UnexpectedFind (19 page)

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Authors: Nancy Corrigan

BOOK: UnexpectedFind
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“Delicious,” he praised and bent closer, needing more of her

Using his thumbs, he spread the lips and licked. With slow
swipes of his tongue, he brought her essence to him. He savored her arousal,
wanted to stay here forever and drink of her but each time he dipped into her
core to get to the cream he craved, she whimpered. Muscles gripped his tongue
and the hitch of her breathing betrayed how close she was to release.

He withdrew his tongue, replacing it with his fingers, and
licked the nub at the top of the seam. Already erect, his slight touch to the
button tightened the muscles around his fingers. Wanting to please her and make
her forget the horrors of the morning, he captured her clit between his lips.
He flicked the bundle of nerves with his tongue. Her body tensed and her core
quivered as the orgasm rolled through her. He lengthened her pleasure with
thrusts of fingers until she trembled. Slow strokes brought her down.

His plan to learn more about Jasmine would have to wait. The
need to be inside her and experience the passion he’d watched play out on her
face was too great to ignore. He crawled over her and joined their bodies in
one firm push. Her sheath clamped down over his shaft but he dragged his cock
back and parted her tender muscles with a forward push. In and out, he moved in
the same dance he’d shared with countless women but only with Jasmine did it
mean more than a physical act. It was love. Elemental. Undeniable.

He slowed his thrusts and kissed her. With his body, he
worshipped her. Loved her. Higher and higher they raced to completion and when
they reached the peak, the orgasm rolled over both of them. They fed off each
other. Her clenching sheath milked him, drew out his release and each jerk of
his cock sent another ripple along the length of her core.

Exhaustion finally came. He rolled them and held her body
close to his. Peace filled him but reality crept in and chased away the warmth
in his soul.

He tightened his arms around her. “I’m never letting you go.
Keeping you forever.”

She released a shaky breath. “That’s a very possessive vow,

“Yes and it’s a real one.” He shifted so he could look in to
her eyes. “I want you as my mate.”

A blank mask slid over her features. It wasn’t the look he
expected to see on her face after he made the declaration. He stiffened and
waited for her response.

She licked her lower lip. “You haven’t known me long enough
to make that decision. What if there is something about me you don’t like…or
can’t forgive?”

Not wanting to say the wrong thing, he closed his eyes and
let his other senses guide him. Her heart raced and the first hint of fear
mixed with that of their spent arousal. He took several deep breaths to calm
himself. This woman was going to be his mate. It was his job to help her
overcome her doubts. That was part of loving someone.

“Nothing will change my mind. You are the female I want.”

She pushed away from him and sat up. With her arms wrapped
around her bent legs, she said, “Three days. That’s all we’ve known each other.
You can’t expect me to just accept that I’m the woman you want.”

“Instincts guide me. My cats knew that you were special,
that you could be the one to capture me.” He reached for her and placed a hand
on her arms. “Then I talked to you. Kissed you. I knew they were right.”

Her eyes misted, but she blinked the wetness away before he
could judge if they were happy tears or sad ones.

“Mira explained to me about mates. If you mate a human, you
only get one. Joined souls can’t be broken.” She dropped her arm from around
her legs and leaned closer to him. “You can’t make that decision until you know
everything. I won’t let you.”

She sought to protect him? Not deny him? He grinned. “Tell
me, Jasmine. What is it I should know about you?”

“I honestly don’t think I have done anything wrong. I made
the only choice I could but I don’t understand shifter ways. So…”

“Just tell me, Jasmine,” he ordered.

She blew out a breath. “I met a girl when I was living in
Philadelphia. She was homeless, dirty and very, very pregnant. I befriended
her, helped her as much as she’d allow.” She turned pleading eyes on him. “I
tried to convince her to go to a homeless shelter or move in with me. I didn’t
have a lot but we clicked. Instant friends. Do you understand? I wanted to help

“Our females are like that. Full of love and life,” he said.
Nina had been like that. She’d always had a smile on her face.

“Well, she wasn’t. She was terrified of everything. People,
men especially, but even the cars driving by made her jump. Sometimes she’d
look at something with such an expression of wonder on her face I would’ve
sworn it was the first time she ever saw it.”

He tensed and the possibilities that teased his mind
sickened him. There were groups who bred shifters to supply the trafficking
rings or for use in medical research. They treated their captives no better
than cattle, locked them away in facilities where they never saw the light of
day. It was a horrible fate.


He forced the unease back. Jasmine watched him carefully. He
didn’t want to upset her with his thoughts.

“Seth and Levi are hers?” he asked.

