Untamed: Bad Boy Fighter Romance (Fighting for Gisele #2) (3 page)

BOOK: Untamed: Bad Boy Fighter Romance (Fighting for Gisele #2)
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The next morning, Gisele was up before dawn. It wasn’t her routine to rise early, so she’d scheduled a wake-up call. Before the sun edged above the horizon, she was dressed and ready to go. If the police wouldn’t tell her anything on the phone, then she’d go in person.

The station opened at nine, and Gisele was waiting when they unlocked the door. She needn’t have bothered. This time the clerk was cordial, even friendly. “No, I’m sorry, but Micah Rinaldi is not here. According to the records, he was booked then detained at Clark County.”

It had been a good move to ask the cab driver to wait for her. Gisele went right back out, and directed him to take her to the detention facility. It was a bit of a drive, but not too bad. The rush hour traffic made for some delays, but she finally arrived.

Again the cabbie waited while Gisele went inside. Her heart pounded as she asked about Micah. But once again, she was disappointed. The clerk answered her with a satisfied smile. “I’m sorry, miss, but Micah Rinaldi was released on bail.”

Gisele let out a sigh. “How long ago?”

The clerk studied the computer for a long minute. “It looks like you just missed him. He was released about ten minutes ago.”

Gisele was relieved to hear that he’d been released. That was good news. Surely he would call. She went back to the cab and had the driver take her home. That day Alek had important guests arriving early, and she was scheduled to play hostess.

She had to get back and get ready, because as it stood she still had commitments to her brother. It was the only job she had, her only source of income. That was something that needed to change, but for the moment she’d deal with it.

At the condo, she dumped her suitcase in the closet, intending to unpack later. Then she showered and started getting dressed for the guests. Gisele was tempted to call Micah, but resisted. She needed to explain everything, but didn’t want to do it over the phone.

It would be better to meet with him in person. That was her only hope of making this right. Hopefully, the guests would hang out for a while and have dinner later. Once the business meeting started, she’d be able to slip out.

Gisele chose a dress at random, not really caring what she wore. Her heart wasn’t in it. So much had changed. She put on her makeup and selected her pearl earrings to go with her outfit. Then she sprayed on some perfume.

All the while, Gisele wondered why Micah hadn’t called. He should have, and she began to worry. Could something have happened to him? But she couldn’t think of what. If he was out of jail, then he was all right; he had to be.

Then why didn’t he call?

Pacing the floor with the phone in her hand, Gisele kept wishing it would vibrate. She wanted to hear Micah’s voice. It was still very early in the day, so maybe he’d call soon. Then self-doubt crept in. He had to be angry with her. After all, he still didn’t know that she had no plan to marry Vik.

Talking on the phone might be the worst way to reconnect. Any hope she had of patching things up could be dashed. The only way was to see him in person, to look into his eyes, and let Micah see that she was sincere.

Gisele put her phone on the dresser and went down to her guests. When her shift ended, she would go see Micah. She’d find him, wherever he was, and explain everything. He’d understand…he just had to.



Chapter 3

It wasn’t even noon yet and the Strip was eerily quiet, except for the tourists out to see the sights. Micah motioned Luke into the nearest large casino. That was the thing about Vegas—gambling wasn’t confined to certain hours. Games could go until the wee hours of the morning, and those that got up before lunchtime could start betting early.

When Micah opened the door, the silence ended. The clanging of the slots filled the room, drowning out conversation and making the whir of machines the focus. The layout was like a maze, so without the signs posted high on the walls, it would be easy to get lost. Micah was sure that was intentional, guaranteed to frustrate and encourage a guest to sit at the closest machine to start spending money.

Luke ambled next to Micah, already looking around for women. At that time of day, most of the eligible ones were still sleeping from a late night before. But if any man could find a beauty willing to hang on his arm while he threw money away that early in the day, it was Luke.

The first thing they did was order a drink, then take a moment to consider their options. The noisy slots with their rolling displays filled the center of the casino. They were popular since they were easy to play and had low minimums. Micah had heard they accounted for over half of the casinos’ income, not the high rollers, as was often assumed. Once in a while, Micah pushed on the buttons to pass time, but not for serious gambling.

Sin City, as Vegas was called, had its share of secrets, especially when it came to winning on the casino floor. Micah avoided the roulette wheels, as they spun fast and had the worst odds. He’d played craps many times, a game that required no skill. It was easy: plunk money on the table and roll the dice. The crowd cheered for winners, and went deathly quiet for losers.

Micah preferred live poker, a game of skill. It didn’t automatically favor the house, as it was the only game where the casino didn’t take money directly from the player. It was up to Micah how much he won or lost, and those odds were more to his liking.

Blackjack was Luke’s game of choice, another good option. His friend was already flirting with a lady in a silver dress and high heels, with a white-toothed smile straight out of a toothpaste commercial. While Micah sipped his drink, Luke whispered something to the woman that made her giggle.

