VampireMine (16 page)

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Authors: Aline Hunter

BOOK: VampireMine
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“What?” Diskant snapped in disbelief. “You’ve got to be
shitting me. Can’t it wait?”

“No.” Kinsley’s mood switched, going from calm to
aggressive. “I’ve helped you as much as I can. Those are my terms. Take them or
leave them.”

It was rude to interrupt but Trey didn’t give a shit.

Fuck manners

“You told Diskant this has happened before.” Trey hurried to
ask the questions he needed answers for. “How do you know that?”

“I just do. I know a lot of things.” Kinsley took a step
back from Diskant, although he kept his attention on the Omega. “There are
shifters on the West Coast with vampire mates. Most shifters prefer not to talk
about it. You have to learn when and where to ask the right questions. Timing
and location are everything.”

That made sense. Even if a pack accepted a vampire due to a
mating, they weren’t likely to advertise it. And Kinsley had been around longer
than any of them. If anyone knew what was what it was Mr. MacGregor.

“What was the fallout?” Trey asked. There had to have been
some. He wanted to be prepared.

“I don’t know the story for every situation but I can tell
you about one in particular. Some members of the pack left after their Alpha
mated with a vampire, but most stayed.”

“An Alpha?” Trey couldn’t believe it. News like that would
travel, even if a pack tried to keep it quiet. A normal pack member might have
issues introducing a vampire mate to his group but an Alpha was—at least Trey
thought—unheard of.

“You’re wondering how they’ve kept it a secret. It’s
understandable.” Kinsley nodded at Diskant, gave Ava another smile and turned
to Trey. “They struck a bargain. Everyone swore to stay silent on the matter.
The Alpha’s scent covered the female so it threw most shifters off her scent.
Even if they thought something was off, they didn’t know what it was for sure.
And there’s something else.”

Kinsley strode from Diskant to Trey. The big male came
close, standing mere inches away. He met Trey’s gaze, relating the importance
of what he was about to share.

“The Alpha agreed that if his female ever used their mated
connection against the pack, they had his blessing to kill them both. He gave
them serious leverage in order to gain their trust. You’ll need to do the same.
Face your kin. Tell them what you’re willing to sacrifice in order to keep what’s
yours. Have Diskant give his word that he’ll hunt the two of you down if things
go sour. They know he’ll do it if he has to.”

Fuck. It’d never happen.

“I can’t do that.” He wouldn’t let anyone harm Sadie, no
matter what she did.

“You can and will.” Kinsley’s eyes shifted to the shifter
who’d accompanied him. The man gave Kinsley a nod and walked from the room.
“You can’t have your cake and eat it too,” Kinsley said softly. For a moment,
Trey though he saw a glimmer of pain in the man’s eyes. “I understand there are
things you want to do and then there are things you have to do. You’re going to
have to make your priorities clear. The pack won’t respect you if you don’t.”

“They might not respect me anyway.”

Even if Trey came to them with sincerity, the shifters in
his pack could turn their backs on him, shunning him completely. He’d always
been part of a pack. The thought of being on the outside looking in devastated
him. And even if they didn’t want his help, they needed it. Shepherds would
return and unleash their own brand of hell. Shifters would suffer mercilessly
before they were killed.

Kinsley stepped to the side, dismissing Trey as he started
to walk away.

“Then give them a reason to. The ball’s in your court.”

Trey remained in the same spot, mulling over Kinsley’s
advice. In the meantime Kinsley exited the room, his footsteps fading as he
left the house.

Could he actually promise something like that to his pack?
Effectively putting a target on Sadie’s back? He knew she couldn’t survive
without him, so even if he offered his own life it would end hers as well.
Which was better? A quick death? Or a slow, miserable one?

“Ava, baby,” Diskant whispered. “Would you get Cade?”

“Of course I will.” There was an enormous amount of love in
the words, Ava’s adoration evident. She padded over to Diskant and kissed him
on the cheek. “He’s in the kitchen. I’ll make everyone something to eat while
I’m there.”

Nathan hovered in the doorway and watched Ava leave. Once
she’d gone he moved to the center of the room and looked at Diskant.

“If you have any respect for me,” he said, “you’ll let me
make decisions when it comes to Leigh. I’m not letting her leave without me.
Where she goes, I go.”

“I’m thinking she needs a bit of space from you.” Diskant
wasn’t cruel, only honest. “I know it’s not easy but you need to give her room
to breathe.”

Nathan’s low growl hummed through the room. “I can’t protect
her if I’m not with her.”

