United State of Love (19 page)

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Authors: Sue Fortin

BOOK: United State of Love
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It was their last full day before they had to go back to the UK. Tex couldn’t help feeling a bit downhearted at the fact. He had loved being home, spending time with his brothers and their families. They had all made Anna feel so welcome and she seemed at ease in their company too. He was grateful that his siblings’ wives and husbands were very laid back and easy to get on with. They had all made a special effort to include Anna in everything, yet at the same time managed to make her presence seem perfectly normal. He was particularly pleased to see Gabriella give Anna a big hug, the incident of going missing, forgiven and forgotten. He made a mental note to thank Gabriella in private when he got the chance.

There was a particular place on the ranch – a small cluster of trees by the edge of the creek up at the top pasture – that Tex hadn’t yet shown Anna. Creek Corner – his thinking spot. He hadn’t been sure until this morning that he would take her there.

After Estelle’s funeral, he had come home to mourn. At the time he hadn’t thought of it like that, but he had retreated into the heart of his family. It had been several weeks before he was able to face the world again, and for the most part of those long weeks he had spent them up at Creek Corner.

Taking Anna there now was a gamble, but he had to know whether she could weave her magic and cleanse the place of the blackness that he associated with it. Anna was thankfully totally oblivious to the effect she was having on the usual feelings of guilt and regret that plagued Tex whenever he was involved with a woman. It was something up until now he hadn’t wanted to share with Anna. With anyone.

As they reached Creek Corner in the late afternoon warmth, Tex felt his stomach churn over. Climbing off the quad and taking the rucksack from Anna, he paused for a moment to take a deep breath. This was it. This was the ultimate test.

‘You okay, Tex?’ Her voice was gentle, concerned. She was watching him closely, doing that thing where she really studied him, as if she could read the thoughts behind his eyes.

‘Yeah, sure I am. Come on.’ He took her hand and strode towards the cluster of trees and then along a small path that led to a clearing on the edge of creek. He spread the blanket out, a silence settling between them. He sat down, his knees drawn up, his arms resting on top. Anna sat down beside him and slipped her arm through his. Tenderly, she kissed his shoulder and then rested her head on his arm.

‘Is it difficult coming here?’ she asked softly.

She deserved an honest answer. ‘It was. But you know what? Now we’re here, it feels okay.’ He looked down at her and she met his eyes with a steady gaze. ‘How did you know?’

She shrugged. ‘Don’t know. I could just tell. As we got nearer and nearer I could sense something in you. A change.’

‘I never came here with Estelle.’ He swallowed hard. ‘I came here after… after she died. It was like a retreat. I could come here and let all my emotions out.’

‘To grieve.’ It wasn’t a question more an understanding. ‘We don’t have to stay if it’s too painful.’

Should he tell her that the pain had stopped? The deep wound left by grief now healed. He didn’t want to frighten her but at the same time, he wanted her to know. He gently stroked her cheek before he spoke. ‘There’s no pain, not today, not anymore.’

Tex was woken the following morning by Anna kissing him softly, her leg over his, her hand wandering up and down his body, the tips of her fingers like tiny shock waves as she touched him.

‘Make love to me,’ she whispered.

He didn't need asking twice. He loved loving her. As he pulled her on top of him, admiring her beautiful body with his eyes and his hands, he realised how true those words were. He really did love her. She leaned forward, covering his face in kisses, nuzzling his ear, giving him a moment to analyse this notion. He dug deep into his heart but there was no flicker of guilt. No feeling of betrayal to Estelle. Of course, he would always love Estelle, but that was a lifetime ago, a different lifetime. Not the lifetime he was living now.

Anna paused, looking at him with her mossy green eyes. For a moment he thought she was going to tell him she loved him, but she simply smiled and began working her kisses back to his mouth, before sitting up, her back arching, her eyes closed. Tex ran his hands up her thighs, over her hips and around to the small of her back, then pulled her back down on top of him.

Afterwards, he pulled her to him to lie contently in his arms, enjoying the moment of blissful, mutual satisfaction, of peace and tranquillity, making the most of every second, knowing they'd be back to reality all too soon.

