form that stalked in the shadows. Rae’s instincts had pinpointed him in the forest as the source of danger. He was the unknown threat. Her adrenaline still peaking, Rae backed up at his sudden approach. He appeared terrifying, massive, and invincible. The aura of menace around him permeated the darkness and struck her with waves of fear, causing her to freeze, her eyes widening in panic.

“Rae… what is wrong?”

His tone was soft, his expression concerned, but Rae couldn’t shake the icy tendrils of fear running through her. This was the source of danger she had felt emanating from the darkness beyond. Retreating further from Markar, and still high on adrenaline, Rae’s shaking hand gripped the gun at her waist.

Markar’s sharp gaze didn’t miss her jerky movements, and his brow furrowed in confusion for a fraction of a second at her actions, before all emotion was quickly wiped from his features.

“I finished setting up the perimeter.”

He spoke in a calm, quiet tone. The kind of voice you would use to comfort a wounded animal. It was barely a whisper, but with her senses on high alert, Rae had no trouble hearing Markar. The quiet, rational statement broke Rae out of her fear-induced trance, and her heart rate began to slow to a normal rhythm. The adrenaline she had been experiencing began to dwindle, but in it’s wake was left a hazy feeling of uncertainty. Rae’s instincts had never failed her before. Something had changed, but Markar no longer appeared threatening.

“Right… the perimeter.” Rae mumbled in agreement. She released the handle of her still holstered gun awkwardly, knowing that Markar had not missed what had just happened between them. Still, she eyed the man in front of her uncertainly. Not really sure herself what had just transpired between them.

With the release of her weapon, Markar began to make his way slowly towards her. Rae couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by her actions as she watched him moved hesitatingly forward. There was no rational reason for her sudden fear, and it’s just as sudden disappearance. Shifting uncertainly, Rae moved to help Markar set up camp. As she worked, she thought over what had just happened.

Her instincts had never failed her like that before. When she sensed a threat, there had always been a threat just around the corner. It had saved her countless times before. What had happened this time? Granted, she was on an alien planet, surrounded by utter darkness, but still… Rae expected more from herself.

It could be that Markar
an actual threat to her, but that didn’t make sense. He could have hurt or killed her since the moment he had kidnapped her from that underground government facility, but he hadn’t. In fact, she was the one who had hurt him, and despite that, he had never retaliated against her. He was gentle, kind, and forgiving. He had helped her, saved her life, and provided her with weapons she could use at any time against him. No… Markar was not a threat to her.

Could it be that Markar showing up when he did was just a coincidence, and that the real threat was still out there, somewhere, lurking in the dark? Rae shivered at the thought. From the moment they had landed on the planet, it had felt almost familiar, a home away from home. Even after she had practically drowned, Rae still had hope for their adventure. She had been so excited about exploring completely uncharted land. Now, after having felt that strange malevolent threat, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to continue exploring the strange planet.

Rae looked up from her dark thoughts to find Markar watching her intently. She inhaled sharply in surprise at the force of the connection when their gazes met. She felt spellbound.

What was that emotion she could see living within his eyes? Was it guilt, or was it something else? Rae could feel the answer on the tip of her tongue, at the edge of her mind, and then before she could figure it out, he broke the contact. Markar’s eyes roamed her body before returning to the task of setting up their camp.

Freed from the spell his possessive gaze had created, Rae was once again lost in her own thoughts. She was still curious about the answer she almost seemed to know. If only she could be certain of the question.

“Are you all right, Rae? You have been unusually quiet all evening.” Markar asked in a low voice, refusing to make eye contact a second time.

Rae debated on what she should say. How much could she trust Markar? It was a foreign feeling for her. Trusting did not come natural to Rae Montgomery.

“I have not known you to be reluctant to speak your mind.”

Rae’s head jerked up in offence to find a small smile twitching to life on Markar’s lips. She snorted in answer to his joke. “I’m thinking. I’m always quiet when I’m thinking.” Rae’s brows furrowed in thought. She was uncertain how much of her feelings she should reveal to Markar. “I guess you could say I’m homesick.” she finally responded. She looked up to see Markar’s own brows descend in thought.

“Do you miss the people of your world?”

The question caught Rae off-guard. The people of Earth were least of what she missed. What she missed was the familiarity, the feeling of always knowing what was right. She missed how sure of herself she was. Ever since she had left her planet, uncertainty had begun plaguing her. Rae was usually the type of woman that beat her insecurities into submission, but they were now beginning to ware her down.

“No… I think I just miss the feeling of safety, of comfort.” she answered.

“I will protect you.”

Once again, Markar caught her off-guard. Rae chuckled at his chivalrous response. For an alien species with no females, he was sure catching up quickly.

Back home, she was the protector, the strong, military woman who could handle herself. In-fact, after her promotion life had become almost too safe. She had joined the military for adventure, lost it, and then found it once again when she was introduced to Markar. A smile broke out across Rae’s features when she remembered the first time she had seen his shadowy form coming after her. She hadn’t realized how boring her life had become until that day. “I never needed protecting before I met you.” she teased.

Markar’s whole demeanor darkened at her words. “We should leave this planet. It is too dangerous.” he commanded, his voice rising to a growl.

“No!” Rae shouted in shock. “Please don’t make me leave, Markar. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me!”

Markar’s head tilted to the side in apparent confusion. “It doesn’t have to be.” he finally stated.

“What do you mean?” Rae asked.

“There are other habitable planets. Ones with less violence on them.” Markar stated calmly. “I could take you to one.”

Rae looked down in thought. “No. I couldn’t do that to you. You have a mission to complete.”

One eyebrow lifted as Markar let out a laugh, but with almost no humor in the sound. “Look around us. It is already complete! There is no higher intelligence left on this planet. What was once a flourishing society has been utterly annihilated.”

Rae frowned at his dark words. “You don’t know that!”

“But I do, Rae. I have been exploring other planets for longer than I can remember. I know a dying planet when I see one.”

His cynical explanation reminded her that his own planet was nearly inhospitable. Rae couldn’t see any signs indicating the planet they were on was dying, but she had never seen one before. Maybe there were signs she was missing?

“Okay. We can leave...” she said in dejection. Rae lifted her head suddenly to stare defiantly at Markar. There was only one way she was agreeing to this. “…only if you promise to take me to a better planet!”

The smile that curved across Markar’s lips could only be described as victorious, gloating even. In the darkness of the night it almost looked wicked in its triumph. “I would be glad to.” he finally stated. “I cannot transmit us to our ship from underneath this forest. We will have to find open ground tomorrow.”

Rae nodded in acceptance. She was exhausted and wouldn’t mind spending one more night on the strange planet; even if it’s forest was beginning to terrify her.


Markar woke her the next day, the morning sun’s rays barely passing through the thick foliage of the forest. Rae rubbed her tired eyes. Her sleep was anything but restful, strange dreams having woken her up countless times throughout the night.

The two quickly packed up their camp and Rae followed Markar’s unwavering path, hopefully leading out of the darkness to open land. Markar kept a quick pace, and Rae, in her tired state, could barely keep up with the man.

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