Under His Skin (14 page)

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Authors: Emeline Piaget

BOOK: Under His Skin
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Chapter 23



Chandi was so excited to go swimming that I thought I would pull my hair out by the time we arrived at Stephen’s from all the times she asked, “Is it time yet?” 


I worked the morning at the boutique and told the girls to close up early.  I told the girls to enjoy the weekend and that I would see them Monday.


“Don’t wear that man out too much over the weekend,” Monica giggled.


When we pulled up to Stephen’s house Chandi squealed, “Yay, we’re here!”  I couldn’t help but giggle at her excitement.  The butterflies in my stomach told me that I was just as excited as she was if not more.  We walked up to the door and Chandi rang the doorbell.  Stephen never ceased to amaze me at how gorgeous he looked.  He had on a red wan white horizontal striped tank and red board shorts.  At the same time I appreciated and was disappointed in his attire. 
We need to get in the pool so I can admire that body again,
I thought.


“Hello Miss Chandi,” he said as he bent over to shake and kiss her hand.  She giggled.


“Hello Mr. Stephen.  Look what I brought,” she said, holding up her “Frozen” DVD.


“How did you know I that I wanted to see that?”  She grinned.


“I don’t know,” she shrugged.


“How about we watch it after we swim and eat?  Sound good?”


“Sounds good.”  He smiled and held out his hand and she gave him a high five.


“Come on in and I’ll show you to the pool.”  She was even more excited, if that was possible.


“Hello Addison,” he said as we walked in and he closed the door behind us, giving me a kiss on the cheek in the process.


“Hello Stephen,” I smiled.


“Come on in ladies.”


Chandi barely left the water most of the evening.  She was like a little fish and she was in love with her Doc McStuffins floatees.  Stephen’s pool was beautiful and had a diving board and on the side there was a Jacuzzi.  He had several pool chairs, and I quickly claimed the one with the umbrella, and a patio dining table. 


“Mr. Stephen, can you come swim with me?” Chandi asked him.


“I absolutely will let’s go.”


I used to always hear women talking about how sexy it was to see a man with their child.  I never really understood it before.  With Chad it was natural because she was his.  He’s a good dad, but he wasn’t around all the time when she was little because he was working.  Travis never seemed really interested in Chandi, so seeing Stephen with Chandi I could finally understand it.  Sexy was a complete understatement.  After splashing around for about an hour, Stephen promised Chandi that he’d be right back that he just wanted to get the hot dogs on the grill.  I hopped in the pool with Chandi and we splashed around like crazy.  Chandi found a water gun and squirted Stephen while he was at the grill.


“Hey, I’m an unarmed man, that’s not fair,” she giggled and squirted him again.  He danced and dodged the incoming water.  After he artfully avoided getting wet and had the hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, he jumped in the pool.


“I’m coming to get you,” he yelled and Chandi squealed.  The two of them raced around the pool splashing and yelling.  I couldn’t help but laugh. 


“Mama, I need to use the bathroom.”


“Okay, hop out and let me help you dry off. I don’t want you running around Stephen’s house dripping water everywhere.”


“Chandi when you’re done your hot dog will be ready.”


“Okay, thank you Mr. Stephen.”


I went inside to show her where the bathroom was and when I came back outside he was setting out plates and condiments on the table.


“You’re really good with kids.  Are you sure you don’t have any secret love babies out there?” I chuckled.


“Nope, just a big kid at heart.  It’s a good thing you don’t have a boy, we’d have been inside playing video games and forgotten all about you.”  He laughed.


“It’s a good thing then.”


After dinner we went inside and as promised he put on “Frozen.” We made it about twenty minutes into the movie before Chandi fell asleep.  Stephen nudged me.


“Look, I guess she’s too pooped to build a snowman tonight,” he joked.


“Oh no, I was dying to see how it ends.  Maybe it changes after you watch it eight million times.  Some special editor feature,” I laughed.


“I’m sensing that you may be over this movie.”


“Just a little,” I laughed.


“Here, let’s take her into the guest room.”


He picked her up and carried her down the hall to a room that he had shown me on the tour of the house.  When he opened the door there was a Doc McStuffins doll on the bed. 


“Planning ahead?” I asked.

“No, I just had it in here out of the way as a surprise is all.”


“That’s very sweet.  Thank you!”


He turned out the light, and I followed him out of the room and he closed the door behind him.  I started to walk back to the living room, and he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him and kissed me.  He stepped forward, forcing me to walk backwards until my back was pressed up against the wall.  He continued kissing me while pulling the straps of my bathing suit down.  I breathed in deep.  The top of my suit fell and my breasts spilled out.  He took one in his mouth and the other in his hand. He licked and sucked on my nipple while he used his hand to pinch and twist my other one.


