Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel) (19 page)

BOOK: Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel)
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It hurt, and she couldn’t help that her body squirmed, but
she bit down against her scream.

Kissing her lips again, Nazir rubbed a hand over her blonde hair,
stroking it in such an odd fashion. With his mouth open, breathing so
heavily, he looked every bit the brute. "See," he said in a
husky breathless voice at having just reached such heights of
pleasure, "nice and gentle for your first time." He kissed
her again, harder this time, forcing his tongue into her mouth for a

He silenced her no doubt witty response, and could taste the thick
saliva that had pooled in her mouth. She tried to swallow it back,
but it was difficult with that thick, hot muscle jammed along her
tongue. Her breathing was caught in her throat and she struggled to
get air through her nose.

It was such a crude and rough kiss, though finally when he broke
it he gave his dick another push into her. The beast Nazir didn’t
seem the cuddling type, but then she didn’t know he’d
came in her with such cruel intent either. "It’ll only get
better too," he assured her, and she noticed on his face that
familiar look. Despite his size and strength, Nazir was older than
her, at least twice her age, like Grent. And the lazy way his eyes
remained open hinted at the weariness overcoming him after having his
way with her, slowing his responses, dulling his senses.

"I bet," she murmured, still choking for breath as she
looked at him. He was so exposed, and she wanted more than anything
to take advantage of it. To hurt him. To escape and run for safety,
yet to do so she’d have to go through hell, and she wasn’t
leaving here naked with only a knife, abandoning all her friends,
everyone she’d ever been close to, to wither and die.

But as he softened above her, her hand moved to his jaw, running
along it. "That really fucking hurt."

With that touch along his jaw and her words he gave her a wide
grin, "I know, sweetie," he said. "First time’s
always do," and he continued to palm and massage her breast,
lavishing in the feel of that large, supple mound. "It’ll
get better though. Daddy promises," he said, his grin widening
almost maliciously.

"That’s really fucking creepy," she murmured, her
eyes narrowing sceptically. "Like... really, why would you say

With a dark chuckle he lunged down, biting one of her breasts and
suckling it hard. Tugging on the supple teat he let it snap back
before speaking, "Ah, sweetie," he began, his cock having
softened in her, but not beyond twitching a bit with some unknown
excitement. "Didn’t want to spoil the mood beforehand,"
he said, burying his face into her neck, kissing and suckling at her

"The fuck," she squirmed, her hands pushing against his
chest. Her face was red with anger, and she looked almost as though
she was going to choke. Her voice was shrill as she screamed at him,
"You’re a fucking monster!"

So much stronger than her, he didn’t let up. Keeping her
pinned beneath him he mashed her breasts against his palm and chest,
sucked and bit at her neck before he muttered, "It’s okay.
It doesn’t change anything. Only makes it better," he said
with a satisfied groan, taking sick joy in it.

She was so distraught with her rage she almost didn’t see
it, but over the back of Nazir–her supposed father–crept
the slender, familiar form of Marim. Armed with only the bottle of
wine, grasped by the handle, the trembling young man crept closer
towards them.

"It does fucking too change shit," she screamed, her
head nodding almost frantically to Marim. Her face was red and she
could feel the bile rising in her throat. Her hands began clawing at
the brute of a man, and her nails dug into the leg that didn’t
contain the weapon, her other reaching more deftly for the blade.

Marim continued without pause, though he never stopped shaking. He
was always a crummy fighter. He never fared well in their lessons and
training sessions, and except for the excuse for the two to roll
around and touch one another, he always hated them at that.

Before he could get there, however, her nimble fingers deftly
slipped the long knife from its sheath. He never noticed, he was too
wrapped up in his sick revelry, husking disgusting words of assurance
mixed with plans of their future incestuous defilements he never
sensed it at all.

She could have picked a better angle, but as she slammed the blade
into his neck, spattering her in gore, it did the trick. Even though
angry tears burned at her, she never let go the knife, twisting it
brutally before gasping, as if suddenly realizing what she’d

His confession, his sick, brutal use of someone he professed to be
his kin had brought something disgusting to the surface of her, and
she tried to push herself free of his naked, spent body.

She was a mess of blood and semen–like the man himself was
in life and death–but her strength proved true. Fit and
capable, she managed to get his sputtering form off her. All his
strength and authority did him no good as he clasped for his neck,
falling away to die on the floor.

And before her stood Marim. The bottle dropped from his hand,
shattering as he stood dumbfounded. Seeing anyone in pain, let alone
dying–even this man–was almost too much for the wide-eyed
youth, leaving him looking catatonic as she freed herself.

She grabbed the blade, staring down at the dying man, and tears
glistened in her eyes. It was almost something sweet, as though she
had wanted something more from him before she turned to Marim. "That
sick fuck told me he was my father after raping me. He deserves it.
Where’s everyone else?" she slapped his face to get his

It took a slap to get him out of it, none of her words seeming to
have registered with him. Shocked at the strike he looked at her,
sputtering, "They- they’re down... down below," he
said, swallowing heavily. As pretty as he was, he was just as useless
in the face of violence, "He’s keeping them in a large
hall beneath that... that throne room of his," he explained,
those emerald eyes wide and panicked as if he saw through her.

"And how do I get there, huh? We gotta move fast. Are there
any weapons in this place?" She was all calm composure, her
drive shining through as she gave a quick glance over the room.

"There’s nothing," he said in that spacey
breathless voice of his, still unable to get himself together any
more than this as he tried not to stare at the dying body. And
looking around her, she saw nothing. Nothing at all. The room barren
but for the useless artefacts of old humanity accumulated so
haphazardly about the room: pillows and bed sheets.

