Walk with Me (BookStrand Publishing Mainstream) (11 page)

Read Walk with Me (BookStrand Publishing Mainstream) Online

Authors: Kaitlyn Stone

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Walk with Me (BookStrand Publishing Mainstream)
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“I know. I’m excited. This is going to be fun.” I smile broadly at him as he shuts the car door. I feel like a kid waiting to open my Christmas presents, but I’m not a kid. I’m a nineteen-year-old leaving town with a twenty-two-year-old guy and we’re going to be sleeping under the same roof, but I am not going to have sex with him. I’m no police bunny who gets drunk and makes a scene because of his dimpled smile. This is going to be a challenge for me and I hope my body doesn’t betray me. I may have let him talk me into this trip, but I refuse to become another notch on his belt of conquests.

God. Listen to me. I’m so fucked up.
My mind knows Donovan is one of the good guys, but my deep-seated fears and paranoia planted by my parents keep whispering doubts in my ear not to trust him.

As Donovan maneuvers onto the freeway on-ramp, he’s telling me the schedule for the next two days. I’m half listening because the sex thing is still on my mind. “I’m not going to sleep with you on this trip,” I blurt out without warning to either of us. I think I surprise myself more with the blatant, impulsive comment.

“I know that,” Donovan says on half a laugh. “I thought we agreed we would sleep in separate rooms.” Donovan turns and looks at me, waiting for a response.

“I know we said that, but I wanted to remind you, just in case you were planning on trying to seduce me with your romantic ways,” I say with a smirk on my face. “I’m not a virgin, you know,” I add with barely a beat between statements.

With a ghost of a smile, Donovan shakes his head. “I never assumed you were. I can tell that you are inexperienced, though, and I’m letting you lead the timing of our progress toward that.”

He pauses before he continues in a more serious tone. “I can wait until you are absolutely ready mentally, emotionally, and physically. I’m enjoying what we have now. We’ve connected on so many levels and I’ve developed very strong feelings for you, Kenna, in this short period of time. I don’t know where our future is headed, but I’m going to enjoy finding out. You are worth the wait. So, please don’t be nervous about this trip. Let’s just enjoy our time together and this new experience for you. Okay?”

Wow. He’s good.
The words of a man who knows what he wants in life and how he plans to get it, again surprising me by his maturity and inspiring me to be more of a mature woman for him.

I still don’t know if everything he says is true. Part of me wants to believe him, and the other part wants to run the other direction because I’m afraid I’m going to get hurt. But I can’t stay away from him. At first the physical connection drew me to him, but now I want to learn more about him and his life. Does he like spicy food or mild? Does he watch
on Hulu? Because sometimes he reminds me of those characters. Does he do other sports besides ski? And why doesn’t he bring girls home?

I take a deep breath and exhale in relief. “Thanks for those words. I know that was a little awkward, but I’m not nervous. Honest. I just wanted to set the boundaries for tonight. That’s all.”

“Yes, you were nervous. I can tell,” Donovan says, looking straight ahead. “You squirm in your seat and pick at your nails when you’re nervous. It’s kind of cute.” He quickly flashes me a smile before turning his eyes back to the road.

“I had sex one time back during my senior year of high school.” I clamp my mouth shut. It’s like my mouth has a mind of its own. I need to get a grip on myself and regain some self-control. I want to share more with him, but I don’t know how to express myself and my words seep out like steam escaping a pressure cooker.

“Humph,” is all Donovan answers, and I sit not saying anything else, mainly because I’m afraid of what will come out of my mouth next. “I’m not sure what happened with you and that guy or that experience. And quite frankly I really don’t want to know. Just like I’m sure you don’t want to know about my past relationships, but let me tell you this.” He turns with his eyebrows arched to the sky and a seductive smile playing on his lips. “When we do finally make love, it will be amazing and you will not want to stop at just one time. I guarantee it.”

Oh my
. My breath catches and I inhale and exhale deeply, trying to calm the flutter in my chest, and the tightening in my groin. How many badge bunnies or girlfriends has he had? He sounds like he’s so much more experienced than me.
I need to get off this subject and fast before I change my mind about separate rooms.