“We’re off to the blackjack table,” Luke said, and headed that way with the willowy blonde draped over his arm.

Micah lifted his hand and watched them go. Then he went to the window to buy a marker. The credit would allow him to play without carrying a lot of cash in his pockets.

Most of the poker tables were empty, which suited Micah. He only needed one open table that had something going on, and he found one in a private area. He paid the entry and took his seat. While the cards slid to him across the felt, Micah glanced at his phone, but there were no new messages.

At first Micah bet small and won some hands. He ordered a drink refill and settled in to play for real. As the chips were tossed on the table, money changed hands, and Micah’s luck changed. He bet stronger, but couldn’t seem to win.

That was unusual for him, but he kept his composure. The tension mounted as the game gained momentum and the stakes increased. Micah was brazen with his bets and showed confidence. Yet he knew his focus was shot to shit. Gisele was on his mind, and try as he might to block her out, the image of the last time he’d seen her refused to go.

The game grew intense. The casinos pretended that they had rules of the game that were set in stone. They were not supposed to allow late bets, but several times the dealer did. Tempers flared, and the game became heated. In Micah’s experience with casino games, attempts at cheating, throwing things around, even screaming at another player over a loss were common. And this game was no different.

Hours went by, and Micah continued to lose money—not always big, but it was mounting up. Then he stayed in when he should have folded, and the win went to some dude next to him who looked like he’d ridden in on a motorcycle. The guy was big but flabby, and was covered in tattoos. He made the mistake of making a snide comment as he scooped the pile of chips into his arms. “I knew when I saw you that you were a loser, man.”

In a flash, Micah had his hand on the back of the guy’s neck and slammed his face into the table. The guy floundered and struggled to breathe. “Take it back, asshole.”

The guy’s tattoos seemed to roll and flex as he fought to get free. “I’m waiting,” Micah said, nearly shouting.

“Sorry…sorry,” the man gasped. Micah released him. “Geez,” the guy said, then put a hand over his head when Micah leaned in again.

Out of the corner of his eye, Micah saw security moving in fast. All he needed was to be arrested again. This game was over anyway. He greeted security when they strode up to the table. “I’m leaving,” he said, and, without giving them an opportunity to argue, left the room. He stopped at the window long enough to cover his debt, then headed for the exit.

So much for blowing off steam; Micah was more frustrated now than he’d been before. Hours had ticked by without a return call from Gisele. Losing a chunk of money hadn’t helped. Hell, nothing helped. He strode through the casino and out onto the sidewalk, noting with annoyance that it was still daylight outside.

Heading toward the hotel, Micah ignored everything around him, bumping into a few unobservant pedestrians. He figured Luke would hook up with the blonde later, and wouldn’t miss him. As he walked blindly down the street, he considered just continuing to walk until he got to Gisele’s condo.

There was a good chance she’d be there, yet Micah decided against it. If her
behavior was any indication, he wasn’t wanted around there. Vik had been adamant about taking Gisele away from him, and thinking about that annoyed Micah all over again.

Yet that wasn’t what made him reconsider going straight over to see her. Micah, even as pissed as he was, wouldn’t risk Gisele’s safety. Showing up might be the wrong move. Her brother and his goons didn’t worry him, as he’d fight his way through if he needed to.

But Micah’s appearance at the complex could bring down the wrath of the mobsters on Gisele. Since he didn’t know the full extent of the situation, he had to play it safe…for her. As much as he’d enjoy a confrontation, he couldn’t allow Gisele to take the fallout for that.

Was Micah just supposed to wait? Gisele hadn’t called or texted, despite knowing he’d been hauled off to jail. Did she even know what had happened, or did she care? The whole thing rubbed Micah the wrong way.

On the one hand, Micah felt she’d let him down. Gisele was most likely engaged. Otherwise, she would have called him back. The magnitude of the betrayal gouged a gaping hole in his gut, and he was disheartened at his own naivety. He couldn’t think of another time when he’d left himself wide open like that. He’d been all warm and fuzzy because of a couple of days in bed with Gisele.

Stupid, stupid
. How could he have not seen it coming? Micah had been so sure that Gisele found him irresistible. Instead, he’d just been a weekend diversion for her. The more he thought about it, the madder he became.

Gisele at least owed him the courtesy of calling back, and admitting that she was engaged. Damn it, she owed him more than that. He was due an apology from Gisele for letting him think otherwise. He’d trusted her, and her behavior had been deceitful.

Micah shoved his hand in his pocket, still hoping for his phone to vibrate. He needed to get over it. Why should any of this matter, if Gisele didn’t care enough to call him? He passed the hotel and rounded the block, too agitated to sit still. Dusk settled over the city, as he kept walking and walking.

