Unexpected Changes (5 page)

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Authors: A.M. Willard

BOOK: Unexpected Changes
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Chapter Eight


nights’ sleep in months, I wake with a more desirable outlook than other days. Arriving at the office before Jessica, I turn all the equipment on and flash evil eyes at the copier. It’s been a love-hate relationship that I’ve not missed over the last few months.

Knowing that I have contracts to copy and prepare today, I pray it doesn’t screw up my day. I could, on the other hand, pass this task off onto Jessica, but then I’d feel remorseful for making the pregnant assistant copy my work.

“I’ll deal with you later today,” I say to it as I point my finger in warning.

An hour has passed and I hear Jessica slam her purse down on her desk. I’m not sure what she’s mumbling, but this can’t be good. A part of me is actually looking forward to getting on the next flight out of here. The hormones she releases are off the charts.

“Jessica, I’m in here,” I yell from my office to alert her to my presence.

“Oh, you’re back early. Everything okay?”

“Things are … well, they are okay. How are you and the baby?”

“That’s a loaded question, but we are doing swell. Do you have anything I can help you with today? I finished up a few things yesterday for Angela already.”

“I might have some work later, I’m just going to catch up on a few things and get ready to fly to Texas.”

“Oh, that’s right. I totally forgot to tell you guys. I received an email from Mr. Northwood’s assistant, Kelly. They had a fire in their office. Apparently they’re working from a remote location. I have all the information if you need it.”

“I hope everyone is okay. Just email it to me so I can save it,” I respond as I try to grasp it all. What if Carter would have been hurt? I know it’s only a dream, but I still have feelings for him. A girl can hope for a fairy tale; after all, I am human. I might have had my heart ripped from my chest¸ but in the end, only one man can restore it.

“Well, I’m going to get to work then. Yell if you need me,” Jessica says, but I’m still stuck in my world. I spoke to him yesterday and he never said anything, but what if the fire was after the call?

Standing, I tiptoe to shut my door before I head back to my desk and search for my phone.

With a deep breath, I dial Carter and wait. I have to know he’s okay or I’ll never be able to focus today.

After what seems like an eternity, I hear his voice come across the line. It’s his voicemail and that will have to do for now. “Carter, it’s Tabitha and … Well, I just found out about the fire and you should have told me last night. I guess you didn’t have to explain. Anyway I hope you are safe and everyone else is too. You—” I’m cut off before I can finish my message.

Carter is probably too busy to answer, but I know I’ll worry the rest of the day until I hear something. That is an understatement in itself, though. One day it’s “please don’t call,” and then the next, “I can’t wait to hear from him.” Today is the day that Carter needs to not listen to what I say.

Losing myself in some work, I hear my stomach growl with hunger. This causes me to glance at my watch and wonder why Jessica hasn’t said it’s lunch time.

As I walk out into the main office area, I spot my brother perched up on the side of the desk leaning down to whisper in Jessica’s ear.

I clear my throat to announce myself. “I’m hungry, and you, my dear brother, are taking us to lunch.” I don’t wait for his response as I pivot on my heels back towards my office. Purse, phone, and confidence are all in check as I skip back out to my lunch dates.

“Hey Sis, what are you in the mood for?”

“Don’t ask me, ask her. She’s the one with crazy cravings and all,” I say and point in Jessica’s direction, earning me a glare.

“I don’t care. Maybe something light and salty.”

“Light and salty?” Seth and I say in unison.

“Yes, like, oh I know, a tuna sandwich, salt and vinegar chips, with a large banana shake.”

Scrunching my nose up, I let out a loud “Gross.”

“I second that one, but come on baby momma, let’s feed you and the kid.”

“If you call me baby momma one more time, Seth, I swear I will slap you into the next universe.”

“When you answer my question, I’ll stop,” Seth responds in his typical ‘I’m an ass’ voice.

“If you two need a few, I can go have lunch alone. I don’t mind,” I say, since I’d be delighted to leave them to kill each other while I’m gone. Making a mental note, I need to corner Seth to find out what the latest is with them.

“No! I’m hungry and you’re hungry, so let’s go. Seth you’re buying,” Jessica says as she snatches up her purse and heads towards the door.

I observe Seth as he rolls his eyes and stiffens his posture. Yes, find out what is going on, stat.

“So big brother, you going to meet Cory and me at The Hill?”

“I plan to. When are we going again?”

“Tomorrow, but it appears that you and I need to share a few drinks and catch up. Don’t you agree?” I ask as I give him the ‘we need to talk’ look.

“We could have a quick one this evening after work if you’d like, and then I have a few things to take care of.”

Responding with a nod of my head, I try to pay attention to what Jessica is going on about in front of us. Seth notices and shakes his head to tell me to let it go. I shrug my shoulders and I let it fly by as I know I’ll get to the bottom of it tonight.

Lunch was entertaining, to say the least, which leads me to quickly say goodbye to my brother and run in the other direction. The little café was packed and it took forever to get our food, leaving me running behind for the day.

I listened to those two bicker back and forth while I stared at my phone pleading with it to ring. Still no word from Carter and I’m not surprised. I just had hoped he would have returned my call.

With a peek out, I see the coast is clear and head towards the copier.

“Want me to copy those?”

“No, I have it. What’s the worst thing that could happen?” I ask, although I don’t need an answer to that one.

“Okay, but I am not cleaning the mess up.”

