Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel) (17 page)

BOOK: Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel)
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Seating his large bulk down on the table before her, his legs
parted wide, the shredded garment that passed for his kilt did
nothing to hide the thick cock between his thighs, nor the heavy pair
of balls they rested upon. Shameless as before he just looked to her,
leaning his hands on his knees. "You and I have much in common,"
he stated in his cultured yet booming voice.

"Yea," she murmured, her eyes avoiding his form, "Both
our junk is on display." She couldn’t help it. Fear just
made her more and more sarcastic, and it just kept building. "I
guess you have something else in mind, though, considering everyone’s
junk is on parade here."

With another hearty chuckle he reached out, violating her personal
space as he touched one of his thick digits to between her inner
thighs, "Yours is cuter," he said.

She jerked her leg away, clamping her thighs closed as she glared
at him. There was scrutiny there, shielded by her anger.

"But no, more than that," he continued, smiling toothily
at her still. Unlike most of the Viles she’d seen thus far, he
was missing none of his teeth and showed no signs of damage to them.
They were as healthy and white as hers. "We both come from
Bunker Omega, and are now free in the world. Though," he
gestured to her, "you came so late."

It took her a long few moments before she finally spoke., "You’re
going to have to start at the beginning. I don’t follow."

Arching one of his hairless brows at her, he shrugged and
continued. "I lived there for much of my life," he
explained. "When the bunkers inhabitants went to the surface to
start their colonization, they left me behind. Locked up. Not to see
the surface world." With a chuckle he added, "But then when
they ruined paradise," he gestured down to the devastated colony
below them, inhabited by his own Viles, "and retreated back to
the bunkers... I was cast out. Funny, no?"

"I don’t know. I kind of feel like there might be more
to this. Besides, almost anyone your age is dead now, so
congratulations, you win this round." Her brown eyes were locked
to him, growing bolder without his rebuffs for her behaviour.

Returning her gaze he seemed to grin wider. Her words pleased him,
rather than earned his rebuke. "Exactly," he said, "I
win." Lifting himself up off the table, he sat down on the
couch, and before she could shuffle away the man’s immense mass
caused her to sink towards him, and he put his arm about her onto her

"You are afraid, I understand. You saw the ones below,"
he gave a shrug. "I won't lie. I get no pleasure from fucking
the mindless ones. None at all," he smiled to her, "they
don’t scream. Or protest. And I like that. But," he said,
dragging out the moment, "if that was what I wished for you, I’d
have done it already. Your first awakening would’ve been to
me," and he touched her thigh again, "claiming you like you
never imagined a man could or would."

A cold chill traveled her spine and she could feel her mouth begin
to water in that strange way it does just before vomiting. Even
swallowing it back made her feel ill, yet she didn’t try to
move away, though her legs did clamp shut once more. Her eyes darted
around the balcony, scheming before resting back on him.

There was nothing there, nothing to turn to her advantage. Except,
that is, what lay on him. Strapped to one of his powerful caves was a
long knife, sheathed and held in place against his darkly tanned

"Thanks for that." She inhaled sharply, "So you
have super special plans for me, then. And they’d be?"
Alex was not good at subtle conversations.

Rubbing his hand against her shoulder he said, "Maybe. Like I
said, we have much in common. But first– are you thirsty?"
Before awaiting an answer he barked out, "Wine!" Though she
had no clue to whom he might be calling to.

"I have something for you," he said with a smile, "a
gift. And if you accept it, and like it, you can keep it, and we will
get along in time, I think." He reminded her of Anagio’s
leader alright, though strangely, as bizarre and fake as the man
looked with his tribal appearance and cultured voice, his words
didn’t seem false. "Have you ever wondered why we all live
like this? What happened to make you have to flee back into the
bunker after? Nobody ever told you, I suspect."

She swallowed, that feeling of saliva warm and pungent in her
mouth was turning her stomach, and she agreed to the wine. If he
wanted to knock her out, there were surely quicker and cheaper ways.
Her arms folded beneath her firm chest, and she stared at him evenly,
"What type of gift? I could really use my bag, and if you found
that, yea, we’d be getting along. And no. No one ever did."

