Vegas Love (18 page)

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Authors: Jillian Dodd

BOOK: Vegas Love
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“My family is getting together to watch a college football game. I really missed my family when I was living in Seattle and I want you to meet them.”


. That’s a really good question.”

“And do you have a really good answer?”

“I have a couple of answers. Depends on which one you want to hear.”

She squints her eyes at me. “I want to hear them both.”

“Well, the easy answer is that my sister told me I had to come because she wants to meet you.”

“And the hard answer?”

“Because I want them to meet you.”

“Really?” She starts crying and runs her hand across the shell. “You know, I think you’ve been smoothing out my edges since I met you.”

I stand, pulling her up with me, then take her to the house and kiss the hell out of her.

Which leads to a whole lot more.

We’re lying in each other’s arms in bed, after what was by far the best sex of my life. There was a tenderness to it that I’ve never felt before. It was more than just hot sex. It was like love.

Is she falling for me?

Could she already be in love with me?

Could I ever possibly be so lucky?

I’m trying not to stare at her, but it’s hard not to.

“What?” she says, busting me.


“Why are you staring at me? Is my mascara a mess?”

I brush her hair off her face. “No, I was just thinking how beautiful you are.” I slide my hand down her hip. “And trying to figure out how I got so lucky.”

She leans up and gives me a kiss. “You got lucky because you were looking to get lucky. I was drunk and an easy target. If you would have called me Hotass when I was sober, I probably would have flipped you off and walked away.”

“That would have been hot. And I totally would have followed you.”

She laughs. “It’s weird now to think that when I kissed your brother it felt all wrong. It’s almost like the universe knew that I was going to end up with you.”

“End up with me? Like forever?”

“It would definitely make for a good story, huh? A one-night stand, resulting in a marriage, and a happily ever after. Sounds like something out of the movies.”

“Maybe you should write the script. Start a production company.”

“Ha. I’m not Keatyn Douglas. I seriously don’t know how she does it.”

“I know when Cade signed her it was a really big deal.”

“And there are not very many actresses who would be in that position.”

“What do you mean?”

“When you start out, one of the hardest things to do is to get good representation. I got lucky because I landed a role first. Usually, it’s the other way around.”

“How did you end up with my brother?”

“Palmer Montlake recommended him. She told me he was smart and honest. I mostly signed with him because I thought he was really hot.”

“What? I’m crushed!”

“Hey, I was seventeen. Give me a break. When Keatyn’s agent retired and she hired your brother after interviewing practically everyone in town, I knew for sure that I made a wise decision.”

“I remember when that happened. My parents were really proud of him. Keatyn says that the reason she’s able to accomplish so much is because she surrounds herself with people she trusts.”

“You and your brother are helping me get to that point. I’m very grateful for your help with my manager and publicist. Although, I’m not sure what I’m going to do now. Brandi was more than just a publicist. She managed my schedule, arranged my travel, and made sure I had milk in the house.”

“Cade was going to talk to Vanessa Flanning for you. He says she’s the best.”

“She is. She handles publicity for Keatyn Douglas, Captive Films, and recently took on Jennifer Edwards too.”

“They are all my brother’s clients, so hopefully she will add you to her roster. But she’s probably not going to get you milk. I think you need an assistant.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. Someone young and fun who is meticulous and can keep me on schedule. So, what time do we have to be at your parents’ house? And what should I wear?”

I point to our clothes scattered across her bedroom floor. “I’m wearing what I had on. And I’d love to leave soon. I thought we’d take the long way. Drive down the coast.”

“That sounds fun,” she says. “I’ll go get dressed.”

A few minutes later, she comes out of her closet wearing a flirty little dress that makes her look like a co-ed.

“Will this work?” she asks as my eyes trail down her body. “Ohmigawd.”


“I feel like you’re undressing me with your eyes.”

“Probably because I am,” I say with a smirk.

“You’re bad. I’d like to know if I am dressed appropriately for meeting your parents.”

“Yes, you are.” I pull her down on the bed with me, giving her a kiss.

“Get up and get dressed, or I’m going to end up back in bed with nothing on.”

“That’s very tempting,” I say. “But we better get going.”

As I’m throwing on my clothes, I tell her, “I need to buy a car soon.”

“Is the Escalade not yours?”

“No, Carter is letting me use it. I sold my car to a friend in Seattle. Figured it was one less thing to have to deal with, but I’m already sick of parking that big bitch.”

“You can borrow one of mine,” she says with a grin.

of yours? Just how many cars do you have?”

She bites the edge of her lip. It’s sexy as hell. “Four.” She grabs my hand, pulls me to her garage, flips on a light, and says, “Pick one.”

“Oh, wow. You have good taste. I gotta warn you, though. I wreck cars.” I hold up my hands. “Actually, I don’t wreck—people crash into me.”

“Hmm, well then you probably shouldn’t drive this one.” She carefully sets her hand on the hood of a pristine, white, late eighties Trans Am GTA with a big gold bird on the hood, matching gold rims, and T-tops.

