Until You Come Back To Me, Book 5 (8 page)

BOOK: Until You Come Back To Me, Book 5
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never been with a black woman before.”
He looked at her.
“I didn’t think
I could pass the test.
Bedroom-wise I

“Are you for real?”
A man with his pipes could pass any bedroom
test, what was he talking about?

black ladies were pretty tough when it came to a man’s performance, or at least
that was what my racist ass thought at the time.
I would see Tommy with his black gals and all
they talked about was how well he put it on them, and how terrible this guy or
that guy was.
I mean, I could lay it
down too.
But I’m no Tommy.”

you stop saying that?” Gemma asked him.
“Because Tommy’s no Sal.
The way
you do me no man could do me better, and especially not pretty boy Tommy
Gabrini and his need for speed.”

“What need for speed?”

lives life in the fast lane.
He plays it
cool, but the last thing he wants is cool.
He wants it hot.
That’s why Grace
couldn’t keep up with him.
That’s why
I’ll take you any day of the week.”
Gemma inwardly smiled.
She knew Sal was
not going to let her or anybody else say one single negative word about his
beloved big brother Tommy before he defended him.

she was right.
Sal placed his hands
around her waist, but instead of dealing with their issues, he dealt with what
she said about his brother.
“But in
fairness to Tommy,” he said, “Grace divorced him.
He wanted to make that relationship work.”

smiled, and then laughed.
“I knew it was
just a matter of time.”


you defended Tommy, what else?
what you do.”

Tommy,” Sal said, moving closer.
you I want.” He tightened his grip on her.
“That’s what I want you to know.
That’s what I need you to know.”

Sal,” Gemma said just as his mouth captured hers.

began kissing, in the comfort of Sal’s private elevator, but they were not
sharing their moment alone.
Sal’s head of security, and Jody, the second-in-command, were watching too, via
the monitor inside the private elevator.
When Sal killed the video feed in his elevator, he forgot the kill
switch on the chief camera – which was the backup cameras and viewed only by
his head of security either live, or should something go wrong, later on
Santino and Jody were watching
live and in living color.

unbeknownst to Sal, he was giving them a show.
He kissed his wife long and lovingly, but both men knew he was going to
do more to her by the way he kept pressing his body against her.
And both men couldn’t wait to see it
He was their boss, and they knew
he had forgotten to turn off the backup camera, but it was their job to monitor
Sal’s elaborate security scheme.
felt justified in watching.
They felt
they were only doing their duties.

did his duty too when he lifted his wife’s skirt and placed both hands inside
her panties, cupping her bare ass.
began massaging her as he kissed her.
But when he knelt down, pulled down her panties, and began licking her,
Santino and Jody both squirmed in their seats.
What amazed them wasn’t so much how he did her, but how long he did
Their boss didn’t give a quick oral
to get to the real thing, the way they did it.
But Sal was knelt down mouth-fucking his wife as if the oral itself was
the real thing.
He was licking and
sucking and eating her in a way that had her eyelids heavy with sensuality.

Jody said.
“She must taste awfully

so,” Santino said, getting hard just watching it.

when Sal finally stood back up, unzipped and pulled out his aroused penis, and
guided it into her pussy, both men nearly sighed with the same deep feelings
Gemma sighed with.

Sal was on the job, fucking her in such melodic strokes that Santino found
himself lifting his hips too in sexual simulation.
Gemma held onto Sal as he banged her, and
when they came it was as if Santino and Jody were cumming right along with
Especially when Sal stained every
muscle in his body as he filled her up.

When it
was over, Sal kissed his wife again and leaned into her.
“I love you, lady,” he said.
“Don’t you ever forget that.”

touched his handsome face.
“I love you
too,” she said.
“Don’t you forget it

He was a stern man who didn’t
smile easily, but he smiled a lot when Gemma was around.
“What you say we ditch this joint and go get
laid again?”

tempting,” Gemma said with a smile of her own.
She wasn’t the skinning-and-grinning type either.
“But they just finished your office.
This is the first time I get to go inside and
see it for myself.
I want to see
Then her look turned serious again.
“I know why you did it, Sal,” she said.

was still smiling.
“Why I did it?
Why I did what?”

know why you had this huge office building built when you already have a
massive office building in Seattle.
know you built it so that you wouldn’t have to travel to Seattle as much as you
normally did.
I know you built it so
that you can spend more time with me.”

realized what little time we spend together.
I realized how every single week I’m out of town on business.
And even with this new building, I’ll still
have to travel quite a bit because I have too many things going on.
But at least I’ll cut my time away from you in
And that makes it worth it to me.”

stared at her husband.
She’d never met a
man like him.
“You are so different,”
she said.

loved when she praised him, since nobody else ever did.
“Different how?” he asked.

do so much for me.
Nobody else has ever
been so devoted to me.
I’ll never forget
that, Sal.
When we have hard times, when
we have those crazy disagreements we often have and I would rather slap you
than hug you, I’ll always remember the love you have for me, and the love I have
for you.
It’s so strong, sometimes it
scares me.”