That reality hit hard and fast like an intercity express train suffering brake failure.

Chapter Twenty Five

‘Where do you want me to put this?’ Tex called as he stepped inside 2 Coach House Cottages, Anna's holdall in his hand.

‘I'll take that.’

Tex looked up in surprise at the unexpected voice. He was startled to see Mark standing in front of him but tried not to let his surprise or annoyance show. He looked across at Anna, the colour completely gone from her face, concern in her eyes as she twiddled the rings on her finger nervously.

‘You okay?’ he asked, holding her gaze. She nodded.

‘Of course she's okay,’
said Mark. ‘Aren't you, Anna?’

‘Stop it, Mark. I'm fine, Tex. Just a little surprised to see Mark here, that's all.’

Tex felt a vice-like grip inside his gut. ‘Do you want me to stay?’

‘I'll be fine, honestly. Look, you'd better go. I'll phone you later.’ She moved towards the front door but Tex stood his ground.

‘I don't like leaving you.’

‘Please, Tex, I'll be fine. I promise.’ Anna gave a weak unconvincing smile.

‘Call me if you need me.’ He gave Mark a long hard stare.

Mark, looking totally unfazed and obviously lapping up Anna's dismissal of him, smirked.

‘Don't worry. My wife will be fine with me,’ called Mark, coming to the doorway as Tex got in his car. ‘Have a nice day, now.’

Anna slammed the front door closed as Tex drove off.

‘What are you doing here?’ She turned on Mark, who had now wandered back into the living room and, picking up his glass from the table, took a slug of the deep brown liquid.

He smiled at her as he topped up his glass from the bottle of Jack Daniels standing on the mantelpiece. Anna gulped. She knew this was coming but she had hoped it would take a lot longer than this.

‘I did try to phone you,’ carried on Mark, ‘but couldn't get hold of you, so I rang Luke instead. Just as well, really.’ He took another large swig of whisky.

Anna eyed the bottle. It was nearly half-empty. She could feel her heart quicken. Mark and whisky had always been a bad mix.

‘What do you mean by that?’ She tried to sound casual, keeping her tone light.

‘What do I mean? Huh!’ Mark scoffed. He picked up the copy of
Surrey Life
that was folded open at the charity event page, where amongst the many photos of guests, slap bang in the middle was a picture of Anna stood with Tex, Duncan Hughes and his wife. ‘This!’

Anna shrugged. ‘I've been out. There's no law against it.’

‘But with
,’ Mark's lip curled as he prodded the picture of Anna and Tex, before tossing the magazine disdainfully onto the sofa. ‘You told me there was nothing going on between you two.’

‘There wasn't.’

‘Liar!’ Mark shouted, slamming the glass onto the mantelpiece with such force that the tumbler shattered, broken glass dropping into the hearth. As had so often been the case in the past when Mark drank whisky, the venom and aggression came from nowhere. No build up, no gradual mounting of anger, just a sudden outburst.

Anna recoiled. This wasn't good. But she’d be damned if she was going to let him bully her. She had to stand her ground.

‘At the time there wasn't.’ Anna could hear her voice wobbling slightly. She hated the fact that he could still unnerve her. She took a deep breath. ‘Anyway, it’s not really any of your business.’

‘Course it bloody is!’ The rage was bubbling. ‘You're shagging some bloke and not only that, but in my house too. Yeah, don't look so surprised. Luke told me that Yankee boy was here one morning.’

‘Mark, you're being unreasonable. I can see someone else if I like.’

‘Not if you're leaving Luke alone so you can have a dirty week away.’ Mark took several steps towards her as he spoke.

‘Luke is sixteen. He's old enough to be left. Nathan was keeping an eye on him.’ Anna took a step back to keep the physical space between them.

‘Might have known he'd be involved in your scheming. Helping you have your sordid little affair.’ Mark picked up the bottle of Jack Daniels and took a swig directly from the bottle. He began circling Anna with slow, purposeful steps. Eyes fixed on her the whole time.

Anna could feel her own anger rising. There was nothing sordid about her and Tex. How dare he come back and confront her as if she was having an affair?

