Under His Guard (27 page)

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Authors: Rie Warren

BOOK: Under His Guard
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he early-September evening when we approached the forest surrounding Chitamauga was crisp, the sky a breathtaking array of incandescent violets and golds. The sunset wasn't nearly as gorgeous as the man walking beside me, though. Leon hadn't been this relaxed since the very first days I'd known him. His loose gait made his ass sway inside the tight jeans, but every time I tried to linger behind a pace or two to admire him, he pulled me forward with a wicked grin. He gabbed a mile a minute in a husky mixture of what Liz called

I fell in love with him all over again.

We'd remained in Delta for two weeks, just long enough to bury CEO Cutler's remains in a small cemetery with an even more negligible headstone. No one else was in attendance. His sons had wished him dead, both for years of deception and for the devastating acts he'd perpetrated—not just on his own family, but their friends and lovers, as well as an entire nation. But each murmured a few words aloud before his coffin was covered in dirt.

We stayed a bit longer to begin the long slog of turning another authoritarian stronghold into a viable democratic assembly, including key people from all communities on the continent.

Two weeks during which Leon and I had done little more than hold hands and softly kiss. We'd abstained from lovemaking in equal agreement because the next time we were together, we wanted to be as close as we could, skin to skin, soul to soul. We needed to make sure we were both completely clean after the botched virus attempts, and we didn't trust anyone more than Doc back at the commune.

Just because we'd agreed to these measures didn't make it any easier. I was bone-hard almost every waking moment. I went to sleep with an erection that had Leon's name on it and woke up in the same state.

At least I knew Leon was as hard up as me. Literally.

Leon's eyes went wide and his free hand pumped into the air in time to his shouts. I looked ahead, where his gaze was aimed. Chitamauga. It was the first time the big wooden gates protecting our village were open and unmanned. The people of Chitamauga hadn't waited in the town square. They streamed out of the commune en masse. Their whoops and hollers roared, deafening my ears as my eyes filled.

Altogether, eleven of us returned, and our three new additions—Val, Denver, and Darwin—were enfolded with the rest of us in arms that hugged, hands that shook, smiles that broadened ever wider. People passed us from one embrace to another.

It was a beautiful sight that nearly rivaled Leon.

I kept my hand resolutely on his waist lest he get tugged away by the tide of friends and family and Freelanders who never thought they'd see him alive again. Children swarmed his legs. He laughed boisterously, beaming at all who surrounded him, blushing from time to time, awed and humbled by the love he inspired in people.

He had no idea the effect he had, on me most of all.

Evangeline appeared like a whirlwind before us. Her summer-green eyes were wet and hazy as she grasped Leon to her. Just as quickly, she shoved him away with a whack on his arm.

Grand beede!
You make your
scared like dat when you say you're gonna kill yourself? Next time I kill you myself.”

Tears overtook her, and Leon wrapped her up close. “Sorry,
. I didn't mean to cause
la misère

yeah! You always make
. Dat is why I love you.
Si embêtant.

I heard Miss Eden giving similar treatment to her two sons and their spouses before she broke down, too. When she recovered, she took every other person in our crew—new or not—to task as well, her hand raised, finger pointing, strawberry-blond hair falling into her eyes during her tirade. As was Eden's way, she then forgave each of them with a kiss and a warm hug that made even Denver stumble over his polite words.

Sebastian snickered at his discomfort.

“Miss Eden?” I called to her as I approached.

Her hands lifted to my face. “What is it, son?”

“I owe you thanks. Cutler never would've agreed to the deal without you.”

“I would've done anything, just like you. You don't owe me anything except a hug.”

My arms wrapped around her. I held her tight for a brief moment, a lump of emotion in my throat making any further thanks impossible.

When I released Eden, Leon's mother rounded on me. “Big handsome, dat be what my son call you. C'mere.”

I didn't have a choice. Evangeline hustled me right into her arms, giving me a moment of soft maternal comfort I'd been lacking for too many years. My face heated with her canny regard as she clasped both my cheeks.

