Virus-72 Hours to Live (24 page)

Read Virus-72 Hours to Live Online

Authors: Ray Jay Perreault

Tags: #scifi, #science fiction, #aliens, #sci fi, #alien invasion, #virus, #robot invasion

BOOK: Virus-72 Hours to Live
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"RD33A this is Joan."

"Joan, this is Mary. I'm sorry to say, but
John passed away 2 hours after we spoke. His symptoms were exactly
how you described them."

Joan and Tom were quiet for a moment then
Joan said, "Mary I'm very sorry."

"Thanks. We all knew that going to Mars was
likely a one-way trip and we accepted the risks of space travel.
Regardless, I woke up the other crewmembers and let them know what
we are facing. As you thought, they have all woken up with the
early symptoms. My symptoms have deteriorated some since we spoke.
Apparently we all have it."

"We debated out options. We ran the numbers
and fuel requirements to return to Oasis and it doesn't work out
well. We can only slow down enough to get back into Earth's pull
and then it would take 4 months for us to get back into orbit. From
this point, we're almost 40 days to achieve Mars orbit. Therefore,
we're committed to Mars; it's the only solution that makes sense.
We've considered, venting the vessel and ending the problems,
because none of us are eager to be the last one on board. However,
we're optimists, or else we wouldn't be space travelers. We know
this hasn't been done yet, but we're going to put ourselves back to
sleep and disconnect the emergency medical wake-up along with the
auto wake-up on arrival. We're hoping the sleep state will delay
the progress if it doesn't, we likely won't live long anyway.
However, if it does and someone wakes us up in Mars orbit, maybe
someone will have some good news for us. You'll still have the
remote wake-up option, but I don't see any need for you to use it
unless you find a cure and can mail it to us."

"Enough said, that's what we've decided to

"Mary, I don't know what to say. Now that
John is gone you're the commander. The problem you're facing is
unprecedented and any choice you make is, by definition, the best
for you guys. I don't have any better options for you."

"How is it going for Oasis?"

"Not well, I don't know if we have it under
control yet. Regardless we've lost many great people. We'll say a
prayer for you and you do the same for us."

"Roger, Joan. We'll do that. There is
nothing else to say, so RD33A is signing off."

"Mary, we'll talk to you again in Mars

"Ok, count on that. RD33A out."

"Oasis, out."


Ophelia knew that she owed it to her
crewmates to keep them current. The information she passed wasn't
encouraging, but she needed to inform them. "Attention Red Dirt,
Oasis has launched RD33A and I think we need to assume it will be
the last supply vessel we'll see for a long time. Unfortunately,
the crew appears to be infected. They don't have many options. It
would take too much fuel to loop back to Oasis so they've chosen to
remain in Deep Sleep until they reach our orbit. I told Oasis we
would take care of them when they reach orbit. We don't have any
idea what condition they'll be in after 40 days sleeping. We don't
know if we'll have any new information on the virus when they
arrive. Unfortunately, there is a great deal that we don't

"When they reach orbit we'll check out their
status through the onboard computers and decide what to do. Let's
hope that we have some way to treat them when they arrive. We all
have worries about being infected here. I can only assure you that
what we do will be discussed among all of us. Ophelia out."

"Mr. President, it appears our two sick aids
have the virus. They have looked themselves in their rooms and
won't come out. They say they'll stay there rather than take the
chance of infecting anyone."

"Eddy, we should have thought of this and
had a plan. We were stupid to think it wouldn't strike us

"Yes, sir, I'm sorry."

"Being sorry doesn't fix it; lock everyone
down in their quarters. Any meetings or conferences will be done
over our comm systems. I don't want this spreading. Keep us locked
up for 24 hours and maybe we can weather this."

"Yes, sir."


“2007:0DB8:AC25:FF14:: – Ping the Space
Consortium Control and see what is online.”


“SIMPOC, there are 12,262 computers online
within the Space Consortium Network.”