“Tell me a little more about your family.” I clear my throat, grasping at any topic to change the subject. As the perfect gentleman, Donovan gives me a break and complies with my request.

“What do you want to know? Ask me anything.”

I shift in the seat and cross my right leg over the left, turning my body toward Donovan. “Well, you said your parents came out here from back east in the early 1980s right?”

“Yeah, my mom and dad were tired of the cold winters, shoveling snow, icy roads, and freezing temperatures,” he starts, looking straight ahead at the road. “Well, they came out here with all their savings and fell in love with Santa Monica immediately. At that time the real estate market was still very reasonable and they bought a convenience store on Main Street with a triplex behind it. They ran the convenience store and lived in one of the largest units until…”

Donovan pauses. He appears to be deliberating about what he plans to say next and then continues on, “…I was fifteen years old at the time. By then the property values everywhere had skyrocketed, especially in Santa Monica. My dad knew the bubble was going to burst sometime. He has a knack for knowing when it’s time to buy or sell real estate.”

Shifting his hand on the steering wheel, Donovan places his right hand in mine on the center armrest. I smile and squeeze his fingers, not saying anything but relishing the warmth. I don’t want to interrupt his flow. He picks my hand up to his mouth, giving the back a kiss, and lowers our interlaced fingers. “My parents decided to sell the store, building, and property. People were qualifying for huge loans at the time and were willing to pay top dollar. My parents kept the triplex, but used the money from the store to buy their current house. So they are semiretired now and spend their time traveling and managing their triplex.”

“That’s quite a story,” I say. “Your mom sounds like she has a little bit of an adventurous spirit in her.”

“Yeah. She’s the dreamer of the two and my dad is much more grounded and realistic. They are a good balance, though. Because my mom keeps things exciting in their lives and my dad is her anchor, preventing her from floating off into space,” Donovan says with esteem in his voice.

I can tell he respects and loves his parents. “They sound like a really great couple, with an inspiring marriage.”

“You should come over for Sunday dinner. That way you can see them in all their glory.”

Wow! I guess the Paul talk made an impact on him, or maybe he’s trying to prove to me that I mean more to him than Veronica and those other girls. Inviting me over to meet the folks. Hmm. Seems like a pretty big step. It’s not a take-out lunch with an elderly uncle, but his parents and cousins. I’m not panicking, but I’m not sure if I’m ready. “I’d like that.” I leave it at that.

We’ve left the congestion of the city and we are now on the open highway. The gray clouds blanket the sky, casting dark shadows on the hillsides along the interstate. The bright green grasses of the adjacent expanse are radiant in comparison to the blackness of the skyline. The vegetation is changing from the coastline chaparral to more arid, desert-like shrubs mixed with an occasional pine. We are in a transitional range moving faster to the higher peaked mountains and thick forests, like the transition of our relationship, moving quickly forward. I touch the window, testing the outside air. The glass is cold to my touch, marking the change in atmosphere and temperature.

“Now your turn,” Donovan says. “Tell me more about your family.”

Now I’m starting to panic. My life story isn’t as romantic or charming as his, and I’m a little embarrassed because of my mom’s choices for us. Part of me wants to reveal myself to Donovan, but I don’t want to overwhelm or scare him, either.

“Um,” I start. “My mom and stepdad have been together for fourteen years now and married for twelve of those fourteen. I never met my bio dad. My mom and bio dad were never married and she ran off to California when they broke up and I was just a baby. He wasn’t interested in getting married and raising a family.” Those facts are safe to reveal. I refuse to put a damper on our trip with my sob story.

I peek at Donovan’s reaction to my words, his expression unchanged, and I continue on. “When my mom came out here she was on her own as a single mom, but my uncle helped her get settled. My uncle is the one who actually introduced my mom to my stepdad and after a couple years of dating they got married. I never really got along with my stepdad, he’s kind of an asshole, and I was ready to move out once it came time for me to go to college.” Hiding the truth about my selfish, controlling mom is easy, but my mouth can’t form kind words for Richard.