She nodded. “I brought food for her before and after work
but that last time she didn’t show. I got worried. She was close to delivery
but I also knew she was on the run. So I went to the warehouse where I knew she
was living and found,” she closed her eyes and whispered, “a jaguar, not the
woman I knew.”

“You didn’t know she was a shifter?”

She laughed bitterly. “I knew. I just didn’t believe.”

He pulled her into his arms. “She’d delivered her babes?”

She nodded again. “She told me to take them. She’d escaped
from her husband and didn’t want him to get his hands on her boys. The bastard planned
to sell them.”

“His own children?” he asked. She had to be mistaken. A male
would never harm his own flesh and blood.

“She said he was sick. That he hated her because she was
special and he wasn’t. She told me he sold their last babies, little girls, and
she was determined not to let him get their boys too.”

His skin chilled and a sense of trepidation washed over him.
“What happened?”

She choked back a sob. “
came, the husband, and she
shifted into a tiger and attacked him. I scooped up the newborns and ran. I
tried to find her later but the news reported finding a beheaded woman who
matched Nina’s description.”

“Nina?” He grabbed her arms and pulled her back. She stared
at him wide-eyed but he had to be sure. “Nina? Are you sure that was her name?”

Jasmine trembled but nodded her head.

He released her and stood. The pain cut at his heart. Nina,
his beautiful little sister. Her image filled his vision. Smiling, happy, hazel
eyes and hair as golden as the sun. She couldn’t be dead. She just couldn’t.

A lump formed in his throat and he choked out, “You’re sure
that she was found beheaded? Not someone else?”

Jasmine stepped up behind him and wrapped her arms around
his waist. “Yes, I’m sorry, Rafe. Did you know her?”

He snorted and rubbed at his eyes. They burned. “You can say

He pushed Jasmine’s arms away. He didn’t want her comfort,
not now. Nothing she said would bring Nina back. She was dead and he had to
break the bad news to his family.

Chapter Twenty-One


Jazz watched Rafe walk away and pressed against the ache in
her chest. He didn’t seem upset with her but she saw the pain on his face. He’d
known Nina. Obviously loved her. But who was she to him? She pushed the
questions away. The only way to find out who Nina was to Rafe was to ask him.

She dressed, looked around their little love nest and
smiled. Despite the tense way things had ended, this place and what they shared
here was probably the most romantic encounter she’d ever had. Rafe had
worshipped her and his declaration to make her his mate eased her earlier
fears. He wanted her, maybe even loved her.

She still worried his decision was a rash one and one he’d
regret once the newness of their relationship faded. They didn’t know each
other well but when he looked at her with devotion and affection in his eyes,
she didn’t care. She wanted to grab onto him and not let go. Besides, there was
no rush to take that next step. They had plenty of time to make sure it was a
good choice…for both of them.

She’d never gotten to ask Mira about what mating a human
meant for Rafe. Would they only have her lifetime to love each other in? She
didn’t want to see him hurt when she died. Nor did she want him to give up his
immortal life by following her. Yes, waiting was the smart thing to do. There
were just too many questions she needed answers to before she committed to
Rafe. That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy him in the meantime.

Her gaze landed on the massage oils. They hadn’t gotten to
use them. Later. They could come here later and take advantage of this place.
Love each other again.

She slid her sneakers on and rushed down the stairs. An
agonized roar rang out. The hair on her arms stood up.
She ran out
the door, anxious to get to him. Halfway across the yard, she stopped to watch
the scene playing out in front of her. Xander and Devin were holding Kade back
from Rafe.

Claws slid from Kade’s hands. Wide fangs filled his mouth.
Tan fur sprouted on a face that slowly changed from man to something that
resembled a deformed lion. His jeans split and fur-covered thighs twice the
size he normally had showed through the ripped fabric.

The sight terrified her. She backed up but Rafe didn’t move
or act afraid, not even when Kade swiped a huge paw at him.

Because he can turn into the same thing.

She turned her back on the brothers and fled to the safety
of her garage. With the door closed, she slid down to the floor. Tremors racked
her body but as she focused on her breathing, her racing pulse slowed. Rafe had
never hurt her. He’d promised her she’d always be safe with him. She believed

There was absolutely no reason to be afraid of him or Kade
in any of their forms. All she had to do was remember the beautiful alcove Kade
had set up for them. He might be gruff but Rafe trusted him. And she trusted

Foolish. That’s what she was. She’d overreacted. Again.

Kade must’ve loved Nina too. And most men didn’t cry when
they were upset. They screamed, hid behind their anger. Josh did the same

The rationalization eased the rest of her fears. She pushed
up and opened the door. They might not want her comfort but she’d be there just
in case they did. She walked toward where Rafe and Kade had been. Nobody stood
there now. The rest of Kade’s clothes were strewn on the ground. Two other sets
lay discarded nearby.