“Stephen,” I whispered.


“Yes,” he said with my breast still in his mouth.


“We can’t right here, what if she wakes up?”


“I’ll be quiet,” he said and continued to tease me.  He pulled my suit off the rest of the way and it fell to the floor at my feet. He stepped back and looked at me.


“You are so damn beautiful Addison.”  He stepped up to me again and kissed me again before spinning me around so that I was facing the wall.  He grabbed my arms and placed them over my head and held them with one hand.  With the other he must have been untying his trunks.  I heard a crinkle and then I heard the fabric hit the floor.  Next I heard a crinkle again, it sounded like a wrapper, I felt his body shift slightly, and then he nudged my knees apart.  I felt him press the tip of his erection up against the opening of my core, then without any warning he slid deep inside of me.  I gasped.


“I’ve wanted to do this from the moment you walked through that door,” he whispered into my ear. With his free hand, he turned my head and kissed me while working slowly in and out of me.  Suddenly it was like he couldn’t get enough and he increased his pace.  He slammed into me and I could feel his sac slapping my ass.  Faster and harder he had me pinned kissing me.  I felt like I would scream.


“Oh god Stephen, please.  I’m going to wake up my daughter.”


“No you won’t,” he said, kissing me even deeper.  Harder and faster he plunged deep into me and I felt something warm in my stomach.  I knew what that meant.  He didn’t let up and in moments I felt the sensation spread from my stomach and move through my whole body.  My legs shook and he wrapped his free hand around my waist to support me.  I felt my explosion coming, and he muffled my cries with his kisses.  After my body stopped shaking as he kissed me again slowly withdrew.  He picked up his trunks and my suit, grabbed my hand and led me into the bedroom and closed the door. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me onto his lap.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and he buried his face into my chest while he lifted me up and down on his still hard shaft. 


“You smell so good,” he whispered into my chest.  I laughed.


“I smell like chlorine, you’re crazy.”


“No you don’t.  Whatever it is I love it.” He tipped his head back and pulled my face to his and kissed me again.  We made love two more times that night before he pulled me into his arms and fell asleep.

Chapter 24



I woke up with Addison’s head on my chest and her leg draped across my thighs.  I watched her sleeping peacefully for a few minutes before I realized Chandi might wake up frightened that she was in a new place and unable to locate her mother.  I looked at the clock and kissed her forehead.


“Baby, it's six o’clock,” I whispered.


“Huh?” She said groggily.


“It’s six o’clock.  Do you think Chandi will be up soon?”  She blinked and rubbed her eyes.


“Oh man, I better get up soon.  She wakes up hungry.”


“Me too,” I said wickedly.  “What time does she usually wake up?”


“About six-thirty.”


“Perfect,” I said as I flipped her onto her back and slid under the blanket.  “I told you I wake up hungry,” I said on my descent.  “And I know exactly what I want for breakfast.”  I felt her hands grip my hair as I used my tongue to taste exactly what I wanted.  “Mm,” I moaned.  She wrapped her legs around my neck and I feasted on my breakfast.


After I made her come several times with my tongue we got out of the bed and got dressed just in time to hear Chandi call for her mother.  She went in to check on her while I went into the kitchen to rummage for food.  My fridge was bare.


“Who’s hungry?” I said as I walked back toward the bedroom.


“I am,” said a little voice.


“Me too,” said a bigger voice.


“Let’s get dressed and go to IHOP.”


“Yaaaaay,” Chandi yelled. 


“Last one to get dressed is paying,” I said playfully.


“I don’t have any money Mr. Stephen. I’m only six,” she giggled.  I stuck my head in the doorway.

“I guess that means you better get ready quickly.” 


I found towels for both of them to use after they showered.  Addison ran a bath for Chandi then jumped in the shower when she was done.  I went into my bathroom to get ready.   When I walked into the living room, Chandi was on the couch singing along with Anna and Elsa.  After hearing that one song I was also glad that she had fallen asleep on it.  Within minutes Addison walked out of the guest bathroom in a black and white striped sun dress and I knew if I didn’t stop staring I was going to hit replay on the DVD and show her something in my bedroom.


We hopped in my Benz M-Class because I wanted to drive the SUV since Chandi was with us.  It was probably paranoia, but it just made me feel safer. 
When did I get so protective,
I thought.  After we all got buckled up, with a reminder from Chandi we were on our way.  Chandi entertained us on the drive over with her rendition of “Let It Go,” from her movie.  I had yet to even see this movie “Frozen,” and I was already over it.  As we walked into the restaurant I felt a little hand reach up and grab mine and my heart melted, I looked down at her and over at Addison and noticed that we appeared to be a typical happy family.  The odd thing was I realized that liked it, as a feeling of pure contentment washed over me. 


