UnexpectedFind (11 page)

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Authors: Nancy Corrigan

BOOK: UnexpectedFind
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Anger darkened the blue of his eyes. “So you can trust a guy
you just met but not the one who’s stood by you for twenty years?”

She released him. “It’s not that I didn’t trust you. I—”

“No, Jazz. I don’t care if you trust him or got involved
with him. I’m not letting anyone get between us this time.”

Rafe’s friend opened the door before she could respond. The
man’s nostrils flared. Mouth parted slightly, he inhaled. His brown eyes
flicked between them before focusing on Megan. The hard lines of his face
softened as he studied her. His reaction eased the last bit of tension in Jazz’s

“Be calm, little cub,” the man said. His voice was rough and
gravelly but the timbre had a soothing quality to it. “You’re safe now and so
are your humans.”

“Who are you?” Jazz asked.

He faced her. “Devin Moore, your male’s friend.” His gaze
slid from her to Josh. “And the one who will ensure Rafe doesn’t tear Josh’s
throat out for daring to touch what belongs to him.”

Chapter Twelve


Rafe ended the call and pressed his foot to the accelerator.
He could count on one hand the number of times he’d experienced true terror in
his life, but the crippling emotion had consumed him since he woke and found
Jasmine missing. He could excuse her desertion if they’d met under different
circumstances. Waking up in a near stranger’s arms could be frightening,
especially for a female who didn’t have much sexual experience. The
morning-after regrets were forgivable. But running from him to another man
while a demented shifter was in town was not.

Calum. Oh gods, he didn’t want to believe it, but Devin had
seen his lion. His cats recognized him, even if Calum’s scent was masked.

Rafe’s growls filled the car, warning him how very close he
was to losing it. He needed to calm down but he wouldn’t be able to until he
held Jasmine in his arms.

He slowed the car and pulled behind Devin’s vehicle. A few
leaves and branches remained on the road but the uprooted tree that had caused
the accident was pushed into the woods. Rafe glanced from the thick trunk to
the broken and crushed bushes next to it. Josh’s SUV was sandwiched between two
trees at the bottom of the small embankment. If it had hit either, the accident
might’ve been worse. Possibly fatal.

Another wave of distress swept through him. Jasmine could’ve
died. Or worse yet, fallen into Calum’s hands. Claws threatened to emerge. The
points burned the skin of his fingertips. He rubbed the ends with his thumb to
ease the itch and looked for Jasmine. Didn’t see her. Rafe jumped out of his
car and her scent hit him. She was close. He followed her fragrance around
Devin’s car and into the woods on the opposite side of the accident.

Rafe spotted them near a group of boulders. Megan sat on one
and Devin was crouched on the ground in front of her. But it was the sight of
Josh standing with a hand on Jasmine’s shoulder that forced the talons free.

He snarled and quickened his pace. Devin turned his head,
glanced from his clawed hands to his face, then slowly stood and moved closer
to Jasmine and Josh.

“Back off, Devin,” he warned.

Devin shook his head and blocked him with his body. “Not
with that look on your face.”

Rafe took in his widened stance and hands held loosely at
his sides. Devin would fight him if he tried to get past him. He didn’t want to
hurt his friend so he stopped and said, “Jazz is in no danger from me.”

“It’s not your female I’m worried about.”

Rafe glanced to Jasmine. She watched him warily. It was her
guarded expression that helped him rein in his temper. She didn’t trust him.
Why would she? She hadn’t even known the male who’d loved her body last night
wasn’t human. His fears had been right. Not telling her the truth had nearly
cost him her life. The pain in his chest worsened. He’d endangered his female.
All for what? The chance to fuck her? Gods, he was a fool. No more. From here
on out, she’d get nothing but the truth from him, even if she didn’t want to
hear it.

“Jasmine, come here,” Rafe said and pointed to the spot in
from of him.

She raised a brow. “Is that an order?”

“A suggestion. If you don’t want your friend hurt, you’ll do
as I say.” He shrugged. “You decide.”

Josh pushed her behind him. “No. I decide. Jazz isn’t
getting anywhere near you.”

