Unexpected Marriage (12 page)

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Authors: Sheena Morrish

BOOK: Unexpected Marriage
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Her father had not been happy about the relationship and still wasn’t. He had refused to go to the wedding and despised Connor with a passion though Lilly had no idea why.

Connor was even more handsome now than the day she had met him and he had been stunning even then. With his dark hair that ran wild and though he cut it often it always seemed to curl at his nape and was always tousled. His cool grey eyes were always changing. One moment they were sparkling with humour, or stormy when they rowed, or cool like ice when he was mad at something or heated when they were in the throes of passion. He was clean-shaven and had a body any man would envy. Not too muscly but with just the right sized six-pack he looked incredible. He had a light scattering of dark hairs across his chest and a goodie trail that she loved to follow. He was perfect in every way to her and she loved this man with all her heart.

Which was why the events of that day were so heart-breaking!


Midmorning Connor had told her he had to go to work for a few hours and she pouted at him wishing he could spend the day with her but knowing that he had commitments.

At a loss as to what to do with the rest of her day Lilly had jumped at the chance of visiting her father when he had called asking to see her.

If she’d known then what she knew now she would never have gone, Lilly acknowledged bleakly as she continued to stare at the silent, blank monitor as her hand pressed lightly over her flat stomach.

She had visited her father, had even been excited to see him. He didn’t seem too excited to see her though and the only birthday gift he gave her was pain and heartbreak.

He hadn’t even tried acting like a good father. Instead he had begun doling out accusations almost immediately.

He claimed that Connor had only married her to expand his hotel business. He had provided all sorts of documentation showing that Connor had known who she was all along and had purposefully set out to catch her. There was even a background check that he had done on her. There were also documents that proved he had only married her to distract her father and take over his business. But worst of all were the photos her father provided of him in another woman’s arms and dated after they were married.

She had stared at the photos and documents stunned that the sweet, caring man she knew and loved could be such a callous beast.

“He’s with her right now. Call him if you don’t believe me,” was her father’s parting shot as Lilly had run from the house like the hounds of hell were nipping at her heels.

“It couldn’t be possible!

And yet as she tried his phone it went repeatedly to voicemail and when she finally relented and rang his office they informed her that they hadn’t seen him.

Reality finally descended and with it her heart broke and suddenly there was so much pain. And not all of it from her broken heart, she realised as she doubled over in complete agony and slowly collapsed to the cold cement pavement. She was dimly aware that she was bleeding and that someone dropped beside her and tried to assure her that everything would be alright but she couldn’t believe that and it was almost a blessing when everything went black and she slipped in to blissful oblivion.

She had awoken here in this hospital room, hooked up to the damn machine with doctors confirming what she had already known. That her baby was dead!

It just didn’t seem possible that this morning she had been twenty-one and happy. She had been looking forward to the future with her loving husband and adorable baby. Only now that dream had crumbled and she realised she had no loving husband just a cheating louse and the only being who had ever truly loved her was dead before it had even been given the chance to live.

She was completely alone!

Lilly must have slept for she awoke to find Connor beside her his expression grim as he reached for her hand only to have his eyes widen when she snatched it firmly away.

“Are you alright?” he asked in concern knowing that there was no possible way that she could be.

“I’m fine,” she said tightly and he frowned.

“Lilly…” that was as far as he got before she interrupted him hate spearing from her eyes and making him feel unwelcome in her presence.

“I’m fine Connor. I just want you to leave,”

“Lilly, I know you’re hurting and you need time but…”

“Then just go. Leave me to grieve my baby in peace,” she flung at him and Connor hesitated as he got to his feet. He didn’t want to leave his wife alone to deal with this but he didn’t want to upset her any more than she already was. There was something more going on her than he understood but he wanted to make things as easy as possible for her. So, with a sigh he stroked her hair lightly, hurt stabbing him when she turned deliberately away from him.

“I love you,” were his final words as he strode away leaving her to stare blankly in to space as she made plans to leave him and start a new life without him.



It all started with a wedding.

Blaize had always been one of those girls who dreamed of what their wedding day would be like but even she had to admit that so far her wedding was surpassing even her wildest dreams and she’d had a lot of dreams for how this day would go. As a little girl she had imagined that she would be marrying a handsome prince and although her fiancé fell slightly short of royalty there was no denying that he was more gorgeous than even she could have imagined. Until Carlos she had never even imagined that just one look from a man could melt her insides and turn her in to a quivering wreck but he had succeeded where other men had failed. He was the only man who had ever lived up to her expectations let alone exceeded them. It was because of Carlos that all of her dreams were about to come true, and even if her wedding had been nothing more than a quick trip to the court house then she would have been happy because she was about to start her new life with the man she loved. It was Carlos and her father who had insisted on going over the top with the wedding. Not that Blaize was complaining.

