Unusual Inheritance

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Authors: Rhonda Grice

Tags: #romance, #romance 1870s, #romance action romance book series, #western action adventure romance

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Unusual Inheritance
Rhonda Grice
Kansas Prairie Series Book 1
Copyright 2014 Rhonda Grice
Chapter One

Small white boulders and piles of grey rocks
were seen from the corner of her eye. Stormy, suddenly alert,
turned the animal with a slight nudge to the ribs and headed the
short distance away from the road. This place was her last chance
to get water before continuing the remaining two miles of her trip.
She remembered the small pond, nestled behind the rocks, from when
she and her parents had come by it on their way to another near-by
town years ago. What a welcome sight it was. She would have turned
to the North from here, if she were heading to the small settlement
of Tindal. But today her mission was in another direction. Her skin
felt as if it had reached a boiling point, and cool water would
feel like heaven!

Long full branches from several trees spread
their limbs out over the water, giving her the shade she so
desperately needed. Stormy slid down from the saddle and rubbed her
behind. Three long days she had been riding, and was so ready to
plant her feet on the ground and sleep in a real bed. But for now,
the best she could do was cool off.

Squatting down by the water’s edge, her
slender hands dipped a rag into the cool inviting stream. Ah, the
coolness of it felt refreshingly good as she cleaned the dust from
the road off herself with the wet rag. She let down her hair and
brushed the long chestnut brown strands for the meeting with the
attorney, Mr. Biggs, and tied it back with a ribbon.

It wouldn't do for me to look as poor as I
really am
,” she thought out loud

Her mind began to wander to the strange
letter she’d received about some kind of inheritance, but she
quickly stopped those thoughts for now and got back to the task at
hand. The sooner she got to Possum Junction, the sooner her
questions would be answered and this would all be over. Stormy
stood by the pool of water to stretch her legs and let the gentle
breeze dry the skin where she had bathed. Time was getting away
from her, so better change clothes and be on her way, she reminded

Her only other dress had seen better days,
but at least it was clean. Quickly Stormy stripped down to her
underpants, wishing she had time to jump in the water and really
get cool. Then she heard it; the noise. Her eyes turned back to the
rock ledge and there he was, just staring at her. Before she could
cover herself, the dusty cowpoke came all the way from behind the
rocks, looking just as surprised to see her as she was him.

Stormy pulled the dress up to her bosom for a
small bit of cover. “What do you want,” she asked, scared of the

The cowpoke tipped his dusty hat at her.
“Sorry Ma’am.” A large grin spread across his thin, but
clean-shaven face as his brown eyes took her in. For a moment it
seemed they were both speechless.

Flustered, Stormy spoke in a harsh voice.
“The least you could do is turn around while I finish getting

“Sorry Ma’am.” He said softly as he

No man, other than her pa, had ever seen her
half-dressed! It was degrading…it was…well she wasn’t sure what it
was, but she didn’t like it! She hurriedly threw the dress over her
head and closed the buttons. “You can turn around now.”

He turned to face her again. “I just want to
water my horse Ma’am, if that's alright.”

“Of course it's alright. It's a free
country,” she almost hissed the words.

Undeterred by her behavior the cowboy asked.
“So what's a pretty young girl doing all alone out here in her
underpants? He pointed at the edge of her dress still caught up to
the waist on one side, a small grin doing its best not to escape
his lips.

More humiliation, Stormy thought as she
pulled her dress down where it belonged. “For your information
mister, I was just changing clothes before heading into town. How
was I supposed to know some…some peeper would show up?” Her voice
almost squeaked in agitation.

The man smiled slow and easy like, then
responded to her outburst. “Huh…a peeper?” He rubbed his chin back
and forth as if he were thinking. “Well I've been called many
things lady but never that. So don't be so uppity about
your…attributes.” He looked her up and down as he spoke. “I just
want to water my horse, like I said.” He led the horse to drink and
bent to quench his own thirst as well, ignoring those dainty hands
resting upon shapely hips as Stormy mumbled under her breath.

“Well, I don’t have to stand here and be
insulted”. Stormy mounted her horse, and rode off before the man
could say anything or ask any questions she didn't want to answer.
She had only ridden about a 100 yards before she realized that
egotistical cowboy, dirt farmer, or whatever he was, had called her
pretty. Yeah, she would admit he wasn’t hard on the eyes and smiled
for a moment. A perfect stranger thinking she was pretty. Hmmm,
maybe this ain't such a tiresome day after all!

The weather was almost unbearable as Stormy
plodded along. Her behind was throbbing and old Wobbles seemed
about ready to call it a day. Once he made up his mind to stop you
might as well be prepared to stop, because that’s the truth of it.
No doubt about it, old Wobbles had a mind of his own at times.
She’d better get to town and quick!

Stormy spent the rest of her ride reflecting
on her situation. Aunt Lucy had died, that was the reason for the
letter. She wasn't sure what all was involved in this inheritance
because the attorney indicated he needed to talk to her in person.
Truth be told she wasn't even aware she had any living relatives
until right before her momma died. Her momma had tried to get her
to make contact with Aunt Lucy, knowing she was dying, but Stormy
was too pig headed to ask for help from a strange relative she had
never known existed.

What could have happened to keep them from
speaking all these years? She may never know since both sisters are
passed on now. It was as strange as the letter she had received
instructing her to come to Possum Junction. However, if it had
something to do with her momma she would find the truth before

Her ma and pa both died of the fever a few
months apart, leaving her alone on the farm which the bank soon
took away as well. No need feeling sorry for herself, she thought.
She had managed to get a one room shack on the edge of town where
she took in laundry for folks and was able to scrimp by.
“End…of…story,” she said out loud, refusing to give in to any kind
of sadness! Stormy gave old Wobbles a little kick, hoping to end
this trip before she got so stiff she couldn’t walk.

