Read Under His Skin Online

Authors: Emeline Piaget

Under His Skin (19 page)

BOOK: Under His Skin
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Chapter 34



Fortunately Chandi is with her dad for the weekend so when I went home after closing the store early, I went home, stripped out of my clothes, grabbed a bottle of wine and cried in the shower.  I was a wrinkled, blubbering mess when I climbed into my bed. 


When I woke up the next morning, I was numb.  Without thinking about it, I threw on a skirt and blouse, grabbed a cup of coffee and headed out the door for work.  As I was driving, the conversation with Mrs. Pascarelli replayed in my head.  “… you and Nicky need to work this out before one of you do something that you will regret in the future.” 
What did she mean by that?  Was Stephen having second thoughts about getting married?  She said he was miserable.  Is that why she came to see me? Is that why she showed me that announcement?
  I had to find out.




“Hey Chelsea, its Ad.  I need to take care of something, are you ok opening up by yourself?”


“Absolutely.  Everything ok?”


“Well… I don’t know yet.  I hope so.”


“Good luck sweetie.”


“Thank you doll.”


I turned my car around and drove straight to Stephen’s house.  I would not leave this time until he spoke to me.  If he wanted me to leave, he would have to call the police.

Chapter 35



It was Sunday morning, and I was sitting around in my sweatpants, relaxing from a stressful week of wedding planning with Kellie.  She was wearing me out.  After that bullshit with Addison, I called Kellie and reconciled.  I knew where I stood with her and it was easy.  Ultimately, she would make a good wife and mother.  She had a great job, she was beautiful, intelligent and an overall great catch. 
So why do I feel like I’m settling?
  I shook it off and went into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.  There was a knock at the door.  I figured it was Kellie dropping by with more wedding crap so I unlocked the door without even paying attention and walked back to the kitchen.


“Kel, why didn’t you use your key?  Did you forget it again?”


“Uh, hi Stephen. Were you expecting someone?  I don’t want to interrupt.”  I stopped, frozen in my tracks at the sound of her voice.  “I’m sorry to bother you,” Addison said.  I turned around to see her standing in my doorway.  She looked tired, but beautiful.  She had on a gray skirt and a short sleeved white blouse with gray heels.  I felt a tug in my groin.
Why the fuck do I still have this reaction around her?


“Addison,” I said as sternly as I could.  “How can I help you?”  She stepped inside and closed the door behind her.


“I won’t take up much of your time.  I just wanted to say ‘congratulations’ to you,” she pulled a piece of paper out of her purse that I immediately recognized.  “You couldn’t even give me the courtesy of telling me?”


“I don’t owe you anything Addison.”


“You know what, I’m sorry and you’re right you don’t.  I just thought…”


“You just thought what, that you bat those long eyelashes at me, say you’re sorry a few times and all would be right in the world?”


“No, I just… I thought that… well, I hoped that if I gave you some time.”


“That little Nicky would be putty in your hands again?  It’s not like that anymore Addison.  I’ve moved on.”


“Stephen, how can you marry her?”


“Easy I love her.  We were together for four years, it’s time.”


“Do you really love her?” She asked as she stepped closer to me.  My heart raced.


“I think you should leave now.”


“Stephen, look at me. If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me and that you love her I’ll leave right now.” I looked at her standing there.  She was so beautiful, so vulnerable I just wanted to pick her up and carry her off. I shook my head.


“Addison, it doesn’t matter. Kellie and I are getting married.”


“Just look at me and tell me you don’t love me,” she reached for me.


“Please Addison.”


“Tell me Stephen and I will leave.  I need to hear it from you.”


The heat from her touch was too much. I had missed her and all the feelings I shoved to the back of my mind came rushing back.  I picked her up in my arms and she wrapped her legs around my waist, her gray skirt rising up her thighs and her arms around my neck.  I carried her over to the wall by the front door.  Her back pressed against the wall, I slid my hand up her skirt and pushed her lacy panties off to the side.  I was only wearing sweatpants since I was just lounging, I untied them and let them fall to my ankles and slammed inside of her. 


She was so wet that I slid in with ease.  I popped the buttons on her white blouse trying to get to her breasts.  I used one hand to pull her bra aside and free her breast while the other hand was holding on to the wall.  I had her breast in my mouth and I was driving deep into her.  She was bouncing up and down and I felt her clamp tightly on my hard cock.  Her body shook and I let go of her breast and captured her mouth with mine, while holding on to her waist.  She trembled and moaned into my mouth as she came but I wasn’t ready yet.  With her back still against the wall, I drove into her as far as I could.  I had my head leaning against the wall facing away from the front door. I was slamming into her and her head was thrown back and she was screaming my name.  I felt her juices run down my leg and my legs quivered.  She hitched her hips and I was done for.