“I sent Cade to help someone a while back. The people who
asked for our aid owe me a favor. If they’ll take Leigh, they can protect her.
Believe me when I say they have more firepower than we’ll ever have.” Diskant’s
face softened, his compassion shining through. “You can accompany Leigh if she
goes. But I’m warning you that these people don’t care much for shifters.
You’re going to have to back off a little. Give your female time to heal.
You’ll smother her if you’re not careful and she’ll resent you for it.”

“You called?” Cade snarked as he graced everyone with his

“We have to move Leigh. It’s too dangerous to keep her here.
If I can swing it we’re going to keep her hidden by the enclave in New

Maybe his eyes were deceiving him but Trey thought he
glimpsed a flash of nervousness in Cade’s gaze. As he usually did, Cade quickly
masked his emotions. The man didn’t want anyone to know how he felt—good or

“What does that have to do with me?”

“I’ll need you to take Leigh there and make sure she’s
settled. As soon as you get back I’ll get the information you want. You’ll be
free to go and do your thing. I’m giving you my word. You can break from the
pack completely or you can return. It’s entirely up to you.”

Trey’s head bolted up and he stared at Diskant in confusion.
They’d planned to have Cade stay at the firehouse to calm the pack’s possible
angst. Apparently Diskant felt it was necessary to change their strategy. Which
begged the question—who would protect the city? The pack needed an Alpha or
Beta nearby in order to feel safe.

“All right,” Cade said, nodding. The man was so eager to get
the job done he was almost brimming with anticipation. He was about to get the
revenge he’d wanted for so long. “When do we leave?”

“I’m not sure. Soon, hopefully,” Diskant replied, peering
over at Nathan. “Come with me. We’ll need to sort out the details.”

The Omega and Beta swept from the room, leaving Cade and
Trey alone.

In the last few months the men had developed a strange kind
of bond. It might be stretching it but Trey felt like the man actually
considered Trey a friend. On a rare occasion they exchanged jokes and barbs.
Beneath his rough exterior Cade was still a man with a huge heart. Trey knew
that better than anyone. After Mary had come along Cade had backed her up more
than once. He’d taken the wounded woman under his wing, ready to take on anyone
in the pack to protect her, even if Mary and Emory hadn’t known it.

“It’s finally happening,” Trey said. “You’re going to get
what you want.”

“That’s the thing.” Cade didn’t look at Trey, keeping his
eyes forward. “I’m not sure…now that the moment’s here…” Cade shook his head.
“It doesn’t matter.” The smile he gave Trey was forced. “Let’s not talk about
me. Are you going to be okay? Without me watching your back you’re liable to
get your ass kicked.”

“I might,” Trey admitted. “But then again I might not.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much.” Cade cracked his neck and
sighed. “I’ve seen what that woman of yours can do. If the shit hits the fan,
take cover behind her. I’m sure she’ll demolish whatever comes at you.”

“Fuck that.” He’d never cower behind a female. “If anyone
takes cover it’ll be her.”

Trey took a moment to really look at Cade. Something was
bothering the male.

“What’s eating your goat?” Cade tried to blow him off but
Trey wouldn’t relent, prodding, “Talk to me.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”


Cade narrowed his eyes, finally gazing at Trey. “Are we
having a girly moment?”

“If you want to call it that.”
So far, so good.
might look angry but he was being sarcastic. A positive sign. “You’re going to
be leaving. No sense in keeping what you need to say bottled up.”

Cade averted his gaze. “It’s not easy to put what I’m
thinking into words.”

“Are you worried you won’t be able to do it?” Trey knew Cade
wanted to kill the people who’d murdered his family, but wanting and doing were
two different things. “Are you having second thoughts?”

“Fuck no,” Cade snarled, staring Trey in the eye. “When I
find them, they’re dead.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

The hatred washed from Cade’s face, his brows smoothing out.
“When it’s done, I have to decide what comes after. I’ve wanted this for so
long, I haven’t thought about what comes next.”

“You go on living.” Trey rested a hand on Cade’s shoulder.
“You owe it to the memory of your family. Your wife wouldn’t have wanted any of
this for you.”

A small laugh escaped Cade. “Andrea would beat my ass.” With
a sigh, he confessed, “After she died, I took comfort in thinking she was
watching over me. Then I started hoping she wasn’t. I didn’t want her to see
the things I did. I never want her to know what kind of man I’ve become.” There
was a slight hesitation before Cade said, “Not too long ago I met someone. I
didn’t think it was possible but for a little while I was able to think about
something else.”

“That’s not a bad thing.” Trey tried to think of who Cade
might have met outside the pack. He couldn’t tell if Cade was talking about a
man or a woman. Taking a chance, he asked, “Who is she?”