‘If I want a week away, I can. Anyway, where is Luke?’

‘Gone to his mate's. I expect you're really quite disappointed that I'm here.’

Anna could smell the alcohol on Mark's breath as he stopped in front of her, their faces only inches apart. She turned her head away from his breath.

‘No comment.’

‘Means you can't have Yankee lover boy here.’ Another large swig from the bottle. ‘Don't know what you see in him anyway, old git.’

‘Get lost, Mark.’

‘Go on, tell me. What's so great about him?’

‘Everything,’ snapped Anna, looking back defiantly at Mark. ‘Everything is great about him. No one could match up to him.’

Mark stared at her, guzzled from the bottle, and slightly staggering, moved to hold on to the bookcase, knocking a couple of books off the shelf in the process. ‘Shit, Anna. You really mean it, don’t you?’ He was trying to look at her but his eyes were jittering around as he tried to keep focus. ‘So, me and you getting back together isn’t going to happen? You meant that too?’

Anna nodded. ‘Absolutely.’

‘You seem to be forgetting one tiny detail,’ Mark slurred, trying to stand upright but still needing to hold on to the shelf. ‘I’m not agreeing to a divorce, and if you divorce me or stand in the way of the house sale, then I will have to go ahead with my threat and publish those photos.’ He nodded towards his open briefcase on the coffee table.

Anna followed his gaze. She could see his passport along with some official looking papers, maybe from the bank. On top was an envelope with his company logo on it, just like the one he had pulled the photos from before. Her stomach lurched at the thought of those photos. She looked back at Mark. He was now slouching against the bookshelf. As he lifted the bottle to his mouth again, she seized her chance.

Like a cat, she sprang towards the table and snatched at the envelope. Slowed by alcohol, Mark’s reactions weren’t as quick. Nevertheless, he lunged towards her as she swerved from his grasp, the envelope firmly in her hand. His fingers caught her blouse and as he stumbled forwards, crashing into the table, the lightweight fabric ripped.

Unfortunately, Anna forgot about the books that Mark had knocked off the shelf and she stepped awkwardly onto a hardback, twisting her ankle over, causing her to crash to the floor. The side of her face took a glancing blow against the doorframe of the kitchen as she fell. She cried out in pain, stunned and shocked, daring not to move for several seconds.

‘Anna! Shit. Are you okay?’ Mark pushed himself away from the table and crawled over to her. ‘Sorry, Anna, I didn’t mean to make you fall.’

‘Don’t touch me!’ Anna shouted as she sat up, half over the threshold, the quarry tiles of the kitchen floor cold against her hands. Her cheek felt as if it were on fire. Tentatively, she touched the wet and warm sensation on her skin. Her fingers were bloodied as she took them away. Noticing her blouse was torn open revealing her bra, she quickly pulled the material round her with her other hand. It was then she realised she didn’t have the envelope. Her eyes frantically scoured the floor around her.

By the worst stroke of luck, Mark’s knee had it firmly pinned to the floor. He reached down and slipped it out from its resting place. He didn’t try to hide the triumphant look on his face.

‘That was a bit careless of me, leaving it out on view.’

Before she could protest, Mark was putting it back in his briefcase, snapping the combination locks shut. He turned back to look at her.

‘Leave me alone!’ Anna shied away, the feeling of desolation swamping her. Was it possible to drown in despair? She shuffled further back into the kitchen until she felt the door of the sink cupboard against her back and she could go no further. She wiped the never-ending tears that seeped from her eyes, wincing as she brushed the graze on her cheek.

Across the doorway, the unspoken barrier of the threshold, Mark sat on his haunches, hands sliding down his face and rubbing his chin, as if he were going over what had just happened. A truly sobering moment. The pair of them must look a sorry sight, thought Anna.

They both heard the key in the front door at the same time, exchanging alarmed looks, knowing who it was.

‘Luke,’ gasped Anna, suddenly finding strength in her legs as, in unison, her and Mark scrambled up. Mark, trying to look casual, grabbed at a magazine and sat himself in an armchair. Anna sank back into the kitchen, out of immediate eyesight.