"Marim, I need you to fucking snap out of it. Our people are
holed up in a prison and they need us, you got me? Just fucking...
can you get me out of these fucking cuffs?" She couldn’t
stop cursing. It was the only thing holding her together.

Slowly he trailed his eyes to her shackles. Nodding he said,
"Yeah, I saw where he keeps–" then realization dawned
on him and he pointed to the bleeding out husk that was her captor.
"In his wrist cuff," Marim muttered meekly.

She moved to the body, trying not to look at him as she fumbled
for the keys. Her breathing was a bit faster and she kept her
newfound knife poised and ready.

They weren’t hard to find, merely tucked against him by the
pressure of the leather bands about his wrists. Before she could take
them away, his powerful grip caught her wrist, and he gave her a
wide-eyed pleading gaze as life–and his final words–bubble
from him uselessly.

She stared down at him and his last view of this world was a look
of apologetic sympathy tinged with anger. Things could have gone so
much sweeter between them. Yanking her hand away, she turned her head
from him and almost looked like she was wording a prayer before
unshackling herself.

Marim had been watching her, so confused and terrified, he didn’t
seem to understand any of what happened. Weakly he lifted a hand,
pointing towards the exit, "I’ll... I’ll know the
way downstairs."

"Awesome. Will we be passing many of the Viles? Listen, if
they come up, you just follow my lead, alright? I got this, Marim.
I’ll get you out of this." She was completely oblivious to
the cum running down her legs, the blood smearing her chest and
stomach, and the sweat that filmed her body.

Marim wasn’t, however, and he had to try not to look at her,
because it horrified him so. "I– I don’t know,"
he stammered, the two making their way out and down the hall, though
she had to lead the way to get Marim to move at all. "I don’t
see many in here," he said at last.

"Good," she followed his ‘lead’, even though
she was out in front, "Just tell me where to go, Marim. C’mon,
you wanna be a doctor? You’re going to have to get used to
death. Hopefully not our own..."

As they reached the bottom of the stairwell heading out into the
main chamber, everything seemed clear. Making their way across the
room, however, the red drapes that constituted the ‘door’
to the great hall–the once ‘throne room’–pushed
open. A large and feral looking Vile stalked in, hunched over and
looking menacing. He sighted them immediately and throwing back his
head he looked ready to let loose a cry that would wake the whole of
the colony.

The moment was almost frozen in time, for it had to be to see
Grent moving so quickly. The man’s arms came around the thing
and plunging a knife straight into its heart as he simultaneously
covered the thing’s mouth, bringing it to a silent end.

Relief washed through her, though at the same time there was a
moment of panic. Apparently her plan of just telling the Viles she
was their new queen was not going to work. Still, Grent being alive
counted for double.

"There are more in the basement. Do you know where our stuff
is?" she asked, all business, even as she looked so damned happy
to see him.

The older mercenary looked no worse for wear. In fact, he didn’t
seem changed at all from when she last saw him, except he wasn’t
toting his rifle at that moment.

With a flicker of his eyes over her he gave a serious nod, "I’ve
scouted out the entire facility," he said firmly coming towards
them. "There should be two Viles down there now," and he
nodded to her knife then gave her such a reassuring smile, unfazed by
her nudity and the gore upon her.

"Guess we’ll have enough hands to tote back the
supplies after all." His smile was uneven despite his deep,
serious voice, able to inject some humour despite the situation.

It was likely one of the reasons she’d grown so fond of him,
"Fuck yes we will. Alright, so just two. That’s not bad.
Wish we had our guns. Marim’s useless in these types of
situations, but he’s a great nurse. Marim, meet Grent,"
she smiled brightly, her eyes nearly twinkling despite the dire
situation. She really did love the man. "You go in first, you’re
better at this. I’ll try not to get knocked out again."

Grent cleaned the blade of his knife on a rag after giving Marim a
look over and a nod. "What’d I tell you about guns?"
he said, smiling at her with that look of deep affection tinged with
admiration. Something told her he had some clue about how she’d
navigated her own way this far out of hell though he undoubtedly
didn’t know the details. "Knives are better," he
said, heading off towards the stairs.

"Yea well, still. I like something I can wrap both hands
around," she teased, following his procession with the knife
held firmly in her hand. Her heart pounded and she pushed her hair
from her eyes, adrenaline pumping through her veins.


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At the end of the world, Cassidy found something she never
expected. Love.

The sweet college freshman never even made it to her first day of
classes. She never dreamed she’d be trapped in a bunker during
the apocalypse, and her parents would not approve just how quickly
she fell for the buff black man, Leon. Yet when he taught her how to
serve and please him, she realized just how much she needed a
dominant man to take care of her.

An apocalyptic interracial BDSM romance.

Warning: Contains a reluctant young woman falling for an older man
outside of her class and race, including m/f consensual sex, oral
sex, and BDSM themes including pleasure denial and an introduction to
a 24/7 lifestyle. 30,000 words.

Bound as the World Burns is now available!


Erotic Novels:
The Warlord’s Concubine
– Dark Fantasy Romance
Vile Wasteland
– Post Apocalyptic Erotic Romance
Wheel and Deal
– Dark Fantasy

Erotic Novellas:

Led Into Temptation
– Dark Fantasy / Taboo


A Son’s Devotion
– Mother/Son Incest


Brought the Stars to You
– Sci-fi Romance


Bound as the World Burns
– Post apocalyptic BDSM Erotic Romance

A Dark Fairy Tale
Bad Wolf, Be Good
Her Master’s Madness

Series Shorts:

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