UnexpectedFind (4 page)

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Authors: Nancy Corrigan

BOOK: UnexpectedFind
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The whispered greeting gave him pause. “Where are you?”

“The woods behind Tony’s house.”

Rafe tensed. “Why are you there and not Zach?”

“I was worried about Devin. He didn’t sound good when he
called, kept repeating himself.”

He clenched his free hand and blew out a rough breath but it
didn’t help. His anger rose. “Dammit, Kade. Why did you send him in the first
place? Devin’s got issues to begin with and dropping him in a situation that
reminds him of his past isn’t smart.”

“I was hoping to distract him. The shit with his sister has
left him stressed. He’s been picking fights with anyone who even looks at Mira.
One of Xander’s wolves stopped by to talk to her and Devin nearly tore his
throat out. I’m worried about him.”

Him and everyone else in the family. Devin and his twin,
Mira, might not be blood related but they were members of the Alexander pride
and their issues became everyone’s. He pinched the bridge of his nose. While he
wanted to talk more about Kade’s foolish choices, he had more important issues
to address. His gaze strayed to the door blocking him from Jasmine.

“I stumbled upon an unexpected find.”
More than one
he added silently.

“And that is?”

“Did Devin mention the scent-marked female we smelled at
Tony’s house?”


“I found her. She’d come to talk to Josh too.”

“And? Did you recognize the scent? It was too faded by the
time I got here to tell much other than she’s owned by a royal.”

Rafe closed his eyes and pictured Jasmine’s face when she’d
pleaded with him to understand her rejection. “I think it might be the other
way around. She has twin boys. My instincts tell me it’s their scent on her.”

“Shit, we’ve stumbled upon a damn treasure find. That’s the
best news I’ve heard in a long time. I wonder if she adopted them from the same
lawyer Tony used.”

He pressed the heel of his palm to the thump in his temple. “She
claims they’re hers.”

A long pause. “Is she mate-marked?”

“No. First thing I checked for.” But he had no problem
imagining how sexy a bite would look on her shoulder, or how good it’d be if he
had the right to lick the marked skin, make her writhe in pleasure. He hissed
out a strained breath. “And the claim rubbed onto her wrist consisted of two

And it was that evidence that made the likelihood of what he
suggested true. Felines were possessive. Once they claimed anything—an object
or person—they held their treasured item close. They didn’t share and would
never tolerate another’s scent mixed with theirs, unless it was important to
both of them, like a mother would be.

“Do you have the female’s name?”

Rafe ran his tongue over the roof of his mouth where her
taste still lingered. “I have more than that. I have her.”

“Good. So what do you need from me?”

“I’m going to follow her home but I want info on her.
Anything I can get but since you’re there, I’ll text Zach instead.”

“I’ll meet you at the woman’s house. Unless I want to wander
aimlessly, I’m just wasting my time. There’s no scent from our murdering
shifter. He’s masking it. Only thing I found was a couple of lion tracks and a
man’s footprints near where a car had been parked. He took off.”

And if the shifter was after their children, Jasmine’s boys
were in as much danger as Megan. He pushed the worry back. The male might not
even know about them. He had struck at Tony first, which suggested the little
girl had been his original target. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that the
unknown male wasn’t sane. Only a crazed shifter would leave evidence behind of
a kill. Or maybe a suicidal one. Either way, he wouldn’t relax until all the
innocents he’d stumbled upon were under his pride’s protection.

“I’ll send you what I have. She mentioned she left her boys
with a neighbor. Check the surrounding area first.”

Kade chuckled. “You’re lucky I love you, brother. Otherwise,
I wouldn’t stand for you ordering me around.”

“Thirty seconds separated us. You’re only leader because you
popped out first. You and I both know I could take the reins from you if I
wanted to.”

“Don’t tempt me, Rafe. I might just take you up on that
offer and I know you don’t want the damn job any more than I do.”

No, he didn’t and it was only his anxiety making him short
with Kade. He swallowed past the tightness in his throat. “Be safe out there. I’m
concerned about the state of mind of this murdering shifter. His actions don’t
make sense.”

“Don’t they? I think they make perfect sense. Kill the human
guardian, take the child and run.”

“But he left evidence of his kill inside the home for humans
to find.”

“According to the talkative little desk clerk at the police
station, they found cans of gasoline inside the house and the backdoor was left
open. The humans still maintain it was armed robbery but
know better.
The shifter was interrupted and the witness who reported the crime was lucky
the male ran.”

