Unexpected Marriage (9 page)

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Authors: Sheena Morrish

BOOK: Unexpected Marriage
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"This is it?" Jake asked his gaze hard and unyielding as he stared down the man opposite him who despite his large frame was practically shaking under it.

“That was all I could get, she's being careful to cover her tracks," the man insisted shifting beneath his gaze while Jake frowned down at the documents and pictures spread out before him.

Each one depicted his wife going about her new life and his eyes narrowed on her betraying little face. All the information he had gathered on her in the two months since she had vanished from his bed suggested that his lying little wife was not as innocent as she had pretended.

“It should be enough." Jake informed him as he glanced across at the information he had gathered about her family.

“I take it you'll be handling things from here?" the man asked feeling sorry for the girl who was on the wrong side of Jake.

“Your services are no longer needed," Jake confirmed waiting only until he had left before snatching up the phone and instructing his driver to bring round the car.

“Once he had replaced the receiver Jake frowned down at the pictures once again. Every one of them showed Kaycee glancing nervously around with shadows under her eyes and it was obvious that she was not taking care of herself. Equally obvious was the secret that she had been keeping from him. All it had taken was one phone call and he had discovered that his wife had been seeing a doctor who had confirmed she was pregnant.

His lips tightened at the thought of that traitorous little witch carrying his child and denying him the opportunity to be a part of its life. Well, that was all about to change. Kaycee had no idea what she had let herself in for!

Kaycee wearily removed her apron and brushed a shaking hand through her hair. She was absolutely exhausted. Working twelve-hour shifts at the café where she had found a job waitressing meant that Kaycee was always on her feet and being pregnant and constantly working was hard work. Most nights she could do little more than drag herself home through the dark streets before collapsing on her bed in an exhausted sleep.

Tonight though she hadn't even had that option and after working all day in the café Kaycee had also agreed to work a party. It had been exhausting but finally her part of the night was over. Or so she thought. Until on her way to get her coat the boss's son caught hold of her and spun her round to face him.

“Where you going beautiful?" he slurred and Kaycee fought not to gag at the smell of alcohol that was coming off him.

“Home Marco," she said as she tried to extricate herself from his grip but he refused to let go and instead pulling her closer moving his hands from her waist slowly downwards over the short black dress she had been forced to wear.

“Aren't you going to give the birthday boy a kiss?" he demanded forcing his mouth on hers and Kaycee struggled but to no avail.

“Doesn't this look cozy?" demanded a mocking male voice and Marco released her as they both turned to find Jake glaring down at them.

“Whothehellareyou?" Marco tried to demand not making much sense as his alcohol addled brain refused to obey him.

“Jake," Kaycee gasped out wide-eyed and distraught as she gazed at the man she had left two months ago. Marco cast her a look at her shocked gasp and then with a shrug he ambled off in search of more beer leaving the two of them alone.

“Fancy seeing you here my cheating little wife," Jake said as he stepped closer, his eyes narrowed on her pale face.

“How did you find me?" she asked trying to fight off the wave of dizziness that threatened.

“Did you think I wouldn't?" he demanded instead and Kaycee chewed nervously at her lower lip.

She had known that he would try to find her but had thought she had covered her tracks well but apparently it hadn't been enough and now here she was confronted by her nightmares. In the months since she had left him Kaycee had struggled with her own emotions as well as with making a new life for herself. It had occurred to her on more than one occasion that maybe Jake was innocent and Sarah had been lying or maybe it hadn't been Jake she was seeing. But Kaycee couldn't risk her child's future on ifs and maybes. She had made her decision and she had to live with the consequences. Apparently this was the consequence of her actions.

“What do you want?" she asked fearing the answer for although she wasn't showing a lot of her pregnancy yet Jake must surely have noticed that her body had changed since the last time he had seen her and there was no way that he would let her go if he knew the truth.

“What do I want, Kaycee? I want a wife who is honest and who wouldn't keep my child from me," he said and she flinched.

“I can explain," she whispered but Jake wasn't interested. The time for explanations had gone and the only thing he was worried about now was his child.

“Why bother? Your excuses no longer interest me," he informed her and Kaycee's eyes widened. This was not the caring Jake she remembered.

“But I..."

“The only thing that concerns me now is our child even though you apparently do not care," he cut over her and Kaycee frowned.

“Of course I care about my child," she snapped and his eyes narrowed taking in her thin frame.

“Clearly not." he refuted and Kaycee's eyes sparked fury at him.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she demanded practically shaking with anger.

“You are not even taking care of yourself. How is our child supposed to grow if you are starving yourself?" he demanded.

“I am not starving myself," she told him but he was not listening.

“You take our child away from me before it is even born and deny it a proper life without both parents? And you think you are caring about our child?" he asked with a harsh laugh making Kaycee wince at the accusations.

“You want shared custody?" she asked in defeat but Jake shook his head furiously.

“Every other weekend with my child? I think not.” he informed her coolly and Kaycee froze suddenly unaware of the party around her as her world collapsed.

