War Games (Alien Instincts) (12 page)

Read War Games (Alien Instincts) Online

Authors: Cynthia Lore

Tags: #alpha male, #love, #sci-fi, #government, #aliens, #space travel, #romance, #fantasy, #military, #erotica

BOOK: War Games (Alien Instincts)
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“Great.” Rae added sarcastically as she pushed herself to her feet. “Just what I wanted to hear. Anything else interesting?”

Markar led her to a small doorway that opened into the small wooden hut. “There are many different tools here. While the size of the dwelling indicates a small creature, they seem to have been relatively intelligent.”

“Are you saying that short people aren’t that smart?” Rae teased, knowing how much shorter she was than Markar.

He blushed in response. “No! Only that, well…” Markar stammered.

“Look at this!” Rae held up a wooden bowl with carvings etched into the side. “They’ve developed artistry! That’s pretty impressive for a society living out of tree houses. Look at the detail.” The carving was precise, the lines smooth. There were no blocky shapes, but clear images of trees and animals.

Markar seemed less impressed. Glancing at her find, he continued to search the place. Rae watched his body bend as he rummaged in some low cabinets. Images of last night flashed through her mind as she admired once again how perfect his body was.

“What is this?” Markar asked as he pulled out large plates of metal. Rae moved towards him to get a closer look at the thing. Large thick sheets of metal were scaled to form what looked like medieval armor. The pieces were nearly an inch thick and layered so that no part of the body would be unprotected.

“Definitely looks like armor. Really heavy duty armor.” Rae said as she reached out to touch the protective covering. The metal felt unusually cold to the touch and Rae jerked her hand back as if she had been burned.

“It doesn’t seem very efficient.” Markar commented, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Rae looked down at the suit that Markar had provided for her. The thing was amazingly comfortable, and showed absolutely no wear even though they had been wearing them constantly on their hike. No doubt Morian technology was supremely efficient. “Maybe it was all they had to use.” Rae tried to make Markar understand.

He nodded before setting the heavy garment back down. Markar began to make his way towards the exit of the small tree house. The room was so small that he was forced to brush up against Rae. He paused in front of her, their bodies touching in the small space. Rae looked up to see him watching her intently.

His hands reached out to caress her, ending with him lightly gripping her upper arms. Rae could feel her heart begin to hammer in her chest in anticipation. She suddenly realized she wanted desperately to feel closer to him, but she was scared. Rae realized that the control he could wield over her body with his potent chemical terrified her. Losing her hard won control terrified her.

The knowledge that fear was the only thing holding her back from Markar hit her like a slap in the face. Rae had always loved adventure. Being an adrenaline junkie was why she had signed up for the military in the first place. She couldn’t resist trying to conquer her fears. Her eyes never leaving Markar’s, Rae stepped farther into his embrace. She placed her hands on his chest, supporting her weight as she leaned against the tall alien. His eyes flared into golden flames as his arms moved to wrap around her. She rested her head against Markar, feeling his warmth envelop her.

“We should leave. This is the monster’s hunting ground.” Markar spoke quietly, his voice coming out rougher than usual. Rae nodded against his chest. She was disappointed to feel the abrupt loss of his warmth when he released her, but she knew he was right. They had seen the pterodactyl like creature hunting in the treetops, and they had seen the scorch marks all over the wooden dwelling they were standing in. They would be at a disadvantage if they had to fight the beast in its own territory.

As they exited the tiny wooden house, Rae couldn’t help but notice all the fire damage around her. There were neighboring tree houses that were so destroyed they looked like leftover firewood. Rae shivered imagining the battle that must have played out over these homes.

The society that had lived in them was long gone. Where fire damage had not destroyed, rain had begun to rot. Rae hoped that the people survived and had found more secure shelter, but it began to seem like the flying monster was terrorizing the planet and devouring anything in its path.

Rae’s focus shifted to watch Markar quickly descend down the ladder carved into the trunk of the tree. Looking down, vertigo hit her hard, and she groaned, dreading her own descent. But she knew there was only one way to overcome her fears- to face them head on. Taking a deep breath, Rae forced her body to move; telling herself the climb down would feel just like a rollercoaster.