Fear struck. If what Kade said was true, this human was in
danger, yet another innocent they had to protect. “Did you get the witness’s

Kade’s sigh was loud over the line. “No. We were interrupted
before I could persuade the female to share all her knowledge.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t a chore getting the information. Was she

Kade chuckled. “Pretty enough. Tasted good too.”

Rafe knew another female with a delicious flavor. His mouth
watered. He wanted more and that worried him. Felines rarely sought out women
they’d already enjoyed. The conquest was often the lure to getting them naked.
Once they did that, they moved on. He’d already gotten to enjoy Jasmine. He
still crave her.

“I’ve already texted Zach. He’s getting in touch with
Shifter Affairs,” Kade announced, the leader back in charge. “They’ll handle
covering up the death and supplying us with the info we need.”

“Good. Let me know when you get to Jasmine’s house,” Rafe
said and hung up.

After he texted Jasmine’s number, he settled back to wait
for her. The eagerness he felt as he watched the door worried him too. Desiring
her body was one thing. He could justify his hunger since he hadn’t fucked her
yet, but he shouldn’t be so anxious to look into her gray eyes or hear her
voice. That kind of fascination could be dangerous. Just because royal males
take human mates didn’t mean many did. It wasn’t a choice made lightly. Their
mating bites killed.

Chapter Four


Jazz ended the call and dropped the phone back onto Josh’s
desk. She breathed a sigh. Everything was quiet on the home front. The boys
were watching the black-and-white western movies Mr. Wilkins always had playing
at his house. They hadn’t even noticed she was late picking them up. As a
mother, she was both glad they felt comfortable away from home and sad too. It
meant they were growing up.

After chatting with her kids, she explained to Mr. Wilkins
her concern about the murderer. He thought she was worrying over nothing, that
crime happened even in a rural area but he assured her he’d left his dogs
out—Rottweilers that loved her boys—and had a loaded gun next to him. Just in
case. Although he was older, he was still a good shot. Seth and Levi were as
safe as they’d be with her. Probably more so. She didn’t have dogs that would
bark and alert her to danger.

She glanced at the couch. Her body tingled with the memory
of what she and Rafe had done there. She ran a shaky hand through her hair. No
man had ever made her lose control the way he had tonight. Not only did she
allow herself to be seduced, she took what Rafe offered and demanded more. She’d
actually rubbed herself against his face, fucked herself on his tongue and when
she’d come—god, she didn’t know she was capable of making the sounds she had.
But damn, it had felt good and so had the way Rafe had looked at her afterward.

Desire, awe and satisfaction. If she didn’t know better, she’d
say he got nearly as much pleasure from making her orgasm as she’d gotten from
the actual release. And that was what fantasies were made of—a hot guy who
enjoyed making a woman scream his name.

While she’d used the bathroom, she’d even convinced herself
that maybe Rafe was worth juggling her responsibility to her kids. Would it be
so bad if she left the kids with Mr. Wilkins a few nights a month? Or even with
Josh? Once she talked to him, he’d be her best resource for support. Seth and
Levi were older now and didn’t need her as much as they had when they were
younger. Tonight proved it.

As long as she kept the sex casual, no strings attached,
dating Rafe would give her the best of both worlds. He didn’t have to know her
secret. She could meet him places, get hotel rooms. An affair. That’s all.

It had seemed so clear. She’d had a plan and walked out of
the bathroom with a smile on her face—and found an empty room. He’d left. And
that hurt a lot more than she liked admitting. She’d fallen for his tender
words and the sincere look in his eyes, but when faced with the truth—the woman
he’d pleasured came with baggage—he ran.

She sighed and grabbed the car keys from the desk. At least
he’d left them before he’d hightailed it out of here. But really, could she
blame him? They’d just met. Unless he only wanted a one-night stand, getting
involved with her meant the possibility of an instant family, not something
many guys wanted. And she hadn’t exactly made it clear that giving him her
number was a possible invitation for sex, not a relationship.

She rolled her keys in her hand and looked at Josh’s desk.
If she was going to entertain the idea of a having a man in her life, why look
for love from a stranger when Josh had made no secret of wanting to renew their
previous relationship. The only reason she’d avoided him was her kids. The
secret. Now it wasn’t an obstacle. First thing in the morning, she’d call him,
break the news about Megan and see where things led with them.

She gave the couch one last glance, walked to the door and
flung it open. Her eyes widened at the sight that met her. Rafe leaned against
the wall on the opposite side of the hallway, ankles crossed and thumbs in his
front pockets.