She still found it hard to believe that someone like Carlos had even bothered to look twice at her. She wasn’t oblivious to the fact that she was passably attractive but neither was she vain enough to think that she was beautiful. If she had to describe herself then she would say that she was completely average in every way. She was average height with long dark hair, average green eyes and a slender frame that was neither skinny nor curvy. She was painfully normal and had found that she tended to blend in to a crowd. The only thing that tended to make her stand out was who her father was. He was a fairly well known mob boss, which had created a lot of trouble for Blaize growing up. She hadn’t had many boyfriends before Carlos because they either ran in the opposite direction when they found out who her father was or they had sought her out so that they could weasel their way in to her father’s good graces. Blaize had struggled to trust men because they none of them had ever loved her for the person that she was or loved her enough to face her father. Then she had met Carlos and that had all changed. He hadn’t even known who her father was when they first met and it had been a couple of months before Blaize had finally gathered the courage to introduce him. She had expected Carlos to run away like all the other men who had claimed to love her but instead he had remained by her side and she had fallen deeper in love with him. When he had proposed to her it had been the happiest day of her life and she had never regretted saying yes. Even her father had agreed that he was worthy of being her husband and had introduced him in to the family business, something that she wasn’t entirely happy about. In just a few hours though the wedding would all be over and Carlos had already promised her that he would start their new life together away from her family and their business.

“You look beautiful,” her father said and Blaize offered him a shaky smile
as she surveyed her reflection. The full-length ivory gown skimmed her slender curves and made her waist look smaller than it was while her matching heels added to her height. The beaded bodice clung to her creamy breasts seeming to enhance her cleavage and with her minimal make-up and dark hair meticulously curled and secured with a tiara she looked every inch the beautiful bride. She honestly couldn’t believe how different she looked and for the first time she actually felt pretty rather just average.

"Thank you," she offered him as she took a deep steadying breath willing herself not to cry. 

"You make me so proud," he offered and tears sprung to her eyes as she hugged him knowing that though her father may not be the most law abiding citizen he would always be her father and she would always love him. 

"I love you daddy," she said and he squeezed her tighter before his phone rang and spoilt the moment. 

"I have to take this," he informed her as he reluctantly let her go. 

Blaize was used to her father putting business first but fury danced in her gaze as she listened discreetly and realized he was planning a deal to take place at her very own wedding. Her father had done a lot of awful things in her life but he had always kept it separate from her. His dodgy deals had never touched upon anything that involved her and it pissed her off that the one time he chose to break that rule was on the most important day of her life.

"Tell me you are not using my wedding as a front for your dodgy dealings," she pleaded and her father had the good sense to look guilty at the accusation. 

"It's good business sense," he tried to explain and Blaize looked livid. 

"Good business sense? This is my wedding!" she shouted and her father winced. 

"Exactly. It’s the wedding of my only daughter. Who would expect me to be doing anything illegal when my baby is getting married?" he asked and Blaize glared at him. 

"Most fathers would be too busy actually watching their daughter get married to care about business," she informed him closer to tears than ever and her father gave a deep sigh as he pulled her back in to his arms. 

"I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you, I promise," he vowed as he stroked his hand down her back in a smoothing motion like he had done when she was a child. 

"I swear daddy. I had better not see anything of this deal," she told him firmly and he smiled as he released her. 

"Trust me, Blaize. Your wedding will be perfect," he told her and she narrowed her eyes on him. 

"Hmph!" she responded. 

"Carlos understood the good sense of business," her father muttered and Blaize froze as she sent her father a mutinous glare. 

"He knew about this?" she demanded furiously and her father winced as he realized what he had just said. Blaize couldn’t believe that Carlos would condone her father making a deal at their wedding, not when he knew how much she hated what her father did for a living. It made doubts suddenly creep up on her and all the nervousness that she had managed to avoid crowded in. She loved Carlos but now she began to wonder if he was serious about starting a life together away from her family business or whether he was just another guy who had wanted a way in with her father.

“Don’t blame Carlos. He tried to talk me out of it and when he couldn’t he said that he didn’t want you to know any of this,” her father said. Blaize really hoped that he was telling the truth because she genuinely loved Carlos and she wanted to become his wife today even though doubts were still swirling. She found it difficult to trust and people only got one chance with her. If they broke her trust once then she never gave them the chance to win it back.

The wedding arrived sooner than Blaize thought possible and nerves really set in. She’d been looking forward to this day forever but suddenly it was an effort to put one foot in front of the other. She hadn’t expected to feel this nervous.

The wedding was taking place in the local church, which was where her parents had gotten married. When she’d arranged the wedding and her father had suggested the church it had seemed like a great idea but now in light of what she’d found out it suddenly seemed like the worst idea in the world. It had seemed romantic and more official to be married under the eyes of god but now all she could think was that as soon as she stepped in to the church a deal would be going down that went against every religious rule in the book.

“Ready?” her father asked and Blaize had a moment of complete panic before she gathered herself together and offered what she hoped was a serene smile. She took her fathers arm and together they began the long walk down the aisle.

It only took her three steps and one glance at Carlos for the panic to disappear along with all the doubts. All she could see was the handsome man who had made her fall in love and as her heart seemed to beat louder at the sight of him, Blaize knew that she was making the right choice.

