Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World) (10 page)

BOOK: Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World)
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The Pipe Chase

Huntsville, Texas

I am a correctional officer for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

While on duty one night at the unit, I was doing a security check in the C-5-7 pipe chase. As I reached the end of the long corridor, I turned around to head back to the only door in or out of the pipe chase. When I turned around there was an inmate looking at me. He just smiled at me, and walked through the wall.
I have seen him several times since then, all in the same pipe chase.


Woman in Black

Houston, Texas

My boyfriend and I were at my house, talking in my bedroom. Only my grandfather was home with us at the time, and he was asleep in his room. My boyfriend and I got hungry and decided to go to the kitchen for a snack... this was between 8:00 and 10:00 pm (I don't remember the date) in the autumn.

As we were walking from my room toward the kitchen (you have to pass the living room and have a very clear view of the entry way and front door), I stopped and he ran into me from behind. As he caught my stare toward the front door, he looked up in the same direction. Without a word we looked at each other and went back into my room.

I got two pieces of paper and two pens... the only thing I said was, "draw what you just saw." In about five minutes we handed each other the other's drawing. Both were exactly the same: the figure of a woman in late Victorian dress (about 1900-1910), with her hair up in a bun and a long black dress.


After seeing each other's picture, we agreed that the woman was more like a shadow... she was colorless (the same color as a shadow on the ground), but we both somehow 'knew' the dress was black in color and we could see the dress in great detail.

The 'ghost' woman stood in her place for a moment before proceeding to 'walk' straight through the closed front door. As I said, neither of us said one word about what we saw to the other until the drawings were finished, to be sure one or the other wasn't hallucinating. (I got this tip out of a 'how to catch a ghost' book when I was like 7, and thought this the best time to apply it.)

After we had discussed it (this took only about 10 minutes, for neither of us felt scared), we decided to walk back as if we were going to the kitchen to see if we had been the victims of an optical illusion or a trick of the light. Neither of us saw the figure again.

About an hour later, as we were saying goodnight on the porch, we saw about five medium-sized orbs (way too big to be fireflies and we live way out in the country so city lights are non applicable). The orbs were about 6 inches in diameter, at least, and they hovered all around us, swishing soundlessly before disappearing.



Houston, Texas

When I was about twelve, I was sure my room was haunted. I did a lot of research on this thing and discovered it was a Marion, a ghost that haunts women as they sleep. One thing about a Marion is that if you try to leave it behind it will follow you. I went to my uncle's house and I guess the Marion thought I was leaving it, so it followed me and I know because I was taking a nap on my uncle's couch while they were in the bedroom about twenty feet away from me.

When I woke up, I heard a voice in my head that kept saying, "Don't move. Don't get up."

So I stayed for a while, then I felt a pressure on each of my arms.


I looked down and saw circular impressions in each arm, like something was holding me down by my arms. I kicked, but nothing happened and I couldn't move my arms. So I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I don't remember what happened next, but I either fell or was pushed off the couch, where I could finally move. But there was a red mark on each arm, a cut on my leg, my shirt ripped, and a long purple line that went all the way across my neck until it ended in an x on the side of my neck.

I went to see why my uncle or aunt didn't come help me when I screamed. They told me they never heard a thing. I demanded to be taken home immediately. On the whole ride home that same voice inside my head told me, "Don't look out the window, stay perfectly still, don't move, don't talk."
I never left my house until I was nineteen.


Running to Nowhere

San Antonio, Texas

I was spending several weeks at my Grandparents' new house in the city. I was 14. The house was nice, though I got random chills and feelings of nervousness throughout my stay.

I spent my nights sleeping on the couch in the living room that was separated from the kitchen by a large see-through fireplace.

One night I got up to get a drink and a snack around 2 AM. I was standing in the kitchen looking at my couch when I heard my grandmother shuffle from her bedroom down the hall.

I put my cup in the sink, and when I turned back, she was already in the living room, grabbing something off the
coffee table, with her back to me.

I called to her, but she shuffled quickly back to her room, robe billowing from her speed.


Alarmed, I chased after her, calling to her. I then noticed she seemed shorter than usual and walked with an unfamiliar limp. My stomach knotted.