“What do you want?" she asked quietly barely daring to breathe.

“It is not what I want Kaycee, but what will happen. You are coming back with me and our child will be raised by both parents." he calmly explained making her gasp in shock.

“And if I refuse?" she challenged wishing she hadn't when Jake leaned closer his expression hard and unyielding.

“I will make you wish you had never met me," he said making Kaycee give a harsh laugh.

“I already do," she informed him coolly and his eyes narrowed furiously.

“Would you really let your family lose everything just so you can hold on to your moral high-ground?" he asked instead and Kaycee frowned.

“What are you talking about?" she asked confused and Jake gave her a grim smile.

“Do you think I have spent the last two months mourning you? I have been planning my revenge. And believe me if you refuse to come back with me I will make sure that your family lose everything and that our child will never know it's mother." he told her making Kaycee gasp in shock.

“You wouldn't." she gasped knowing that he would. Jake wasn't the type to make threats unless he was willing to carry them out.

“I would and I will unless you agree to come back with me now," he informed her waiting for her answer.

“I hardly have a choice." she said wearily as she placed a hand over her small bump protectively. There was nothing she wouldn't do for her child and that included living with her cheating husband.

“Then I suggest we leave," Jake said and placed an arm around her waist propelling her forward before she could voice a protest.

Jake couldn't believe how selfish his wife had been. It was one thing for her to leave him but another when she had known that she was stealing his child from him. He had allowed Kaycee her freedom and independence since they had married but enough was enough. No longer would he sit back and allow his wife to lead a life completely separate to him. From now on he would be completely involved in their child's life including attending all the scans and Kaycee would fall in line or he would make good on his threats.

“We're nearly there," Jake said startling Kaycee from her light doze. Sitting up straight she glanced out the window and froze as she sent him an accusing glare.

“What are we doing here?" she demanded ad Jake sent her a darkly amused smile.

“You didn't really think I would just let you live in your own apartment did you?" he asked mockingly and Kaycee flushed for that was exactly what she had been expecting.

“I don't want to live with you," she told him.

“Tough." he replied and Kaycee stayed quiet deciding to choose her battles as they pulled up outside his mansion sized house.

This time when they went in Kaycee barely noticed the size or the expensive furniture or decorations. All she cared about was staying as far away from Jake as possible and finding somewhere to sleep. She was exhausted even after her doze in the car and was not particularly happy to be back there, especially when she still believed that Jake was sleeping with her sister.

“I just have to check my emails," Jake informed her though Kaycee barely even glanced back at him as she made her way up the stairs with her head held high. Determinedly she chose the room furthest away from the master bedroom and locked the door firmly behind her before stripping down to her underwear and slipping beneath the cool sheets.

A loud bang awoke Kaycee and she shot up in bed as the door smashed open to reveal Jake standing there, fury on his face. Clutching the sheet to her Kaycee shivered at the sight of him looking tall, dark and slightly threatening.

“You will not lock a door against me." he informed her harshly and Kaycee winced as he sent her a burning glare.

“Am I not allowed my privacy?" she demanded wanting nothing more than to be free of his presence if only for a few hours.

“You are my wife and you are carrying my child." he said like that gave him rights over everything she did.

“And I cannot be your pregnant wife in another room?" she asked incredulously watching his expression darken as he approached the bed.

“No." he snapped leaning down to capture her body between his arms.

“I won't sleep with you." she informed him harshly and Jake's gaze narrowed angrily.

“You will sleep where I tell you," he said before scooping her in to his arms and carrying her back to his room ignoring her protests completely and confirming once and for all that Kaycee had no say in her life while she carried his child.




Kaycee awoke slowly and it took a moment for her to remember where she was and how she had got there. As the previous night came back to her she closed her eyes against the harsh light of day wishing that she didn't have to face the day but knowing she had no choice. Exhaustion still seeped from her very bones but she forced her body in to motion as she had a quick shower and dressed slowly in a tight fitting pair of jeans and a black sweater. Brushing her hair back in to a ponytail and adding the smallest amount of lip gloss Kaycee decided she was ready and after taking a deep steadying breath she left the room and slowly made her way down the stairs. At the bottom she hesitated before making the decision to go and see her family as a way of delaying seeing Jake.

“Going somewhere?"

Kaycee jumped at the sound of his mocking voice and she spun round to find Jake stood in the doorway to the dining area his features hard and unyielding as he stared down at her.

“I thought I should at least let my family know I'm back in town," she said wishing that he didn't make her feel so out of her depth.

“You haven't even had breakfast yet," Jake pointed out and Kaycee winced.

“I'm not hungry," she lied even as her stomach gave a betraying growl.

“Come and have some breakfast," Jake instructed and she bristled beneath his authoritative tone.

“I'll get something at my father's," she said instead about to leave but Jake was not about to let her walk out on him.