They must’ve shifted and gone for a run. She could
understand that too. Her kids sometimes embraced their furry forms when they
were stressed. Their animals didn’t feel emotional pain the same way people
did. Or maybe they did and just reacted differently to it. How would she know?

She jogged the rest of the way to the house. After checking
to make sure Seth, Levi and Megan were safe in their room with Mira watching
over them, she followed the sound of Josh’s voice out to the deck. He stood at
the railing with a phone to his ear. After a moment, he lowered it and cursed.

She slid the door closed behind her and crossed to him. “Josh?”

He pivoted. A small smile lifted his lips but it was forced.
It never reached his eyes. He slipped the sleek phone into his rear pocket. “Hey,

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“I guess.” He turned and leaned his elbows against the
railing. “I’m probably just overreacting. I’m sure everything is fine.”

Jazz studied him for a moment. Although he slouched and
appeared relaxed as he studied the trees, tension radiated off him. She stepped
closer. “Don’t lie to me, Josh. What’s wrong?”

He slid his gaze to her. “After Mira came back and told me
about Mr. Wilkins, I called my parents’ house but there was no answer. I just
tried and got the machine.”

“Oh god, I never thought about asking Rafe to send someone
out to them. I just…” The guilt rushed up. She choked back a sob.

“Stop it, Jazz. I didn’t either.” A tic started in his jaw
and he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white before releasing
them. “I never thought about my parents. What the hell does that say about me?”

She reached for him but he jerked back. “Your life has been
turned upside down. I’ve had five years to get used to this world but I still
wasn’t prepared for murdering shifters or Rafe’s family showing up and making
this their new home.” She pointed back toward the house. “On top of finding out
shifters existed in the first place, you got a daughter and lost your brother.
I’d say that’s excuse enough.”

Josh stepped closer and glared at her. “Excuse? Is that what
I should say when the authorities call and tell me my parents were found
murdered too?”

“You don’t know if they’re in any danger. They might be at
the church or something. Now that they’ve retired they’re more active than we
are,” she reasoned.

“I’ve been telling myself the same thing. It’s not unusual
for them to be out and since they don’t have a cell, they’re hard to get a hold
of.” He glanced toward the woods. “I just have a bad feeling. There is no
logical reason why this guy would hurt Mr. Wilkins. Your kids weren’t there.”

“Rafe said he’s been chasing this guy for a long time and that
the murderer was crazy. Maybe that’s reason enough.”

“A serial-killer shifter. Great.” Josh ran a hand through
his hair. “Did Rafe tell you anything else about him?”

“He’s the same guy who kidnapped his sister and nieces.”

He groaned. “Jazz, I think moving home with Rafe’s family
would’ve been the safer choice. They’re obviously not equipped to protect you
here. I think you should reconsider.”

“And if the murderer follows us? We’ll endanger everyone

“Mira said they have ten times the people at their compound.”
He shook his head and gave her a lopsided smile. “And they’ve probably marked
every damn tree surrounding the place.”

“Rafe marked my land too.” She wrinkled her nose at idea of
what marking meant. “It didn’t help. The guy still came here. He doesn’t care.”

Josh laid a hand over hers, gave it a little squeeze and let
go. “It wouldn’t hurt to consider it. Think of it as a honeymoon for you and

She stared at him open-mouthed for a moment. “I never said I’m
marrying him.”

Josh chuckled and gave her a disbelieving look. “Mira said
Rafe’s going to make you his mate. From how she explained it, it sounds like it’s
the same thing as marriage, just without the option for divorce.”

She rolled her eyes to hide how much the thought affected
her. “Please. I haven’t known him long enough to think about marriage or

Josh shrugged.

She sighed. “Just say it, Josh.”

“From what I’ve gathered from these shifters, they base a
lot of their choices on their animals’ instincts. When you look at it that way,
it makes sense.”

That was what Rafe had said too. His animals recognized her
as a potential mate.

“But I’m not an animal. I can’t make such a life-altering
decision after only a few days. That’s just crazy.”

Josh cupped her face in his hands. She was left staring into
the blue eyes she’d looked into for what felt like forever. A lifetime of
memories passed between them—once lovers, always friends. “I always regretted
letting you go.”

“I had to leave. My mom got a job and—”

He pressed his lips to hers, “Shhh. I know the reasons. I
had my driver’s license. I could’ve come to see you more often.”

“So did I. We were just too young.”

“And too damn stupid.” He tipped her head down and kissed
her forehead. “But now that I see you and Rafe together, I’m glad we didn’t
hook up again. You never looked at me the way you do with Rafe. You love him.”

