Read Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) (12 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)
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“Give it up, Irene. Looks like you’ve met your match.” Aida laughed.

“And you’re not getting away with this either, Aida. Why are you always trying to feed me or find out what I like to eat?”

“It’s what I do,” Aida replied.

“How about I feed you instead?”

“You cook?”

“No need to sound so surprised,” Lila said. “How about I make us all dinner later?”

“Sure. But if Driscoll is still working, you’ll have to use a special touch to get him to eat.”

“He’ll eat.” Lila sounded sure.

“How can you be sure you can make him eat?” Aida asked.

Driscoll paused, waiting to hear what Lila would say.

“Because you’re going to teach me your trick to get him to,” Lila said cheerfully.

“Good answer.” Aida laughed. “I just shove the food under his nose to get him to eat. He knows what happens if he doesn’t eat my food.”

“He told me about that. He was exaggerating when he said you threw a pot full of rice at his head, right?”

“Nope, I did throw it at his head and was all set to throw more food at him even though I told him different. I thought there would be anarchy when I threw the food, but he took it well. The rest of his band members were more upset that they wouldn’t get any food. They were a hungry lot who loved my food.”

“So, ladies, fill me in on the wackiness that is Driscoll.”

“That’ll take a long time.” Irene chuckled. “Since it will take time, that means you’ll stay kept at least for a little bit while we fill you in.”

“We really need to work on your tendency to want to keep people,” Lila replied.

“Just you at the moment.” Irene tsked. “Keeping folks is a good thing. Makes them know they are appreciated.”

“It’s called detainment, and since you didn’t offer me any strawberry or coconut, I’m inclined to think you don’t really want to keep me,” Lila teased.

Driscoll grinned. She loved his T-shirts and always made sure to let him know. She got as much of a kick out of them as he did.

“Oh, God, she’s paraphrasing his T-shirts,” Aida hooted. “He is converting her to the Driscoll side.”

“Run, run,” Irene said deadpan.

They all laughed. The women continued to converse as Driscoll’s attention became focused fully on what he was creating.


* * * *


Driscoll stretched, glancing at the clock. He was surprised to see how many hours had passed. He looked at the almost empty plate of food beside him and distantly remembered someone shoving it under his nose and demanding that he eat. In the next second he touched his lips, smiling as he recalled the kiss Lila had given him when he’d taken his first bite of food. The meal had been delicious and he’d gobbled it down as he’d continued to work. Throughout the day as he’d worked, he’d heard Lila in the background as she’d chatted with Aida and Irene. Then sometime during the day, Stuart had also come by but had soon left. Driscoll frowned, realizing it’d been quiet for a while. Turning in his chair, he smiled as he spotted Lila stretched out on the couch, sleeping.

He glanced briefly at the song and knew it was done, except for his doing a test recording. Driscoll went to her and knelt by the couch. Lila blinked open her eyes with a sleepy smile on her face.

“Are you finished?” Her voice was husky.

“For now.”

“Good. Irene reminded me to remind you.” She chuckled. “Try to say that a few times fast. Anyway, she wanted me to prod you in case you had plans to work tomorrow. It’s the start of the Locke Family Gathering. Are you sure it’s okay for me to go? I would think the event would be for family and close friends. I know you and Spencer and a few Lockes, but I’m not sure if I should go.”

“You’re going. You’re gonna be with me. I’m family, even though a few of my friends and family hesitate to claim me since I’m so, as they like to say, ‘weird’.” Driscoll laughed.

“I bet they do.” Lila shrugged. “Okay. I’m gonna stop worrying about my intruding and go to have a good time. I can’t believe it’s a three-day event.”

“Yep. It’s always been that way and has always been held at Locke Estate One where all the parents of the Locke clan live. Usually kicks off on the Saturday before Labor Day then ends on Labor Day.”

“What happens if Labor Day weekend is forecasted to be a wash out and you can’t have events outside?”

“They have contingencies for that to move the events inside. They still have the kick-off on weekend before Labor Day but inside at one of the houses of the family. Then throughout weekend, they have events at Moments who have loads of space, or various houses they designated for circumstances of bad weather. It’s just a matter of logistics and making sure people are aware of where they need to be and when. There is an email chain to keep people informed as well as a calling tree. There hasn’t been a whole three days it was a wash out so some would be outside at some point.”