“Oh fuck Addison, I love you,” I said as I released inside of her.  Just then I heard a crash behind me.  I looked over my shoulder and there stood Kellie, surrounded by shattered glass and flowers, with a look of complete horror on her face.


“Oh shit, Kellie!” I screamed as she ran out of the front door.  “Kellie, baby wait.”

I pulled out of Addison and gently let her down until her feet were firmly planted.


“Addison, I’m sorry.  That shouldn’t have happened.  I let my hormones get the best of me.  I… I can’t do this.”  Tears filled her eyes as she adjusted herself.  “Forgive me, this went way too far.  I’m marrying Kellie in just over a month.”




“I’m sorry Addison.  You should go.  I’ve made a terrible mess of things.  I’m… I’m sorry.”


Tears fell from her eyes and my stomach turned.  I felt nauseous, but I had to let her go.  It was for the best.  It had to be.


I left Addison in the hallway and chased after Kellie.  She was pulling out of the driveway by the time I made it outside, with just my keys and wallet that I kept on the table by the front door.  I followed her back to her place, all with several thoughts running through my head. 


First, I didn’t know how I would make this right with Kellie.  Second, I hoped that Addison wouldn’t still be there when I got back; I really didn’t think I would be strong enough to resist her.  And third, I hoped that my place was still intact.  I mean I guess I couldn’t blame her if she went all ‘Angela Bassett’ from “Waiting to Exhale” on my stuff.  I just hoped she didn’t.  I pulled into her driveway right behind her.  The pavement was hot on my feet, but I tried not to think about that.


“Kellie wait… stop.  I’m sorry!”


“That was her wasn’t it?” She snarled at me.


“Yes, that was her.” 


Over the course of four years I had told her pretty much everything about my life to include the painful memories from high school.  When we got back together, she came over and we went for a swim.  I hadn’t been back out to the pool since I stopped speaking to Addison and forgot about the pool toys I had purchased for Chandi.  Kellie and saw the toys and I ended up having to explain everything.


“You told me you were done with her, that it was over,” she said as tears formed in her eyes.


“Kellie, sweetie, I am.  I… it was a mistake.  It never should have happened.” 


I stood there watching a woman who was normally more put together than your average supermodel, fall apart.  She was average height, slim with large breasts and an amazing ass.  The summer sun had bronzed her skin to an olive tone that complimented her dark brown hair and green eyes.  She rarely ever had a hair out of place and whether she was lounging in sweats or she was all made up for a night on the town she was one of the most beautiful, self-confident women I’d ever seen and I had just turned her into a blubbering, snotty mess.  I felt sick to my stomach. Was I torn up over what I had done to Kellie or what I had done to myself in allowing Addison to destroy me again?  Maybe it was both. 


“I was stupid doesn’t even begin to cover it.  There was a knock at the door and I opened it without looking thinking that you had forgotten your key again and…”

“You saw it was her and had to screw her brains out.”


“No Kellie, it’s not like that. I promise.”

“Stephen… I heard you.  I heard you tell her that you love her, how is it not like that?”

I didn’t know what to say.


“Kellie…” I dropped my head and blew out a deep breath.  I ran my hand through my already mussed hair and looked her in the eyes.  “Kellie, you have no reason to believe me and I absolutely understand if you don’t, but I can promise it won’t happen again. It was dumb and it made me realize that I don’t want her.”




“It may not make sense, but that was the eighteen year old me letting go of something that I should have let go a long time ago,” I tried to force myself to believe that as well. 


“I will do whatever you want Kellie, please forgive. I’m so sorry.”


“I don’t know Stephen.  I need time.”

I went to grab her and hold her.  “Please don’t touch me.  You have her all over you.  It’s disgusting.  Go home Stephen.”



“Please go Stephen.”

Chapter 36

October 2, 2015



It took a few weeks, lots of ass kissing, flowers and begging but Kellie forgave me.  She made me promise to never have any contact with Addison again, which I completely understood and felt that it was probably for the best.  Not just for her sake, but mine as well.  I didn’t know how I would react around her, so it has been better to avoid her altogether. 


After our big blowup, Addison called the office to withdraw her application for the P.A. Grant.  My guess is that she assumed she would be denied anyway, so she just saved everyone the trouble.   I had kept to my word to avoid Addison, even at the constant urging at my mother otherwise.


