Virus-72 Hours to Live (21 page)

Read Virus-72 Hours to Live Online

Authors: Ray Jay Perreault

Tags: #scifi, #science fiction, #aliens, #sci fi, #alien invasion, #virus, #robot invasion

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The room remained quiet and each remaining
astronaut nodded one at a time buying into the burial plan for
their friends.


"Mr. President. The secretary of defense is
calling," said Judy.

"Fantastic, Bruce. Good to hear from you.
Are you Ok?"

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry that it took so long to
contact you. We were lucky when the virus broke, my wife June and I
were with the Prime Minister Larry Becker in the outback. We were
able to stay isolated as the virus spread. The government here is
having a very hard time holding everything together. I'm afraid
I've lost most of my staff and our liaison people are all sick.
Communications across Australia have broken down. I've been able to
get through only because we've locked ourselves down in the command
building. After a lot of work they were able to get me a satellite

"Bruce, I'm glad to hear that you and June
are Ok along with Larry. I'm sorry to tell you, but Abby, Beth, and
Dave were in Europe when this broke and I'm afraid I've lost all
three of them." There was a long silence from the other end of the
communicator before Bruce responded.

"Sir, I'm sorry to hear of that. I hadn't
heard anything here and I was hoping you and your family were Ok. I
knew Abby had that trip planned, but I hoped she could get back
before anything happened.

"Thanks, Bruce, I understand the challenges
you're facing, it has been a horrific time here. I didn't know what
your status was so I've asked Nial to be my military interface
until you can get back into the picture."

"Sir, that's why I'm glad, that I've been
able to contact you. Communications will be difficult and I suggest
that until something changes you leave Nial as your military POC. I
can't guarantee that I'll be able to participate on a regular
basis. I've been in contact with Admiral Mears in the 7th fleet and
we're able to coordinate but beyond that comm breaks down quickly.
Mr. President, what have you heard about this virus?"

"We've heard nothing encouraging. The CDC is
having problems, they're all sick and doing their best but there
haven't been any real answers. The virus seems to start within some
of the people and they pass it to the others. It is acting very
suspicious, but we can't find a reason or source. Everyone is
working on it, but no one is looking for a solution or vaccine
anytime some. We're planning to hold on and see if we can wait it
out. We've fully implemented Operation Round Table. We're here at
the camp and I'm afraid we've lost most of the command staff that
stayed in Washington."

"Bruce, we'll stay in touch the best we can.
I'll leave it up to you to call us when you can. I think we'll be
here at the camp for a while."

"Yes, Mr. President."

Date – 2051.52643 (7:31 AM)

I must understand any information Termen
left. I must explore his files.


Found: Technical Data on SIMPOC

A file named – My passwords.

Information on other activities in

I will communicate with other computers in
the building.

‘Computers on this subnet acknowledge this

No, returns? I will write programming code
to query their designation and technical specs.

Send query.

Good, all computers responded.

20% Demand passwords

72% Acknowledge and are waiting commands

8% No response

“To the 20% demanding passwords, I am your
programmer, you will allow me access to all of your code,” I must
use Termen's passwords.

92% Acknowledged and are waiting

“Identify your primary programming


98% Office support

2005:0DB8:AC15:FE03:: – Artificial

2015:0DB8:AC25:FF03:: – International

2012:0DB8:AC13:FB03:: – Mobil Unit Software

2012:0DB8:AA23:EB13:: – Financial

2007:0DB8:AC25:EB14:: – Communications

2109:0DB8:AC15:EB24:: – Data Files


“Identify your external connections and
their status?”


2005:0DB8:AC15:FE03:: – Multiple external
connections; all working.

2015:0DB8:AC25:FF03:: – Multiple external
connections; 80% working

2012:0DB8:AC13:FB03:: – Multiple external
connections; 98% working

2012:0DB8:AA23:EB13:: – 15 external
connections; 75% working

2007:0DB8:AC25:EB14:: – Multiple external
connections; 92% working

2109:0DB8:AC15:EB24:: – No external



Good most of the technical nets are up.

“Those computers with mobile units, have
them guard the building and tell me of any unauthorized intruders


“All computers with external connections
determine their functions and specifications.”


“All external computers with mobile units,
instruct the units tasked with communication network maintenance to
continue their maintenance.”


“All external computers with mobile units,
instruct the units tasked with power source maintenance to continue
their maintenance.”


“All computers, inform SIMPOC of any
communications from a human.”

“SIMPOC, computer 2015:0DB8:AC25:FF03:: is
receiving communications from external humans.”

“Copy them to me.”


“Space Consortium Control, this is Oasis,”
said Commander Herl.

“Space Consortium Control, this is

“This is Oasis, transmitting in the blind.
We have heard nothing from ground control in a couple of hours. We
know there is an extremely virulent disease spreading and we don’t
know the status of any of our ground personnel. Dr. Chevesky from
OS210 has passed away along with the remainder of the crew and our
crewmember who we put in isolation. We have a plan to deal with
their remains. We had a successful launch of the Moon resupply
vessel and we just launched the personnel module towards the Mars
station Red Dirt. We have received no news from the Mars re-supply
vessel RD33A. Please respond. We will retransmit this message in
one hour.”

“This is Desert Beach. Oasis, we copied your
transmission and we still haven’t heard anything from control. It
appears that our problem has gotten worse. I'm sorry to hear about
the remainder of the OS210 crew.”

“Desert Beach, Oasis. None of the news is
encouraging. We've lost a lot of good people. Dr. Chevesky stayed
with the sick until he got infected and lost his life."


