Unforgettable You (17 page)

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Authors: Deanndra Hall

BOOK: Unforgettable You
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She nods and groans out, “Yes, Sir. Oh, please, Sir, I need to come! Please? Please let me come, Sir?”

Begging like that falling from those beautiful lips I fucked just minutes before does something to me, and I know I only have a scant minute before I’m at the point of no return. The pressure builds, my balls feel like they’re full of smoldering coals, and I slap her ass as I tell her, “Come whenever you’re ready, sub. Come with me!”

When I let go and come, I swear I can see sparkles in the air, and I’m fucking up into her so hard that I’m lifting her knees off the table. She screams out, “Oh, god, Sir, OH GAWWDDD . . .” and the ripples in her pussy begin, starting a trembling in her body that travels through my cock and into my own body. “Oh, god, Sir, fuck me, oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me . . .” she groans and trails off, leaving me to grind into her depths, my hands on her ass, pressing her down into me as I finish off and her spasms slow.

I lean down over her and wrap my arms around her waist, then pull her upward until she’s sitting on my cock, the wax on her back pressing into my chest, and I kiss her neck under her left ear. That elicits another groan from her, and she turns her head until her lips meet mine.

There has never in the history of mankind been a kiss that sweet before. Never. Everything I already knew about her, about me, about us, is all reinforced in that brief moment when the world disappears into a haze and it’s just the two of us. When she breaks the kiss, I murmur into her ear, “Baby, I’ve never felt like this before in my life. There’s never been anyone else like you, and there never will be. You’re it, Sheila; you’re the other half of my whole.” Arms tightening around her, I can feel her body relax against mine, and I realize no other woman has ever satisfied me the way she does. If there was any doubt in my mind, it just flew out the window. This is it.

My search is over. She’s the one.

There’s no easy way to get us apart and off the table, at least no graceful way that I can find, so I whisper to her, “Can you get up?”

“I’ll try.” She manages to get back down onto her knees, and I zip my leathers and climb off the table, then take her hand to help her stand. Instead of letting her walk back to a private room, I pick her up, and her hands wind around my neck, her fingers finding their way into my hair. The way she strokes my scalp gets me hard all over again, and by the time we reach the private room, I’m right back to aching for her.

Once the door is closed, I lay her on the bed, then climb in beside her and whisper softly, “Do you have any idea what you do to me, girl?”

There’s that sleepy smile when she answers, “I don’t know what I’ve done before, but I hope I’ve given you another hard-on, because I really want you to fuck me again.”

I try hard not to laugh. “Again? Didn’t I do a good enough job before?”

“Nope. I want more.” Before I can say anything else, she grabs my face in both hands and kisses me, running her tongue all over mine and down my throat, and my cock starts to absolutely throb. “Will you fuck me again? Please? Sir?” she asks, her eyes searching mine once she’s broken the kiss.

“No. I won’t fuck you again.” That answer meets with a frown of disappointment until I add, “But I’ll gladly make love to you, and I’ll do it all night if you want.”

“I do.” She kisses me again, and then I hear her mutter, “I guess that’s as close as I’ll ever get.”

Now I’m confused. “As close as you’ll ever get to what?”

“Oh, never mind. Just kiss me again.” She tries to pin my lips to hers, but I’m having none of that until she answers my question.

“What did you mean? As close as you’ll ever get to what?”

Out comes a long sigh. “I said never mind. If you keep talking, you’ll go limp, and then you’ll be of no use to me.” She lets out a giggle with the last part of that sentence, and I know it’s to deflect my question, but I also know she’s right. This line of conversation will waste a perfectly good erection, and I know it won’t be too many years before I’ll wish I had this boner back, so I’d better get busy.

“You’re exasperating, know that?” I snicker as I slide my steely length into her wetness. God, she’s decadent.

“I know, but you know what they say.” My puzzled look makes her finish with, “Practice makes perfect.”

“You’re already perfect, baby. There’s not one thing I’d change about you.” I reach up and move a couple of strands of hair out of her face. “Not one thing.”

Chapter Eight

he restaurant isn’t crowded at all for a Friday night, but then, Christmas was three days ago and people aren’t having their New Year’s parties yet, so it’s kind of dead everywhere. Decorations are still all over the place, and theirs are particularly impressive – deep reds, golds, and copper. I made reservations and told them I wanted something kind of private, and it couldn’t be more so. They’ve given us a two-person booth midway back with a small serving space and curtains around it. Perfect. I owe somebody a big, fat tip.

Once we’re seated, I order a nice wine and try to relax a little. I’m forty-five years old and this is a conversation I’ve never had, so I hope I do it right. If I mess this up . . . well, I can’t. I’m not sure how anything can go wrong as long as I’m honest, but I guess anything’s possible.

I’m so nervous I feel like I’m going to throw up. “So, I thought Christmas went pretty well.”

“Yeah, me too! You and Kenny really seemed to get along.” Her youngest brother and I have a lot in common, and we really hit it off. He’s a fun guy.

“I like him a lot. I like your whole family a lot.”

“Well, just so you know, they liked
a lot too.” She grins and I feel my chest start to warm. “And I really enjoyed Thanksgiving at your mom’s. She’s such a lovely person. I’d love to spend more time with her.”

“I’m sure we can do that. She’s asked me to set a regular dinner time weekly, but I’ve always been too busy. Maybe I should make time though.”

“I’d say you should.” She took another sip from her wine glass. “They finally caught that bank robber guy, so he’s no threat anymore. I was so worried about you.”

