Unexpected Changes (16 page)

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Authors: A.M. Willard

BOOK: Unexpected Changes
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Chapter Twenty-Five


in the afternoon, but I feel like I’ve been in this office all day. I check to see if I have anything else to do and I notice it’s almost time for an appointment with Frank. Dialing up the salon, I book both Jessica and myself an appointment. Angela instructed me not to spoil the new assistant, but this is an emergency. Plus, I’m half owner now and should be able to spoil who I want.

“Jessica, grab your purse,” I yell towards her as I leave my office.

“What’s going on?” she asks, looking up from her computer.

“We’re going to see Frank. I need my makeover and by the looks of you, you do too. Come on, let me spoil you for a few hours.”

“That sounds nice,” Jessica responds as she powers down her computer and searches for her purse.

These past few months, I’ve let my hair go back to a light, natural red and my nails painted black. It was a way for me to show the world I was depressed and craving the one thing I thought I couldn’t have.

Now, I feel I can shine; I can finally be me again. Today started a new chapter and what better way to celebrate than with a fresh new me?

As Jessica and I walk in side by side to the see Frank, I feel at peace. For the longest time, I felt the world was tipping me over, and now, it’s picked me back up and set me upright.

“Frank, dear, it’s been too long. Time to bring Tabitha back,” I explain as I hug him.

“Oh, thank you, Lord. I thought I lost you for a little while. I’ve been waiting for this day to come. Hurry along and let’s bring you back to life.”

“Sounds good. And will you get Whitney to do a makeover on Jessica?”

“Already set up. Let me show her to the other room and I’ll be right with you.”

Making myself comfortable, the butterflies rise up from within. It’s been awhile since Carter’s seen me with my darker red hair. My family loves it lighter, but I feel fiercer, more alive, when it’s darker.

Hours later, Jessica and I walk out feeling like new women. She got it all done—wax, nails, toes, hair—and I even splurged for her to get her makeup done. As I stand back and look at her, I know my brother will have the wind knocked out of him. Jessica already had a glow; I just helped it along a little.

As for me, I of course went all out. As Angela instructed, I tamed the circus and now have bright pink, glittered nails. I honestly think we both skipped out of the salon. Dishing out a quick goodbye to everyone, I head back home to where my heart is waiting for me.

The only thing I question on the drive home is what to do with him now. Always living alone, I don’t cook and I sure as heck am not used to having another body in my space. This is going to take some getting used to, that’s for sure.

I am almost home when my phone rings. As I look to the dashboard, I see it’s Angela calling to check in. Hitting the Bluetooth, I answer, “What’s up?”

“Someone sounds chipper. Nothing much, what about you?”

“Oh you know, just left Frank’s and headed home. How’s my Godson today?”

“Went to see Frank, huh? And Graham is just fine. Growing and driving us crazy, but we love every moment.”

“Then he’s doing as Aunt Tabby instructed him to do,” I say as I laugh out loud.

“Will you please stop corrupting my child?”

“Never. Someone has to.”

“Anyway, what are you doing?” Angela asks.

“Headed home. Why, what’s up?”

“Nothing, just had an interesting call today and I called to give you a few days off. Well, that is, when you return from Texas.”

“Call from who? Cory or Seth?”

“Neither, it was Carter. Now, don’t freak out, but I’m glad he finally called. I’m not close enough to rip his balls off, so I had to threaten him over the phone. It’s that or send Logan to do my dirty work.”

“Easy, tiger. I don’t think we need to rip anything off anyone. I can handle him and plan to in other ways.”

“You are a force to be reckoned with, you know that, chick?”

“I do, but are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

“Not at all. Just go with the flow, especially since we all know how hard that is for you.”

“Hey, I can’t help it. I like to plan things out. Oh, before I forget, I have to tell you something. Jessica’s having a girl. So now not only do I get to spoil Prince Graham, but I’ll have a princess as well.”

“Oh, the glitter Gods are not working with us now. I might need to phone Jessica and warn her. Who’s doing the shower?”

“Me, of course, and thank you very much, the glitter Gods are aligned in sweet harmony now.”

“I’m sure they are, Tabitha. Don’t forget to let me know when it is and I’ll plan to be there. So, I’ll see you soon.”

“Will do and yes, I can’t wait. I miss you.”

“Miss your crazy ass too. I’ll phone later, and keep me posted.”

“Okay … Before you go I have a stupid question.”

“I’m listening.”

“What do I do when I get home?”

“That’s easy, relax and go with the flow. That man has his work cut out for him with you. Oh, but whatever you do, do not cook. Call for takeout. If he sees your mad kitchen skills now, Carter just might skip out on you.”

“I am so hanging up on you now. Love you, bye,” I quickly say as I disconnect the call.

Maybe I need to take some domestic class or something, or cooking classes.
Does Carter know how to cook?
I wonder as I park the car.
Baby steps,
is what I remind myself as I approach the front of my apartment.


I finish up with my little research project and confirm that Kelly has arrived safe and sound. I tried to invite her over to dinner, but she told me that she’d see me later. Now I’m sitting here attempting to figure out what to do with myself. I’ve already got an appointment set up to look at a few offices in town, and until then, I can’t start with any new designs.

