Until You Come Back To Me, Book 5 (11 page)

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gave up.
“What did you think about her?”
she asked him.

continued to drive.
“I didn’t think
anything about her.”
He glanced at
“What you asking me that for?”

just want your opinion of her.”

don’t have an opinion of her.”
He sounded
far more defensive than he apparently realized, and that annoyed Gemma even
Enough of this, she thought.

was that about, Sal?” she asked him.

wasn’t about nothing, what are you talking?
You keep talking in riddles.
not thinking about that woman.”

you know her?”

I don’t know her.”
When Gemma continued
to stare at him, he caved.
“I might have
seen her around.”


Around there.”

didn’t want to ask it, but she felt it necessary.
“Who is she to you?” she asked him.

expected, he frowned and became defensive again.
“She’s nothing to me, what are you going on
about her for?
She’s nothing to me, all
I might have had some business dealings with
her once upon a time, but that’s it.
That’s all.
So stop with the
Knock it off!”

saw what I saw, Sal.
I saw that look on
your face when she showed up.”

“What look?”

look of a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar.
I saw that look.”

saw wrong.”

a madam in California.
She runs a whore
Is that the business dealings you
had with her?
Are you one of her

nothing like that.
Was I surprised to
see her?
Would I have preferred to not see her?
When I had to negotiate with her, it didn’t go well.
Did I ever fuck her, any of her hookers, or
anybody else?
Am I interested in her?
my wife getting on my nerve with this line of questioning?
Hell yeah!
Now knock it off, Gemma, I mean it.”
He looked at her with a look that made clear
he was not kidding around.

didn’t like his tone, but she wasn’t going to badger him either.
She knocked it off.


that night, as she expected, he fucked her harder than usual.
Not that he was ever easy, but tonight, as
they lay naked in bed, with his body on top of hers, he was pumping her
His dick was inside of her,
pushing in deeper and deeper, and all she could do was hold on for the ride.
Because Sal was driving and he was driving
The mattress was singing and the
bed was bouncing and their quiet home reverberated with the sounds of Sal’s
It was painful to Gemma, and
not just physically.
She knew he was
fucking her hard, and it wasn’t to remember something wonderful about their
coupling, but to forget something horrific about seeing
Chen tonight.
He claimed it was nothing,
just a business deal that left a sour taste in his mouth.
But Gemma wasn’t buying it.
And exhibit A, as far as she was concerned,
was right here, right now.
He was
fucking her too hard.
He wasn’t taking
He was angry.

when he came, when he squeezed out the last of his juices inside of her, even
he knew he had been harsh.
He looked at
his wife with sorrow in his eyes, and placed his hands on the side of her
Usually, he would explain why he
was so angry, and why his sex had been so harsh.
But not this time.

got out of bed, and headed for the bathroom.

was stunned.
Either something was still going
on with her husband and her client, or something had gone on between them that
was still too raw for Sal to even face himself.
Neither one of those realities sat well with Gemma.
But that was always her life with Sal.
They would be as high as the mountaintop one
day, and then as low as the valley the next.

turned over, and fought back tears.




Gabrini lifted her glass and began singing
to Gemma.
Gemma smiled as
they sat in her living room.
She was
partied out.
It started early today, at
her office, when Barb and Curtis gave her gifts and a birthday cake.
Then at Champagne’s, a high-end clothing
store she co-owned with Trina and Liz Mertan, she was given gifts and a
Then this evening, at the
PaLargio, while she was having dinner with a few of her friends and colleagues,
the entire club sang
Happy Birthday
to her and Reno Gabrini himself brought a cake to her table.
It had been a lovely evening.
But Trina, Reno’s wife, had to close at Champagne’s
and therefore couldn’t make it.
But she
drove over after the fact to wish her a happy birthday.
And to add her voice to the chorus of voices
who didn’t understand why Sal wasn’t celebrating with her.