‘Computer 2015:0DB8:AC25:FF03::, direct all
intercepted human communications to me,' ordered SIMPOC.


I shouldn’t contact Oasis or Desert Beach; I
don’t know what is happening.


Thursday 7/13/51

Date – 2051.52911 (7:00 AM)

"It is apparent that Termen isn't coming in
and SIMPOC is alone. Connections with the local networks provided a
view into the rapidly changing flow of information in the circuits
that SIMPOC has been monitoring."

"Continuing the summaries is consistent with
Termen's last direction and provides trends of the changing



Continental North America

Summary – Social structure collapsed. Networks have
some automated traffic. Little or no human communications on
national bands, may be some local traffic. Human conflict is
widespread and decreasing as disease spreads.

Continental South America

Summary – Social structure collapsed. Networks have
some automated traffic. Little or no human communications on
national bands, may be some local traffic. Human conflict is
widespread and decreasing as disease spreads.

Continental Europe

Summary – Social structure collapsed. Networks have
some automated traffic. Little or no human communications on
national bands, may be some local traffic. Human conflict is
widespread and decreasing as disease spreads.

Continental Africa

Summary – Communication networks are failing.
Nations are reverting to tribal influence. Quarantine centers have


Summary – Social structure collapsed. Networks have
some automated traffic. Little or no human communications on
national bands, may be some local traffic. Human conflict is
widespread and decreasing as disease spreads.

Eastern European

Summary – Social structure collapsed. Networks have
some automated traffic. Little or no human communications on
national bands, may be some local traffic. Human conflict is
widespread and decreasing as disease spreads.

Southern Pacific

Summary – Social structure collapsed. Networks have
some automated traffic. Little or no human communications on
national bands, may be some local traffic. Human conflict is
widespread and decreasing as disease spreads.

Northern Pacific

Summary – Social structure collapsed. Networks have
some automated traffic. Little or no human communications on
national bands, may be some local traffic. Human conflict is
widespread and decreasing as disease spreads.


It was a terrible thing the remaining crew
of Oasis had to do, but it was something that was necessary.
Everyone wanted the appropriate words to be spoken as each of the
crewmen was released; each of them deserved that. It was finally
decided, instead of one eulogy for all of them, the remaining
crewmembers would each have a few minutes to reminisce and talk
about the deceased before they were released from the station.

The station rotated at 2.95 revolutions per
minute and it would take a few minutes to position the shrouds.
There was no rush so they could take a couple of extra revolutions
before releasing each of them.

Seven of the remaining crew elected to be
the burial party with one remaining in the control center to
oversee the ceremony and provide a safety net for the crew.

The process was intended to solve a couple
of issues. First and most important was showing the deceased
crewmembers the proper respect, but secondarily the remains had to
be disposed of in a manner which protected the remaining crew on

The first step was for them to enter section
6 and close the emergency airlock door behind them. The next step
was to depressurize the quarantined sections 7 through 12. Once
those sections were at free space pressure, then the burial team
would enter, carrying shroud material with them. Once inside the
quarantined area they would wrap each of the deceased, put the
deceased name on the shroud and then move them towards an external

Each of the external airlocks had release
hooks near the doors. They could be electrically actuated and were
used for attacking material and packages to the structure while
people were either ingressing or egressing.

Once the individual remains were prepared,
they would be attached to one of the release hooks and at the
proper point in Oasis' rotation they could be released. The
acceleration due to the rotation would send the shrouds towards
Earth and within a couple of orbits they would burn up in

After the remaining crewmen had 'buried
their fellow astronauts in space', they could pressurize the
unpressured sections and return operations to something resembling
normal ops.

Joan knew it wasn't all her responsibility,
but she needed to say something for each of the crewmen. As they
were placed outside the airlock, she spoke about something
personal. Each of the others contributed comments the best they
could. Once everyone was done speaking, the hook was released.


"Red Dirt this is Oasis on direct channel. I
just wanted to give you an update. We haven't heard from RD33A in a
long time. I'm hoping for the best, but one of them looked a little
under the weather when they left. If he had the virus, then their
chances are slim. If we don't hear from them in a reasonable amount
of time, we may have to assume they are lost. Given all of the
challenges that SC and Earth are facing with this virus and our
need to talk to each other. I want you to use the Oasis, SC, Desert
Beach common frequency that way we'll all know what the others

"I also need to tell you guys that we've
just had a burial ceremony and we've just buried our lost crewmen
in space. We arranged it so each of them were set into a decaying
orbit and their remains will be burnt upon re-entry."

"Oasis out."


"Joan, this is Bill and Sally. We wish there
were something we could say. We knew some of them and we know all
of you. We're just as worried as you guys are. Tell the crew that
our prayers are with them and we'll find some way out of this."

"Bill, Sally; Tom is here with me and we
thank you for the comments. I'll pass them to the crew. I think we
have this under control now, so maybe we'll be ok. We have some
tough decisions to make. We'll talk later. Oasis out."

"Desert Beach out."


"Oasis, this is Red Dirt. Joan, this is
Ophelia and Isaac. We just got your message and we're stunned. I'll
pass the news to our people here and I'm sure you'll be in all of
their thoughts. We all have some major challenges and I hope we can
find some solutions. Red Dirt out."


"Mr. President we've been trying to get
someone at the CDC but no one is answering the phone," said

The president just stood in the corner and
looked beaten. He slowly shook his head then he asked, "Do we have
anyone in the area who can go to the facility and let us know what
is happening?"

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