Undo Me (The Good Ol' Boys #3) (15 page)

BOOK: Undo Me (The Good Ol' Boys #3)
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She nodded again.

“I hope she gets to see you tomorrow. Have a good rest of your day, ma’am.”

I turned and left, not looking back.

“Dylan!” she shouted when I was near the elevator and I looked in her direction.

“Thank you.”

“What if I don’t win?” I asked as he pulled into our school parking lot.

“Then you don’t win.”

“That was the worst pep talk ever. You’re fired.”

“You win some, you lose some, suga’. All that matters is that you tried.”

“You should have led with that.”

He laughed, tugging on the ends of my hair.

I warmed up on the track, getting ready for the long day ahead. The stands were quickly filling. Alex and the boys all showed up to show their support. Not going to lie, I was nervous.

I wanted to win.

To prove to myself that I was still that girl from back home, and even though my father left, it didn’t have to define who I was. I could be happy again. Here in Oak Island with Dylan and my new friends who all quickly became my second family. I didn’t feel broken or lonely anymore, I could have a fresh start.

When I heard the buzzer sound off for the first round of schools to start getting ready, I looked up back toward the stands. I found Alex and the boys, but no sign of Dylan. I peered through the crowd trying to find him. It didn’t take long, he stuck out like a sore thumb with his long blonde hair and his large, stalky build. He was walking toward someone with his hands up in the air, and I followed his gaze.

My mom.

She had never been to one meet.

Not one.

There she was walking toward the boy that just made me fall in love with him a little bit more.


“Just one more picture,” Aubrey’s mom requested very much to my annoyance, but I played nice for her. This was her daughter’s first prom, and she was making an effort.

“Mom, you have like a hundred pictures already. If you take anymore we’re not going to make it to Dylan’s prom.”

“I know, honey, just one more. Smile. Oh, come on, Dylan, smile!”

“I am smiling,” I griped, not being able to take much more, my face fucking hurt from smiling so much.

“Okay, okay, we’re done. You guys look so nice!”

She pulled Aubrey into a hug and kissed the top of her head. Ever since the track meet three months ago her mom really started trying to become more involved in Aubrey’s life. I don’t know how she worked it out with the hospital, but she was home at least two nights a week, eating dinner with Aubrey. Sometimes I would join them, but most of the time I left them alone. They needed that time together, to reestablish their relationship. To bond and shit. Aubrey was happy and at the end of the day that’s all that mattered.

“I have to go into work. Be safe and have fun! I’ll call you later.” She kissed her head one last time and then smiled over at me. “Take care of my daughter.”


When the garage door closed I made my way over to Aubrey. She looked so fucking gorgeous. I had never seen her look more stunning. She was dressed in a light yellow gown that was perfectly fitted to her ridiculous body, hugging her in all the right places, reminding me how goddamn lucky I really was. Her hair was curled and tied up near the left side of her face. I had never seen her wear so much make-up before, but yet it was the perfect amount. The black eyeliner she wore just accented her bright green eyes even more.

She was breathtaking.

“How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself when you look good enough to eat, darlin’?” I caressed the side of her face with the tips of my fingers.

“That’s the point, McGraw.”

I looked deep into her eyes. “I love you. I just wanted you to know that.”

She beamed with a gleam in her gaze, starry eyes that were new and unfamiliar. “I love you, too.”

Hearing her utter those three words never got old.

I pulled her toward me by the nook of her neck and kissed her pink pouty lips. “Let’s go show you off, suga.”

Prom was incredibly cliché, from the streamers down to the balloons. There wasn’t a place in the banquet hall that wasn’t covered with confetti, ribbon, or a decoration of some sort. Aubrey tried to get us to take one of those traditional prom pictures with the photographer and I did it because it made her smile, even though I wanted to shove the camera up his fucking ass.

I wasn’t much for dancing in a room full of people I barely liked, but when “With or Without You” by U2 came on through the speakers, I grabbed Aubrey’s hand and took her out to the balcony where it was just the two of us. I spun her around in a circle, bringing her into my body, fitting her perfectly in my hold. I guided her arms to wrap around my neck, wanting no space between us. She laid her cheek against my chest and I placed my chin on top of her head, softly singing the lyrics of the song that became ours that night.

That moment with her had to be one of my favorites.

We left shortly after dancing to one more song. We were supposed to head over to Ian’s to meet up with the boys, since none of their pussy-asses went to prom. That sure as hell didn’t stop them from crashing after- parties though. The only reason I went was because when I mentioned it to Aubrey her face lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree.

“Shit! I forgot my cell phone back at my house. My mom might call. I don’t want her to worry. Do you mind heading back over to my house before we go to Ian’s?”

“I’m onto you, darlin’, always leaving your ‘phone’ at home.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“Close that mouth, darlin, unless you want me to stick something in it.”

She shook her head. “Wow. You go from zero to a hundred in seconds.”

I laughed. “It’s part of my charm.” I grabbed her hand, bringing it up to my lips.

“It’s part of your something.” She grinned as I kissed the palm of her hand and placed it onto my lap.

We drove the rest of the way to her house in comfortable silence. I followed her in to use the bathroom and to grab a water bottle from the kitchen, while she found her phone.

“Dylan!” Aubrey shouted from her bedroom upstairs. “I need your help with something!”

I made my way up the stairs and into her room, stopping dead in my tracks.

What I saw nearly knocked me on my ass.

I wasn’t nervous.

Not even a little bit.