“That wasn't a suggestion Kaycee. Join me for breakfast. At least then I know you are taking proper care of our child," he ordered and she gritted her teeth together knowing that he was not going to let her leave until she did as he said.

“Fine." she snapped as she stormed past him to seat herself at the large table stubbornly refusing to look at him as she reached out and poured herself a coffee only to have it taken from her before she could take a sip.

“Caffeine is not good for the baby," Jake informed her coolly as he poured her a foul smelling tea instead.

“What is that?" she demanded looking down at the greenish liquid in disgust.

“It is a herbal tea that is supposed to be good for the baby," he explained and Kaycee stared at him in horror. Surely he did not intend for her to actually drink this stuff.

“It looks awful," she said and Jake sighed as he put his own coffee down and observed her.

“You have to start taking better care of our child and I am going to make sure that happens. And if that means making sure you drink herbal teas and eat more then so be it," he calmly stated and Kaycee stared at him as anger coursed through her. She would have argued back but before she could an older plumpish woman entered the room carrying a tray filled with food that made Kaycee's stomach growl in response.

“Good morning," she offered Kaycee with a beaming smile.

“My housekeeper Joy," Jake offered as greeting and Kaycee smiled up at the older woman.

“You look very pale dear, you should eat something, it will help."

Jake sent her a triumphant look at Joy's words and Kaycee sighed as she realized she was being backed in to a corner. Under their watchful eyes she selected a small bowl of fruit and nibbled a piece of melon grateful when Joy beamed at her then wandered off back to the kitchen.

“Things have to change," Jake said suddenly and Kaycee frowned at him as she selected a fresh strawberry.

“I thought they already had," she replied indicating the tea, which she still couldn't bring herself to touch.

“I meant that we no longer have the option of deciding whether we want to be in this marriage. We are going to have a child which means that this marriage is for life and we can not carry on the way we are," Jake explained less than patiently while Kaycee glowered at him.

“You mean we can't carry on with you being in charge of what I do and say?" she asked sarcastically and Jake sighed.

“It means that we both work at this and try to make the best of things for the sake of our child," he said and Kaycee barely resisted asking whether that meant he would be getting rid of his women on the side.

“Does that include being honest with each other?" she asked instead.

“Of course," he replied and Kaycee put down her fork as she observed him carefully.

“Then tell me where you were for the month you went missing," she said quietly and watched his face close down.

“I can't," he replied and Kaycee nodded slowly. Of course he couldn't. It was okay for her to spill all her secrets and fears to him but he wouldn't even tell her where he had been.

“Then I guess you were wrong. Our marriage is already full of lies so what does it matter whether we change things now?" she asked trying to ignore the stab of hurt she felt.

“You're being ridiculous," he said which was definitely not the right thing to say to a hormonal pissed of pregnant woman.

“I'm being ridiculous? You have done nothing but lie to me since we met and all of a sudden I'm ridiculous? Well then you won't mind if I take my ridiculous self off to see my family." Kaycee snapped as she got to her feet and tried to storm from the room but he caught her around the waist before she could go more than a few steps.

“I have no idea what lies you are referring to but I do happen to mind you going out. I have booked an appointment for you to see the obstetrician," Jake informed her making Kaycee glare at him for what right did he have to arrange appointments behind her back.

“And if I refuse?" she asked making Jake sigh at her stubbornness.

“Kaycee be reasonable. I just want her to check you over and make sure everything is going well. Do you not want to make sure our child is healthy?" he asked and Kaycee hesitated. She had only seen a doctor briefly since she had left Jake and he had confirmed her pregnancy and suggested she get seen by an obstetrician but Kaycee had been too busy to actually go and see anyone. She was just over three months pregnant now and she supposed it was the sensible thing to get everything checked out though it killed her to admit that he was right.

“Fine. But I want you to know that I am doing this for the baby and not for you," Kaycee informed him firmly not wanting him to think that she was backing down.

Which was how two hours later Kaycee found herself in the obstetrician's office with the lovely female doctor who had put her at ease almost immediately, something which should have been hard to do with Jake hovering beside her.

“Ok, I have a few concerns with regard to your weight. You don't seem to be putting on enough weight although your stomach is above the size it should be. I just want to do an ultrasound just to check how things are going," Lauren their obstetrician said and Kaycee nodded her consent.

“Is everything alright?" Jake asked a few minutes later as the ultrasound image came up but Lauren frowned at the image.

“Um, I'll be right back. I'm sure I'm wrong but.... I won't be a moment," Lauren said as she vanished leaving Kaycee to stare at Jake in horror. Was something wrong with the baby? Please god, don't let there be something wrong with the baby.

They both waited in silence holding each others hand tightly as they waited for it to be bad news. When Lauren returned she wasn't alone and this only added to their fears.

“This is Dr Bennett, he's just going to be a second opinion," Lauren informed them as she showed the Dr the ultrasound picture and they discussed it quietly before he turned to Jake and Kaycee.

“Congratulations, you appear to be having twins!" he told them and they stared at him stunned.

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