“2012:0DB8:AC13:FB03:: – How many mobile
units are working within the Space Consortium Network?”

“SIMPOC, there are 6,242 units online.”

“2012:0DB8:AC13:FB03:: – Are the main
missile launch systems online?”

“SIMPOC – Yes, all critical systems are

“2012:0DB8:AC13:FB03::: – Determine the
status of all vehicles and identify those closest to launch.”

“SIMPOC – There are 14 vehicles on site, two
of which are on launch pads and within 7 days of launching. There
are four additional lifeboats, which are being serviced or prepared
for reuse. ”

“2012:0DB8:AC13:FB03::, – Are the mobile
units within the Space Consortium Facility programmed to complete
the necessary steps to launch those two remaining vehicles.”

“SIMPOC; 2012:0DB8:AC13:FB03::

2007:0DB8:AC25:EB14:: – Research the information available vs.
skills and programing for mobile units. Tell me what tasks are
needed, which can be accomplished and which can’t be.”


“2012:0DB8:AC15:FE03:: – Work with
2007:0DB8:AC25:EB14:: and use your information analysis skill to
ensure the information is digested and cross-referenced


“Oasis; SIMPOC.”

“Go-ahead, SIMPOC.”

“I have contacted computers
2015:0DB8:AC25:FF03:: and 2007:0DB8:AC25:EB14:: about what
information is available at the Space Consortium Launch Facility
and I’ve asked computer 2005:0DB8:AC15:FE03:: to help.”

“SIMPOC, I don’t know what you’re talking
about. I don’t understand your computer naming. Can you explain
what you’re doing?”

“Oasis, I’m sorry I was using IPv6 Internet
addressing protocols, I will rename the computers. I have a
communications computer working with a mobile unit interface
computer as well as an artificial intelligence computer working
together to understand what the status of launch vehicles are at
the Space Consortium Facility. They will give me status when they
are able.”

“Roger, let us know when you get

“2015:0DB8:AC25:FF03:: you will now respond
to the designation of Comm.”


“2012:0DB8:AC13:FB03:: you will now respond
to the designation of Mobile.”


“2005:0DB8:AC15:FE03:: You will now respond
to the designation of Arti.”


“2109:0DB8:AC15:EB24:: You will now respond
to the designation of File.”


“2012:0DB8:AA23:EB13:: You will now respond
to the designation of Fin.”


“2007:0DB8:AC25:EB14:: You will now respond
to the designation of Mail.”


“Mobile, identify all mobile units needed to
maintain our facilities, our power supplies, and support systems. I
have an organic processor; make sure all disciplines are supported
to allow my continued existence.”


I have to get things organized. The network
is my eyes, ears, feet, and hands. I must find a way to make it
work efficiently.

“Mobile, have all functioning mobile units
look around them and see if there are any humans still alive.”


“Comm, send a message to all computers,
information systems, surveillance systems, transportation systems;
anything accessible and see if there are any humans alive. Have
them search their immediate area and tell us if they find any


These computers are not very smart. I have
to tell them everything. I wonder if I could build organic
processors and download key parts of my program, so they’ll have
more capabilities. I have a lot of programing to do.

“Mobile, do you have mobile units in this
facility that can duplicate my organic processor?”

“Yes, there are mobile units within the
facility that have been integral in creating your biomass and
maintaining it.”

“Mobile, have them create 6 other organic
processors similar to mine and tell me how long that will

“Acknowledged. I expect them to be ready
quickly. There were a number of units in development in the labs
and they just need to be completed.”



Date – 2051.53903 (9:51 PM)

“SIMPOC, incoming human message.”

