Under the Open Sky (Montana Heritage Series) (38 page)

BOOK: Under the Open Sky (Montana Heritage Series)
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“I cannot imagine Naomi as anything but prim and proper,” Amanda admitted as she started rolling paint onto a blank wall.

“She wasn’t so different from you once, Mandy. Perhaps not quite as sassy and outspoken as you’ve always been, but not so very different.”

“That’s hard to imagine. What happened?”

“It’s her story to tell; you should ask her sometime. I will tell you this, she learned the hard way about decisions, their consequences and their reaching effects. She seems to have decided after what happened to err on the side of caution. I know that’s always caused you two some distance,” Sterling shared with her.

It was true, Amanda loved her aunt and knew that she loved her in return but it seemed that Amanda had always been nonverbally reminding Naomi that she was not her mother. Amanda wasn’t entirely certain why that was.

“I love Naomi, I guess she is kind of like a mother to me but we haven’t ever been terribly close,” Amanda admitted. “I guess because I was a tomboy for so long.”

“That your aunt has never been. She’s always been a girly girl as you call them,” Sterling smiled at his youngest. Amanda smiled back, she was enjoying this moment with her father. They worked quietly for a while, each in their own thoughts before her father cleared his throat.

“You dating anybody?” her father asked casually.

“Not exactly.”

“Not exactly? What does that mean?” her father glanced at her.

“It means that I’ve dated some and yeah, there is someone special but we agreed to focus on school right now.”

“That’s not a bad plan,” her father told her. He was quiet, though Mandy knew there was something he wanted to say.

“I worry about you, Mandy,” be blurted.

“Why’s that, Daddy?” Amanda stopped and turned to him.

“These boys today…Mandy, I know I’m an old man and I admit to my own failings in my youth but you women strike me as so vulnerable in relationships,” her father was actually red. He had sat her down, explained sex to her when she was twelve and then left Naomi to talk further with her; that was the last time her father had discussed sexual matters with her.

Amanda was actually amused that he was attempting to do so now.

“Every man who has ever attempted to convince me to sleep with him has been shown the door, Daddy. I’m not going to sleep around for kicks,” she assured her father. “I think it should mean something.”

“That’s good, Mandy,” Sterling cleared his throat. “I’m glad we talked.”

“I love you, Daddy,” Amanda moved to kiss his cheek.

“I love you too, Mandy-Lynn.”

Smiling in amusement at her father’s discomfort, Amanda resumed her painting.


              Amanda was relieved to see the New Year; she knew that it meant that she would soon be graduating. She and Cade had continued to write on a nearly daily base and seldom went a single night without a phone call. Amanda figured her father was probably going to be less than thrilled when Cade returned from college and the two of them began dating in earnest, no more school and distance between them. Cade had come home only briefly over the holidays and Amanda had only gotten to see him, minus an audience for a few short hours when he stopped by and visited with Amanda and Jenny.

Her brother had moped over much of Christmas, though he had brightened considerably when Christy had come for New Years. Something had struck Amanda as off between the pair, though she couldn’t actually pin point what that something was. It was early April when Jenny came home to find Amanda in a fury.

“What happened?” Jenny demanded a she watched Amanda, her face a mask of anger, pace the living room.

“My brother and Christy broke up,” Amanda shared and then turned, her eyes snapping. “I’m going to kick her ass!”

“She hurt him bad?” Jenny flinched.             

“Yes! She hurt my brother and I’m going to black her right eye for that; then I’m going to black her left eye.”


“Throwing herself at Cade.”

“What?!” Jenny’s eyes went huge.

“Cade was off for the first night in several weeks when she showed up. He told her Trent was at work, you know, thinking that she was there to see him,” Amanda shared and then turned to pace again.

“And?” Jenny prompted impatiently.

“She told him she knew that. She told him that she loves Trent deeply but she can’t stop thinking about Cade, not romantically, sexually and she has decided that the only solution is to get it out of her system!”

“What did he do?”

“He told her he wasn’t interested and rushed her out the door. He also told my brother. Said he had a right to know,” Amanda paced the length of the room twice. “She hurt my brother and she went after my man; I would love to get my hands on her!”

“So let’s; it’ll be fun,” Jenny suggested. “I hate her now. Not only did she hurt your brother but she knew that you and Cade are…whatever you are,” Jenny waved her hand in the air.

“Cade and I are writing each other nearly daily and talking on the phone too,” Amanda admitted.

“So that’s who you run off to your room to call and take calls from,” Jenny grinned.

Amanda, a smile tilting her lips, nodded.  “I can’t wait to see him, Jenny; I miss him so bad.”

