Unknown (23 page)

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Authors: KC Wells

BOOK: Unknown
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Paul cleared his throat. “I haven’t had a great deal of experience, but I know enough to get tested every six months. I’m negative, too. If you want to see my results—” He fell silent, snapping off the rest of his sentence.

Adam inclined his head to stare in Paul’s direction, remaining like that long enough for Paul to start squirming. “Don’t do that,” he said, each word enunciated slowly. “You don’t cut out words from your vocabulary because you think they’ll upset me, is that clear? You talk to me as you’d talk to anyone else.”

“Understood. I’m sorry.”

“As for your results, I trust you.” Adam smiled, and the atmosphere in the room lightened. “Now that we’ve got the preliminaries out of the way, let’s get onto more pleasant things.” He grinned. “Open the boxes.”

Paul complied, his hands shaking. He forced himself to stay calm at the sight that beheld him, but
He wanted to touch, stroke, caress, investigate….

“Pick two toys.”

“Excuse me?” A flush of adrenaline tingled through Paul’s body.

Adam smirked. “You heard me. Pick two toys, but don’t be too hasty. Be careful about what you choose.”

Paul stared at the cornucopia before him. “How long do I have?” It was a serious question.

Adam bit his lip before erupting into a peal of laughter. “Take your time, by all means,” he said, amid chuckles.

Paul sat cross-legged on the floor and commenced taking out item after item, examining each one, his dick getting stiffer with each new discovery. Adam sat in silence, smiling occasionally as if he sensed Paul’s excitement.

His gaze alighted on a shiny black object with a flat base.
He knew what it was, but bloody hell, it was

“What have you seen?” Adam leaned forward, smiling.

How the fuck does he do that?

“It’s a butt plug.” Paul’s hole clenched as he regarded it.

Adam held out his hand for it and Paul placed the silicone plug on his outstretched palm. Adam ran his fingers over it, testing its weight and nodding. “Nice size. It’s not what I’d consider a toy, however. You still get to choose two items.” He laid it beside him on the seat cushion.

Paul resumed his exploration with restless fingers. One of the boxes contained a black case, its exterior giving no clue as to its contents. The only ornamentation was an engraved plaque bearing the word ‘FUN’. He clicked open its catches. “Whoa.” He wasn’t sure what he was seeing, but it made his balls ache and his hole tighten, just looking at it.

Adam tilted his head to one side. “Now what?”

“What’s this in the case labeled FUN?”

Adam snorted. “Remember what I said about choosing carefully? That’s my e-stim kit.” When Paul kept silent, Adam elaborated. “Electrical stimulation. Patches on your thighs, bands around your cock, a plug in your arse, all connected to the unit that delivers an electrical charge.” He grinned. “Let’s not run before we can walk, yeah? Another day, perhaps. Keep going.” He sat back, relaxed.

Paul snapped the case shut, shuddering.
Another day
sounded good to him.

He might have joked about it feeling like Christmas to Adam, but here he was, experiencing the same jubilation. There were so many things that piqued his interest: paddles, crops, shackles….

When he saw
, a shiver rippled through him.

“There. Whatever it is you’re looking at right now.” Adam sat up straight, his back rigid. “Tell me.”

“Nipple clamps.” Paul stared at the shiny metallic clamps with their tiny teeth, his nubs hardening, aching, imagining their bite.

“Hand them over.”

Paul gave them to Adam, unable to tear his gaze away from them. A chuckle broke his focus.

“One more toy.”

Paul shook himself and went back to his voyage of discovery.
This could take all day
. He closed his eyes and dug deeply. When his fingers met with leather and metal studs, he stopped. Opening his eyes, he gazed at the cock ring, imagining it tight around the base of his dick, his sac stretched. “This,” he said, placing it in Adam’s waiting hand.

Adam nodded. “Okay.” He relaxed against the cushions. “Fasten up the boxes and put them out of the way, please. When you’re done, go upstairs, clean yourself out and come back down.

Paul sat still, digesting Adam’s instructions.

“Today, Paul,” Adam said with amusement.

Paul gave a start. “Yes, sir.” It seemed the perfect response, given the circumstances. He moved the boxes back behind the couch. When he reached the door, Adam’s voice stopped him.

“I’m assuming you have a supply of condoms and lube in the house.” The note of wry humor was evident.