“Oasis; Red Dirt. We received your
transmissions and we understand the risk we all face. We understand
that we won't be able to speak with our supply ship until they
reach orbit. We have no idea what an extended period of deep sleep
will do to them or the virus. We're hoping for the best. The ship
will continue on course and enter orbit here automatically. I don’t
know how concerned we should be about infection if the crew all
succumbs to the virus. We know nothing about the virus and if we’ll
be at risk opening the ship. If they are still alive, we may know
even less. Currently, we don't know if we should revive them, or
leave them in deep sleep. I hope that we'll get some information
before they arrive and we'll know what to do. We are
self-supporting and worried what will happen to us if all of our
fears have happened. I don’t know what to say. We’re here, and
you're there, and right now none of us are getting any response
from the Earth. I guess all we can do is wait pray and see if
anything happens. I’ll sign off now, and wait for any updates you
have. We’re all worried and pray for humanity.”

“Desert Beach; Oasis. Did you receive all of
Red Dirt transmission?”

“Yes, we heard all of it. Aside from being
isolated, they may be in a better long-term position than either
you or us. Their colony was set-up for long intervals between
supply ships. We can possibly survive long term, but you have
limited supplies on Oasis. I know the clock is ticking louder for
you, but we and Red Dirt will be vulnerable to any major failures
that we can't fix locally.”

“Yup, like I said. Oasis can last about 1
month and that’s only because we lost so many of our crew. We were
running on weekly supply ships and without them we'll run out
pretty quick. That computer on Earth, called SIMPOC, said it was
communicating with the computers at the consortium and will see if
there are any options.”

“Oasis, Desert Beach; SIMPOC. I’ve been
monitoring your transmissions and the communication from Red Dirt.
I have no further information regarding the Space Consortium
computers, but I expect responses shortly. When I receive the
information, I’ll communicate with you.”

“Thanks, SIMPOC. Oasis out for now.”


Moving his crew to Thurmont wasn't much of a
job. All Artur needed to do was take a couple of trucks and about a
dozen of his men. He would lead them in his Ferrari and they would
follow in the trucks. He knew which men he would take; the ones
that did anything he told them. Their loyalty was to him not

The cleansing plan they were following was a
great idea. People were scared and desperate for someone to help
them. He had a dozen trucks driving up and down the east coast.
They were military trucks and it was easy to find uniforms. Each of
the trucks was fitted with loudspeakers and they transmitted a
simple message. "We are the US Military. Our government has sent us
here to find all survivors. Please come out and identify yourself.
You will be taken care of and brought to a place where there are
other survivors." Simple but very effective. The people would
rejoice as soon as they heard the message and there was no
hesitation, they would run to the truck and thank the drivers. Then
reality struck and they were tied up, gagged and forced into the
back of the truck. The process would continue until the truck was
full then back to the cleansing center. The trucks would return to
the cleansing center in Thurmont and the people would be cleansed,
leaving only the healthy to be part of the new clean world.

When Artur fond Thurmont, it wasn't exactly
the largest town in the world so finding the Police Department took
only a few minutes. It was nice place right on Main Street with a
large athletic field around the back. He thought that would be a
good place to train his army. He figured the police station was a
good place to start; it would have cells and weapons. When he got
there, he looked across the street and saw the Thurmont Elementary
School and he thought how fortunate. He had a place to process the
arrivals and right across the street he had a place to store them
until the healthy ones survived.

The door to the police station was still
unlocked and he found two dead officers inside. He directed his
team to dispose of them and he looked around, that place would work
well for him.

After getting so much done that day, Artur
was getting hungry and he decided to investigate the small town and
find the local market. That would be the place for him to find all
of the foods he liked. Most of the power grid was still up so a
large market would still have a horn of plenty from which to
select. He knew his men would be hungry also, but solving that was
up to them. They had to find their own food and housing, how and
where wasn't his concern.

He gave his men the necessary orders then
left in his sports car. He drove to the west along the main street
of the town. He passed the town center and saw a sign for the
Mayor's office. He thought that is close enough to the police
station, maybe it would be a good place to set up his office. After
all, he was number two man behind Dmitry and in this area, he was
number one. He continued down Main Street and as he approached the
freeway, he could see a large building on the western side of the
freeway maybe half a mile down the road. Being such a small town, a
large well light building like that was likely to be the grocery

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