Rafe grinned. He retracted his claws and curled his fingers
in a bring-it-on motion. “Fine. Let’s fight for her, human.”

Jasmine gasped and jumped in front of Josh. She splayed her
hands on his chest and looked over her shoulder. “Stop it, Rafe. I am not a
prize to be fought for.”

“Move, Jazz. This asshole wants a fight and I’m itching to
give it to him,” Josh challenged.

Panic flashed in her eyes. Her gaze swept over him then back
to Josh. She shoved Josh when he stepped around her. “Enough. Who I stand
beside is not something worth fighting over.”

Yes it was, but when she ducked under Josh’s arm and walked
to him, Rafe decided not to voice his opinion. He’d gotten what he wanted.

She took a few steps toward him, stopped and said, “You lied
to me.”

“I didn’t lie. I just didn’t tell you the truth.”

“What’s going on? Who is that crazy guy who just tried to
kill us?”

Rafe glanced from Jasmine to Megan, who watched them
closely. He jerked his chin toward the little girl. “I promise to explain
everything, but not now.” He blew out a breath. “I know it’s asking a lot but I
need you to trust me.”

“Trust you?” She laughed and the bitter sound cut through
him, made his chest ache. “I’m willing to listen to you but—”

“I sent Kade to watch over your boys, had Devin watching
over Megan. If I’d meant to take the kids, I could’ve at any time.” He narrowed
his eyes. “That’s what you were afraid of. That’s why you left me this morning.
Isn’t it?”

She nodded. “Do you blame me?”

“No, sweetheart. I don’t and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the
truth.” He reached his hand toward her. “Please, come to me, Jasmine.”

She hesitantly walked closer. Rafe waited until she was
within arm’s reach, grabbed her hand and yanked her against him. He wrapped his
arms around her shoulders and hugged her close. Peace swept through him now
that she was where she belonged. He inhaled her fragrance, needing to imprint
her on him, but the faint scent twined within hers made him tense.

Jasmine stiffened too. “What’s wrong?” she whispered into
his chest.

Rafe slid his hand into her hair and tugged it to expose the
length of her throat and the spot he’d added a permanent scent-claim. Calum had
rubbed his signature over it. This display was temporary, the same kind her
cubs had used, but it served as a reminder of how very close Rafe had come to
losing her. Jasmine had been in Calum’s grasp. He could’ve killed her before Rafe
even knew a threat to his female existed.

He licked the offending smell away then buried his nose into
her hair. “He had you.”

“The…the shifter Devin scared away?”

“Yes.” The desk clerk’s words came back to him. Rafe lifted
his head and met Josh’s angry glare. Rafe inclined his head. “Thank you, Josh,
for protecting my female when I had failed to do so.”

Josh dipped his head but rage and jealousy still darkened
his eyes and hardened his features. No matter. The human would have to get over
his feelings. Now that Jasmine was back where she belonged—in his arms—she was
staying there. He wouldn’t allow her to seek protection or affection from
another male. Nor would he allow Calum to take her. And the bastard would try.

“I’m not your anything, Rafe.” She lowered her voice even
more. “Last night shouldn’t have happened.”

He fisted her hair and bent her head back. “But it did.
There is no taking it back, Jasmine.”

“Jazz,” she corrected him. “And no, there’s not. But that
doesn’t mean there will be any more repeat performances.”

The fire in her eyes appealed to him. He couldn’t wait to
tame her, but not here. He kissed the tip of her nose. “We will see, Jazz. We
will see.”

Devin cleared his throat. “We should go.”

Rafe hugged Jasmine close. “Let’s go collect your boys.”

He tucked her into his side and led the way back to their
cars. At the roadside, he picked up the purple car seat that sat on the ground
next to Devin’s vehicle and walked toward his.

“No,” Megan said with a shake of her head. She planted
little fists on her hips and glared at him then looked at Josh. “I’m not going
with the angry man.”

“You don’t have to,” Josh said. He yanked the seat from Rafe’s
hands and handed it to Devin.

Devin held it up, turned it around and frowned. “No biggie,
kid. You can ride with me.” He bent in front of the child and asked, “Do you
know how this thing works?”