don’t make no kind of sense,” Trina said as she sipped her wine.
“Did he even call you to wish you a happy

yet,” Gemma said.

do you mean
not yet
It’s damn near ten at night!
When is he going to call you?
The day after?”

do you want me to do about it, Tree?
him to come home?
Beg him to celebrate
my birthday with me?
That’s not going to happen.”

where is he?” Trina asked.
“Is he out of

shook her head.
“I don’t know.”

do you mean you don’t know?”

don’t know!
He left before I got
Last night we had a little argument,
so I expected that.
But that doesn’t
mean I was going to call to ask where he was, and you know he wasn’t going to
call to tell me.”

a crying shame, Gemma.
That’s a
Sal always pull this shit.”

a lie,” Gemma said.
“He doesn’t always
pull anything.
This is the first time
since we’ve been married that he hasn’t been with me on my birthday, so don’t
get it twisted, Tree.
I love you, but
you aren’t going to defame Sal’s character like that.
This is the first time he hasn’t been here
for me on my birthday during our marriage.
The very first time.”

remember once when he didn’t show up.”

weren’t married then,” Gemma said, holding to her guns.
You had to with Trina, or she would gun you

“I can respect that,” she said
“And I apologize.”


where is his ass now?” Trina asked, causing Gemma to smile.
“I’m serious,” Trina continued.
“It makes no sense!
He knows it’s your birthday.
He should be here.
And if he went out of town, he should have
waited and left tomorrow.
He’s the boss
and he owns his own plane. He could make those kind of changes if he wanted

Gemma wasn’t about to get into her personal
business, not even with Trina.
She had
issues with Sal, but those were for her and Sal to work out.
“It’s okay, Tree,” she said.

it’s not okay!” Trina shot back.
could be as fiery as Reno.
“It’s not
He should be here with you.
I thought Reno was bad about being away a
lot, but Sal takes the cake.
He’s gone
all the time.
He’s gone more times than
he’s here and you need to start calling him out on his shit, Gemma.
Or he’ll never change.”

are you talking about?” Gemma asked her.
“He built an entire office building, a very expensive luxurious one by
the way, so that he could conduct more Gabrini Corporation business here in
town and spend more time with me.”

he built that,” Trina admitted, “and that was an awesome thing.
But how is that working out for you?
Is he spending more time with you?”

“He literally just completed the
project, Tree.
Now come on.
Cut the man some slack.
He’s a good guy.”

know he’s a good guy.
I love Sal, you
know I do.
But I don’t know, Gem.
Look like he can do better by you.”

some reason, that offended Gemma.
doing just fine by me,” she said firmly.

“Didn’t mean to hurt your
I’m just saying.
I mean well.”

I know you do.
But I’m going to have to
ask you to back off.
Just like you
wouldn’t like it if I tried preaching to you about Reno’s shortcomings, I don’t
like your sermon about my man either.
cuts both ways, Tree, because I know your ass.”


me get all up in your business with Reno the way you’re getting all up in mine
with Sal and you’d tell me what I can do with my opinions.”

I won’t.”

you will,” Gemma said with a smile on her face.
“You’d read me from front to back telling me what I can do with my opinions.
So now I’m telling you what you can do with

couldn’t help but agree. “I feel you,” she said.

“And I feel you,” she said as
the doorbell rang.
“But my marriage has
to be between Sal and I.
I don’t need an
amen corner, I don’t need a counselor.”
Gemma began heading for the front door.
“But I’ll take a friend.”

silent one?”

a must,” Gemma said as she continued to head for the front door.

someone?” Trina asked her.

a soul,” Gemma said as she walked.

Sal decided to bring his Italian ass home,” Trina said, and took another sip of
her wine.

looked out of her front door’s peephole.
And she was surprised.
she asked as she began to open the door.

