Virgin Territory (6 page)

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Authors: Kim Dare

BOOK: Virgin Territory
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Danny bit down on his bottom lip as he fought to keep his inclination to either beg, or to say silly things, to a man he doubted had any tolerance for either begging or silliness.




On his fourth thrust, Aaron finally slid home—his cock as deep within Danny’s body as any man’s shaft would ever get. Danny stared up at him, determinedly obeying the order to keep his eyes open, no matter what.

His first time.

On any night, Danny would have felt wonderfully hot and tight around Aaron, and that would have been great. Hell, maybe Danny would have even hit that perfect balance between being a natural submissive and showing that he was a man who found offering another guy his submission the ultimate challenge. And their chemistry would have been electric if they’d met the following month, or even the following year. But, Aaron couldn’t deny that there was something extra about knowing this was Danny’s first time—that he now owned part of the boy.

As Aaron forced himself to remain still, a part of his mind went back to another night over a decade earlier, when he’d braced himself against the wall in the back room of a club.


Aaron hadn’t thought about him in years, he still didn’t know his last name, but Tom was one lover who Aaron had never quite been able to forget. The feeling of Tom’s stubble as he kissed his neck, the way Tom’s hands had reached around him and jacked him in time with his thrusts.

Aaron groaned his approval as he tightened his grip on Danny’s hips until it was hard enough to leave small marks that would linger into the following day. Danny would always remember him the same way he remembered Tom.

“Please,” Danny ground out.

Aaron took that to mean Danny was comfortable enough for the game to start in earnest.


He shifted his weight, altering his position on the bed and nudging Danny into pulling his knees back even further and spreading his legs wider, so his hips tipped back just that fraction more.

On his next thrust, Aaron knew that Danny had achieved the best kind of beginners luck and stumbled upon the perfect angle at which to receive his thrusts. Every time Aaron pushed into him, a look of pure bliss flashed across Danny’s face.

Dividing his attention equally between Danny’s expression and his hole, Aaron watched the way his shaft disappeared inside the boy, then looked up to glory in the ecstasy that lit Danny’s eyes. It was mesmerising, but soon it wasn’t enough. As amazing as Danny felt around his cock, Aaron wanted more.

Leaning forward, he put his hand on the bed on either side of Danny’s torso and brought their lips together.

Danny’s technique was still as innocent as an angel who hadn’t quite worked out just how much fun falling could be. Aaron had never thought that lack of skill could be a turn on, but he growled his approval under his breath, loving everything about Danny.

The fact that a man who was so innocent currently lay tied to a bed and was impaled on Aaron’s cock was almost enough to make him faster on the draw than a virgin—in this case literally.

As one kiss led into another and Aaron’s thrusts sped up, it seemed possible that he wouldn’t outlast a boy half his age.

Suddenly, Danny jerked. He screamed his release loud enough for his flat mates, his neighbours, and possibly even the people living on the other side of the street to know that he’d come. It was the cue Aaron had been waiting for.

It messed with his mind to even contemplate the possibility of anything Danny did giving him
to orgasm, but he shot his load as quickly as any submissive could have obeyed such an order.

He pushed himself deeper into Danny’s body as he came, instinctively trying to mark his territory as thoroughly as humanly possible. He was lost in his pleasure now, not stopping to edit his thoughts. For a while, everything was simple. Danny belonged to him. Danny would only ever belong to him.

Then, as his ecstasy left him, it was all Aaron could do not to collapse on Danny. He pulled away, separating their bodies, and dropped onto the bed alongside Danny’s bound form. He hoped like hell the boy wouldn’t ask him if it was always like that. He’d have to lie and say that it was always that mind blowing, if he did.

Lying to a sub was bad form, but telling the truth was unthinkable—it would invite too many other questions, ones Aaron wasn’t ready to answer.

Happily, still gasping for breath, with his eyes closed and his stomach splattered with his own come, Danny didn’t seem inclined to speak up about anything or make any inquiries.

Aaron smiled up at the ceiling and allowed himself to relax. A few minutes passed and still neither of them said a word. Aaron had time rouse himself sufficiently to throw away his condom and do up his fly before Danny even opened his eyes.

“Are you going to untie me any time soon?” Danny mumbled.

“I’m in no rush.” Habit kicked in. Aaron reached in the spare back pocket of his leather trousers and pulled out a small tobacco tin.

Danny lifted his head off the pillow and scrunched up his nose. “Sorry, this is a non-smoking house.”

“That’s interesting,” Aaron said, absentmindedly, as he opened the tin.

“Even if it wasn’t. I don’t want you smoking in my bedroom.” By the sound of it, Danny’s afterglow hadn’t lasted long at all. Apparently coming made him cranky.

Aaron took out his cigarette and held it where Danny could see it clearly. The tip glowed red. A thin wisp of smoke rose from it. The sight of it was reassuringly familiar. It felt right in his hand.

Danny opened his mouth, closed it and studied the cigarette more carefully before finally speaking. “It’s not real.”

“I quit two years ago, but I still can’t get used to not having a fag after sex.” Setting the fake cigarette between his lips, Aaron inhaled deeply. It wasn’t exactly the same as the real thing, but it gave his hand something to hold and his mouth something to do while he relaxed and enjoyed the sleepy, sated feeling that filled his body in the wake of a great orgasm. “It’s the only time I
to have one.”

“At least it doesn’t smell like the real thing,” Danny offered.

Aaron inhaled deeply and blew a smoke ring.

“Well, what’s the verdict?” he asked after he’d felt Danny had been given ample time to consider the evidence and make up his mind.

Danny looked at him for a moment before turning his attention up to the ceiling as if he found it hard to hold Aaron’s gaze. “I think I’ll reserve judgment until after I’ve topped you—then I’ll have something to compare it with.”

