VampireMine (6 page)

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Authors: Aline Hunter

BOOK: VampireMine
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For added effect, she also gave him brief portions of
Leigh’s past and how much the young vampire had suffered following her change,
including the pain and heartbreak Leigh had yet to overcome.

Someone snatched her away from Diskant. Her yelp of alarm
carried through the open area. She hit the ground as she spun, driven away from
the Omega. Lifting her head, she saw Trey crouch in front of her. His growl was
feral, his fingernails forming into claws. Diskant looked like he’d been
waylaid with a dummy stick. Swaying on his feet, he shook his head.

“No way,” Diskant murmured, “not possible.”

“She showed you the truth.” Ava sounded shaken. Chancing a
glance at her, Sadie saw Ava had paled. “Think about it. The night we met you
saved me from vampires. We never knew why. Then the locket and Thomas…it makes

“Thomas?” Sadie had to ask, determined to put the puzzle
pieces in place.

“My brother,” Ava sighed and raked a trembling hand through
her hair. “I don’t have the necklace. He took it when he left town.”

“He took it?” Horror, disbelief and terror poured over her.
“Where did he go?”

“We don’t know.” Ava reached for Diskant and in an instant
he was there, wrapping an arm around her. She leaned against him, revealing
just how small she was in comparison. “He disappeared. We were going to hire an
investigator but I decided it wouldn’t matter. Thomas is Thomas. He does what
he wants, when he wants. If he doesn’t want to be found, he won’t be.”

He doesn’t want to be found.

There was one way to find him, whether Thomas liked it or

Just like that—click-click-boom—Sadie saw the future.

The visual made her stomach churn.

Leigh could locate a person using a personal possession.
Aldon had learned Leigh was capable of doing so the moment he’d taken Sadie’s

No wonder he’d taken her captive.

Sadie was the only real friend Leigh had. As such, Aldon had
known Leigh would come to rescue her. Then he’d have everything he needed to
find Thomas and locate the zephyr.

Hell in a handbasket.

She looked at Ava as she made it to her feet. Trey did the
same, shuffling back as he did. He stopped at her side and she reached for his
hand. He wrapped his fingers around hers, his grip tight. She let the touch
settle her before she walked toward Ava, extending her free hand.

There was more information to share, things Ava needed to

“Don’t you fucking think about it!” Diskant yelled.

“Stop.” Ava soothed the wild man with a simple touch,
reaching out to Sadie as she did. “If she has something to show me, it’s my
right to see it.”

“Him too.” Sadie’s gaze ventured to the Omega, her eyes
flitting over his huge form. “Create a link. We’ll seal the circle. He needs to
know as well.”

Diskant’s snarl of warning didn’t deter Sadie. She didn’t
stop until her palm met Ava’s. Their minds merged—Sadie’s, Trey’s, Ava’s and
Diskant’s. As usual, Sadie felt disoriented and off balance. The present time
no longer mattered. They were stuck in a vortex of the mind, everyone’s
thoughts churning together. She concentrated and called on her magic, using it
to settle those trapped in her head.

Clarity. Warmth. Reason. Purpose.

Yes, this was comforting. This was the center she needed to

She felt the familiar, warming glow of her power and showed
them what to expect, recalling pictures of Rainbow City. The entire population
had been destroyed in hours by a pestilence demon—one that had been conjured
using a zephyr. Unseen, the demon had done its work. Bloodied bodies, eaten
away as a virus ravaged them one by one. All it had taken was the presence of
the beast, one who drew power from the sickness it inflicted.

Her strength started fading, the product of mentally sharing
so much with so many.

There was so little time and so much to tell.

She did her work as quickly as possible, thinking of the
images she’d been shown of the Fallen—vampires who embraced the dark side of
their magic. Powerful, radiant and stunning, the Fallen were stronger than most
of their supernatural counterparts. The last time they’d risen to power the
world had faced the Third Pandemic. Millions had died, suffering what they
thought to be the plague. If her kind hadn’t intervened—assisted by those they
usually considered enemies such as shifters, witches and warlockes—the taint
would have spread.