“That,” Cade straightened his shoulders and put on his
hard-ass façade again, “is none of your fucking business.”

Trey had his answer. It was a female.

There wasn’t any sense in pushing. Cade wasn’t saying
anything else. Trey accepted what he’d been given, pulling his hand away. “I
feel sorry for her, whoever she is. You are an enormous pain in the ass.”

“Should we go find your majesty and see if he needs us?”

Cade was finished. No more talking. Back to business.

“I suppose we should.”

As they exited the room Trey let Cade take the lead. He
watched him closely, wondering how things would pan out. Once upon a time he’d
wanted the human to stay the hell away from the pack. Now he loathed the idea
of Cade leaving. Maybe it was for the best. The tortured soul had to defeat his
demons. If he didn’t he’d never find any measure of peace.

He tried to picture the woman who’d broken Caden Stone’s

She’d have to be feisty and strong-willed. The females in
the pack had taken to Cade because they sensed the dominance in him. A weaker
woman would likely run in the other direction.

The last twenty-four hours he’d wished for a lot of
things—safety for Sadie, a way to defend his pack, the promise of a brighter
tomorrow—so he wasn’t surprised when he sent another request to whatever it was
that decided the future. If fate would be kind enough he hoped Cade would find
his way back to the female who’d impacted his life even if only for a short
period of time.

If anyone deserved a second chance, it was the human who’d
lost everything.

Chapter Twelve


Before Sadie ventured on a hunt, she often took time to
prepare. Usually she phased to one of the private apartments she rented
throughout the world, meditated and used her surroundings to get into the right
state of mind. She’d thought she’d be able to do that this time around but the
minute she’d appeared inside her New York hideaway she’d known she’d been

It wasn’t possible to ease into a relaxed state.

Not when she kept thinking about Trey.

She hurried into the bedroom. The air was stale, the dust
tickling her nose. She hadn’t ventured to the apartment in months and it showed.
Rushing past the bed to the closet, she snatched an overnight bag from the
floor. She didn’t bother looking at what she retrieved, shoving garments inside
the pouch. She wanted a shower in the worst way. In order to have one she had
to haul ass. She’d promised Trey she wouldn’t take long.

Goddess, things are happening too fast.

She reenacted the previous hour’s events in her head.

Before she’d left she’d had to talk to Leigh. The
conversation had gone better than Sadie’d expected. Leigh had finally calmed
down and willingly talked things through. Sadie had known it was due to Leigh’s
fear for the mortal man she’d once loved but Sadie didn’t mention that. They’d
focused on the facts, keeping things in perspective. Leigh hadn’t mentioned
Nathan and neither had Sadie.

They’d cross that bridge soon enough.

Once Leigh had been dealt with, she’d used her senses to
find Trey.

Everyone had holed up in a large office, listening as
Diskant told them what he wanted to do. An enclave in Louisiana had agreed to
take Leigh. Nathan and Cade were accompanying her to North Carolina, where
they’d meet their contact. Once there the men would sever all communication. It
was safest in the event Aldon could read their thoughts and figure out
precisely where they were hiding.

Then there was the issue with the pack.

Diskant had spoken briefly with Zach. Although Diskant
hadn’t been able to share all the details over the phone, the man had agreed to
help in any capacity the Omega wanted. Diskant wasn’t sure if Zach would
continue to offer his support when he knew everything but Diskant decided to
wait and see what happened before he planned his next move. First and foremost
he had to think about how the pack would react to Trey’s mating.

The thought brought Sadie back to the present.

She took a deep breath and turned her head, gazing out a
window. The sun was setting, soon the pack would arrive. She had to hurry back.
The decision had been made. Trey was going to step out with Sadie by his side.
He’d tell them he’d mated with her and give any males the opportunity to
challenge him for his position as Alpha. If that happened it came down to
whether Trey won or lost. If it didn’t the females would have the chance to
take Sadie down a peg.

Or—worst case—the pack might attack and take them both out.

Diskant couldn’t be certain it wouldn’t happen. He had power
over the pack’s beasts but there were a lot of people to influence. Sadie knew
Ava could assist him but Sadie wasn’t entirely sure the woman had the strength.
Ava was clearly powerful, easing in and out of minds at will. But she was also
pregnant and anxious. In order to manipulate thoughts you needed a clear head,
without emotions muddling things.

Maybe knowing they can kill you will make them happy.