“Let me help.” Jasmine pushed away from him.

He let her go only because Josh stepped next to him and muttered,
“Let me make this very clear, Rafe. Devin explained briefly what we’re up
against. And after what happened today, I know I’m out of my element. But that
doesn’t mean I will blindly trust you or your friends.”

“You have no choice but to trust us.”

“Doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.” Josh leveled a hard look
on him. “Betray me and I will find a way to destroy you.”

Rafe nodded and matched the warning glare. “Then here is
your warning—come between me and Jasmine and I will destroy you.”

A grin spread over Josh’s face that didn’t reach his angry
eyes. “Keep acting the way you did just now and I won’t have to.”

Jasmine walked over, looked between them. “Everything okay?”

Josh smacked him on the back. “Sure. Just some male bonding.”

Rafe bit back the growl. He held a hand out to Jasmine. She
reached for it without hesitation. He flashed the male a pleased smile. Josh
scowled and Rafe chuckled.

“If the two of you are done,” Devin called out, “I’m going
to go pick up Kade and the cubs so we can get out of this godforsaken town.”

“What?” Jasmine looked between them. Panic widened her eyes,
made the color drain from her skin. “You’re not taking my boys anywhere.”

“It’s too dangerous here. The children will be safer back in
our compound,” Devin reasoned.

“No!” She fisted his shirt. “Please, Rafe, don’t let him
take my boys. You said you weren’t going to steal my kids!”

He ran a hand over her loose hair. “I’m not stealing anyone.
You’re coming too. I’m not leaving without you.”

Her eyes widened even more. “Excuse me?”

“I’m keeping you, Jazz. You’re moving home with me.” He
waved to where Josh stood. “Josh will have to come to.”

A flush returned to her cheeks but anger put it there. He
scented it. She glared at him and shoved away. “I am not moving anywhere and neither
is Josh.” She waved an arm out to indicate the road next to them. “This is our
home. We both have businesses here. Friends.”

“But you’re in danger. You’ve attracted the attention of an
evil man. Even if we get him, you and your cubs will always be in danger.” Rafe
mimicked her encompassing wave. “This backwoods town is the only reason you
were able to live unnoticed by the shifter community.”

A shuttered look passed over her face and he wondered if she
had run into trouble before. Since she and her children were still alive,
whatever trouble she’d had was minor. He filed the reaction away to discuss
with her later. “But now you’ve been spotted. You won’t survive the week
without my pride’s protection.”

“No. I am not moving anywhere,” Jasmine said with a raised
chin and arms crossed over her chest. The pose screamed stubborn.

Rafe sighed. “Jazz, be realistic—”

“I won’t move. If you want to protect me,” she dropped her
arms and took a step forward, “you can stay here.”

“Kade won’t like it,” Devin chimed in.

No, Kade wouldn’t. But what was Rafe supposed to do? Sure,
he could move them by force. They wouldn’t be able to stop him. Once they were
in their compound, Jasmine would realize how much safer it was. Not only did
his small pride reside there, the largest wolf pack in the eastern states
called it home. Add in the two bear families and no shifter group would dare
attack them, not even Calum. But would she hate him for it? He didn’t want her
to despise him. No. He wanted her warm and welcoming as she’d been last night.

A day or two here wouldn’t hurt them. Calum wouldn’t dare
try to grab her or the cubs while they were with a royal. He could talk to her
in private and convince her to leave willingly. The plan eased his distress.

“Okay, sweetheart. We’ll try it your way.” And when she
gifted him with a smile, some of the tightness in his chest eased. He grinned
at her, then turned to Devin. “Call and see if any of our pride members can
come down.”

Devin nodded and glanced at Megan. “I’ll ask Mira to come
too. She’s good with kids.”

Rafe studied his friend carefully. “You sure? You usually
don’t allow her around humans.”

“I’m hoping being around Megan and the other cubs will give
her some ideas. She’s been alone too long.”

Rafe closed his eyes against the sadness that statement
brought. “We can hope.”

“Who is Mira and why isn’t she allowed near humans?” Josh

“My twin.” Devin faced him. “And humans aren’t trustworthy.”