Deciding to move about the apartment, I head over to inspect Tabitha’s music collection. As I do this, all I can do is shake my head. I’ve never seen someone have so many eighties and nineties CDs in one spot. She usually has her iPod plugged in, but I noticed she took that with her this morning. I finally find an artist that I can bear to listen to—Ray LaMontagne—and pop it into the CD player.

It’s getting late, and I’m not sure what time to expect Tabitha home, so I head to her kitchen to prepare dinner. This is when I finally realize she wasn’t joking. The cabinets are bare, well, except for the thermos she still has hidden. Grabbing it from the top shelf, I place it on the counter. That needs to go and someplace far away from here. I still can’t get over her train of thought on that one, but as I’ve come to find out, never expect anything less from her. She’s full of surprises.

Feeling like I just won the lottery, I’m able to find the makings for Chicken Alfredo. Not questioning if she likes it or not, because obviously, since it’s the only thing in this kitchen, she does.

Going around and around in this space, I’m about to pull my hair out. Everything is in order, but Tabitha has nothing in here. Plates, silverware, and a few pots. I’m pretty sure the pots have never been touched. Now that I’m living here, this will change. I might not have cooked every night, but I know how and enjoy it. Maybe I can teach her how to do the simple stuff.

As I’m stirring the sauce, I hear my phone ping with a notification of an incoming email.

I don’t bother to look at my phone, I just click the screen on my laptop. Once it opens I notice it’s an email from the one and only Bethany Edwards-Northwood. Something in me burns from looking at her name splayed across my screen. I thought I got rid of this black widow.

Sitting down, I click open and set out to read what she has to say this time.

My Dearest Carter,

I’ve arrived in Monaco safe and sound and for that, I thank you. I had a lot of time on the flight to do some soul searching. Stop rolling your eyes, as I know it’s hard for you to believe that I have one. I do, okay? I need to explain a few things to you that were too hard for me to say face to face.

When we started dating, I was so happy and in love with you. My father’s career was just beginning and he was bound to not let anything stand in his way, which included me. He never approved of us, and warned me that if I wasn’t careful, he would
take down anything and everything in his path.

Remember all those dreams I had in school, the ones that included me going off to study art history and you architecture? Well, you were the only one who fulfilled your dreams. One day I hope to explore mine. You have genuine talent and never hold it back. Show the world the person I know you are deep down.

Now, you once told me that I destroyed your heart and soul. I think you’re wrong, it was hidden profoundly and you’ve found the one to show you the way. I watched from afar long enough to know that you and Tabitha are meant for one another. Love her with all your might. Don’t let anything ever go unsaid or dealt with. I know you have it in you.

As far as me, don’t worry, as I know you probably won’t anyway. I’m finally happy where I am in life. I can be free to be with the one that I love. Oh, and I’ll tell you about that now.

See, my affair might have started with your father years ago, which only dragged the two of us down. For the last two years, I’ve been in love with Jasper. Now pick your mouth up and listen. Everything he did was an act. Jasper is clean and hasn’t touched drugs in over three years. I had him follow you two just to throw you off the lies that I had buried. He’s joined me here in Monaco and the two of us will wed soon. My plans are to never return to the States. Nothing is left or important enough for me to come home. My home is here now, with Jasper.

I know this will not replace the years you lost or heal the pain, I only hope that one day you will be able to forgive me. My hopes are that in passing, you’ll be able to give me a quick nod at least. Forgiveness is what I seek from you, Carter, not love or money. So I ask you to forgive me for my sins, forgive me for all of it.

As you find it within yourself to do so, I ask that you never regret another day of life. Carry on with the things and people you love. Love them with all your might.

I stopped loving you the day they forced us to marry. It wasn’t how I planned. It was an act of survival. A simple means to be able to carry on with life as we both knew it. Do I ask myself daily about what ifs? Yes, I do. I honestly believe that if our two families would have let us figure it all out, it might have ended differently.

Remember that all things shall be well, Carter. You control your destiny, not I, nor anyone else around you. Be true to yourself.

Until the day we pass as two ships, I wish you the best in life.

Love always,

Bethany Edwards-Northwood

Not sure what to think about her email, I close it down and head back to what I was doing. If I think back to what she said, I know Bethany is right. Our lives would’ve turned out differently without the involvement of our families. In the end, I’m where I’ve always belonged, with Tabitha. Stepping stones is what our relationship was, and now I know the path to true happiness.

Lost in my own thoughts, I hear the door open and Tabitha yell out as she enters, “Honey, I’m home.”

I turn towards her and all I can do is laugh at her. She’s bent over laughing at her own response.

“You okay?”

“No, I always wanted to do that, and it sounds so funny. Oh, something smells good,” she says as she enters the kitchen to see what I’m cooking. “Mmm, my favorite.” She reaches up to place a quick kiss on my cheek. “You know how to cook?”

“I do, and from the looks of it, I will take your word for it that you don’t know how.”

“Nope and never claimed that I did. Where did you find all those?” she asks as she points to the pots on the stove.

“Found them in your cabinets. After you get comfortable, could you do away with that?” I ask as I point to her frozen thermos.

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