Before his answers came the curtain pulled back. The most curious
sight she’d ever seen appeared before her. Marim. Shuffling out
onto the balcony, the handsome, slender man, no taller than her, was
nude and carrying a tray with wine and plastic goblets. His eyes were
wide at seeing her, and he muttered breathlessly, "Alex."

"My gift," the large man butted into the moment, smiling
confidently as he gestured to Marim as if he were a thing.

She was on her feet, staring at him, her mouth dropped open. She
felt dizzy once more and moved into his arms. Tears were already
flowing down her cheeks as she wrapped him in a hug, "Aw fuck,"
she whimpered. "What happened?" she pulled away, her brown
eyes glossy as she stared at him, "They need you back there! I
swear, if you got caught because you were trying to find me..."

Marim nearly dropped the tray with her sudden embrace, but managed
somehow to turn it aside and avoid doing so. "No, no Alex,"
he murmured, shutting his eyes and pressing into her arms. "I...
I just got here, they, he–" his eyes flicked to the large
man sat on the couch, watching. "They came right after you
left," he explained, his voice soft as always, though the
emotion of the moment strained his ability to talk.

She pulled back, her gaze skirting over his body and her voice
dropping to a whisper, "Are you okay? What about everyone else?"

"I’m fine," he said, though the obvious case of
him being naked, shackled and captured belied that point. "The
others, they..." he swallowed and forced a smile for her, "I
made some deals, they’ll be... they’ll be okay," he
said, eyes flickering to the large man, lounging back on the couch,
who was still smiling so wide and confidently.

She kept her back turned, her eyes locked on her friend’s,
"I’ll get you out of here, Marim." Turning back to
the seated man, her arm folded tight under her breast, "We were
just kids when you were outcast or whatever. Fuck, I was like.. eight
or nine. I barely even recognize you. Everyone that hurt you is dead
or gone."

Even in the midst of the moment, Marim laid down the tray and
began to pour up the wine as ordered, though the large man barely
spared him a moment's notice.

"I agree," he said, nodding to her words. Turning he
lifted a leg off the floor and stretched it out over the couch,
sprawling lewdly before her, his manhood rested out for both of them
to see as he patted the cushion there for her to sit. "So, would
you like to talk about why things are the way they are, and how
things might be, if we all work together, hmm?"

She let out a loud sigh, groaning as she sat next to him. Not like
she was in much of a place to say no. "Can you give me a quick
summary of both?" she asked, though her face remained towards
Marim, worry instead of anger keeping the fear at bay. Now she had to
protect both of them.

Marim handed the two of them their cups of wine and gave her a
soft, hopeful smile, though the large man waved him away thereafter
and he dutifully did so without another word. "A pretty boy,"
he said before taking a sip of the wine and looking her over in her
nudity, for the first time, it seemed, taking a chance to really
appreciate her sublime beauty. "Prettier still," he
remarked. "You like your present though? Did it please you as
much as it seemed?"

"It didn’t please me at all to know my people are all
slaves, considering all the bullshit I’ve been doing to try to
save their lives. But, bright side, I guess they’re not eating
contaminated food anymore!" Her sarcasm was icy and she quickly
drank down her wine.

Nodding to her words he drank down the rest of his glass as well
then poured them both up to the top again. "You are a courageous
and dedicated woman to do this much for them," he said.
"Especially considering you had no good role models for such
behaviour. Seeing as how all this hell is the fault of the old
colonists," though he spoke seriously, it was hard not to notice
his eyes lingering on her generous assets.

She had grown casual and lax, and noticing his gaze, her legs
crossed rather primly, "Yea, well," she paused. "Alright,
I’m missing something."

A light smirk formed on his face, and she had a hard time missing
the twitch of his sizable cock as he enjoyed the sight of her large,
exposed tits, and the ladylike way she tried to hide her womanhood.
"When the colonists first came up, they wanted a new society,
you see. With no more people like me," he took another big
mouthful of wine. "People who will obey and do as they are told.
Remind you of anyone?" he asked with a brow raised.