“Hey, beautiful. I was starting to get worried.”

She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. “You

A chuckle shook his chest. He pushed away from the wall and
closed the distance between them. With one hand pressed against door over her
head and the other by her hip, he surrounded her. Although short, she was
curvy. Petite wasn’t a description she’d used for herself, but next to Rafe she
felt small.

He slid his hand across her belly and up to lightly skim
over her nipples. The points pebbled with the slight contact. Her breath
quickened but he didn’t linger there. He swept those calloused fingers over her
chest, up the length of her neck and finally tipped up her chin. He met her
eyes. “Is that why you took so long? Hoping I’d get bored and take off?”

Captured by his intense stare, she couldn’t form words. He
watched her with unblinking eyes for a long, heart-stopping moment before he
bent his head and covered her mouth with his. With a swipe of his tongue, he
gently prodded at the seam. She opened to him on a moan, inviting him in.
Instead of thrusting inside, he ran the tip along the inside of her upper lip,
then the lower as if savoring her flavor. And the low appreciative sound that
rumbled in his chest suggested he liked her taste. Tamed by the rawness of it,
she arched into him, silently asking for more.

His tongue finally met hers and the slow, drugging kiss he
delivered rekindled her passion. It was a gentle urging she couldn’t resist.
She linked her arms around his neck and clung to him while he led her in an
erotic dance that felt as intimate as actual sex. They moved together,
adjusting the depth and angle of their strokes as if they’d been lovers their
entire lives and this was foreplay, a lead up to the real thing, not a simple

He slid his fingers from her chin into her hair and fisted a
section. A slight tug to those captured strands and he bent her head farther
back, forcing her to accept his deepening thrusts and the quicker pace. He
skimmed his other hand along the length of her side, a tentative touch that
left her skin tingling. Another slow pass from the edge of her breast to her
hip and she was arching into him, pressing her belly against the ridge of his

He was seducing her. And dear god, she wanted everything he
could give her. Consequences be damned.

Another hungry noise spilled into her mouth, one she enjoyed
pulling from him. She rubbed along the bulge that seemed to grow the longer
they kissed. His response excited her. She wanted to tear down his control,
make him as wild as he’d done for her.

His sweeping caresses quickened, moved to her bottom. He
molded each rounded cheek before lifting her. And the easy show of strength
appealed to her as much as the way he touched her body. The man was literally
built for sex. She had no doubt he could hold her up all night long. The
thought fed the burning lust consuming her. Her core clenched, reminding her of
what she hungered for.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and ground her hips
against his. More. She needed more than just the pressure on her clit. She
ached, the feeling of emptiness growing with the fevered way he ate at her

“Jasmine,” he groaned against her lips.

She heard the unspoken question, but the music drifting to
her ears reminded her this wasn’t the place for it. “Not here, Rafe.”

He twisted the handle and shoved the door at her back open
with a push of their bodies. They stumbled back inside the office. Without
breaking their kiss, he lowered her to the couch.

Somebody clearing their throat froze them both.

“I’m sorry, but you’re not allowed back here.”

Jazz peeked past Rafe’s shoulders and saw Sara, the head
waitress, standing at the doorway, her eyes downcast and a blush staining her
cheeks. Rafe chuckled and Jazz glanced back at him.

“I was hoping she’d walk by and leave us alone.”

How had he heard her approach? Her face must’ve shown her
confusion because he cleared his throat and mumbled, “Her shoes squeak.”

Okay. That answered her question but how had he heard it?
She’d been too focused on Rafe to notice anything. Maybe he hadn’t been as
fixated on her as she’d been with him. The idea didn’t sit well. She dropped
her gaze and tugged on her shirt.

“Jazz, please, I really don’t want to call security but I

Jazz pushed against Rafe’s shoulders. He stood and pulled
her against him. The simple move eased her insecurity and so did the huge
erection pressing into her.

Rafe dipped his head. “No need, ma’am. We’ll take our leave
on our own.”

He led her out the door and toward the employee exit. Once
outside, the humid summer air hit them. She shivered with the change in
temperature. Rafe tucked her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. He
pressed his cheek to the top of her head.

“I’m sorry, Jasmine. I really thought she’d walk by. I
should’ve closed the door behind us.”

“It’s probably a good thing she interrupted us.” Rafe tensed
and she hurriedly added, “I really do have to get home. There was an armed
robbery earlier today and I’m a little edgy about leaving my kids alone so

The muscles under her hands tightened even more. “I thought
you said your children were safe and with a neighbor.”