It seemed like barely any time at all before she was next to Carlos and she couldn’t take her eyes away from him. He was the one solid thing in her life and she couldn’t believe that she’d had all those doubts when she wasn’t even sure that she wanted to exist without him.

“You look beautiful,” he murmured and she couldn’t help the smile that stole across her face. God, she loved this man.

The wedding seemed to fly by and before she knew it they were proclaiming their love before their guests and being pronounced man and wife. Blaize could hardly believe that it had all gone without a hitch. True to his word her father had made sure that no hint of the deal going down leaked in to her wedding and if he hadn’t told her about it then she would have had no idea that anything was going on.

“You may kiss the bride.”

At these words Blaize smiled up at her new husband as his dark head descended and she gave herself up to the tiny thrills of desire that raced through her at his touch. His hand rested on her lower back pressing her closer and she went gladly. It sounded like fireworks going off in her head and she sighed against his warm mouth. 

Until she realized that the fireworks weren't in her head and she jerked her mouth away in horror as she turned to find the church doors banging open and men in police and FBI uniforms swarming in. Bullets flew and she was dimly aware of Carlos cursing as he moved them both out of the line of fire and spun her so that she was protected by his broad frame. Finally the bullets stopped and when she managed to peek around Carlos she saw her father being led away in handcuffs by the FBI.

"Daddy!" she cried as she tried to get to him only to be halted by Carlos as he wrapped a strong arm around her waist and pulled her firmly back against him. 

"Be still," he whispered and Blaize struggled harder. 

"Dammit, let me go!" she ordered furiously as she resorted to trying her best to kick him hoping for freedom. 

"There's nothing you can do," Carlos informed her an instant before he swept her off her feet and threw her over his broad shoulder.

"The hell there isn't. Let me go!" she shouted furiously as she raised herself up just enough to be able to watch helplessly as several of her guests were escorted out in handcuffs including her father. She was barely even aware of Carlos carrying her from the church until he lowered her gently back to her feet outside where police surrounded the area. Shouting filled the air and Blaize could only watch as the cars slowly began to disperse filled with many of her guests and most of her family. A wave of isolation and fear hit her as she realized that aside from Carlos she was alone. This was not how today was supposed to go. She was supposed to be leaving the church with her new husband and with all of her family around her. She was not supposed to be stood here watching as all of her family got carted away to jail while she could do nothing but watch helplessly.  

“Nice work Morello,” one of the officers said as he strode past and Blaize froze in place at that. She spun round to face her new husband in time to catch the wince that he wasn’t quick enough to hide.

"What did he mean?" she demanded of her new husband as she looked up in to his tense face suspiciously. 

"Nothing," Carlos replied unconvincingly and Blaize's eyes narrowed on his handsome face as she realized for the first time that her husband was lying to her. 

"You set this up," she said as realization struck and her eyes widened in disbelief as he reached over to brush a stray tendril of hair behind her ear. 

"You're just tired and upset about your father. You're not thinking clearly," he said and Blaize jerked away from his touch. 

"You're lying. What did you do?" she demanded certain that he must have tipped someone off. 

“Not a damn thing,” he denied but Blaize didn’t believe him. She wasn’t particularly trusting on a normal day but right now she had a feeling in her gut that something wasn’t right and that her new husband was lying to her.

“Tell me,” she hissed through clenched teeth as she slammed her hands against his chest only to freeze in place.

“Blaize,” he warned. She ignored his warning as she reached out and pulled his shirt from his trousers before he could stop her. It only took a moment to confirm her suspicions as she touched the bulletproof vest he wore. His hand caught hers before she could pull completely away and she glared at him. No wonder he had been so eager to do the honourable thing and jump in front of a bullet for her. He’d never been in any actual danger of being hit by a stray bullet because he’d already known that it was a possibility before he’d even walked in to the church.

“You’re telling me that you had no idea this was going to happen?” she demanded and he finally looked uncomfortable.

"Blaize..." he tried but was interrupted as one of the other officers approached with a grin on his face. 

"Biggest take-down in history, Morello. You'll get a medal for this one. See you back at the station," he said as he clapped Carlos on the back before sauntering away and Blaize stared up at him in horror as she stumbled away from him. 

"You're a cop?" she asked hoping she was wrong but the guilt on his face proved that she was right. 

“I can explain,” he said but she wasn’t in the mood for explanations. There was nothing he could say that would justify what he had done. He had lied to her and no matter what he said it didn’t change that fact.

“You lied to me,” she said and she let all the hurt that she was feeling seep in to her tone. Anger rose through her until it seemed to consume her whole and she couldn’t help herself. Without even realizing what she was doing Blaize raised her hand and slapped Carlos as hard as she could. He wasn’t expecting it and his head snapped to the side at the contact. A red mark bloomed almost immediately and Blaize pressed a hand against her mouth. She couldn’t believe that she had just done that. She wasn’t a naturally violent person and she had never reacted with such anger and force before.

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