“Tell me about this car,” I say, pulling her into my arms. “What made you buy it?” Emotions cross her face, so I give her a hug. “You don’t have to tell me.”

“No, it’s okay. I love all my cars, but this one is special. My dad was driving my mom’s car in the accident that took his life. His car was just like this. I remember he was so proud of it.” She shakes her head. “It sounds stupid, but when I missed him, I would go sit in the garage in his car. One time, I fell asleep in it and my mom was so upset because she couldn’t find me. She sold the car not long after that. It took me years to find one in such good condition.”

I run my hand through her hair and kiss her temple. “If I tell you something, do you promise not to freak out?”


“Ashlyn, I don’t just Vegas love you.”

Tears immediately fill her beautiful eyes and she lays her head on my shoulder. “I don’t just Vegas love you either.”

I hold her tightly for a few minutes, wishing I could hold her like this forever. I want her to know how wonderful she is. I want her to know I’m going to protect her and be there for her no matter what life throws at her. But after all she’s been through, I don’t know if she would believe me.

So I just keep hugging her.

When she finally pulls back, I say, “Tell me about the other cars. What made you choose them?”

She stays wrapped in my arms and points. “The silver Bentley is my latest purchase and is from your brother’s influence. I fell in lust with his and when I got a big residual check, I splurged. The Mercedes convertible, I bought when I signed my first million dollar contract.”

“Look at the lines on this car. It’s long, lean, and luxurious, but the back end
t’s a damn good view. This car has a hot ass just like you.”

She giggles and then says, “You’re silly. And the Jeep I bought when I moved to the beach. It’s my second favorite. I had visions of driving around with the top down all the time, which I never do because of the paparazzi. So which one do you want to drive to your parents’ house?”

“The Jeep, for sure.”


“Yeah, and we’re taking the top off. Fuck the paparazzi. Besides, we’re not going to be doing anything exciting. And you look beautiful so, as far as I’m concerned, they can take all the pictures they want.”

She grins and gives me a kiss. “You take the top off and I’ll go get my bag.”

As she starts to pull away, I hold tight. “Not so fast, Hotass. I’m taking the doors off too.”

“Really? That sounds dangerous. Like, I’ll feel like I’m going to fall out.”

“I won’t let you fall.”

“You’ll be driving.”

“I’d still catch you.” I kiss her nose. “When we’re at my parents’ house, I’d like for you to talk to my dad about your business. I know Cade has given you advice and I have my own opinion, but Dad’s been in the industry for a long time and has seen it all. I think you would benefit from his expertise.”

“What does your dad do?”

“He’s retired now, but he was the Chief Legal Officer at one of the big studios. He worked long hours and was always on call—but he managed to come to almost all of our games. And we all ate dinner together on Sundays, no matter what.”

“You’re lucky you have such a great family. So, you said that you have your own opinion. What’s your opinion?”

“What really matters, Hotass, is
opinion. I’ll support whatever you choose, but the key is that you start choosing what you think is right. Not what your manager thinks, not what your agent thinks. What
think. Kind of like how I chose which car to drive.”

She scrunches up her perfect little nose. “How does that even compare?”

“Because you thought I’d go for the Bentley or the Mercedes, didn’t you?”

“Honestly, yes. Why did you pick the Jeep?”

“I went with my gut feeling. Chose the one that felt like the most fun. And I’m glad I did. Because I need to teach you to live a little.”

“Your brother says I’ve been
too much lately.”

“Have you, though?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll show you in the car.”


I let go of her and give her ass a little spank. “Get your bag and let’s go.”

While she does that, I quickly put the canvas top down then start taking off the doors. I find mesh doors rolled up in the back and put them on, completely changing how the Jeep looks.

When she comes out of the house, she’s changed her look too. She’s still wearing the flirty little dress, but now has her hair in an adorable messy braid and is wearing heart-shaped sunglasses.

She’s so cute, it makes my heart hurt. I am in so freaking deep with this girl.

We drive down the coast toward my parents’ house with the radio blaring. She’s happily singing and my hand is happily resting on her thigh.

On a whim, I pull into a fast food restaurant drive-thru lane.

“What are you doing?”

“Thought we could get a burger.”

“Aren’t we going to your parents’ to eat?”

“Yes, but we won’t actually eat until later.”

She beams at me, like I just made her day. Or, maybe, her year.

While we’re waiting to pick up our order, some girls see her and go, “Ohmigawd! It’s Ashlyn Roberts!”

She waves at them and the girls rush over. “Ohmigawd! We don’t want to interrupt, but can we take a picture with you?”

“Sure,” she says, smiling. When they lean together, I can’t help but photo bomb them, sticking my tongue out and holding my fingers above their heads.

“Do we look good?” Ashlyn asks them. They hold out the phone and show her the photo. She bursts out laughing and punches me. “That’s the best thing ever.”

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