I slowed for a moment as she rounded to her bedroom doorway out of sight.

When I walked in seconds later, she was lying down, eyes closed. I shook her and asked her what she was doing. She was puzzled and said she never got up. She sleepily told me to go to bed. I did so, and reluctantly fell back asleep.

A while later, I was awakened by someone poking my back. When I turned, no one was there. I did see, however, a finger-sized indention being made into my comforter.

I spent the rest of the night on my Grandma's floor.

Who Was That?

Houston, Texas

It was a Friday night, around 12:00 a.m. I was at home alone, in my bedroom watching TV. I wasn't really that sleepy, so I decided to stay up and wait for my older brother to come home from a party. It was raining very hard, floods everywhere, so it was really heavy rain.

I heard my front door open and close, footsteps walk into my bathroom, and stuff fall into the sink. I thought to myself that my brother was finally home after I'd been waiting for him for almost an hour.

I kept hearing things in my kitchen and other rooms of our house. I was watching Jenny Jones now, I was into it, so I decided to stay up and wait till the show was over. When it finished (2:00), my brother went to my room and asked me for the cordless phone. I noticed that his clothes were wet and he made wet footprints on our carpet.

After he went into his room, I sat there and thought to myself, “how was it possible for him to still be wet?”

So, I got up and asked him if he had come home and went out again. He said no. I got very scared and I felt chills all over me. I thought to my self, what where those noises?

Then I started to notice the loud thunder and the bright lightning, which made it even harder for me to sleep.

I laid on my bed and watched my fan go round and round, until a blue light flashed in my room and had me color blind for at least 5 seconds. I looked around, and everything was blue.


When I squinted my eyes real hard and reopened them, I found myself staring at the very first ghost I'd ever seen.

It was a young woman around the age of 26 or 27, wearing a white flowered dress and holding a book in her left hand. In her right hand she held a little girl's hand. The little girl was wearing the exact dress as the lady was.

After that all I remember was that she looked at me and walked out of my window.


A Little Boy

Laredo, Texas

Since I can remember I have always had this ability. I never knew what it was and until now I tended to ignore it. When I was growing up, I would see things and hear things that other people couldn't.

I still see and hear things, but now I'm a mother of a two year old and a one year old, so I try for none of that to affect me in any way... until I noticed my son was talking.

I was on the couch around 1 in the morning and was falling asleep. So I decided to call it a night. I always turn on the lights in my room before I can turn off the lights in he living room, since my room is right next to the living room.

I always put my 1 year old in his playpen, and since my oldest was still up I figured he would follow. I was wrong. Out of nowhere I heard a little boy laugh. I thought it must have been my 2 year old playing with the cat, so I didn't think much of it.

I walked back into the living room and I noticed there was a shadow of a little boy sitting next to my son. I did a double take look and in that split second he was gone. I asked my son who that was and he just looked at me and smiled.

I mentioned this to my sister who happens to live with me, and I asked her if she has ever seen that little boy. She said no, and I was kind of like, ok I guess it was just in my mind.

A week passed by until I noticed my son was playing with that same boy that I saw the first time. I told the little boy that he needs to move on, and that this is not his world and that he needed to cross over. For some odd reason I thought this was going to work.

The little boy vanished and I was kind of in shock that he actually left. Or so I thought.

A couple of days later my brother in law woke up in the wee hours of the night to use the restroom. The next day my sister told me that as her hubby was heading to the restroom, he saw the little boy standing in the middle of the kitchen. Thinking that it was my son, he didn't think much of it until he came out of the restroom expecting to see my son standing there, only he didn't see anybody.

He freaked out and so did my sis. My sister and I talked about this little kid that we both saw and we started to describe him to each other. Turns out that he looks like 5 or 6 years old, with dark hair, and that she has seen that same boy back when I was living at my apartment.

So I'm wondering who is this boy that plays with my son and has been following my family. Scary part is that I feel him when he is close to my kids, but I just can't help but want to find out who this little boy is. And now he appears more often and at all hours of the day.

How freaky it is to have a little boy who doesn't belong in this world.


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