“So, what you’re saying is—what we just did together was so much better than anything a man can do by himself, you can’t possibly compare the two?” Aaron asked. He took another drag on his fake cigarette. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

He glanced down at Danny. Playing with this particular boy was also a damn sight more dangerous than flying solo could ever be. Aaron had the uncomfortable suspicion that, if he wasn’t careful, Danny would turn his world upside down.




Chapter Five

“Hey, I didn’t know you were a gambling man.”

Aaron looked over his shoulder and spotted Trevor—one of his long-standing friends at the club. “Gambling man?” he repeated, blankly.

“Well, there’s a hot sub searching through the club for you.” His words were slurred, but he didn’t seem to be on the point of imagining people just yet. “Boy says he wants to cash in a marker you gave him.”

“Oh, does he now…?” Aaron murmured, automatically lifting himself onto his toes and looking over the top of the crowd.

“Yep.” Trevor clapped Aaron on the back, the same way he always did when he’d had a few too many pints. “And, I’ll let you in on a secret.” He pulled Aaron down and put his lips to his ear. “Rumour has it, the boy’s only just come out. If you play your cards right, you could be conquering virgin territory!”

“Don’t believe every bit of gossip you hear, buddy.” Aaron caught both his friend’s shoulders and bent his knees slightly to look Trevor straight in the eye. Yep—one hundred percent sloshed. As drunk as only a cop working on a truly hellish case could get and, by the looks of it, Trevor was working on a doozy. “You got your car with you?”

A submissive stepped forward and distinguished himself from the general crowd. “I have his car keys, sir. I’ll be more than happy to drive D.I. Saunders home whenever he wishes to leave.”

The sub was vaguely familiar. Aaron was sure he’d seen him with Trevor before. Trevor made no objection.

Aaron nodded. “Good lad.” He smiled, more than happy to hand over the job of designated driver.

Turning away from the pair, Aaron was just about to set off in search of his own sub when he found it necessary to stop short. Danny was right there, standing so close to him that the toe caps of their boots almost knocked together.

“I hear you’ve been looking for me,” Aaron said.

Danny just smiled, his dimple clearly visible through his stubble.

“Something about a marker?” Aaron raised an eyebrow and tried to look knowledgeable and sophisticated, rather than more nervous than any dom wanted to admit being.

Danny’s lips quirked into a lopsided grin.

“What, have you taken a vow of silence since last time we hooked up?” Aaron asked. The hush-hush routine was doing nothing for his nerves.

Danny leant forward.

His stubble rubbed against Aaron’s jaw.

“The only words I want to say to you come in the form of commands. Do you
me to order you onto your knees in front of all your friends? I assumed that you’d prefer to keep your submission just between us, but if I was wrong…”

Aaron pulled back far enough to meet Danny’s gaze. The boy meant it. Calling his bluff would be stupid. Making a joke would be asking for trouble.

There was only one response Aaron could safely give. “Let’s go.”

He led the way out of the club. For some reason it felt as if he was being chased rather than followed tonight. He instinctively walked slightly faster, sure that Danny would have no trouble keeping up.

Reaching his bike, Aaron opened one of the panniers and took out a helmet. About to reach for the other pannier, Aaron hesitated, remembering the hulk of shining black and chrome outside Danny’s house. “Did you bring your own ride?”
You don’t seriously expect me to ride pillion, do you?
Aaron barely dared to breathe while he waited for the answer. He wasn’t sure what was worse, the idea of everyone seeing him ride behind Danny, or the way doing that might screw with his mind.

Danny’s eyes sparkled in the light from a nearby street lamp as he let the possibility hang in the air. Finally, he spoke. “I’ll ride with you.”

Aaron handed over his spare helmet and tried his best to hide his relief.

“Get on.” Danny’s tone of voice was unmistakable. It was an order, not a suggestion.

It was Aaron’s bike, but that didn’t change the fact that Danny was the man in charge.

Aaron swung his leg over his bike and pulled on his gloves, his fingers just a bit clumsy. As he set his hands on the handlebars, Danny mounted the pillion seat behind him.

The boy caught hold of Aaron’s waist in a firm grip and rubbed his crotch against Aaron’s arse. Already hard and evidently looking forward to the evening’s entertainment, he ground their bodies together. Even through their clothing, the sensation was enough to make Aaron’s cock reach full attention.

Aaron didn’t ask where Danny wanted to go. He headed to his own house, damned if he’d get topped in any place where housemates might walk in on them at any moment. Danny offered no comment on the route they took.

Aaron slowed down, rolling the bike the last few yards up the drive but leaving it outside the garage at the side of his house. Not a single word hit the air as they dismounted and took off their helmets. Biting the inside of his cheek to keep any nervous small talk to himself, Aaron led the way into his house and switched on the hall light.

“Does anyone else live here with you?” Danny asked.

Aaron let out a subtle sigh of relief. “No, I—”

Anything else Aaron might have intended to say was devoured by an unexpected kiss. Caught off-guard, he stumbled backward and found himself pressed against the wall. For a moment, Aaron was too shocked to respond, but there were only two reactions a man could reasonably have in that situation.

Not inclined to throw a punch, Aaron chose the second option and reached for any part of Danny he could conveniently grope. Danny slid his hands around Aaron’s waist in return.

The last week hadn’t made Danny an expert, but it had apparently done marvels for his confidence. If he didn’t kiss like a master craftsman, he certainly took the lead like a guy with clear pretentions toward dominance.

Aaron chuckled to himself and allowed the boy his moment in control. He’d given Danny his word; he’d had his turn. Hell, it might even be fun to relax and just tag along while another guy made the decisions for a few hours. It had been years since he’d indulged in that particular pleasure. Novelty could be erotic in itself.

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