“Sounds like a lot of planning goes into these events.”

“Yes it does. Moments—the event company Reggie co-owns—takes care of things for it. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Storm will be there. Bella usually asks him, but he isn’t always able to make it. He will this year, along with his brother.”

“Really? That’s great, I’ll have some people I know there.”

“There will probably be many people you know there. It’s a lot of people who come.” Driscoll studied her then stroked his finger down her cheek. “You could have gone to bed instead of sleeping on the couch.”

“This isn’t a couch, it’s a cloud.” Lila snuggled deeper into the cushions. “I don’t know where you got it, but I so need me one. It’s fabulous.”

“I’ll let my furniture designer friend know you said that. He custom made many of the pieces in my homes.”

“This is custom made? The man is a genius knowing just the right way to put this together to make you feel so good.” Lila moaned deep in her throat then moved in a slow, sensual movement.

“Hey now, you’re only supposed to make those sounds with me.” Driscoll placed his hands one over the other next to her head then put his chin on them.

“Maybe I forgot what we do to get me to make those sounds.” Lila crinkled her eyes and a wicked glint entered them. “You could remind me.”

“I could.” He leaned forward.

She met him and they kissed deeply. Driscoll sat back on his heels.

“Let’s go to bed.”

“No, here.”

“Do you have a fetish with doing it on the couch?” Driscoll teased. “Our first time was on your couch as well as a few other times too. We also did it on mine in the living room.”

“Maybe it’s my goal to have sex on each and every couch in your house, as well as mine.” She winked. “Are you up for it?”

“Damn right I am.” Driscoll yanked off his shirt. “But just as a caveat, I have a few houses and many couches.”

“I’m willing if you are.”

“Of course I am.” He pulled down his zipper and rose briefly to take off his jeans and underwear. Grabbing a condom from his pocket, he placed it within reach.

Lila sat up and he removed her clothing with quick movements. He cupped her plush breasts then tweaked the nipples. She whimpered and put her hands over each of his.

“Love that you’re so sensitive here.” Driscoll lifted one hand and stroked along the shell of her ear. “And here.”

Lila shivered. “Too slow. You’re moving too slow.”

“I have to remind you of what we do to have you make those sexy sounds for me. I need to be thorough so you don’t forget.” Driscoll pushed her back then lay over her. “Then do it again and again to reaffirm it, to make sure it sticks. A whole lot of times.” He kissed her, a soft brush on her lips.

Lila sucked his tongue in then pushed hers into his mouth before nipping on his tongue.

“Feisty woman.” He chuckled. “I like that.”

“I’ll get more feisty if you don’t give me what I need.”

“What do you need?”

“You, Driscoll. You.”

Driscoll’s heart skipped a beat then it raced at the promise in her tone. He kissed her again before sliding back until his mouth was over her breast. He nibbled on the pebbled flesh of her breast then swirled his tongue over her areola. Lila rocked beneath him and she ran her feet up and down the backs of his legs.

“Yes. Like that,” she muttered then continued to urge him on.

He took his time playing with her breasts, driving her into a frenzy of need. Lila shivered and gripped the back of his head. Wanton sounds of pleasure flowed from her as she breathed deep then exhaled. He licked across her skin to the other breast and repeated the caress. Lila tightened her hold on his head, pulling him against her. He nuzzled her soft flesh and groaned as her scent filled him.

“Lila.” He moved lower, continuing his downward journey, nibbling and licking her skin.

She arched under his touch, responding so sweetly as she gave him the sounds of desire. Just above her bare pussy, he kissed the soft, smooth skin then licked down. Driscoll sucked her clit and when she bucked, he gently held her in place with his body.

“Dris,” Lila gasped, shaking.

He continued pleasuring her, enjoying the nub of flesh before delving deep into her then licking out. She clenched her pussy on his tongue then rocked into him as he reveled in her taste. He maintained the motions, listening as she got more and more vocal. Lila’s breath hitched and, recognizing sound, Driscoll pulled out and knelt between her legs, quickly putting on the protection. He blanketed her before surging forward and filling her. Lila moaned and tightened around him before she shuddered.