I was in the process of getting dressed for the rehearsal dinner.  Kellie had just left to head over to the venue to make sure everything was running smoothly when my phone rang.  I assumed it was Kellie rushing me along so I answered it without looking.


“Babe, I told you I would be there at seven.  It’s only six; I still have plenty of time.  Relax; everything will go smoothly.  We are getting married tomorrow, then we will be off to Belize for our honeymoon where we probably won’t leave the room for the first few days.”


“Ummm… uh, I don’t think I was supposed to hear that.”


Oh fuck!


“Addison! Oh shit, um, hey.  Um… sorry, shit.  Wait… why are you calling Addison?”


“Stephen… I,” she paused, and I heard a deep sigh.  “I need to talk to you.”


“Addison, this is not a good time. It’s probably the worst fucking time imaginable.”


“I know, but it really can’t wait.”


“I’m headed out in the next few minutes; it will have to wait.  I’m on my way to my rehearsal dinner.”


“I’ll be quick.  I’m outside.”


“Addison you can’t just show up at my house.  Kellie could have been here.”

“I know, saw her car. I saw her leave. I’ve been sitting here for a little bit.  Please let me in.”


I walked to the front door and she was standing there in a long flowing sundress with a sweater.  The weather was still relatively warm for this time of year.

“Make it quick.  What’s up?” I said more coldly than I had intended.


“First, I wasn’t going to say anything.  I debated for a long time, but I knew it would be wrong.  I have a bad habit of keeping secrets from you and I didn’t want to do that again.  Plus, I know how I would feel if someone needed to tell me something, but they didn’t, so I knew that I had to…” she was rambling and I was about to zone out.


“Addison, can you get to the point, please.”

She opened up her purse and took out a small black and white piece of paper and handed it to me.


“Stephen, I’m pregnant,” she blurted out.  My mind went blank and I froze.  “It happened the last time we were together.”


“Addison I pull…” I stopped mid-sentence. 
Oh shit, I didn’t. 
I had been so caught up in the moment, in her, the way she smelled, the way felt in my arms, the warmth wrapped around my cock that I didn’t pull out.
Fuck, I’m screwed.


“I didn’t tell you because I don’t want anything from you.  I told you because it’s yours and you deserve to know.”


“And you wait until the day before my fucking wedding to tell me Addison.  That’s bullshit!”


“Stephen, I just found out about two weeks ago.”


“You should have told me then.”




“So why did you?  Thought that telling me now I’d leave Kellie and come back to you? Well, fuck that.  I’m getting married tomorrow.  Like it or not!  I will do everything I can for that kid, IF it’s mine, but you and I am done!”  She started crying. 


I knew it was a low blow, and I knew it was mine, but I wanted to hurt her.  She was fucking up my world yet again! “I will get in touch with you after I come back from my honeymoon.  I have to go! Goodbye Addison.” I said as I opened the door to let her out.


“I’m so sorry Stephen.  I never meant for you to hate me this much.  If I could take it all back, I would.”


“Goodbye Addison,” I said as I closed the door.


The problem was I didn’t hate her.  Seeing her standing there and hearing that she was carrying my child, all I wanted to do was sweep her up into my arms, carry her to the bed and fuck the shit out of her but I couldn’t.  I was getting married tomorrow.  I walked into the kitchen, dropped the ultrasound photo on the counter and grabbed a shot glass.  I opened up the liquor cabinet and poured myself a glass of Woodford Reserve and collapsed into a kitchen chair. 


I was going to be a father.  I was going to have a baby.  I was going to have a baby with Addison. 
Oh shit, Kellie
, I thought. 
I can’t tell her yet.
I’ll tell her after the honeymoon.
  I checked my watch, six-thirty. 
Shit, how am I supposed to face Kellie now?


Most of the rehearsal dinner was a blur.  I couldn’t really focus on anything or anyone.  I spent most of the evening nodding and forcing a smile on my face.   I couldn’t wait for the night to be over.  I wanted to go home and drink myself to sleep.  As the night wrapped up Pete, who was my best man, and who knows me better than most came over to where I was sitting at the bar.


“Spill it,” he said invading my mental fog.




“What’s up with you?  You’ve been off all night?  Are you having second thoughts?  Cold feet are normal man, it’s okay.”


“Pete I’m in trouble.”


“Seriously man, it’s normal.”


“No Pete, it’s not Kellie.”


“Okay, so what’s up?”


“Addison came by to see me right before I came here.”


“Oh shit! What did she say?”


I looked around before answering.


“She’s pregnant.”