“I know.
It scares me too.
But that’s the beauty of it, babe.”
Sal rubbed the back of his hand against her
smooth face.
“It’s so strong, it won’t
let me down.”

didn’t understand.
“What do you mean?”

never had a relationship that met my expectations.
Then I meet you, and fall in love with you, and you surpass my
I’ve never had that
before, Gemma.
You don’t let me
And that’s why I can’t let you
You gave me love when nobody else
would give me a prayer.
I can’t forget
that and act like it’s no big deal.
everything to me.”

placed both of his hands on the side of Gemma’s face, with his intense blue
eyes staring into her soft brown ones.
“Why would I ever want to cheat or lie or do anything to hurt the one
woman who loves me despite myself?”
shook his head, and his eyes began to look more passionate than intense.
“No way,” he said, as he began to kiss her
“No way.”

began kissing, not in any rushed, hard way, but with a slow, loving ease.
And when his lips left her lips and began to
move down toward her neck, she leaned her head back to give him the access he
She was feeling it too.
And slowly, but surely, Sal’s dick, which
remained inside of her, began to move again, and come to life again.
It was awakening as if it had been a sleeping
giant, and began to glide along her already wet, already filled pussy until it
was expanding to a point that had Gemma drunk with passion.

He was fucking her again.
He was pushing in and almost out of her in a
way that had him breathing heavily as he kissed her neck, and had him lifting
her as he exposed and kissed her breasts.
They were both groaning.
were both wishing they were in the comfort of their own home, but pleased for
the privacy of this little elevator, as they made passionate love all over

Jody, as the number two security chief, was just enjoying the show, Santino
knew that he could be fired or shot or both if Sal ever found out what they
were witnessing.
But asking him to turn
away was like asking a baby not to cry.
He had a hard-on watching them.
Job, life, and limb be damned, he was going to keep watching.

they kept watching.
They kept watching
as Sal continued to fuck his wife and suck her big, brown breasts.
They kept watching when he made her cum.
Her body began to press back even harder
against the wall of that elevator as her eyes rolled back and her body began to
jerk as if she couldn’t take it.

their boss, who they already knew was a man’s man to begin with, continued to
give it to her with even deeper thrusts.
His balls were trying to get inside of that pussy the way he was
slapping it on her so hard.
And when he
came, they could see his muscles strain even through the expensive suit he
And he poured into her again.
He filled her up again.
And then they just stood there, leaned
against each other, until their strength was regained.

heard all about that brown sugar shit,” Jody said as they watched the
“I heard all about that once
you do black you never go back shit too.
And I had some myself back in the day.”

Santino asked, although his eyes never once left that elevator monitor.
“What happened?
You went black but didn’t go back?”

wanted to go back, but they didn’t want me back,” Jody said.


not kidding,” Jody continued.
“As soon
as a big, black cock came along, they dumped me every time.
They stopped returning my phone calls,
wouldn’t answer the doorbell.
But you saw the size of boss’s
Boss’s cock could compete with the
cock of any black stud any place, any time.”

looked at Jody.
“And you think that’s
why boss has a black wife?”

has to be it!” Jody responded.
“That has
to be why all of these Gabrinis end up with black wives.
From Sal to Tommy to the granddaddy of them
all, Reno Gabrini.
They keep those
black bitches satisfied.
That ain’t easy
to do.”

“You know what you’re saying,

Jody asked.

saying you have too small a cock to compete, that’s what you’re saying.”

out of here!
That’s not what I’m

what you’re saying!”

the fuck out of here!
That’s not what
I’m saying at all!”

what you’re saying,” Santino said again with that firmness in his voice that
his second-in-command knew not to challenge.
Then they both returned their attention to the elevator monitor as Sal
finally pulled his dick out of his wife’s undoubtedly overworked pussy, pulled
up her panties, and then put his beet-red rod back into his pants, and zipped

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