Virgin Territory (11 page)

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Authors: Kim Dare

BOOK: Virgin Territory
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Danny swallowed. It was what Aaron wanted that was important now. His tone made that clear. They’d agreed who would run the scene, and everything was now out of Danny’s control. It was a wonder he didn’t come right then, just from feeling possession of his body being transferred to Aaron.

Whether Aaron knew it or not, Danny understood that Aaron owned him.

Aaron’s hands felt unexpectedly hot as he ran them over Danny’s skin. One pushed up his T-shirt, baring his back. The other ran down his leg, all the way to his bunched up jeans. If Aaron wanted to remind Danny how much of his skin was on display he succeeded. He felt far more naked then than he’d ever felt when he wasn’t wearing a single stitch of clothing. All the fabric did now was highlight the naked bits.

Danny took a deep breath. His cock was trapped against Aaron’s leg. He was probably leaking pre-come over his leather trousers.


Danny yelped as Aaron’s cupped hand landed hard on the roundest part of his arse. He barely had time to react further before his other buttock received the same treatment.

“It’s a beautiful sight, the way a man tenses up after he gets a smack on his arse,” Aaron said. “His buttocks clench up tight. The skin shakes. Bloody gorgeous.” Again, two more spanks in quick succession.

Heat spread through Danny. He closed his eyes, relishing the new sensations invading his body. He braced himself against the far arm of the sofa, but he made no attempt to get away. That would have been a sodding stupid thing to do.

He wanted this. He wanted it so badly, his mind spun from all his dreams coming true so suddenly.

With Aaron making all the decisions, Danny was free to let his mind soar high above the city where it could look down over little people living little lives—people who’d never felt this, who would never know how the fire danced and twirled through their veins when spank after spank fell on their arse.

The flames became a firestorm. Danny caught hold of a cushion, pulled it toward him and buried his face in it. He wanted to yell out, but to his everlasting relief, he found that he wanted to shout yes rather than no. As his dreams came true, they were every bit as amazing as he thought they could be.

Even with the cushion’s help, it was impossible for him to keep back loud moans of pure bliss; he merely managed to stifle them. And there was nothing he could do to hide the way his feet kicked out, as if trying to propel him more quickly through a sea of ecstasy.

Ocean and blaze, flood and fire, instead of quenching or evaporating each other, they only seemed to drive the opposing sensations to greater extremes. There was no room in his body for any more pleasure. It hurt in a way Danny had never felt before, but which he’d always felt the lack of in his life.

Then, suddenly, nothing.

Danny’s whole body was shaking as he lifted his face out of the cushion. His breaths came in gasps. A sheen of sweat covered his skin. He could feel the pre-come coating the leather beneath his shaft. His arse was on fire. The rest of his body was icy compared to the struck flesh.


“It’s enough,” Aaron said.

Danny shook his head.

Aaron’s hand slid into Danny’s hair and took a tight grip on the strands. “It’s enough.” There was no arguing with his tone.

Even knowing that Danny still had to try. “But—”

“It’s enough,” Aaron cut in. “For now, it’s enough.”

Their eyes met as Danny twisted around as far as Aaron’s grip on his hair allowed. All Danny’s words deserted him. There would be more to come, if, and Aaron’s expression made it quite clear that this was a big if,
he stopped arguing with him.

Danny swallowed. He nodded, tugging at his hair in the process. “Do you want me to—?”

“Just relax.”

Danny had to literally bite his tongue, but he managed to remain silent.

Aaron released Danny’s hair with a little push that sent his head back to the cushion. This time, Danny turned his head. He let his cheek rest against the surface and his mouth stay free. Closing his eyes, he did his best to obey.

All too soon, the silence was too much.

“What do you—?”

At least Danny stopped himself before he got to the stupid part of his question. That was something for him to be grateful for.

“Don’t worry, I already know how…interesting, your conversations can be when you’re in a scene.”

I think I might be in love with you.
Danny remembered saying it. He hadn’t fully realised at the time how accurate that suspicion might prove to be.

Aaron sighed. “Ask.”

Somehow the order pulled the question out of Danny. He was supposed to obey Aaron right now, wasn’t he? So he did. “What do you do when all your dreams suddenly come true?”

“You make new ones.” Aaron stroked his hand over Danny’s spanked skin as he spoke, making his skin smoulder with renewed heat. He made it sound so easy, as if anything was actually that simple.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Danny mumbled, retreating into his cushion.