Chapter Thirteen


Jazz waited until Josh got Megan settled and closed the car
door before focusing on Rafe. “Megan’s out of earshot. Start talking. I want to
know who you really are.”

“My name really is Rafe Alexander.” He turned in his seat to
face her. “I work for a special unit of the government helping to retrieve
shifters who’ve been kidnapped and prosecute those who deal in shifter

Shifter trafficking? Had the government found out about the
fake birth certificates she had for Seth and Levi? She swallowed hard and
forced herself to ask, “How can I trust that you’re with this special unit and
not feeding me a line?”

He grumbled but dug out his wallet, folded it in half and
handed it to her. She took it and looked at the identification card.
Alexander. Shifter Affairs.
It even had an official-looking hieroglyphic on
it. She turned it around, studied the glyph in the light, then glanced from the
picture to him. It looked official. Real.

It made perfect sense the government would have a group that
policed shifters. She wasn’t the only person in the world who knew about them.
She could take a leap of faith and believe that Rafe was telling her the truth.
He hadn’t done anything to make her afraid of him, wary but not fearful. And
she was wary of most people. That wasn’t new. His friend had even saved them
from the lion.

She handed the card back. “Okay, fine. Now why were you here
in the first place?”

He held his hand out to her, palm up. She stared at it a
moment before placing hers in it. He tightened his fingers around her hand. “We
were alerted to Megan’s adoption and came down to investigate, but we were too
late. Tony was already dead. We assumed the killer skipped town when he didn’t
snag Megan. That’s typical behavior for those who grab our kids. They’re

He stroked her knuckles and mumbled, “But I was wrong and
didn’t realize how much danger we were in until Devin saw the killer’s lion
form and recognized him. If I had known, I would’ve told you, gotten you
somewhere safe.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve been tracking this male
for a long time, Jasmine. He’s not sane. I don’t ever want you to fall into his
hands. The things he would do to you would make you beg for death.”

If he’d meant to scare her, he’d succeeded. She trembled.
Her overactive mind took his words and put visuals to them. Bile rose. “Who is

His nostrils flared. “He’s the one who took my sister and my
brother’s little girls.”

“Oh,” she mumbled, unsure what else to say.

“Don’t be scared. As long as you are with me, he won’t make
a move. He might be sick but he’s not stupid, which is why we haven’t caught
him yet. He knows coming at me head-on is suicide. He’ll sit and wait for us to
leave you unattended. Same with your kids. But I won’t, baby. You’re safe with
me and this time I
catch him.” He sighed and added, “And you’re
doubly at risk now, Jasmine. He knows you’re with me, important to me. He would
come after you for that reason alone. To take you from me.”

She swept her gaze over the woods surrounding them. No lion.
No glowing brown eyes. He was gone but the way he’d looked at her in the hotel
scared her. He’d be back. She shifted in her seat and studied the man sitting
next to her. “You really think he’ll come after me?”

He nodded but didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. The
haunted look on his face betrayed his anxiety. He was worried about her and
after the way the guy groped her, she had no problem imagining what he’d do if
he got his hands on her.

She inched closer to Rafe. “What were your plans for Megan?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Honestly, I don’t have an
answer. These aren’t easy cases.”

“So you wouldn’t have just taken Megan or my kids?”

Rafe shook his head. “No. It’s not our intention to rip
families apart. We do what’s best for all involved.”

A wave of relief swept over her and the last bit of unease
faded. She blew out a rough breath. “Okay. What happens now?”

“We’re going to catch this bastard then help you, Josh and
the kids.” He laid a hand on her thigh. “But I can’t have you running off. You
need to stay with me so I can protect you. Do you understand?”

She rubbed at her pounding temples and thought about
everything that had happened since meeting Rafe. The sweet way he talked to
her, the way he made her feel. Dammit, last night had meant more to her than
simple sex but she didn’t want to think about that. Not now. She couldn’t deal
with it. All she knew was that Rafe hadn’t tried to hurt her family. He’d loved
her body, watched over her kids and now sought to keep them safe.

“Protect me. Yes, okay.”