Chapter 2

The town loomed before her and was larger
than she had expected. It was full of shops of every kind and
people coming and going. It literally bustled with activity! With a
name like Possum Junction she had expected very few buildings with
maybe some farm land on the outskirts of town. It wasn’t anything
like her Cedar Wells. It appeared she wasn’t the only one taking in
the scenery. All eyes were on her as she rode down the main street.
It's almost as if they were expecting her.

The brown sign with large white letters
caught her attention about half-way through town. Biggs, Attorney
At Law, is how it read. She may not have the best education but was
proud she could read and write better than most people she

Stormy threw one leg over to the other side
of Wobbles and slid down to the ground. She tied his reins to the
hitching post, pressed the wrinkles out of her dress the best she
could, and entered the office of Biggs, Attorney At Law.

Her eyes took in the high back chairs and an
opulent desk that dwarfed the small but tidy office of Mr. Biggs.
He saw her, rounded his chair, and met her with a smile.

“Good afternoon, Theodore Biggs at your
service Ma’am.” He extended his hand and guided her to a chair.
“Please sit,” he added.

Stormy spoke right away. “I'm Stormy Calder,
the one you sent the letter to. I'll be honest Mr. Biggs, I didn't
really know my Aunt Lucy and so I can't imagine her leaving me
anything of value. Let's just get this over with quickly. I have a
long ride back to Cedar Wells tomorrow.”

“No matter, no matter,” he brushed her
remarks aside. “The important thing is that you are here now and we
can start completing your aunts final wishes. As her attorney, I
can't rest until all this is finished. You understand, don't you my
dear?” He leaned in close, almost too close in her opinion.

“The best way for me to explain Lucy's will
is to just show you. If you will accompany me, I'll take you out to
her place to show you what she left you.” He stood up from the big
desk and walked around to where she sat.

The thought of riding anywhere didn’t appeal
to Stormy but Mr. Biggs explained they would be riding in a buggy
and not horseback so she agreed. It was only a few of miles out of
town so there was no need to wait until morning.

Biggs rambled the entire time of the journey
to Aunt Lucy's. It was as if he was nervous and didn't want to give
Stormy a chance to ask any questions. She didn't mind because she
was just bone tired and ready to eat and rest for a while. Her mind
was half way listening to Mr. Biggs until she heard him call her
name, rather sharply.

“Miss Calder, did you hear me? We are just
about there. You aunts place is just around the bend.”

Nothing could have prepared Stormy for what
she saw as the buggy rounded the large row of trees. It was as if
the heavens had opened up and rained down the most beautiful
pastures and grassy meadows she had ever seen. Yellow flowers
covered the fields until they got a little closer. It was then she
saw it. In the distance was the largest house she had ever seen.
And it wasn't empty or closed up as she had imagined. There were
men walking around the barn that was off to the West side and
horses in the corral.

The house was nestled back toward the tree
line, with a veranda that went all the way around the front and
both sides of the white two-story home. A white picket fence marked
the front yard and gave the huge place a homey feel. She knew her
mouth must be open and consciously shut it. What was going on?

With open arms she asked. “Is…is this Aunt
Lucy's place?”

“Yes, it is,” Biggs answered. “Your aunt
owned one of the largest and most successful ranches in these
parts. Of course she started it with Luther, her husband, but after
he died ten years ago she took over. Many people thought it would
go downhill, but Lucy was a smart and resourceful woman and the
ranch did better than ever these past ten years. In fact, when
Luther died I offered to buy it from her, but she wouldn’t hear of
it.” His tone a bit resentful.

The buggy came to a stop in front of the big
house and within moments she was standing in the parlor, her mouth
agape again.

“Carmen,” he called. “Carmen, we're here!”
Like magic the stout Mexican woman appeared with a huge smile on
her face.

“Welcome senorita, welcome,” she said as she
took Mr. Biggs hat.

Biggs made the introduction. “Stormy Calder,
this is Carmen. She takes care of things around here in the house
and has been here since she was a very young girl. Anything you
want to know, just ask Carmen.”

Stormy nodded, she was at a loss for words.
Finally she asked in a small voice. “Well Mr. Biggs, what is it you
brought me out here to show me? You know, what you wrote me

Mr. Biggs nodded at Carmen and she
immediately left the room, but returned quickly with a small

“Miss Calder, this is Katy Marie.” He ushered
the child forward. Both Carmen and Mr. Biggs stared at Stormy
waiting for her to say something.

Stormy looked at the child, about eight years
old she suspected and then looked at the both of them. Oh my!
Surely this wasn't...was it? Katy Marie was her inheritance? Oh no,
she thought! What would she do with a child? Just as Stormy was
about to say something the little girl spoke.

“Are you the lady who is going to take care
of me? Aunt Lucy died,” she said as the tears fell down her little
face. “I promise I’ll be good if you stay. I don't want to be alone
any more. I'm scared,” her little voice faded softly away.

Stormy's heart melted at Katy Marie's words.
Here was this slip of a little girl with long pigtails and the most
adorable freckles. But what could she do? She knew more than anyone
how it felt to be all alone, but she could barely feed herself! How
could she manage a child?

The child’s tears increased to a sob when
Stormy didn’t answer. When that happened Stormy dropped to the
child’s level and held her by the shoulders. “You are not going to
be alone Katy Marie. We will get through this together. Okay?” she
smiled at the child.

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