“If you want to bench press one-eighty, the day you manage it, you start aiming for one-ninety.” Aaron was quiet for a second. “If you want to find a man who matches all your kinks quite perfectly, then the moment you find him, you start working toward keeping him.”

Danny tensed. As exposed as he was, he knew there was no way that Aaron could have failed to notice the way his muscles twitched.

A strong hand trailed up and down the back of his thigh.

Finally, Danny had to speak again. “Just out of curiosity, what would your ideal guy be like?”

Aaron’s body shifted beneath Danny as he subtly adjusted his position on the sofa cushion. “Younger than me, I guess, and certainly less experienced than me. I do like to play the teacher. But that doesn’t mean I want a guy who’s never interested in taking any kind of lead. I may not be a full-on switch, but I’ve been known to enjoy topping from the bottom on more than a few occasions—or even bottoming from the bottom now and again, in my own way.”

“So, I wouldn’t have to give it up? Topping, I mean.” Danny half rolled onto his side so he could twist around and look properly at Aaron.

Aaron held on to him, making sure he didn’t fall off the sofa, but he didn’t try to stop him from wriggling.

“I think if a dom takes on a virgin sub, he takes on the responsibility to make sure that said sub receives a very broad and rounded education.”

“I’m not a virgin anymore.” Danny was more than a little bit pleased to report that fact to the world in general.

Aaron shook his head and laughed. That wasn’t quite the response Danny expected. It wasn’t easy to look dignified or affronted with his trousers around his ankles, but Danny pursed his lips and gave it his best shot.

“You really think you’re out of virgin territory, that there are no more first times left in you?” Aaron asked when he saw Danny’s expression. “It’s more than just about who sticks their cock where, kiddo.”

Danny held Aaron’s gaze for a moment that seemed to stretch out for lifetime.

“So, teaching another guy all that stuff. It’s a lot of work, right? It’s not something a man would want to take on lightly. He’d have to know someone a long time before he even thought about—”

“A good dom has the sense to trust his instincts when a great opportunity lands in his lap.” His lips twitched on the last phrase, but Danny was in no mood to laugh at bad puns.

“Quit messing around. Are you saying you want to collar me? Because I meant it when I said I’m not sure if I’m a full on sub. I—”

“I’m saying,” Aaron cut in, “that I want to see where this goes. I don’t know if it will work between us. I’m no psychic. But I know that I want more from you, more
you. I know that I don’t want any other men touching you. And I know that when you were joking around about us falling in love with each other, I didn’t feel half as panicked about that possibility as I should have.”

Danny held his gaze through the whole speech.

“What will happen, will happen. If you find yourself wanting to get toppy, then—” Aaron shrugged, not quite managing to look entirely casual, “—then we’ll try it. If you want to stick on the bottom, that will happen naturally enough. Not necessarily easily or quickly, but naturally enough.”

Danny nodded. “That sounds…” He shook his head. “When the hell did I stop being able to speak in full sentences?”

“Around the point I first did this.” Aaron brought his hand down on Danny’s already sore arse.

He let out an even louder yelp this time—mostly of surprise, but at least a little bit because it stung like hell.

Aaron responded by burrowing his hand between Danny’s legs and palming his balls. His hand was deliciously hot from the spanking.

Danny’s jaw dropped. He arched his back. Forget enunciating complex ideas. There was only room for one thought in Danny’s head now. “God, that feels good…”

Aaron chuckled, a warm, friendly sound that somehow hinted that something more than friendship wasn’t too far away. “Stick around, kiddo,” Aaron said. “This is only the beginning. Just you wait until we
start to get rid of that virginity you’re so worried about…”


About The Author:

Kim Dare is a twenty-nine year old, full time writer from Wales (UK). First published in 2008, she has since released close to eighty BDSM erotic romance titles.

While most of Kim's stories follow male/male relationships, she also writes about characters that enjoy male/female, female/male (female dominant), female/female and all kinds of ménage relationships. Kim's titles have included contemporary stories, fairytale re-tellings, vampires, time travellers, werewolves and werelions, not to mention the occasional wereduck.

Regardless of the gender of her characters or the different genres they inhabit, from short stories to full-length novels, there are three things Kim always wants to give her characters—kink, love, and a happy ending.
Visit her
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[email protected]



Also By This Author:

Duck!, Resplendence Publishing

Magpie, Resplendence Publishing

With a Kiss, Resplendence Publishing

Mistletoe and Submission, Total-E-Bound Publishing


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