She’d been calm when Diskant had gone over that part but
Trey had shifted uneasily beside her, the arm he’d placed around her midsection
tightening. He hadn’t liked the idea at all. She’d calmed him with a gentle
caress, sliding her fingers over his hand. He hadn’t spoken up but she knew he
wasn’t happy. How could he be? If the roles were reversed she’d never have
allowed anyone to threaten him.

Speaking of threatening…

She’d taken a lot of time to think about Geneva and the

They weren’t her priority or problem anymore but something
about what had transpired nagged at her. Geneva had been so intent on Aldon,
almost like his death was more of a mission. It wasn’t just about him as a
danger. For Geneva it had to be personal. At least Sadie’d gotten Leigh out.
She had no idea what Geneva had in store but she did know Leigh didn’t need to
take any part in it.

Thinking about all the blood she had on her hands—blood
Geneva had put there—made Sadie sick. She’d killed many people for the coven in
the past. What if some of them hadn’t done anything wrong? What if she’d done
as she’d been instructed because she hadn’t known any better?

She snagged a couple of sheathed daggers for good measure
and tossed them into the bag. Then she picked up a pair of boots. She carried
them into the bedroom, retrieved fresh underwear from her drawer and jolted for
the bathroom as she stuffed them into the carrier. She managed to move
everything to one arm in order to toss soap, shampoo and other necessities on
top of her clothing. Her eyes drifted to the shower.

Goddess, she felt dirty. One hot, steamy fix was all she

The problem was she wanted all six-foot-plus inches of Trey
in that shower with her. She wanted to tease him beneath the strong pulses of
the water, using her tongue as she slid his cock to the back of her throat.
Just imagining the pleasure on his face got her hot and bothered. Instantly her
nipples pebbled and her pussy spasmed. She’d thought that once she’d had him
her lust would relent but she’d been wrong. She wanted him more than ever.

To hell with it.

She called on her magic, pulling more energy in order to
bring the objects along with her. It bled over her, white-hot and burning. She
accepted the bite of energy, knowing she needed it. She wasn’t able to phase
with another person but she’d mastered the art of carrying a sword and other
things if necessary. In a blink she phased back to the bedroom Ava had given

Trey stood in the center of the room, his head darting up
when she appeared.

“That took long enough,” he snarled, advancing on her.

Dropping her belongings to the floor, she reached for him.
“I wasn’t even gone five minutes.”

“One minute is too long.”

He kissed her, his tongue delving past her lips.

Yes. This was what she wanted.

She placed her arms on his shoulders and stepped backward.
Somehow she guided him into the bathroom. Thankfully Ava had thought ahead,
giving them one of the larger rooms. With Trey around, Sadie’d probably need
it. When they weren’t in bed they’d be washing away the evidence of their play.
They were already like a pair of rabbits, jumping on each other every chance
they could.

“You’re feeling dirty, aren’t you?” Trey whispered, his
words a heavy growl. “I like it when you feel dirty, darlin’. It gets me harder
than hell.” He clasped his fingers around her wrist and brought her hand to his
crotch. His cock was thick and stiff, straining against his jeans. “Do you feel
what you do to me?” His lips brushed past her mouth and he nipped at her neck.
“I want to be inside you so bad, baby. I want to feel that hot, wet pussy of
yours all around me.”

“A dirty talker, are you?” She moaned and arched her back,
pushing her breasts to his chest. She liked a man who spoke his mind. Some
women might have been offended by the coarse language but she wasn’t. She liked
hearing how much she excited him. It was its own kind of turn-on.

“For the most part, but I can be romantic when the mood
calls for it.”

She released his cock and brought her hands up, fisting her
fingers in his hair. He lifted his head and their eyes met. She loved his
irises, how they shifted color from light to dark. Right now they were a
beautiful shade of gold, the color stark against his tanned skin.

“I’m not in the mood for romantic. Are you?”

“Hell no.” He went at her clothing, tearing the shirt from
her back. “I want to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk straight. I’m
going to make sure you’re so sore you won’t be able to stop thinking about me
and what I’ve done to you.”

“Barbarian,” she teased. “Isn’t the mark enough?”

“No, it’s not.” He stopped undoing her pants and gazed at
her. “I want every single thing you have to offer. I won’t stop until you’re
mine in every way. All of you, darlin’. I’m going to have all of you.”

Her heartbeat accelerated, breaths coming hard and fast. She
knew what he meant. He wasn’t going to simply fuck her. That would be too easy.
He wanted to completely master her, taking her in a way she wouldn’t be able to
forget. The thought of his cock in her ass got her even wetter. Her clit
throbbed, her pussy so slick she felt the moisture drenching her panties. She
was no novice to anal sex. Although it wasn’t entirely without pleasure, it had
never been her thing either.