“What!” He said a little too loudly. 


Fortunately, it garnered no unwanted attention.  “Oh hell, Stephen, what are you going to do?”


“I told her that if it was mine, I would do the right thing and provide for it.”


“If?  Is there a chance that it’s not?”


“Honestly, I don’t think so, I said it to be an ass.”


“What about Kellie?”


“I can’t tell her, not yet.”




“After the honeymoon.”


“You really want to start off on a lie that big?”


“It’s not a lie, Pete!  I just found out.  I’m not going to do that now.  I’ll wait until later so she won’t freak out and think I’m leaving her.”


“Do you want to?”


“What the fuck kind of question is that Pete?”


“One to my best friend trying to get to the truth.  Do you want to leave Kellie?”


“No!  I mean, I don’t think so.  No.  Shit, I don’t know.”


“Don’t drag her along in this. If you aren’t sure you need to call it off now, at least postpone it.”


“Pete we both know what will happen if I tell her I want to postpone.  I’m good.  It will all work out!”


“Tell her Stephen.”


“It’ll be fine Pete!” 


“When it all blows up in your face, don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.”


“You sound like Marion Pascarelli right now.  It will be fine!”


“Alright man.  I’m gonna head out and take Emily home.  See you tomorrow?”


“Real funny shithead,” I said standing.  Pete and I hugged, and he left to find Emily.  I sat at the bar for a few more minutes before getting up to try to find Kellie. She stood with her girlfriends fretting over last minute details.


“Baby, I’m going to get going.  I need to get my beauty rest for tomorrow.  Do I get the pleasure of your company tonight?  I’ll be married man tomorrow, this is my one last chance at a fling,” I said kissing her neck.  She giggled.


“Stephen you’re incorrigible.”


“I know you should come fix me.”


“I am not sleeping over tonight.  I have a room.  You know its bad luck to see each other before the wedding.”


“Are you sure I can’t tempt you?” I kissed her neck again.

“Stephen what’s gotten into you?  You’re never like this?”


“I’m just excited that you’ll be all mine.  Is that wrong?” I smacked her on her ass.  She giggled again and her girlfriends swooned.


“Save it for tomorrow night mister!”


“Yes, ma’am.  Well, I’m going to go home and relax for a bit.  That invitation is still on the table.  Come be my last fling before I’m off the market,” I said playfully.


“Good night Stephen,” she pecked my cheek.


“Good night Mrs. Pascarelli.”


I was lying in bed dozing when I heard the key in the front door.  Moments later I saw a tall, slender figure in my doorway.


“Decided to take me up on my offer I see.”


“You made it hard to resist.”


She stood at the foot of the bed blocking the television.  She had on nothing at all.  She must have dropped her clothes in the hallway.  I sat up on my elbows and admired her smooth skin as the light reflected off of it.  She was gorgeous and any man would consider themselves lucky to be with her.  I watched her crawl up the bed toward me.  I saw the outline of her breasts and ass and got hard.  Once she reached me, she pulled the drawstring on my sweat pants and pulled my hard manhood out of its constrictive covering.  She stroked me while as she kissed me.  It was a long passionate kiss.  This woman loved me with everything in her being and yet I felt like I was about to crush her.  She dropped her head and took me into her hot, wet mouth. I leaned back against the pillows and watched her head bob in the shadows.  She held just the tip in her mouth and sucked with just the right amount of pressure, it made me quiver.


“Oh shit baby.”


She licked around the tip before taking me all the way back into her mouth.  She had always been amazing when it came to blow jobs.  She knew exactly what to do and when to do it.  I felt a tremble start in my legs and I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer; she gave me one last lick then straddled me.  She slowly slid herself down my shaft.  With her hands on my chest and her knees on my sides, she worked herself up and down until I felt her start to tremble.  I grabbed her hips and slammed up into her until I felt that unmistakable shudder of her body and I felt her juices run down my cock. 


“Kellie, baby, I’m about to come.”


She pushed herself off of me and took me into her mouth again.


“Shit Kellie!  Damn!” I screamed as I erupted in her mouth.  Without thinking about it, I grabbed the back of her head and held her there until I was finished. 


“Oh shit, sorry,” I said, because I knew she hated that.  She replied by licking up every drop.  She licked her lips, crawled up the bed and kissed me.


“I have to go now Mr. Pascarelli, you are about to be a married man.”


“Come on Kellie, you can’t leave me like that.”


“I think you can’t wait until tomorrow.”


“Ugh, way to fucking tease your husband.”  She laughed.

BOOK: Under His Skin
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