Rory?” Trina asked as she stood up and headed for the door too.

the time Trina made it up to the door and looked out, Gemma was hugging an
older, but very handsome black man who was standing on her front porch.
“What in the world are you doing here?” she
asked him.

came to wish you a happy birthday,” he said.

Gemma didn’t even realize he knew
her birthday.
They’d spoken on the phone
only once since she saw him at Sal’s office building, and it probably wasn’t
hard for him to find out where she lived.
But still.
This seemed kind of
above and beyond.
“How nice of you,” she

Trina said, stepping out onto the porch too.
“How nice of you.”

“Judge Calhoun, I want you to
meet Katrina Gabrini, a very good, and very nosy friend of mine.”

and Rory smiled.
“So you’re a Gabrini
too?” Rory asked her.

my husband’s cousin’s wife,” Gemma said.

extended her hand.

shook it.
“Hello, young lady.
Very nice to meet you.”

judge, are you?” Trina asked him.

Tree,” Gemma answered instead, “he’s a real judge.”

least for a few more weeks,” Rory said.
“I’ll be stepping down soon.”

was my mentor when I clerked for him while I was still in law school,” Gemma
“He was the best judge I’ve ever
seen in action.
Still is.”

could see that gleam in Gemma’s eyes while she spoke about him.
She genuinely had strong affection for the

came to wish you a happy birthday,” he said to Gemma, “and to give you your
birthday gift.”

gift?” Gemma asked, surprised.
didn’t have to give me any gift, Rory, come on!
We just reconnected.
I’m amazed
you even knew my birthday.”

am I,” Trina said, and Gemma looked at her. “Considering how long it’s been,”
Trina added.

know I didn’t have to do anything,” Rory responded.
“But I wanted to.
Since my wife died I don’t have a soul to
splurge on.
Let me splurge on you.”

coughed and smiled.
She could imagine
what Sal would say to such a suggestion.
“So where’s the gift?” Trina asked Rory, seeing nothing in his
Everything would hinge on exactly
what kind of gift he had for Gem.

pulled out a set of keys and handed them to Gemma.
Gemma was puzzled.
“What are these?”

to that car.
It’s spanking brand new, and
it’s yours.”

and Trina both looked at the white Bentley parked on the driveway.
And then they looked back at Rory.

immediately attempted to hand him back his keys.
“I can’t accept that,” she said.

know that’s right,” Trina agreed.

looked genuinely surprised.
“You can’t
accept it?
What do you mean,
It’s my birthday gift to

I appreciate it,” Gemma said, “but there’s no way I can accept such a generous
gift like this.
Not from anyone.
Except my husband.”

you’re breaking my heart,” Rory said.
Trina was staring at the man.
“When we reconnected earlier, after so many years, it made me feel so
You were like a daughter to
me, a daughter I never had.
And it was
my fault that I didn’t stay in touch, I know it was primarily on me.
But Evelyn had been so ill for so long and my
docket was always so full that I didn’t have time for anybody or anything
Then when she passed on, instead
of feeling renewed, my world kind of collapsed.”

looked at Gemma.
She was a tough lady,
but she had the heart of Sal.
They felt
people’s pain.

then I ran into you,” Rory continued.
“My favorite clerk bar none.”
Gemma smiled.
“And things began
to look sunny again.
I’m about to embark
on the second act in my life with this new law practice, and that can be
daunting even for a man like me.
But you
gave me hope and courage, Gemma.
seeing you again.
You’re the daughter I
never had, and all I want to do is share my blessings with you.”

Yeah, I’ll bet
, Trina thought.

please accept this gift,” Rory continued, “as a token of my appreciation.
Nothing more.”

leaned into Gemma’s ear.
“Don’t accept
it girl,” she whispered.
“Don’t you

this gift,” Rory said, “from a father to his daughter.”

accept that gift,” Trina whispered to Gemma, “and Sal is going to accept your
ass in a good beat down.”

not thinking about Sal,” Gemma responded with a flash of anger that surprised
Rory was surprised too.

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