A nagging thought vied for his attention. Gisele might be injured. She might have been hurt and required medical attention. That thought made his heart sink. Maybe she wasn’t able to call him because she was in a hospital somewhere.

If that was the case, then Micah had no justification for being mad. He strained to recall exactly what he’d seen. Gisele had fallen, but he hadn’t seen any blood. When she’d looked up at him, her expression had been one of emotional pain, not physical discomfort. Or so it had appeared.

Yet Micah could be wrong. All the time he had been out drinking and throwing his cash around, Gisele might have needed him. What had he been thinking? Spinning on his heels, he jogged back to the hotel. If she hadn’t called by the time he got to his room, he’d check with the hospital, and if he had to he’d go to see her brother, consequences be damned.

The automatic doors of the hotel slid wide as Micah entered. He slowed his jog to a brisk walk and turned toward the elevator bay. Then he stopped in the middle of the lobby. There was Gisele, sitting on one of the gilded chairs.

Gisele looked like a princess in her lavender dress, with her hair falling in waves over her shoulders. With her legs crossed, the hem of her skirt crept up to mid-thigh, giving Micah a view of her long legs. His blood warmed and the fist around his heart relaxed.

But Micah’s relief was momentary. He didn’t know why she’d appeared in the lobby, or what she’d come to tell him. And he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. For a bit longer, he could cling to the delusion that she actually cared.

Gisele stood up, but didn’t move toward him. She looked tentative, as if unsure of his reaction. Micah walked over to her, realizing that he had no idea what was going through her mind. She fidgeted with the small purse she carried. “It’s good to see you, Micah.”

That was something. Micah knew one thing for sure: they had to talk. “I was on my way up to the room. There’s more privacy up there.”

Gisele nodded, then followed him to the elevator. Once inside, Micah was all too aware of her presence. The scent of her perfume filled the air, and she was so close he felt her warmth radiate across the intimate space. The urge to reach for her was strong, but Micah resisted.

Micah glanced at Gisele, who watched the numbers light up as they passed each floor. When the doors opened, he motioned for her to step out first, then walked down the carpeted hall toward his room.

When the door closed behind them, the room was extraordinarily quiet. The curtains were open and the last light of the day dimmed in the windows. Micah went over to the minibar. “I could use a drink. How about you?”

“Sure. I’ll take wine, if you have it.”

Micah found a couple of single-serving bottles and dumped the drinks into glasses, then handed one to Gisele. She sipped, without looking at him. Micah watched her, his gaze taking in her full lips as she took another taste of wine.

Gisele glided across the carpet and sat on the sofa. She looked up at him. “I wanted to get in touch with you.”

That should have made Micah feel better, but he took issue with it. “Then why didn’t you text me?” He paced in front of the window. “You didn’t even return my call.”

Gisele’s distressed expression did little to calm him, as he’d had way too much to say with a lack of opportunity to say it. While she twirled her glass, he waited impatiently.

“I didn’t want to try to talk about this over the phone,” Gisele said, and put her wine glass on the coffee table. “But I was so worried about you.”

Micah spat out the words without thinking. “I think there was
another man
you were worried about.”

When Gisele rose, her brown eyes flared with ire. “You don’t know anything about it. You have no idea how I feel.”

Micah glared at her. “Why didn’t you tell me about him?”

Gisele seemed at a loss.

“I guess it’s hard to explain,” Micah said, watching her expression, still unable to predict what she would say.

“Yes, it is hard, Micah. But not for the reasons you’re thinking.”

“Let me help you out, then.” Micah swigged his wine and slammed his glass down on a table. “You spent the weekend with me, while all along you were engaged.” He spat, “To
Viktor Kovalenko

Micah was ready for the worst. He’d thought about it ever since Vik’s inopportune arrival. Gisele wasn’t his; she belonged to another man. He looked into her eyes and braced himself.

“Ooh, you are so annoying.” Gisele threw her hands in the air. “I am not engaged!”

She shouted the words, yet it still took a moment for her reply to sink in. “Then why would he claim that you are?” Micah said.

“Because.” Gisele stepped closer and got right in his face. “Vik lied.” She took a breath. “He lied. Okay?”

Silence filled the room. Micah didn’t move, but relief filled him. He looked at Gisele and their gazes locked. He nearly reached for her, but still hesitated. “But he is your boyfriend?”

Gisele shook her head. “No. No.” She crossed her arms. “I have dated Vik, but that was before…us.”

Micah just listened.

“I’ve known him for years. My brother wants me to marry him, and Vik is prepared to ask. But I’d already told him I wouldn’t,” Gisele said. “That was long before he barged into our weekend.”

Micah studied her for a moment then opened his arms, and Gisele came to him. He held her close, knowing now that whatever was going on it wasn’t that she misled him.

“So what’s Vik’s deal? Why does he act like he owns you?”

Gisele touched Micah’s cheek. “What can I tell you…he’s just a pain? And my brother encourages him.”

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