. Tall, dark drink of water. Now I be wonderin' about your intentions with Leon de Bellisle Cheramie.”

I stuttered over words that tangled my tongue. “I'm sorry, ma'am. I tried my best to keep him safe. I…I love him.”

Leon interrupted, getting himself
ed by several stern village matriarchs.

. He say what I wanted to hear. You hush up, Leon.” Reaching up on her tiptoes she didn't even brush my chin, but Evangeline's expression was fiercely emotional. “
Merci. Merci
.” She rubbed a suddenly damp cheek against my shirt, where her whisper was both felt and heard. “He survived 'cause of you, Darke.”

I leaned down to her. “I live because of Leon,” I said quietly. “Thank you for being his

As soon as she released me, Leon launched into my arms. “You survived the inquisition.”

I laughed, dragging him against me. “Is that what that was?”

Old Man Hills made his way toward us through a tunnel of familiar Freelanders. Micah, Kamber, Hatch, Smitty, Lyra, Gruff Tommy, and Gal the mutt were there.

Hills had his dandelion-fluff hair tucked behind his ears. I'd always thought of him as the sun. Tonight he was the moon preparing to let a new sun rise in his wake. I recognized his time was waning. He accepted it with satisfaction for the years he'd been given. I hoped one day, in the far-off future, to know the same sense of contentment with a life well lived and well loved.

It all started with Leon, whose palm I lifted to my heart.

Tommy, on the other hand, crackled with crisp energy. He'd probably outlive us all.

Regal as any monarch in these down-home surrounds, Hills raised his palms to the heavens. “We have learned through the ages there are no spoils of war. There can be no winners when blood is spilled and life is taken. But tonight I count you all as victors! It was not just one battle. It was a war for the heart of humanity.

“When we got the word from Darke, from Delta, I…” He bowed his head. “I gave many thanks for your lives, warriors. We also felt the sorrow of those who passed by your hands as need be, by the soldiers who undertook a fight they did not understand, and by the man we will also mourn because celebrating death is not just.

“Warrior Darke.” Hills pulled me tight against him, where I felt his frail bones. “Welcome home.

“Leon Cheramie. Savior.” He motioned my lover forward. “Thank you.”

And so he gave his benediction to each and every one of us while I committed to memory his many blessings on former Corps soldiers and commanders and even those who had worked for Cutler in order to bring him down in the end.

“Welcome home…and welcome to your new home.”

The cheers were cut short.

“There's someone else I cannot neglect,” Hills continued. He lowered his head. “Jonquil died in childbirth. We thought it wise to wait until you returned from your mission to tell you.”

“The baby?” Cannon croaked.

The cry of an infant pierced the air. Eden came forth, and she passed the squalling red-faced parcel to Caspar and Nathaniel. Their hands seemed too big to comfort the tiny crying package. Cannon rocked unsteadily on his feet. Nathaniel passed a hand over his mouth, stepping back from his husband.

Cannon swore. “Fuck. Don't leave me alone with it. I'll drop it!”

A few titters passed around the engrossed onlookers as Nate crept back to his side.

“Not it—she. She's a girl.” Eden hovered close enough to wrap the little girl tighter in her swaddling before pressing her fully against Cannon's chest.

He looked aghast for a moment, then immediately in love. His huge fingers rested lightly, oh so gently, on the creamy skin of her teeny puckered face.

“Where's the father?” Nathaniel asked, appearing both reluctant and enraptured.

“He turned out to be a no-good layabout,” Evangeline said. “He wasn't ready to handle the responsibilities of bein' a papa. Took off a couple of days before Jonquil went into labor.”

A ferocious frown cranked down Cannon's brows, and Nathaniel similarly scowled.

“That ain't right. What kind of a man does that?” Nathaniel peeked with so much longing at the baby in his husband's arm. “Who's lookin' after her?”

Lyra came forward to kiss the baby girl and then both men. “This was Jonquil's last wish. That her daughter would become yours.”

“Wait. She's ours?” Cannon looked up from his mesmerized study of her small fingers wrapped around his thumb.