"Yea, obviously that worked out well for them. Fuck, isn’t
that punishment enough? They fucked up and ruined the world or
whatever it is they did," she slumped back, her arms moving to
try to hide her breasts. His gaze was making her uncomfortable and
she squirmed under it.

"So what, you were a rapist murdering psycho or something so
they didn’t want you around anymore?" Made sense to her.

With a shrug he casually drank more wine, pouring himself up more
and topping off hers as well. "Something like that," he
said before reclining back and watching her, very obviously stiff
now. Though he didn’t match Grent in proportion, it was an
intimidating thing to have to be near under the circumstances.

"So the old colonists drugged us all. Made the mind slaves
you see below, and the ‘Viles’ as the others call them,"
he laughed a bit, "and now here I am, in charge of them both,"
he stated. Her stubborn refusal to soften to him seemed to be souring
his mood a little, or perhaps it was the alcohol that was aiding that
effect. "Now you still want to help ‘your people’,
do you?"

"Yes. And I’m not all that interested in helping them
serve you better to pay penance for our parents being idiots,"
she stared at him. The adrenaline was rushing through her body and
prickling her skin, and she finished off her wine once more. The heat
was pleasant, even though she knew she couldn’t escape drunk.
With Marim here, she wasn’t going to risk it.

Downing his own glass he placed it aside with hers and sat up,
leaning over and resting his hands on her thigh and shoulders. "I
want to rule the world," he said, then broke into a deep
chuckle, "well, a nice chunk of it anyhow," he rectified.

"Hence why you’ve been stealing shit," she mused,
staring at him. "If you’re going to offer me a position as
a concubine, I already turned it down once this week, just so you

Squeezing her thigh and touching beneath her chin with the other
hand he grinned wider, "Concubine? No," he chuckled.
"Princess more like it," he stated. "Far too pretty
and special to just be a concubine." With a shake of his smooth
bald head he pointed off in the distance to where the valley opened
up near the sea, "There are worse things than the Viles in this
world, Alexandra. And the people of the valley have no chance to
stand against them without being organized, united and strong."

"And you have a way to make people more afraid of whatever
else is out there worse than murdering, raping lunatics without
thought, reason, or a stitch of clothing?"

Even though she sounded sarcastic, a chill run down her spine. She
had only just learned that the Viles existed and even though she took
it in stride, the concept of more terrifying beings was something she
was unprepared to grapple with.

Nodding slowly to her he said, "Exactly. Much worse. They
don’t care to leave any of us alive," he said in a dark
foreboding voice, and strangely everything he said sounded so honest.
There was no disingenuous tone to his voice; he was serious, if
repugnant and horny for her, if the throbbing organ between those
muscled legs accounted for anything.

"I have already struck deals with the despicable Kenir Feysar
of Anagio, and soon that place will be mine," he said, his
strong hand gripping her thigh a little tighter, those thick fingers
pressing into her soft inner flesh. "In a bit of time, I’ll
have the whole valley under control."

Tilting her head towards him with his hand on her chin he looked
into her dark eyes with his own, so very similar, "Your people
could be the first to join me and my merciless army. Be the best
treated of all the normal humans like you and I."

She stared down at his hand, her skin prickling hot. She didn’t
move away this time, though her legs tightened, "You’re
going to be more clear about your terms. Wait, was I part of your
deal with him? Me and Grent?"

His brows furrowed again, and she could see the confusion there
before the name registered back in his mind. "Ah," with a
chuckle he shook his head, "no. Why? Did that old fool send you
to me?" he asked with a toothy grin.

"In a manner of speaking, yea. We.... Grent was supposed to
get the stuff taken in the raid. Kenir mentioned it to me." She
was so unnerved being around him, and she shifted a little in her

His look of amusement widened and he gave her another look over,
especially those large breasts of hers as they were exposed to the
cool night air so far above the old colony below. "Silly fool.
We had a deal, him and I," he chuckled again, "I could
offer you revenge then too. On that wrinkled old bastard. What do you

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