“I know you do. When are you two just going to be done with it and let your father know you’re an item?”

“I don’t know,” Amanda admitted as she sank into an arm chair.

“You realize that we’ll be through with college in a few short weeks?” Jenny queried. She had decided to follow Amanda’s lead on the fast track program the college offered. Now both of them were facing decisions about where to work and live in a few weeks.

“I know. I’m not sure what to do next,” Amanda admitted.

“I do know I’m moving home. I may get an apartment after I’ve been on the job for a few weeks but I want to go home,” Jenny shared.

“Me too,” Amanda grinned. “That’s where Cade will be.”

“Convenient. Will you stay at the ranch?”

“For a while at least. You looking for a roommate?”

“I wouldn’t be opposed,” Jenny smiled in return.

“I might take you up on that,” Amanda told her.

Jenny’s smile faded. “How’s Trent taking this with Christy?”

“Cade says he isn’t taking it too well,” Amanda admitted.

“Poor Trent.”

“I know. I really am tempted to go beat Christy up. I may not be the strongest woman ever but I am sure I could pack a punch,” Amanda mused.

“I’m sure I could too,” Jenny added with a smile of her own. Amanda smiled at her friend and both settled back against the couch; they both knew they wouldn’t act on their desire to hurt the woman.

“On a happier note; my brother is available again,” Amanda’s eyes lit.



Amanda taped another box closed as she surveyed the apartment. She and Jenny had been packing all week. Next week was graduation and then both girls were headed home, at least temporarily before they made their next plans and moves. Jenny was out on a date; Amanda preferred to stay home and pack, her date was several hours away. Her brother was acting all whacked out again. After Christy had thrown herself at Cade, Trent seemed to some how shift the blame to Cade. Trent had called Amanda and lectured her about getting involved with Cade. Amanda had told him to mind his own business.

She had just started packing another box when a knock sounded on her door. Amanda opened it, one minute blinking in disbelief and the next throwing herself into Cade’s arms. He greeted her with a kiss before smiling down at her.

“How are you?” he asked.

“I’m great now. I thought you guys weren’t going to be home until mid week next week,” Amanda said in confusion.

“I’m done; I saw no point in waiting around. I’ll go back for the graduation ceremony but,” Cade shrugged.

“I’m so glad you’re here; come in,” Amanda invited as she stepped aside so he could enter.

“You busy?” Cade inquired of her.

“No, just packing.”

“I want to take you out, you and me on a proper date tonight,” he informed her.

“You know I established a no dating rule while I’m finishing school,” she teased as she stepped forward to lean against him.

“Did you?”

“Yeah this really sexy man reminded me that I needed to focus on my degree,” she shared.

“Did he?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Would you bend your rules for the sexy man,” he teased right back.

“I sure will; let me go change.”

“I’ll be waiting,” he assured her. Amanda changed into a skirt and sleeveless top before fixing her hair and make up and stepping into her boots.

“You look amazing,” Cade informed her as she rejoined. He pulled her close for a kiss; then took her hand to leave.

Amanda found herself smiling. This was the first date ever she had been excited about, she realized.

“What are you smiling about?” Cade wanted to know.

“I’m just excited to be going out with you,” she admitted.

“Me too,” Cade offered her a smile.

He took her to eat at one of her favorite local restaurants and then to a dance being held in the park. Amanda had never had so much fun. Dancing in Cade’s arms, twirling to the music; the night could go on forever as far as she was concerned. Cade was the perfect date, holding doors, pulling chairs, offering her his jacket when she was cold and making every woman they passed glare at Amanda with jealousy. At least Amanda could easily imagine that was why they stared so hard. It could simply be because Cade was so very nice to look at.

“I had a wonderful time tonight,” Amanda assured Cade as she unlocked her front door, entered and flipped on the lights.

“Me too,” Cade pulled her into his arms as soon as the door closed. Amanda sank against him and lifted her face to his. Cade kissed her gently at first, then more deeply.

“Stay,” Amanda invited him a few minutes later.

“After our first date?” he teased.

“I’ve been inviting you to stay since before our first date,” she reminded him.

“Shocking, Manny,” he accused. Pulling her closer, he kissed her again.             

Amanda rose onto her toes to wrap her arms around his neck and thrilled when his hands slid to her bottom to pull her even closer, though they were about as close at they could get, she mused. A knock on the door registered a moment later; Amanda and Cade stared at each other a moment as their brains cleared.

“I should see who that is,” Amanda finally told him. His blue eyes were brilliant as he nodded at her. Amanda turned reluctantly; she wanted to ignore the door and who ever was on the other side.  She checked her appearance, tucked her shirt back in, and smoothed her hair before she pulled the door open.

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