“What about your mom? What is she like? What does she look like?”

I managed to skate through the story of my stepdad, but now he wants details of my mom. I’ll keep this brief with my standard answer. “I’m nothing like my mom. She’s only five two with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is very flirty and enjoys all the trappings that her privileged life has to offer.” Enough detail, but still vague.

“I’d like to meet them. What are their names again?”

I blanch at his request. How do I explain to this man with a perfect family that I don’t talk to my parents and don’t plan to start anytime soon?
Just keep it vague.
“Their names are Richard and Myra Tinning. I have my mom’s maiden name, Sloane.”

“I like Sloane better, it suits you. Kenna Sloane. I think we should be in Mammoth by dinnertime. There’s a well-known Mexican restaurant in town. We can stop off for dinner before we settle into the condo for the night—in separate rooms,” he says, teasing me.

Chapter 9


The temperature in the restaurant is warm and I’ve peeled off my many layers to get comfortable. Now, standing at the exit, I need to put all those damn layers back on to walk out to the car.

“Are you ready, because I have a treat for you,” Donovan says, touching my elbow.

A treat? I’m excited. What could it be?

He leads me outside and…snow is falling. The cold air bites at my nose and cheeks and the snow sounds like light pitter-patter on my borrowed parka from Danielle. I hold my hands out to catch some snowflakes, but as soon as they touch my skin they melt. I turn to Donovan with a huge smile. “It’s snowing.”

“Yep. I ordered it up special—just for you.” He smiles at me, wrapping his left arm around my waist. “Tilt your head back and try to catch some in your mouth.” He demonstrates for me.

With the support of his arm, I lean back, open my mouth and stick my tongue out, but I manage to get flakes all over my face and nothing in my mouth. The snow tickles my nose and eyelashes. I stand upright. “I can’t get any.” I pout.

“I’ve got some. Let me share mine with you.” Donovan draws me in for a kiss, stroking my tongue with his. Yum, he tastes of chips and salsa and fresh fallen snow. The coldness no longer bites at my face. I’m warm everywhere and I may have to peel these damn layers off again if we stay here. “We better get to the condo before the snow really starts coming down,” he says like he’s reading my mind. “But this should make for some nice powder for the runs tomorrow.”

The condo complex is huge, and reminds me of the condos in the Marina. We gather our bags with the snacks and drinks we picked up at the store and walk to our unit. On our way up the path, Donovan points out a covered hot tub. “We can go in tonight if you want. It really feels good after skiing all day, but it’s a nice night to watch the falling snow sitting in a hundred-and-four-degree hot tub.”

“I didn’t bring a bathing suit.” I frown.

“Bathing suits optional,” he teases with a wicked glint in his eyes, but reading my expression, he speaks before I can say anything. “I’m just kidding. You can go in your bra and underwear if you want. I won’t look.”

I do have a pair of black panties and bra. They could pass for a bathing suit in the dark, and I don’t think they’d be see-through if they got wet. “Okay. Sounds like fun. Do you want to go as soon as we put the food away?”

“Um, yeah,” Donovan stutters, before regaining his composure. “I want to start a fire first, though, before we go out.”

The condo has two bedrooms on the main floor with a shared bathroom and a loft with a king-size bed. The living room is small with an open kitchen and attached dining area. The furnishings are new in style, in browns and tans, and everything is clean. I’m impressed. This place is nice. Donovan gets to work on building the fire and I unpack my bag, looking for my “bathing suit.”

When I come out the fire is blazing, and the temperature difference in the room is noticeable. “We’re going to lose a lot of heat to the high ceilings because of the loft, so I’ll need to get a good start on the fire if I want to keep it going.” Donovan puts the screen back into place. “You still want to go to the hot tub?”

“Yeah, I want to go, but what should I wear to and from so I don’t freeze to death?”

“We’ll just take a couple towels each. It’s going to be cold going, but coming back we shouldn’t feel it too much. And it’s only a few yards away.” Donovan rises from the floor and steps up to me, placing both hands on my hips. “Now let’s go make some Kenna Sloane stew,” he says. It makes me giggle.

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