“I don’t know, Josh. I mean, I like him but—”

His gaze hardened. “Don’t lie to me, Jazz, not after
everything we’ve been through. You love Rafe.”

“Maybe. It’s happening too quickly. I’m scared to make the
wrong choice,” she whispered.

“Trust your instincts, Jazz. You might not have an inner
animal to guide you but you have a good heart. You’ll know the truth when the
time comes.”

She didn’t want to think about love right now. There was too
much going on, too many unanswered questions. “All right. I’ll talk to Rafe
about packing us up and moving up there. Wherever there is.” She huffed.

“Catskills.” Josh smirked at her questioning look. “While
you’ve been screwing your brains out, I’ve been talking to Mira and the others.
I figure if I’m going to be involved in the shifter world, I better learn about

No, she hadn’t had much time to talk with Rafe, which was
why she had so many questions. “Okay, know-it-all, what did you learn about
human-shifter matings?”

“Only royal males can bind to a human.” He cleared his
throat. “And it ties the two together.”

“They’re immortal. What does that mean for me?”

Josh raised a brow. “No idea. I’d guess you’d be immortal
too. That should be reason enough for you to jump at the chance to mate him.

“If I mate him, it’ll be because I love him not because of
what I’d gain from him. But I must admit, the idea of being immortal is pretty
cool. To live forever and always be a part of history.” She looked into Josh’s
blue eyes and the reality of what immortality meant hit. “I don’t want to watch
you die.”

Josh pushed away from her. “Yeah, well, I’m not looking
forward to it either.”

He walked toward the patio door but she grabbed his arm
before he slid it open. “Josh, wait. I—”

He turned his head and glared at her. “Dammit, Jazz. Let it
go. Mate Rafe. Be happy and have lots of little kids or cubs or whatever they
call them. And leave me the fuck alone.”

She followed him inside and watched him stalk across the
empty dining room. She should say something to make this better, but nothing
could, and that hurt her. He reached the hallway door and pressed his hand to
the wood. He stopped when his phone rang. He yanked it out.


He listened for a moment then tensed. “Mom, stop crying and
listen to me. Lock the doors and get inside the bathroom. I’ll be there as soon
as I can.”

Josh slid the phone back into his pocket and ran out of the

She went after him and grabbed his arm. He yanked it away
and picked up his car keys. She spread her arms wide in front of the door.

“Wait a minute. What happened?”

“He’s there! At my parents’ house,” Josh growled.

“Your mom saw him?”

“Yes, she saw him. Not too many lions roaming the streets of
Pennsylvania. Now get out of my way, Jazz.”

“And what do you think you’re going to do? They live over
ten minutes away! By the time you get there, they’ll be dead,” she yelled.

“I can’t sit here and do nothing.” He lifted her out of the
way and opened the front door.

She saw Mira approaching from behind. In one quick move,
Mira yanked the car keys out of his hands and wrapped her arms around his
waist. Josh spun and raised a fisted hand but let it fall to the side.

“Mira, let go,” he ordered.

She shook her head and kicked the door closed. “I can’t let
you go. Jazz is right. They’ll be dead by the time you get there. And if he’s
close by, he’ll kill you too. Going out there by yourself is suicide.”

He didn’t fight her but the agony etched onto his face broke
Jazz’s heart. “I have to do something.”

“One of the others will go. Be realistic, Josh. What were
you going to do? You’re only human,” Mira reasoned.

“Where is everyone?” Jazz asked.

Mira flashed her a sympathetic look. “More of your neighbor’s
dogs were found dead not far from here. Kade and Rafe went to investigate. The
others are close by. Patrolling.” She pointed to the couch. “Sit. I’ll go tell

Mira didn’t wait to see if he complied. She turned and ran
out the front door.

Seth’s voice called out from the top of the stairs, “Mom, is
everything okay? We heard yelling.”

No. Everything is not okay.
She glanced from Josh who
held his head in his hands, to the front door, and back to the stairs. Once
again, she was forced to play two roles—protector and mom who had to downplay
the dangers. “Yeah, kiddo. Just grown-up stuff. Put on another movie and I’ll
bring some popcorn up in a few minutes.”

“Okay, Mom,” he said.

She waited until she heard his bedroom door click before
turning to Josh. “Please stay here while I take care of the kids. Don’t run off
and do something stupid.”

Josh snorted. “Right. Nothing stupid. Got it.”

She dropped to her knees in front of him. “I mean it, Josh.
You go running off and get yourself killed and Megan will have lost her whole
family. She might not have been with you very long but she loves you.”

He nodded but didn’t say anything else. It was the best she’d
get. She hurried into the kitchen, made the popcorn and breathed a sigh when
she found Josh still sitting on the couch. Jazz ran up the steps.

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