‘Hi,’ called Luke as he came in. ‘Where's Mum? Is she here?’

‘All right, son?’

‘Where's Mum? Mum!’ Anna heard his concerned voice nearing the kitchen. ‘Mum! What are all those books doing on the floor?’

She turned away from the door and busied herself by looking in the wall cupboard. For what, she had no idea; she just didn't want Luke to see her face.

‘Mum? You all right? Tex is here.’ Luke was now standing in the doorway.

Anna froze. Tex! Oh no! She couldn't face him either.

‘He's outside. Says he wants to see you.’

‘Tell him I'm asleep. Having a lie-down,’ said Anna, still searching in the cupboard.

‘Okay,’ said Luke, suspicion obvious in his voice.

Anna strained to hear what was being said in the doorway but the voices were too low, just a murmur. Then, suddenly and quite clearly, she heard Tex's voice calling her name, becoming louder and more insistent as he came further into the house.

‘She’s in the kitchen,’ Luke was saying.

She heard Tex’s footsteps stride across the living room and stop on the quarry tiles.

‘Anna?’ His voice quieter. Concerned.

Oh, his lovely calming voice. How she wanted him to take her in his arms, hold her, stroke her hair, take her into his world where she was happy and could leave all this mess of a life behind her.

He was standing at her side now, turning her around to face him, tilting her head up towards him, their eyes meeting. The tears filling her eyes again. The pain on his face as he registered the graze on hers. She was still holding her blouse together with one hand. Silently, Tex removed her hand, allowing the ripped fabric to fall open. He touched the material as if he needed to physically confirm what his eyes saw, his mind understanding.

‘Oh, baby,’ he uttered, his voice full of sadness, his eyes full of hurt and compassion for her. Tex pulled Anna towards him, kissing her hair. ‘I'm sorry. I should never have left you.’ He held her there for a few moments more before releasing her.

It was then Anna saw a look on his face she had never seen before. A steely, hardened look, his eyes narrowing, his jaw fixed, mouth unsmiling, his hands clenching and unclenching in fists. He turned and strode out of the kitchen.

‘Tex! No!’ Anna ran after him, just in time to see the look of alarm across Mark's face before Tex's fist connected with it, sending Mark stumbling backwards, clutching his bloodied nose.

‘Tex! Stop!’ cried Anna. Holding her blouse together, she rushed in front of him, pushing against his chest with her free hand.

Tex looked past her, his stony eyes never leaving Mark's face. ‘You leave her alone.’ His voice was ice cold. ‘Don't lay another finger on her.’

‘You fucking idiot,’ stammered Mark, standing up. ‘I think you've broken my fucking nose.’

‘Shame it wasn't your neck.’ Tex made a sudden movement forward and Mark shrank back. Any further back and he would be in the fire itself.

‘Tex, what are you doing?’ cried Anna almost hysterical. ‘It’s not what you think. I fell. I caught my face on the door.’ She was aware of Luke running round the sofa and helping his dad to his feet as Tex stood his ground.

‘Stop, Anna. You don’t have to cover for him just because Luke’s here.’

‘What? I’m not. You’re not helping.’ Still standing in front of him, Anna pushed against his chest, jostling him backwards. ‘Just get out. Go!’ What was he thinking of attacking Mark like that? He had just jumped to conclusions, he hadn’t waited for her to explain, and now Luke had witnessed it all.

‘Come with me,’ said Tex, taking her hand. ‘Where's your bag? I'm not leaving you this time. I had a bad feeling, that’s why I came back. Come with me.’

‘No. Just go. I need to sort things out here.’ She ignored the incredulous look on Tex’s face and the hurt in his eyes.

‘Anna. You can't stay here. Please come with me.’ Tex's voice was more desperate.

‘I don't think she wants to, actually,’ chipped in Mark, trying to regain his lost pride.

‘Shut up,’ hissed Tex.

‘Both of you shut up!’ shouted Anna. She covered her face with her hand for a moment, trying to calm down. When she took her hand away, three pairs of eyes were looking at her.

‘Anna?’ said Tex gently.

She shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself. ‘Please, Tex, just go.’

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