“Oh, the pregnant one has jokes, huh?”

“She does. Would you like more?”

“I think I’m good. Have you heard anything from Kelly or anyone today?” I ask, hinting that ‘I need information and make it STAT.’

“I haven’t, but you know, I do need to ask her when you’ll be required again. How about I give her a quick ring and get back to you?” Jessica asks with a wink.


Shoving the papers into the top of the copier, I hit the five button as I send up a little prayer and punch the green copy button. Whew, things are going smooth and I turn to head back to my office. It’s then that I hear it: that God-awful noise it makes before it shoots all my papers in every direction but where they need to be.

“Oh no you don’t, you stupid, stupid piece of crap,” I scream as I punch the stop button. “Why are you not stopping, evil machine?”

I hear a fit of laughter pour out from behind me and it fuels my fire even more. Sliding off my heel, I sling my arm back and slam it down on top of the touch screen. “You will die today. This will be the last time you ever not work for me,” I say as I continue to slam my heel into it.

“Tabitha, how about we unplug it? That usually works.”

“No, it doesn’t. I’ve tried that, and it’ll keep going. The thing is possessed. It’s like that TV on Poltergeist.”

“I promise you it’s not, but now by the looks of things, we need a new one.”

“I’m good with a new one. It’s been needed for years. Would you mind ordering a new one and I’ll let Angela know?”

“Sure, I’ll handle it. And I feel it’s best to let me handle all of your copying needs from today on.”

“Fine,” I say and hobble towards my office. The stupid thing has me so upset I forgot to put my broken shoe back on.

Cell phone in hand, I dial Angela to deliver the news.

“Hey,” she answers, “I was just thinking about calling you.”

“Good, I beat you to it, and I have bad news.” I say as I plop into my chair and slouch down.

“What happened?”

“First, did you know Carter’s office caught on fire? And second, Jessica is ordering a new copier; ours is dead.”

“No, and Tabitha, why is the copier dead?”

“It had an accident with my heel. The thing had it coming, I tell you.”

With a chuckle, she continues, “Really, it had it coming?”

“You’ve seen it, and it did. I’ve had it. Maybe you should call the manufacturer and inform them of the defects of their machine. Then we might not need to buy a new one. They could replace it.”

“Pretty sure we should’ve done that before it had heel marks in it.”

In the background, I hear Logan ask, “Did she finally murder it?”

“Tell him to leave me alone,” I pout.

“I will do no such thing as it’s true. You killed the poor thing.”

“I’m not listening to this. Jessica will have a new one delivered, and hell, I don’t care what they do with this one.”

“Make sure it’s a simple one or I might need stock in them.”

“Whatever. How’s my baby doing?”

“Sleeping, and yes, I’m doing marvelously by the way.”

“I know you are, silly. I miss you guys already.”

“Miss you too. Hey, let me call you later okay? I hear Graham stirring.”

“Later,” I respond without allowing her to answer.

Pissed now that I beat the shit out of the copier, and broke my shoe, I shut down all my crap and call it a day. Jessica can handle the rest of it while I run a few errands.

“Jessica, I’m out. And sorry about the breakdown.”

“Have a good rest of the day and don’t sweat it. Happens to the best of us. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.”

“Thanks. See you tomorrow.”


Shocked that my phone lights up with Tabitha’s name, I hate that I can’t answer as I sit in this makeshift conference room. We pulled a few strings and set up shop in a vacant office within the same building. Working with a skeleton crew for the day, I’m stuck listening to the adjuster.

I’m ready to wrap this up so I can return home and sift through the pile of papers I retrieved from the safety box.

My father called this morning on my drive into work and has declared an emergency meeting with me this evening. I have a feeling I need to go through as much of that pile as possible beforehand.

“Carter, are you listening to what we’re saying?”

“Sorry, I am. It’s just I have a lot on my mind right now. Do you think we could finish this later in the week?”

“Of course, we will do what we can from our end and then let you know by close of business what direction we think the company should go.”

“I appreciate it. And again, I apologize for not being able to focus today.”

“It’s expected. You’ve had a lot on your plate and we send our best to you. Especially since the papers announced your divorce today.”

“Excuse me? What did you just say?” I ask with confusion.

“It’s on the front page. Senator Edwards’s office issued a press release.”

“Of course they did, since they live to dictate my life. If you’ll excuse me, I have a few matters to tend to,” I say as I push my chair away. I’ve got to get out of here; the walls feel like they are closing in on me.

For years I have begged for this, and now, on their terms, they release this. When were they going to inform me of this?

“Sir, I need you for a moment,” I hear Kelly announce and I walk to her desk in a fog.

“Of course, Kelly. Everything okay?”

“Well, I have a few things, actually. One, SHI called and would like to know when you will need the next visit. Oh, and when you leave, you might want to go out the back. The press is camped out in front.”

“That’s to be expected, especially since I wasn’t prepared for this change of events,” I say, earning me a look of worry and confusion from my trusted assistant.

“Carter, if you don’t mind me saying something, I’d like to voice my views.”

“Go ahead, Kelly, because I know it’s killing you.”

A smile breaks out across her face as she explains. “It is, and I think it’s the best news I’ve heard in years. Now, you need to fix things with her, and quickly. Let the past go. That’s what it is, the past. She’s your future. Now grab it and hold on tight. From what I’ve witnessed, you will never have to become someone you aren’t. She loves you for you.”

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