He covered her hand with his, gave it a little squeeze. “Good.
Now don’t worry. You and your kids will be fine. I’m going to catch him. He won’t
ever threaten you again. I promise you.”

Devin’s car pulled out and Rafe released her hand to drive. She
forced her fingers to unclench. “Worry is what I do. I’m a mother.”

Rafe glanced at her then back at the road. “How exactly did
you come to be the mother of feline shifters?”

Nina’s image flashed before her eyes. She considered telling
Rafe the truth about the poor, frightened woman she’d befriended, but she’d
harbored the secret for over five years and wasn’t comfortable sharing it with
him yet. Just because she was putting her faith in him to protect her didn’t
mean he had to know everything about her life, not yet anyway.

“I found them behind a dumpster,” she mumbled. At least that
much was true. “I knew they weren’t quite…normal so I kept them.”

Rafe’s nostrils flared and she held her breath. Shifters
could taste scents. She’d learned that last Christmas when she’d told Seth and
Levi they had better be good or Santa Claus was going to bring them coal. They’d
asked if he was real. She’d fibbed and they’d called her on it.

“How did you know they were different? Male shifters don’t
take their animal form until after their first birthday.”

Jazz studied the claw mark on her arm. The day she’d walked
into their bedroom and found a tiger cub in one crib and a lion in the other
was one she’d never forget. Shell-shocked was putting it mildly. After a year
of taking care of normal babies and all the joys and pains that went with it,
she’d convinced herself she’d imagined the whole thing and Seth and Levi were
as human as she was…but seeing the evidence of their furry little bodies…she’d
sat down in the middle of the safari-decorated room and cried. When Levi, in
his little tiger form, had started whimpering, she’d gone to him and learned
the hard way that their claws were wickedly sharp.

“Their eyes glowed,” she finally said.

Rafe turned his head and studied her for so long she feared
they’d have a repeat of the accident this morning, but he finally faced the
road. “They must’ve been newborns, probably only minutes old.” He rubbed his
chin. “It’s odd that their mother wasn’t around.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know what happened to her.”

The moment the words were out of her mouth she knew she’d
made a mistake uttering the lie. Rafe’s nostrils flared once more and his hand
tightened on the steering wheel until the tips of claws pushed from the ends of
his fingers. She scrambled as far from him as the confines of the car would
allow. He glanced at her and cursed. He breathed roughly for a few minutes but
finally, the claws retracted and the tension in his limbs eased.

“Dammit, Jasmine, do not be afraid of me. It makes me angry.”

“I can’t help it when you start to go all furry on me,” she

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. That’s the last
thing I want.”

And when he used that sincere tone, she believed him. She
felt bad all over again for thinking the worst of him.

“I know,” she mumbled.

Thankfully, they turned down the road leading to Mr. Wilkins’
house and she didn’t have to discuss Nina anymore. Five years had passed but
she still cried sometimes when she pictured her face. If she started crying
now, she might not stop.

She turned her attention to the shaded yard. Mr. Wilkins, a
stout man in his sixties with gray hair, sharp eyes and gravelly voice from
years of smoking, sat on the Adirondack chair on his front porch. A rifle
rested on his lap and Peggy Sue and Bobby Rae, his older Rottweilers, lay on
each side of his chair. The other three big dogs were across the porch as far
as they could get from Kade, an identical version of Rafe. With shorter hair
and a hard glint to his eyes, he looked like a predator. When he slowly turned
his head to watch their approach, her breath caught. He was just as
good-looking as Rafe but he scared her on a primal level she couldn’t explain.
Had she seen him at the bar instead of Rafe she would’ve slunk away and run as
soon as she was out of sight.

The car stopped and Rafe stood at her door with a hand held
out but she couldn’t move. Kade still had his unblinking gaze locked to hers.
Rafe leaned close and blocked him from view.

“Don’t be afraid of Kade. His bark is worse than his bite.”

Rafe grinned as if amused by his choice of words. She might’ve
been too if her heart wasn’t beating so hard.

“If you say so.”

“You trust me now. Don’t you?”