I took off my dress and hung it on the hanger, taking my hair down and letting the soft curls and waves fall around my face. My panties and bra were next, throwing them on the floor next to my bed. I pulled the comforter back to the end of the bed to just lie under the white sheet, barely covering myself before I called out Dylan’s name.

I would never forget the look on his face when he walked into my room.

It was a memory I would take to the grave.

He leaned his shoulder against my doorframe, folding his arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side.

“Is it bedtime, baby?”

I smiled. “Why don’t you come here and find out for yourself. I saved the best spot for you,” I said, patting the bed.

He pushed off the doorframe, slowly taking off his suit jacket and then tie and throwing them on the armchair in the corner of my room. He walked over to me in four precise and calculated strides. Each one more alarming than the last.

He leaned forward, crawling toward me in the middle of my bed.

“Do you need me to tuck you in, darlin’?”

“Sleep isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” I purred in a seductive tone.

“Is that right?” he drawled out.

I determinedly nodded, softly kissing his lips. “No more talking, just be with me. Just me and you, right?”

“Always,” he breathed out between kisses.

“Touch me, please.”

I wanted to feel him in every possible manner.

“Where?” he groaned into my mouth.

I placed my hand over his heart. “Here.”

He growled as he opened his mouth, slipping his tongue passed my parting lips. Working it in ways that had my legs spreading to wrap around his waist, my arms quickly followed, doing the same around his neck. He gripped the back of my neck, bringing us closer but still not nearly close enough. I wanted to be one with him. No space or distance between our ravenous bodies. His lips crashed into mine, kissing me gently, adoringly, fervently. Savoring every last touch, every last push and pull, every last movement of his lips working against mine. As if I was made just for him.

Only for him.

He pulled back a little, resting his forehead on mine to look into my eyes. To cripple me in ways I never thought possible. There was a hunger in his glare that I couldn’t quite place, he wasn’t even touching me and yet I still felt him all over. Both of us were panting, our breathing mirroring one another’s, our hearts escalating higher and higher and beating beside each other.

So intense.

So consuming.

So mind-blowing.

In that second, in that minute, in that hour… I wanted him.

I wanted his touch, I wanted his kiss, I wanted his taste, I wanted all his movements, all his adoration and his love, all his devotion, his laugh, his smile, everything, anything.

Every. Last. Part.


I reached for the front of his shirt, unbuttoning it and pulling it away from his body and he let me. I touched the pulse of his neck, down to his heart, passed his taut abs until I reached his belt. The warmth and velvetiness of his skin made my sex clench and my stomach flutter. The butterfly feeling never got old. It was becoming one of my favorite feelings.

A feeling only he could ignite in me.

I gasped when he unexpectedly gripped my hand, stopping me.

“Are you sure?” he huskily rasped, my favorite sound in the world.

Before I could assure him, tell him what I felt so deeply in my heart, tell him how much he meant to me, how much I wanted to be his and only his, how much I wanted him to undo me.

Own me.

He hoarsely murmured against my lips, “Suga’ once I start there will be no going back. I won’t stop until I’ve explored every last inch of your flesh… until I’m etched so far into your heart that you’ll never be able to touch your skin and not feel me.”

With wide eyes I swallowed hard and breathed out, “Promise?”


He let go of my hand and I unclasped his belt, next were his slacks, pulling them apart and lowering the zipper. Before I could touch him where I really wanted to, where I had been craving since the second I saw him in his black tuxedo, he slapped my hand away.

“This isn’t about me. This is about you.”

His gaze set me on fire, my heart kicked into overdrive. I loved having him look at me like that. Knowing I never wanted him to stop looking at me in that way, the way that made me feel like we were the only two people in the world, like I was the only girl in the world. He had my heart in his hands, to do what he pleased with.

I knew right then and there that I would never be able to go without him.

He licked his lips and leaned in to kiss me. The second his tongue touched mine, it turned into its own moment, its own creation, its own world. His body fell forward and mine backward, pushing me further into my mattress. My legs spread wider and he readily lay in between them, placing all his weight on his arms that were cradling my face. The room was dim, but I could sense him everywhere and all at once.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Aubrey. So damn beautiful,” he groaned into the side of my neck as he placed soft kisses down to my cleavage and toward my nipple. He sucked it into his mouth as his hand caressed my other breast, leaving me withering beneath him. Chills running up and down my waiting body. My back arched off the bed, wanting more and he obliged. I could feel his erection on my wet core as he purposely moved his hips, grinding against my heat, creating a delicious tingling that I felt all over.

I sucked in my bottom lip to conceal the moan that was about to escape.  

“Darlin’, I want you to make every fucking noise possible. Do you understand me?”

I moaned in response and it earned me a forceful yet tender caress of his hand against my clit. He manipulated my bundle of nerves and within minutes my legs started to shake and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. He effortlessly made his way down my body, pushing his fingers into my opening and sucking on my nub in a back and forth motion.

My hands immediately gripped his hair and he grunted in satisfaction. I couldn’t take it anymore, the room started to spin and my breathing faltered.

“Hmm… ah… mmm…” I exhaled.

The next thing I knew, he was kissing me, and I tasted myself all over his mouth. It was intoxicating as much as it was arousing. He knew my body better than I did, spending hours upon hours exploring it until he memorized every last curve.

I heard a rustling of some sort and opened my eyes to see that he was opening a condom as he kicked off his slacks and boxer briefs. I watched with fascinated eyes as he rolled it up his big, hard cock, barely being able to contain my need for his body to once again be on top of mine. 

BOOK: Undo Me (The Good Ol' Boys #3)
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