The Black Forest

By the time Rae eagerly jumped off the next-to-last rung, her muscles were burning. Walking slowly over to where Markar waited, she rubbed her aching arms, sure that she was going to be sore from the workout. Markar frowned at her actions.

“I think we should leave this planet, Rae. I do not look forward to experiencing any more predators on this world. The signs of carnage are not heartening.”

Rae lifted her chin up as her stubborn streak ran through her like a bolt of lightening. “You said we could keep exploring!” She accused while crossing her arms over her chest.

“I am not going back on our deal. I am only pointing out the dangers of remaining on this sphere.” At that Markar actually pointed up towards the charred remains of the tree houses that they had just surveyed.    

Rae looked up to where he indicated and scowled at the destroyed homes. “That happened a long time ago.” she said, knowing her argument was a lame one, but only getting more frustrated by that knowledge.

Markar raised an eyebrow at her as one side of his mouth curved up into a small smile. “That may be, but we saw the actual creature that performed that carnage only yesterday.”

Rae hefted her small backpack more firmly on her shoulders as she stomped angrily over to where Markar was standing. She felt like they were having the exact same argument over and over, and she was tired of going around in circles. “That’s up there. We’re down here.” she declared, pointing her finger firmly towards the ground.

Markar practically rolled his eyes at her before turning and marching in the other direction. Rae scoffed in indignation before she realized that his long strides were quickly taking him away from her. Putting her pride behind her, she ran after the man. She had no other choice but to keep up. She had made that damn promise after all, and had to stick by him or he would end the interplanetary trip.

When they moved deeper into the forest, the shadows from the canopy of leaves above them grew. At certain points, it appeared as if it was nighttime there was so little sunlight, even though Rae knew it could only be just after mid-day.

Her steps began to stumble when she found it hard to see in the twilight of the forest. Markar finally slowed down to offer her a hand, helping her when her footing stumbled over the large gnarled roots jutting from the ground.

Once again, his eyes began to glow in the dark, but they weren’t the only flickering orbs in the forest. Small creatures hovered in the air like lightning bugs, but when they floated in front of Rae’s startled face she was able to see that they held a soft neon glow. They’re bodies were light and fluffy, like small feathers. Markar smiled as he watched Rae hold out her hand as they walked. Her fingers grazed against the tiny floating creatures’ soft fur, leaving colorful glowing dust on her skin. Markar held her other hand, keeping her steady as they moved together through the dark.

Rae turned to Markar and grinned, holding up one hand covered in neon powder. With a teasing glint in her eye, she leaned over to trace her fingers over Markar’s cheekbones. In their wake were left streaks of glowing dust that looked like war paint on the large man.

Markar watched in rapt fascination as Rae’s small hands moved over his skin. His attention once again focused solely on the human female. Wherever her fingers brushed against his body, the muscles underneath tensed in hopeful anticipation. Was this desire he felt for her ever going to be sated? Markar had thought that once he had experienced ‘sex’ that the infatuation he felt for Rae would end, but his obsession had only grown. He wanted her soft skin pressed against his, just like the previous night.

So when Rae’s hands fumbled to unhook his belt, he didn’t stop her. Markar looked down into her big beautiful eyes that seemed too large for her small face and he became mesmerized. As a trained warrior, the fact that she was removing his weapons belt should alarm him, but instead he felt frozen, afraid that any sudden movement would cause her to stop.


Rae looked up into the glowing yellow eyes of the man in front of her and felt as if she was tempting some dangerous wild animal with her actions. Markar had become unnaturally still when she had started touching him, and he still had not moved a muscle. Only his eyes followed her every move. Did she dare to tempt him beyond his control?

Lifting one hand to pull at the closure to Markar’s suit, they both watched as Rae slowly lowered it down his chest. As her hand skimmed downward, Markar’s breathing began to increase, but still he didn’t move. Rae’s own breath hitched at the startling contradiction. She was becoming mesmerized by how much she was affecting the large man.