“And that was good news from the parole board, right?”

Relief is painted all over her. “Oh, absolutely! I don’t think he’s going anywhere.”

Good. This is all going to be okay.

Our server, Armand, brings our appetizer, a beautiful crostino. I can tell Sheila’s impressed, but that wasn’t my intent. I wanted her to be relaxed and happy. I hope she’ll be happy at the end of the evening too. We devour that, our salads, the entrée – she wanted filet mignon, and I want her to have whatever she wants – and when it’s dessert time, I order the most disgustingly decadent, elaborate, complicated thing they have. I want it to take a while to make it to the table so I can talk to her.



“I have something I need to say to you.” My stomach is churning and I’m pretty sure I’m sweating.

Her eyes pop open and she looks a little afraid. That’s not a good sign. “Yeah?”

I reach across the table for her hand, and when she drops it in mine, she visibly relaxes. That’s
what I was hoping for. “Baby, I’ve wanted to talk to you for a couple of weeks, but I had to be sure I was ready.”

I see a tiny little smile form in one corner of her mouth. “And?”

I take a deep breath, straighten my spine, and look directly into those incredible eyes.
Here goes, Cothran. Sink or swim time.
“Sheila . . . babe . . . I just want you to know that this isn’t some fun thing that I’m going to want until I’m tired of you. You’re not just some toy for me. You’re not just another submissive.”

She drops her eyes, bats her eyelashes, and responds with, “And I wouldn’t do the things I do with you with anybody else. Ever.” She turns those eyes up to me and says, “I trust you, Steffen. Completely. I’ve never trusted anybody this much.”

My heart almost bursts. It’s so right. This is all so right, and I can’t even slow down. “That’s all I needed to hear. Because I want you to know, this isn’t just some game for me. Sheila . . .” I only hesitate for a second. “I’ve fallen for you. I didn’t mean for it to happen, and I never dreamed it would, but it’s true and it’s not going away. And I only hope that someday you can . . .”

She shoots me a grin, puts her finger to my lips to shush me, and quietly says, “Steffen, shut up. I love you too. Just kiss me, please?” And I do something I never thought I’d do.

I get up, fall to my knees beside her chair, wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss her. And I feel it. It’s like some kind of agreement has been reached, and it’s accompanied by that sure sensation that tells me it’s not fading away or petering out. She drops into the kiss like a skydiver out of a plane, and for the first time in my life, I realize I’m in a real relationship, not some Dom/sub thing that’s all about play and nothing about real life.

I’m in love with a woman who’s in love with me.

Hot damn. Cothran finally made it. Took me long enough. I guess it’s true; it’s never too late. When I finally break away from her, I look up into her face with a grin I can’t seem to control. “Glad we got that settled.”

Her smile is huge and genuine. “Me too. I’ve wanted to say that to you for weeks and couldn’t work up the nerve.”

“Glad I could be of service!” When I pull the box out of my pocket, I see her eyes light up. She can tell from the shape that it’s not a ring. I’m pretty sure I’m not ready for that yet, but even so, when I hand it to her and she opens it to lift the bracelet out, she’s beaming. It took me forever to pick it out. I was at the jewelry store all afternoon – so long, in fact, that my poor secretary, Bridget, thought something horrible had happened to me. It’s platinum with alternating blue sapphires and blue tourmalines, and I think it’s just about the most striking piece of jewelry I’ve ever seen.

“Put it on me, please?” My hands are shaking, so I take a deep breath to calm myself, then manage to get it fastened around her arm.

“Like it?”

“Oh, Steffen, I love it! It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

I kiss the back of her hand. “Just think of it as a ‘going steady’ gift, I suppose.” I take my seat again just as the dessert shows up. When the server leaves, I grin over at her. “Come over here and sit in my lap. Let me feed this to you.” She doesn’t say a word, just gets up, settles herself on my lap, and opens her mouth when I spoon up a huge bite. Then I take my napkin and wipe the chocolate from the corners of her mouth before I take a bite myself. And now I’m absolutely, positively sure that this is the best night of my life. There’s an angel sitting on my lap, and I can’t wait to get her home and lay her across it.

I’m being a real smart ass when we get back to the house. “You are staying, right? Please, god, tell me you are?” We’re both laughing like teenagers.

“Do I have to do the walk of shame tomorrow morning at nine?” she laughs back.

“No. I’ll let you sneak out at eight if it’ll make it easier!” I give her my best fake smirk.

“Wow. Thanks for that.” She play-slaps me on the arm as I unlock the door. “I swear, I’m taking two days off next week so I can get moved in here. I haven’t had time for anything.”

“Glass of wine? Because I’m definitely having one.” I pull down two glasses.

“You know it. I want to toast us.” As I pull out the bottle of Dom Pérignon, she reaches for one of the glasses, then turns and gets a look at the bottle. “Champagne! Did you already have this planned?”

From under my brows, I grin at her. “Maaayyybeeee . . . let’s just say I was hoping.” I pour, hand one off, then lean toward her and hold out my glass. “To us. May this thing between us grow until we think it can’t grow any more, and then may it grow even more.”

“To us. Ditto.” We clink and she drinks a little. “I know I’m not just your submissive, but I still like to play. So, do you want to . . .”

“Oh, absolutely! You, my dear, are the best sub I’ve ever had in my life. No way am I giving that up unless you just don’t want it anymore.”

“Oh, no. Not gonna happen. I want it. God, yeah, I want it, babe. Actually,” she says, rising and taking my glass out of my hand to set it on the counter, “I want it right now.”

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