Aldon isn’t of the light. He’ll kill us all,
” she
conveyed telepathically, swaying as her magic dissipated. “
Vampires and
Shepherds are the least of your concerns. If he gets what he’s after everyone
you love is doomed. There won’t be a tomorrow to look forward to.

Her legs buckled but she never hit the ground. Solid arms
scooped her up. She went willingly, content when she felt Trey’s solid chest
and capable arms holding her tight. She took comfort in his scent, letting him
be the strong one for once. After today, none of them would be safe. Aldon had
started the game, one he intended to finish.

There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

It could very well be the end of days.


Trey tried to keep his shit together as he held Sadie. What
he’d just seen—how Sadie had just fucking shared what she knew—rocked the
ground beneath his feet. Diskant and Ava looked equally shaken. He could scent
Ava’s fear as it poured from her. The acrid smell of Diskant’s rage scorched
his nose.

“Get back to your posts and keep your eyes open.” Diskant
snapped out of it, barking the order to his guards. With a sideways look at
Nathan he added, “Call Cade. Tell him to cancel the pack meeting. If he asks
questions, don’t give him answers. Tell him to close shop and get his ass over
here.” He turned his head, gazing at Trey. “As for you two. Bring her inside.
It appears we do have a lot of shit to talk about.”

Nathan returned to the Camaro, retrieving a phone from his
jacket as he left. Diskant kept his arm around Ava as he led them to another
fence that surrounded the house. He punched a code into a numerical lock
system, opened the gate and ushered everyone inside. A set of back doors opened
and Emory appeared, his mate Mary right behind him.

Thank fucking God.

As brothers, Trey and Emory had faced some issues. But now,
with Emory mated, things had finally settled into place. Apprehension filled
the air and Emory gave Trey a level stare. He met his brother’s eyes and tried
to communicate his need for backup, hoping his brother could read between the
lines. He hadn’t told Emory about Sadie, worried about his brother’s reaction
to his mating with a vampire.

At that moment it felt stupid to have kept something so
important to himself.

“What’s up?” Emory asked, standing so Mary remained
protected behind him.

“Get back inside.” Diskant motioned to Emory and Mary,
indicating they should move with a wave. “It’s not safe out here.”

Do you think they understand how important this is?

It took Trey a second to comprehend Sadie was communicating
with him telepathically, keeping the conversation between the two of them. He
turned his full attention to her, peering down. Her brilliant blue eyes met
his. He wasn’t entirely sure how it worked, so he simply thought back to her.


” She sounded so tired. He wanted to take her
to bed, shield her in his arms and watch over her as she got the rest she
obviously needed. Her lips curved slightly at the corners into a small, knowing
smile. “
I’m not sleepy, just drained.
” There was laughter in the
thought. “
I’ll be back to fighting form in a little while.

I don’t want you in fighting form.

The thought of her fighting for her life, facing Aldon on
her own…

He growled and lifted his head to find everyone staring at
him. He swiftly lowered his head, cursing himself. They didn’t know he had been
talking to Sadie. How could they? He probably appeared totally unhinged in
their eyes, likely to go off at any second. Hopefully they thought the attitude
was normal.

Newly mated males were known to be pissy.

Diskant urged Ava into the nearest recliner. “Get off your
feet, Ava mine,” he whispered, stroking her hair.

She didn’t protest, settling into the plush furniture with a
sigh. She’d gotten past the first trimester of pregnancy and her constant
fatigue worried the Omega more often than not. It was the reason Diskant had
returned the status of Alpha of the pack to Trey—so he could ensure Ava carried
and delivered their child without any undue stress.

So much for that.

Trey took a seat on the sofa, keeping Sadie nestled against
him. She sighed and rested her head beneath his chin. Her exhaustion beat at
him. His brave little mate was more delicate than she thought. Good thing he’d
found her. She wouldn’t have to face the world alone. He’d keep her safe. Make
her happy. No more fuckups. No more stupid mistakes brought on by his
stubbornness and dedication to the pack. Since he’d come to Diskant, the cat was
officially out of the bag. He wouldn’t take back his claim on her—even if he
could—no matter if it cost him everything.

Emory had taken Mary to the fireplace. She rolled her eyes
when, once again, he placed her behind him. She wrapped her hand around his arm
and stepped in beside him. The glare he gave her promised a future punishment
but she didn’t seem fazed. Instead she smiled at him, her doe-brown eyes
brimming with love.