The bite of accusation in his tone bothered her. Was he
implying she’d neglect her boys?

“I did. And they are. But I won’t feel at ease until I’m
with them.”

He rubbed the length of her spine. With each slow stroke of
his hands, the stiffness in his body eased. “I understand. My brother’s ma—” he
cleared his throat. “My brother’s wife felt the same way when her little ones
were young.”

She smiled at the thought of Rafe playing ball or maybe
dolls with a little niece or nephew. “So you’re an uncle?”

The hand caressing her stilled for a moment before he
continued with the lazy strokes along the curve of her spine. “No. Not exactly.”

When he didn’t explain, she asked, “What do you mean?” A
horrible thought struck her. “My god, did they die?”

Rafe separated their bodies and took her hand. He raised it
to his lips, placed a kiss to her palm, then pressed it to his chest, over his
heart. “Maybe, maybe not. My nieces disappeared along with my sister many years
ago. We searched for years for them. The police gave up, private detectives ran
into dead end after dead end.” His thumb rubbed over her knuckles but she got
the impression the move soothed him, not her. “We still keep our eyes out, hope
one day we’ll find them.”

The pain in his eyes was sharp. She reached up and caressed
his jaw. He leaned into her touch. Warmth spread in her heart from that simple
reaction. She was glad she could give him some small comfort. “I’m sorry, Rafe.”

He held their joined hands between them and looked into her
eyes. “Thank you, my Jasmine. Your words comfort me more than I can express.”

The butterflies in her belly took flight. The man was a
romantic. “You know, I’m starting to enjoy the odd way you talk. It makes me
feel as if I walked into a world where princesses wait to be swept away by
their knights in shining armor.”

He grinned, the sad look replaced by amusement. Releasing
her hands, he slid his around her waist. “You would make a beautiful princess.”

“Would I?”

“One to be fought for.” He twirled a lock of her hair around
a finger. “What about me? Would I fill the role of your knight in shining

She smiled, completely charmed by this man. She ran her
hands over his chest, luxuriated in the layers of muscle under her palms. “I don’t
know if any horse would be able to carry you for long. I see you more as a
warrior, a conqueror.”

“One who demands the bonny ladies as his reward after a
battle?” He swept her into his arms. She gasped and grabbed his shoulders. Lust
heated his eyes as he mapped her face. “Oh yes, I like this fantasy and in it I
get to choose you as my booty.” He bent his head closer so his golden eyes
filled her vision. “I think I might keep you, Jasmine.”

Her breath hitched. “I think you have a wild imagination.”

“Or a hopeful one.” He eased back but watched her with that
focused gaze she was starting to associate with him. “I want you.”

The lust-hazed glint to his eyes told her exactly what he
wanted. For once in her life, she did too—but it couldn’t happen. She had
responsibilities. Spontaneity and motherhood did not mesh. The little episode
in Josh’s office proved that. She would’ve been mortified if Sara walked in
while they were having sex. Everyone in town would’ve known within the hour.
The other playgroup moms would find out, maybe shun her or at least look at her
negatively. No. Any liaisons she had would have to be planned and kept hidden.

She licked her upper lip. “I haven’t had sex in a really
long time, Rafe.” She dropped her gaze and stared at his chin. “What we did
tonight wasn’t like me either. I’m not like that. Easy.”

He brushed his lips over her forehead. “I know.” He set her
on her feet and took her hand. “Come, let’s get you home.”

She walked with him around the side of the building to the
parking lot. He led her right in the direction of her car, not even pausing by
the other ones or asking where she’d parked. A feeling of unease slithered over
her. She stopped and tugged on his arm. He looked at her with scrunched brows.

She jerked her chin toward her car. “Why do you think I
parked there?”

He ran a hand through his hair, glanced toward the cluster
of vehicles then back to her. “Your keys. You drive a Ford and I figured you’d
be parked by a light.”

Intuitive or something more? Doubt crept into her mind and
fed the apprehension. She pointed across the lot to the cars near the front
door. “Why not think I parked there?”

A sheltered mask slid over the warm and open expression he’d
worn since she’d met him. The first trickling of fear snaked into her
consciousness and her earlier suspicion came back.

He shook his head and the hard look disappeared. Using the
hand he held, he tucked her against his side. “I am sorry, Jasmine. I just
assumed that since you arrived so late you would’ve been forced to park as far
away as I did.”

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