“Yes.” Paul visualized the contents of his drawer next to the bed. “Although I might need to add them to my next shopping list.”

Another wry chuckle. “Make sure you do. No gloves, no playing.” A pause. “Paul. Bathroom. Now.”

Paul didn’t need telling again. He hurried out of the library and across the hall, taking the stairs two at a time.

“Bring the lube with you when you’re done.” Adam’s voice drifted up the staircase.

Paul’s pulse raced, his breathing quickened and his mouth dried up. The temptation to rush through his routine was tempered by the knowledge that even blind, Adam would be able to tell.

Paul was beginning to think his boss was omniscient.

When he’d finished, he dashed back downstairs, the bottle of lube in his hand.

“In the office, Paul,” Adam called out.

That stopped him for a moment. The
? He walked over to the door and peered inside. Adam stood in front of the desk, drying the butt plug with a paper towel from the kitchen. The desk was clear, its contents placed on the floor.

Adam turned to face him. “Bend over the desk, please, leaning on your forearms, palms flat.” He placed the plug on the desk.

Paul approached the desk, his heart hammering, and did as instructed. He swallowed hard when Adam moved to stand behind him, slipping his hands around Paul’s waist until his fingers encountered the button on the waistband of his shorts. He popped it free and lowered the zip, teasingly slowly. Paul breathed faster when Adam grasped his shorts and at a leisurely pace eased them over his hips and arse, until they were around his ankles.

There was something so illicit about the whole situation: Adam clothed, Paul naked from the waist down and bent over, Adam’s hands stroking his arse, each caress deliberate. He closed his eyes, loving the way Adam’s hands slid over his cheeks, his back—each glide over his skin so gentle.

God, this is how I wanted him to touch me.

He’d loved the rough way Adam had taken him that night in the library, but this unexpectedly gentle caressing made his heart ache with need.
Don’t stop, please, don’t stop.

Adam withdrew his hands and Paul fought hard not to make a sound.

“Lift your left foot,” Adam commanded. Paul did so and Adam knelt to free his leg of the shorts. Adam rose to his feet, inching closer until Paul could feel the ridge of his dick beneath his jeans, pressing between Paul’s cheeks. Adam bent over him, his mouth to Paul’s neck, his breath hot against the skin. “Now spread your legs.” He stepped back.

Paul shuddered at the first caress of air across his hole. He spread his legs wide, cock hanging hard between them.

Adam brushed his lips over the spot below Paul’s left ear, the one Paul had no idea that Adam knew about, the one that sent goosebumps prickling over his skin. Adam flicked out his tongue to lick a line down his neck to his shoulder. Paul shuddered, his once dry mouth becoming moist, his senses alert.

“Head to the desk, reach back and spread your cheeks.”

Hands trembling, Paul obeyed, his face pressed to the smooth wooden surface. Adam shifted position, moving lower until his mouth was at the top of Paul’s crease. Paul moaned when Adam licked a long line from his tailbone to his balls. He arched back toward Adam’s mouth, wanting more.

Adam gave it to him.

He licked over Paul’s hole, tracing the muscle with his tongue. Paul let out a gasp at that first pass of Adam’s tongue. Adam lapped the rim, teasing it until Paul moaned louder, before sliding the tip of his tongue inside with gentle insistence. It wasn’t long before he was stroking his tongue in and out, rolling Paul’s balls through his fingers and massaging his prostate from the outside.

Paul whimpered, tilting his hips, wanting more. Adam gave him what he wanted, plunging his tongue deep, fondling Paul’s balls, occasionally lapping at them. But after a few seconds he’d return to tongue-fucking Paul’s hole, nuzzling into Paul’s crack, humming with contentment that almost verged on purring. Adam’s stubble rasped over the tender flesh, sending shivers through him.

“Oh, fuck.” Paul writhed, his body dancing on Adam’s tongue, his dick leaking pre-come onto the floor. Everywhere was slick, wet and felt fucking amazing. “Fuck, Adam, that feels so…. ” All words fled from his head and he moaned and gasped when Adam sank a single finger into him without warning.

“Nice, tight little hole,” Adam purred. “Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock again, pulling me deep inside you until I’m balls-deep.”

Paul groaned at the image, Adam buried in him up to the hilt, fucking him with long, deep strokes.