“Dris,” she whimpered as she climaxed, arching under him.

“Look at me,” Driscoll demanded.


At his words, Lila focused on his fierce face and he stroked deep. Spasms of pleasure continued to flow through her as his thrusts prolonged her release. The stark need on his face made her breath catch and she bit her lip, moving with him. She grabbed his ass then dug her nails in. Lifting her legs higher on his hips, she angled upward, quivering at the sensation of desire the change in angle set off.

“Lila,” Driscoll breathed out. “Need you so much.”

“Yes. Take me.” She lifted her head then nipped at his full bottom lip.

Driscoll’s harsh exhalation against her lips made her tremor, and a wave of passion overcame her again. She shook as she went over once more. Driscoll kept moving faster and faster, his breathing rising to match his pace. Sweat dripped from his face onto hers and Lila slid her hands up his damp back before grabbing his shoulders and yanking him fully against her.

“Each time it is better and better.” She pressed her lips to his ear then nipped the lobe before kissing it. “Give me all you have, Dris.”

“Lila. Mine.” He grunted and shuddered as he came.

She hugged him, kissing the side of his face and rubbing her hands up and down his back. Driscoll slumped on top of her and she cuddled him, soothing him. A few moments later, Driscoll stirred and met her gaze.

“Shower then bed,” he said. He kissed her before he stood, removed the condom and disposed of it then pulled on his jeans, leaving them unzipped and unbuttoned. He held out his hand.

Lila accepted it and he pulled her up, retrieving his T-shirt before putting it on her. Driscoll took out her ponytail from under the collar, smoothing the edges of the shirt as he smiled at her.

“What?” She kissed his cheek.

“Thanks for your help earlier, helping me get unblocked so I could finish my song.” He put his hand on her waist and led her to the door.

“I didn’t do anything,” she protested.

“You might not know you did.” Driscoll squeezed her. “But the walk and talking with you shook something loose to help. So thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Lila walked beside him.

“We’ll have to do it again.”

“What? Talk? We do that all the time.”

“No, take walks around the neighborhood or property.” Driscoll stroked his hand down her ass, which was covered by his T-shirt.

“Sounds good to me.” Lila paused at the base of the steps and put her hand on his chest. “We can start doing that when I come by at night before you make me dinner.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He kissed her.

Lila sank into his kiss but pulled away. “We’re not sweaty enough for a shower.”

“Do tell,” Driscoll smirked. “What do you suggest so we can get nice and sweaty?”

“Running is good. Catch me if you can.” Lila smacked him on the ass then took off up the steps.

She heard Driscoll running behind her. Laughing, Lila reached the landing then feigned going to the left toward his bedroom but went right instead. Driscoll grabbed her and he lifted her off the floor.

“Dris,” Lila shrieked.

“Lila.” He turned her in his arms, effortlessly holding her with his hands at the back of her thighs. “Now what shall we do with you? Smack me on the ass then run from me.”

“I was just being playful,” Lila said.

Driscoll started walking and Lila glanced down the hall. “What are you planning, Dris?”

He didn’t answer, just entered the open door to the atrium and strode past the oasis of flowers and other fauna. Lila’s eyes widened when she saw where he was heading. She held onto him tight.

“Dris, not there.”

He again said nothing, just kept going. She tried to get away and he held her then he stepped off the edge. Lila gasped as the warmth of the indoor pool closed around them. He held her and they sank to the bottom then Driscoll kicked off, bringing them to the surface.

“You could have at least let us undress first.” Lila blinked the water from her eyes then wiped off her face.

“Easily rectified.” Driscoll tugged off the T-shirt then he let her go.

Lila watched as he put his hand underwater. A few moments later, he held up his jeans then pitched them and the other wet garment to the side of the pool. Driscoll came close to her.

“Crazy man.” She pushed at his shoulder.

“Your crazy man.” Driscoll winked smacking her ass. “Race you.” He swam away.

Lila went under the surface then headed after him. She resurfaced before swimming into his path, wrapping her legs around him.

“Cheater.” Driscoll laughed. “Interference with your opponent is grounds for forfeit of the race.”

BOOK: Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)
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