Once we settled in a booth, I sat back and watch Addison and Chandi interact.  Another odd feeling washed over me, it was desire. Not a sexual desire, but the desire to have exactly what was in front of me.  One reason Kellie and I were so off and on was the fact that she wanted kids and I didn’t, at least I hadn’t before this moment.  I couldn’t help but to be drawn into their little bubble.  They were everything that I didn’t realize I was missing until now. 


We ate breakfast while Chandi entertained us with talk of Doc McStuffins, ballet class, swimming with her buddies and her dad’s “new friend,” Hadlee.


“Is she nice?” Addison asked.


“Yeah, and she’s really pretty too mama.  She has red hair like Merida.”


“Who’s Merida?” I mouthed to Addison.


“She’s from Brave, it’s a Disney movie,” she whispered back.


“Ah,” I said quietly.

I was beginning to think that all children thought in terms of Disney movies.


“So you like Miss Hadlee huh?”


“Yep, and I like her daughter Makenna too.  She’s my age.  Miss Hadlee said she went to school with you and daddy,” Chandi said as she stuffed pancake into her mouth.


“She did?” Addison said, confused.  “Hmm… I don’t remember her.”


“She said that she was afresh… um… fresh.”


“A freshman?” Addison interjected.


“Yep, that’s what she said momma a freshman.”


“Hmm… I don’t remember anyone named Hadlee.  I’ll have to look her up in my yearbook.”


I racked my brain for a Hadlee in our class as well. 
Must have been even nerdier than me,
I thought.


“Makenna and I are supposed to go make teddy bears together this weekend and then daddy said he’d take us to the mall.”

“Well you better hurry up and finish your pancakes so that we can get you all packed up.”


Chandi shoveled the pancakes in her mouth like it was her job.  I couldn’t help but to laugh at the sight.


“Chandi, sweetie slow down, I don’t want you to choke.”


“I don’t want to be late mama.”


“Your daddy will not leave you behind.  Slow down and chew child!”


“Yes, ma’am.”

Chandi continued to shovel pancakes in and in the process get syrup everywhere.  I leaned over to Addison.


“Do you want me to drop you off at your house? It’ll be quicker than having to pick up your car from my place. Plus, it’ll give me an excuse to see you later,” I winked.


“I don’t want to be a burden.”


“It’s no trouble at all.  I’ll drop you off and then you can just text me when you are ready for me to come get you.  If you can spare a little time, maybe we can grab a bite to eat.”


“Ok,” she smiled.  “That sounds wonderful.”


After we finished up, and I took care of the check we walked back to the truck, Chandi in the middle holding both of our hands. 
I could get used to this,
I thought.  Somewhere in between singing and chattering on about, everything, Chandi fell asleep minutes before we pulled up to their house.  I pulled into the driveway, parked the car and leaned on the armrest turning my attention to Addison.


“Thank you for a wonderful evening and breakfast Stephen,” Addison turned and said.


“It was my pleasure.  Chandi is a doll.”


“She really likes you.”


“I like her too.”


“What about her mom?”


“Oh, I really like her,” I said as I leaned closer, placing my hand on her cheek and kissed her.

“Ewww,” we heard from the backseat.  We both laughed.


“Alright ladies, you guys better get inside and get to packing.  It’s not nice to leave a man waiting for you,” I winked at Addison.


“Chandi, can you tell Mr. Stephen ‘thank you’ for everything?”


“Thank you Mr. Stephen,” she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned forward to hug me from behind.  Her little arms wrapped around my neck and I melted.  I wanted, no, I needed this in my life.  A wife and kids were exactly what I had been missing and didn’t even realize it until now.


“You’re very welcome but next time it’s on you, okay?”  She giggled.


“Mr. Stephen I don’t have a job.”


“Oh well, I think we can fix that.  I think Doc McStuffins needs an assistant.”  She giggled even more.


“She’s a cartoon Mr. Stephen. I can’t be her assistant.”


“Oh well, okay then.  I guess next time is on your mom.”  She belly laughed.

“Hey, hey, how did I get in this?” She laughed.  “Alright Chandi let’s get you ready.” I unbuckled my seatbelt to get out and walk them to the door.  “No, it’s ok.  We’ll be fine.”


“You sure?”




“Bye Mr. Stephen. See you later,” Chandi’s little voice sang.


“Bye Chandi, have fun with Makenna.” I waved as she walked toward the front door.  Addison leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the lips.


“I’ll text you in a little bit.”  She said as she hopped out of the truck, walked to the front door and unlocked it allowing Chandi to enter. Then she turned and waved as I pulled out of the driveway and headed home.

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