Another finger. Adam shifted once again and Paul shuddered out a low cry when his hole was penetrated alternately by fingers and tongue, sometimes both at once. Pre-come dripped from his slit in a steady stream, he was that close to coming. He knew why Adam was doing this, knew the rim-job was a means to an end, but part of him wanted Adam to tongue-fuck him until he came, screaming Adam’s name. He whimpered when Adam pulled away, but a shiver ran up and down his spine when he felt the slick coolness of silicone against his hole.

Adam pressed the plug into him, inch by tortuous inch, until the base lay flat over his hole. He tapped it with a finger and Paul moaned. God, it felt
inside him.

Adam straightened. “You can get dressed now.” He took a step back.

Paul propped himself up on his arms, assessing the sensation as he adjusted to the feeling of fullness. He drew in a couple of deep breaths and expelled them. “That… that wasn’t so bad,” he admitted.

Adam snorted. “Wait until tonight.”

He stood up, pulling on his shorts. “Tonight? Wait—I have to wear this all day?”

Adam stepped toward him and stretched out his hand, feeling for Paul’s head. When he found it, he patted it, smirking. “Poor, naive little boy. I did warn you to choose carefully.” He grinned. “Don’t worry. I know just the thing to take your mind off it.”

There was something evil about that grin. “What?” Paul asked cautiously.

Adam’s grin widened. “I don’t intend leaving all my toys in those boxes. We need to find space for them all. Specifically,
need to find space.”

“Do you mean putting them in one of the empty bedrooms?” Paul hadn’t ventured into any of the other rooms upstairs: they were locked, for one thing. “How many rooms are there?”

“At least six,” Adam told him. “My grandparents didn’t use all of them, I remember that.” He cocked his head. “Can you still feel it?”

“Yes,” Paul ground out, ignoring Adam’s coarse chuckle.

“Wait until you move and it nudges your prostate,” Adam tossed back as he headed for the door. “And if you have to go to the bathroom, remove it, clean up after and bring it to me. I’ll make sure it goes back in nice and snug.” The chuckle that followed was downright evil.

Paul bit back his groan. It was going to be a fucking long day.


* * * * * *


Adam reclined on the bed, listening to Paul moving about the room, opening drawers and wardrobe doors. The temptation to choose an empty bedroom to set up as a playroom had been huge, but Adam had to face facts. It was an indulgence he didn’t need. Why fit out a room with his whips, canes and other such items when the likelihood was he would never wield them again?

His bedroom was the only sensible option. He’d gotten Paul to lay everything out on the bed, while Adam gave instructions as to what to put out of sight and what to keep within hand’s reach. The bedside cabinet now contained a couple of pairs of leather restraints and numerous dildos of varying sizes. He enjoyed listening to Paul’s breathing change as he handled each item.

“One day when you have a house, maybe you’ll create a room where you can submit to the darkness,” he suggested to Paul, smiling to himself. The stillness that followed his remark was intriguing.

“Darkness?” That quaver in Paul’s voice was telling.

Adam shifted position until he was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Come here a minute.”

Paul moved closer until Adam could feel his body heat. Adam drew Paul to him, his hands resting on Paul’s upper arms. “Be honest. Hasn’t BDSM always had a dark allure to it?” He stroked down Paul’s arms, the movement languid, casual. “Wasn’t it the darkness that drew you, whispered to you to come closer?” he said in a seductive tone, trailing his fingers over Paul’s bare forearms, feeling the skin pebble.

Paul’s breathing quickened, and Adam knew without a doubt that he was hyper-aware of the plug nestled in his arse. It crossed his mind to pull Paul into his arms, hold him, caress him and kiss that wonderful mouth until all they could think of was making love, the afternoon sunlight warm on their bodies while they made their own heat…

Adam put on the brakes. This was not what he’d planned, delightful though the images were that filled his head in that moment.
Stick with the program, remember?

He smacked Paul on his behind, forcing a yelp from him. “I think some coffee is in order, and after that you can finish off putting all of this away.” Adam released him, patting his rump before giving him a push to go downstairs. The careful manner in which Paul left the room made Adam smile. Paul was going to be feeling that plug for a while yet.

He stretched out his hand across the bed, his fingers searching for whatever items still remained. When he touched the single tail whip, he knew what it was in an instant. His fingers curled around the handle, running its length across his other palm, feeling its texture. Adam coiled the whip and placed it back on the bed.

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