Trust. It was a scary word but she did trust him and really,
really hoped he deserved it. So far he’d earned it. Even when she’d doubted
him, he’d sought to protect her. She nodded and the grin returned. Her response
pleased him and warmth spread in her chest as a result. She liked seeing him
happy and that wasn’t the reaction she should have with a guy she’d known for a
couple of days. Maybe if they’d dated a long time, sure. She could understand
wanting to please him. But after two days?

“Good. Come on,” Rafe said and helped her out.

He tucked her into his side and the two brothers stared at
each other for a long moment. She glanced between them and wondered what the
silent display meant. Their faces remained blank, no sign of emotion to judge
by. Finally, both turned away at the same time.

Kade pulled out a phone and walked toward the shed on the
rear of the property. Rafe shifted his gaze to the second floor where a curtain
was parted enough for a pair of brown eyes to peek out. Levi. She’d know his
curious expression anywhere. She smiled and waved to him but the drape fell. He
hadn’t acknowledged her. She bit her lip.

Rafe ran a hand down over her hair to settle at her lower
back. “They’re afraid of me.”

He sounded so disheartened. She turned in the loose embrace
he held her in, placing a hand over where his heart beat hard. “They’re afraid
of most men, Rafe. Josh and Mr. Wilkins are the only ones they trust, but they’ve
known them their entire lives.”

Instead of easing him, his expression hardened. He flicked
angry eyes at Josh. Josh didn’t notice though. He was crouched in front of
Megan and spoke quietly to her. She couldn’t hear the words but she knew they’d
be soothing ones, meant to calm. Josh had talked down her boys more than once.
He was great with kids. Megan was one lucky little girl.

“Exactly what is Josh to you?”

The bite to his words annoyed her. She backed away from him.
“A friend, and if you want a better answer than that, think again. I do not
have to disclose my private life to you.”

Rafe stepped into her personal space. She refused to back up
so she was forced to tilt her head to look into his face.

“Last night gave me that right.” With his arm around her
waist, he tugged her against him. “Now answer the question, my female. Exactly
how involved are you with the human?”

“That human’s name is Josh and if you really want to know,”
she paused and let a wry smile spread, “Josh has been a part of my life since
kindergarten. We’re close. Very, very close.”

Rafe bared a mouthful of short fangs at her then yanked her
in for a kiss. Those sharp teeth cut her tongue. She jerked in his hold but he
sucked on the abused flesh, easing the sting. The passion that had been
simmering since she’d watched him stride toward her after the accident flared
to life. Using a fistful of hair, he tipped her head back and kissed her hard,
no fangs this time, just deep strokes of his wicked tongue. She clutched at his
shoulders to steady herself but he pulled back.

He slowly swiped his tongue over his lips. “We’ll finish
that later. Then we’ll discuss your new relationship with Josh.”

She watched him walk across the yard in the direction his
brother had gone and released a shaky breath. Dangerous. The man was dangerous.
She shook her head to clear it of the image of Rafe’s tight backside in the
jeans he wore and what it would feel like to hold on to his ass while she
sucked his cock. It didn’t help. Her mouth watered.

“Seems you got a man focused on you, Jazz.”

She glanced at Mr. Wilkins, dogs at his side and a gun held
loosely in his hand. “Rafe’s not important, just a guy who likes me.” She
pointed up to the window Levi had looked out from. “How are my boys?”

“Safe but scared shitless. I ain’t never seen them so upset.
They really don’t like that one.” He pointed at Kade. “But he seems nice enough
to me.”

She snorted. “He doesn’t look it.”

With his free hand, he stroked Peggy Sue’s head. “Dogs like
him.” He shrugged. “So he must be okay.”

She tipped her head toward where the other Rotties sat under
the shelter of the swing. “They don’t.”

Mr. Wilkins waved at them and spit on the ground. “Damn
sissies is what they are. But they’re only pups. Got lots of growing to do.” He
reached toward Bobby Rae and the dog nudged his head into Mr. Wilkins’ hand to
receive the little scratch between his ears. “These two I trust. I’d bet my
life on their judgment.”

Trust. How many times did she have to hear that word today?
She nodded, knowing better than to argue.

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