Reaching up hesitantly to pull the suit off his shoulders, Rae was amazed to find that Markar complied. She paused at his hips and looked back up into his eyes to gauge his reaction. The heat she saw behind his gaze astounded her. His eyes made her feel like prey, but his passive reactions made her feel like she was the predator.

Rae looked nervously at their surroundings, but the forest was still pitch black. The only light source was the small glowing creatures still hovering around them. It seemed like they were within their own private Eden, the rest of the planet non-existent in the darkness.

Hooking her thumbs into Markar’s waistband, Rae lowered his suit over his hips. On her way down she pulled at his underclothes, which were the only things keeping her from what she wanted. Rae placed her hand over the soft material of Markar’s pants, feeling his erection already straining against the material.

Rae was amazed Markar was still passively letting her undress him. Looking back up into his eyes, she wasn’t surprised to see his intense golden gaze still watching her every move. Despite that, she was still unsure that he wanted her to continue.

“Would you like me to show you more about sex?” Rae asked uncertainly, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.

Markar’s lids lowered till the golden glow of his eyes almost disappeared. Slowly, he nodded his head in answer.

Rae blushed at his nonverbal response. “On Earth, men and women like to pleasure each other in different ways, not just through intercourse.” she managed to whisper in explanation.

Rae bit her lip in uncertainty. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to continue, but she was uncertain that Markar would. He wasn’t human after all. Maybe he wouldn’t like the same things human men did? Still, she lowered to her knees before him. Freeing his already erect cock from his underclothes, Rae realized she had forgotten how big he was. Now she was uncertain yet again if she should continue, but she wanted to see how Markar would react. She did love playing with fire, and his eyes were still burning with restrained need.

Rae wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft and heard Markar’s sudden intake of breath at her actions. Glancing up at him, she didn’t see any signs that she should stop, so her gaze lowered back down his body. Rae took the time to watch his muscles tense with his labored breathing. Looking down at Markar’s cock still in the palm of her hand, she was amazed to see that it had gotten even larger since she had taken hold of it. Leaning in closer, she wondered at the fact that his body was so similar to human men.

This was her first chance at getting a good look at him without being under the influence of the chemicals he produced, and she wanted to take advantage of it. Not just for any remnants of a mission that she might still have, but for her own feminine curiosity. Her eyes roamed over every inch of Markar’s skin revealed to her and her own desire grew. She didn’t need that odd chemical. Rae was already enthralled.

Tentatively, she placed a soft kiss at Markar’s hip. While keeping her gaze on his face to gauge his reaction, Rae turned her head and placed another kiss on the hard cock still gripped in her hand. Markar’s eyes flew open in confusion, but before he could respond, she took the head of his shaft into her mouth.

Markar’s whole body shivered and any words he would have spoken abandoned him when Rae took his cock into her mouth. The feeling of her warm lips wrapped around him was overwhelming, the sensations so intense they were almost unbearable. Markar looked down in wonder as Rae began to work him deeper within her mouth. While nothing would ever compare to having sex with Rae, her mouth came awfully close.

Her delicate tongue moved over his shaft and Markar had to brace himself against a tree he was standing near in order to not collapse from the pleasure. He groaned in rapture as Rae moved over him, her mouth coaxing his release from him in torturous bliss.

Markar looked down at the human kneeling in front of him to see her eyes watching him, mirroring his own desire. As his release was finally pulled from him, and the resulting orgasm washed over him in waves, Markar wondered that any human male would ever let Rae leave their side. He would never let that happen, and he had already ensured her promise on that. Whether she knew what she had committed to or not.

Rae swallowed Markar’s release, the unusual taste sweet on her tongue. She shivered as the sweet taste seemed to grow more pronounce, almost like syrup, and then suddenly, that strange chemical that she was becoming so familiar with rushed through her body like a wildfire. Rae jerked away from Markar, the flames so much more intense then ever before. She gasped as her body hunched over, not from pain, but from need.

Strong arms lifted her, holding her limp body up. Markar’s golden gaze met hers, and if she weren’t so drugged, Rae would have been terrified by the fierceness coming from the yellow glow. Still supporting her weight, he pressed her against a tree, the rough bark hardly noticeable to Rae. Her body was only aware of the man pressed not nearly close enough against her.

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