She had a feeling Trey was about to change all that.

“What are you waiting for?”

Her leather pants suffered for the question. Trey showed
them the same courtesy he had her shirt. He was careful enough not to hurt her
but he didn’t give a shit about the material. She stood there, letting him
work. She’d never had a man this eager for her. Ripping at her clothing, so
wild all he could think about was sinking his length inside her. As he finished
undressing her, she searched the room. To her relief she saw the nearby shelf
had everything they needed.

“Ditch your clothes.” She bit her lip when he snarled, trying
not to laugh. “I’ll meet you in the shower.”

He didn’t like the idea—the way he glowered at her made it
clear—but he didn’t waste a moment arguing. She used the seconds she had to get
the water running, collect the shampoo, soap and baby oil. When she had them
resting on the edge of the tub she stepped over the rim and shoved the curtain
aside. She stepped into the spray, soaking her head. The hot water felt like
heaven against her skin, cleaning away everything from the past few weeks. She
felt Trey behind her, was aware of his large body as he clutched her hips and
brought her back. His cock glided between the globes of her ass, the shaft hard
and unrelenting.

“Turn around, baby.”

He lifted her right leg as she did as he said, resting her
foot on the edge of the tub. She stared at his body, appreciating the corded
muscles, taking in the tattooed skin that traveled from his shoulder to his
wrist. A tribal design, a combination of animals merged together. The other arm
wasn’t as carefully adorned, a swirling design resting over his upper biceps.
Her people prayed to the Goddess of Healing but she wondered who’d been
responsible for Trey’s creation. Whoever it was had achieved perfection. His
features, dark hair and glowing skin were absolutely flawless.

He sank to his knees and brought his lips to her cleft. “You
smell so fucking good.” His tongue teased her clit, swirling around the
sensitive nub. “I’m going to eat you up.”

“Do it.” Dirty talk was well and good but the actual thing
was even better. “Do it now.”

She threw her head back, grasping at the shower curtain and
wall. He decided not to torment her, swiping his tongue from the mouth of her
pussy to the tip of her clitoris. She curled her toes around the edge of the
tub, trying to keep her balance. The man was a fucking artist with his mouth,
painting designs only he could see. He lapped at her slit and pressed two thick
fingers inside her, stopping when his hand was flush against her sex. She
thrust her hips forward, grinding her clit against his thumb.

“Fuck yes. Just like that,” he encouraged against her tingly
flesh, licking at her every couple of words. “Ride my hand. Take what you

It was easier to ignore the pressure in her gums. The sight
didn’t bother Trey and it was her nature. She simply allowed her fangs to drop,
immersed in raw sensation. She undulated against him, groaning when his fingers
hit the sweet spot inside her. The water drifted down her skin, steaming the
air around them. Stray strands of hair tickled her back, sweeping toward her
buttocks as she swayed back and forth.

“Perfect,” Trey rasped. She lowered her head, watching as he
laved his tongue over her pussy. The visual ramped up the tension, fueling the
heat. “Exactly like that. Come for me, baby.”

His lips surrounded her clit and he sucked—hard.

The pressure in her abdomen bubbled over like shaken
champagne. She whimpered, allowing the climax to wash over her. She was
grateful he was there to hold her because the one leg keeping her up wobbled,
her muscles going weak. He didn’t stop loving her with his mouth or fingers,
using his free arm to help her stand. He cupped her ass, keeping her stable
until she found her balance. Still he kept going, wringing every last bit of
ecstasy from her.

It’s his turn.

Shaky and out of breath, she lowered her foot and started to
sink to her knees to reciprocate. He stopped her, slipping his fingers from her
wet depths.

“Not yet,” he murmured, licking his fingers clean. “I want
to take care of you this time.”

Talk about shifting gears.

He’d gotten her revved up only to slow her down.

She almost fought him over it, ready for more. His chest
rubbed against hers, sending a prickle of electricity through her nipples. Then
she felt his hands easing over her back, aiding the water in cleansing her skin.
He massaged the muscles of her lower back, his large, capable hands working
miracles. She could practically feel those talented fingers skimming over her
body, tracing across every soft contour.

She kept that in mind when he retrieved the soap and washcloth
she’d placed on the edge of the tub. He did what she’d hoped for, starting at
her feet, working his way up. He paid careful attention to the apex of her
thighs, soothing the skin with gentle swipes of the cloth. Once he’d finished
he abandoned the cloth and used his hands. Sudsing her up with his palms,
cupping the weight of her breasts when he reached her chest.

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