“You are her fathers.” Eden nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“She's ours.” Cannon turned toward Nathaniel just before his face crumpled.

Hoarse sounds came from the massive man. Nathaniel cradled the baby in one arm, his other one looped around the stoic military commander so overcome with emotion it spilled onto everyone in sniffles, soft words, sighs.

The wee thing screeched again, much louder than a person that size should have any right to do.

Cannon jerked his head up to peer at the baby buffeted between their bodies. “She's got a temper.”

“Should be right at home!” some smart-ass or other called.

They cuddled and cooed at their newborn daughter as we made our way into Chitamauga proper. Torches shined as bright as the night stars constellating the sky above. Trestle tables had been filled with a feast for the stomach and drink enough to sate any kind of thirst.

Cannon considered the vast spread of roasted meat and vegetables, the tankards of mead waiting to be drunk. He swayed in a slow side-to-side motion, watching as the infant brought his finger to her mouth to suckle on it. “How the fuck are we gonna feed her?”

Eden smacked him on the ear. “Language.”

Guffaws came from all quarters of the town square.

“She has a wet nurse, Caspar,” Eden explained. “No one's expecting you to start a'lactatin', but we do expect you to make sure Liberty doesn't grow up with your bad mouth.”

“Little Liberty, is it?” He smiled down at the child. “On my honor, I'll be on my best behavior around Liberty.”

At the dawn of a new freedom, the child's name seemed only fitting.

Cannon and Nathaniel found a bench to park it on, where they ignored the rest of the carousers. When Nathaniel began to sing in his rich, melting voice to the daughter in his arms, everyone turned to stare.

Cannon carefully kept his finger within Liberty's tight fist, but now his gaze wandered over his lover's face. As the song ended, he leaned in to Nathaniel, kissing him with slow fire before whispering something in his ear that caused the blond man to blush.

Sometime later, Leon strolled up to me, the baby in his arms. I'd kept my eyes on him the entire night, but my hands off of him. I wasn't at all sure I'd be able to stop once I started touching him. He was talking to the baby while she kicked and gurgled in his arms. He looked so comfortable with her, so adoring. I took another knock to my chest.

He pressed a kiss to my lips, letting out a soft moan. I slipped my fingers through his thick, wavy hair, trailing a hand down his back.

“I'm just gonna help them get Libby settled. Dey ain't got a clue what they're doin'.” He jerked his thumb back at the pair of parents, who were looking sheepish.

“And you do?”

Leon sent a seductive fingertip down the center of my chest, leaving me gripped by a rush of arousal. “I can sweet-talk just about anyone. You know dis.”

I did.

It was the first time I'd let him out of my sight since we'd moved out on CO HQ in Delta, but I didn't think my heart could withstand seeing him with adoration in his eyes for anyone but me, even if it was a child. I wanted Leon to myself first. I was a selfish bastard where he was concerned.

He returned a half hour later, coming to stand in front of me. The swells of his ass jolted my cock to life. My lips skimmed along the back of his neck, raising goose bumps I licked with my tongue.

“Time for bed.” I dipped my mouth to his ear, letting my deep voice rumble across his sensitive skin.

He turned in my arms. “Where?”

I snorted in disbelief. “With me, of course. Tonight.” I kissed his cheek. “Tomorrow night.” I grasped his bottom. “Every night.” I took his lips in a possessive kiss, barely keeping myself in check.

Boisterous catcalls interrupted our caresses, which were growing more daring by the second.

“Get a room!”

“Get a caravan.”

“The lake works for me.”

“Oh, Christ,” Tommy grumbled. “Don't tell me I'm gonna be shacking up next to another Love Hovel.”

*  *  *

We headed to our caravan, and I guided Leon inside.

“Home,” I said.

Evangeline and Eden had been through, tidying the rooms and airing them out in my absence. I'd also asked Evangeline to deliver Leon's belongings. His spare boots rested beside the door, and the moko tools he hadn't brought overseas were displayed on a shelf next to my books.

“Our home,” I pronounced in a gruff voice.

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