An invisible fist squeezed Trey’s heart.

If Sadie had any love for him before, had he destroyed it?
Had his dumb ass managed to ruin the only good thing he’d ever have in his
life? He ran his hand over her head, enjoying the feel of her hair against his
palm. It was going to be hell gaining her trust. Women had the memory of elephants.
Even if she forgave, she’d never forget.

Fuck me.

Keep thinking such sweet things and I just might,

Sadie purred in his head.

Son of a bitch. Fuck me twice.

Sneaking around in my head, are you?
” he thought
back, wanting to give her ass a hard slap for the intrusion. Not because he
minded—her awareness of how he felt would give the leverage he needed. His
intentions didn’t stem from anger or agitation. The thought of her perfectly
rounded rear turning a nice shade of pink from a few well-aimed pats turned him

“Does anyone want to give me a clue about what’s going on?”
Emory asked briskly, studying Trey. “Why have you brought a vampire to our

“She’s mine, brother,” Trey growled, warning the male to
tread lightly.

“Yours?” Emory frowned and his nostrils flared as he scented
the air. “She’s a leech.”

Trey felt Sadie tense against him, Emory’s hateful words
piercing her like daggers.

“Say that again and I’ll rip you a new asshole.” And he
would, sure as shit. “I’m making it clear here and now. Vampire or not, she’s
my mate. Deal with it or get the fuck out.”

“Zip it, diptwats,” Diskant muttered, shaking his head. His
eyes drifted to his mate. “Shut the fuck up. We’ve got other shit to think

“How so?” Emory might have seemed at ease but Trey knew

As a family member of Shepherds, Mary remained in a constant
state of danger. Plus Emory wasn’t stupid. Under normal circumstances Diskant
would have forced Trey to leave with Sadie. Shifters and vampires didn’t mate.
Especially not with Alphas. Yet here the Omega was, welcoming Sadie to the
fold. Emory recognized and understood that.

Smart man.

“Tell me everything,” Emory ordered.

“Fuck, I don’t even know where to start,” Diskant conceded,
lips molded into a scowl. “Ava’s brother has put another target on our asses.
We’re dealing with some heavy shit.” Moving from his mate, he started pacing.
“We’re going to have to arrange a meeting with the pack. It’s not going to go
well. First we’ll have to get them to accept Trey’s mating. Assuming they do,
we’re going to have to tell them what’s about to happen to the city. They’re
not going to take the news lightly. Most of them will probably cut and run.”

“What news?” Emory snapped and Mary shifted closer to his
side. “Answer me.”

“Remember the vampires that attacked Ava the night I found
her?” Emory nodded and Diskant said, “They were sent by someone—a master
vampire to be precise.” He glanced at Sadie and Trey before he continued, “It’s
Aldon. He’s into some deranged shit.”

Emory’s irises flashed amber as he nailed Trey with an
accusing glare. “I thought you said we could trust him.”

“I was wrong.” Talk about an understatement. He’d been more
than wrong about the vampire. He’d been stupid as hell. “He’s been planning
something big for months. I had no idea.” He rested a hand on Sadie’s thigh and
gave it a squeeze. “If it wasn’t for Sadie none of us would have known what was
happening until it was too late. He’d have taken us down with a snap of his

“Isn’t that convenient?” Emory’s livid gaze intensified,
irises becoming yellow. “Maybe you’re too blind to see what’s going on. Maybe
she’s trying to play you. That’s what vampires do. Or have you forgotten? She’s
probably not even your mate. They use magic to trick people and you’re wrapping
yourself around her finger like a pussy-whipped pup.” Emory gazed around the
room. “Am I the only one who finds all of this a tad suspicious?”

“Emory,” Diskant snarled, “Simon says shut the fuck up.”
Their Omega stopped pacing and faced Emory and Mary. “If you don’t want to have
faith in your brother then have it in me. Do you honestly think I’d have
welcomed a vampire if I didn’t have a good fucking reason? Do you honestly
think I’d put Ava or Mary in harm’s way? I’m going to tell you what’s going on,
there’s just a lot of ground to cover. I’m trying to sort this shit out in my

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