Uncle (2 page)

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Authors: E. M. Leya

BOOK: Uncle
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Jake smiled, looking up. "Kid coming to visit? That's great."

"Not visit. Live." Travis grinned. "Janet and Blain gave me custody in their will. He will be living with us from now on."

Jake whooped, dropping the screwdriver and slapped Travis on the arm. "God is looking out for that boy. He would be smothered living with the Steeles." Jake had only met them once and said he didn't like the snooty attitude one bit.

"They have promised to fight for custody. I have a feeling things will get pretty rough for a while. I just want to keep Jason out of the mess as much as possible." He ran his hand over his short buzz cut brown hair. "I'm going to need you guys to help me keep an eye on the kid. At least until he gets used to living around the animals."

Jake nodded. "You know how the boys are with that kid. He won't be left alone. They will keep him so busy, he won't know what to do."

Travis shook his head, grinning. "He will be spoiled, that's for sure." He glanced around. "You got everything for the rest of the day? I gotta get the bedroom ready for him and then head back to town and pick him up. I will be back around tomorrow."

"Nothing going on today. Got a couple guys out checking the herd, another working on that fence in the west pasture, but as you can see, it's quiet."

"Thanks. I couldn't have got through this last week without you, Jake."

"You know I'm here for you, Trav, and not just because it's my job. Your sister was like family to me. I'm sorry she is gone."

Travis swallowed back the emotion. "Me, too." He still hadn't had time to come to terms with her sudden death. He'd been keeping himself so busy so he didn't have to think about it all. "Okay, I'm going to head inside, get shit done before the kid arrives. Thought I would barbeque some steaks out back by the pool later tonight if you want to join us. I'm not sure how Jas is holding up, want to take it easy with him for a few days."

"Sure. I'll drop over. You okay with this? Becoming an instant father?"

"I'm actually excited. I'm not going to try to replace Blain and be his father. I'm still just Uncle Travis. Just a little firmer and a little more bossy." He shrugged. "I'll figure it out."

"I know you will, Trav. And you got all of us backing you."

Travis pushed away from the wall. "Thanks. I'll be inside if you need me."

As he walked into the house, he prayed that what he said was true, and somehow, he would figure it all out.






Travis made his way up to the door to pick up Jason. He had been at the Steele's house several times over the past week to plan the funerals and check up on the boy. He'd invited them to his place but they had refused to come.

As he knocked on the door, he shifted nervously. He could feel in his gut this was headed for a nasty fight. He was ready for it, but he hated that Jason would end up stuck in the middle.

The door swung open and Mrs. Steele glared at him. "You're late."

Travis glanced at his watch, seeing it was five after four. He ignored the comment. "Is Jas ready?"

"Come in. He is so upset today. I fear this will be very traumatic for him." She stepped aside and let him in.

He stepped into the spotless house and glanced around as he made his way to the living room.

"Uncle Trav." Jason came running into the room and wrapped his arms around Travis's legs.

"Hey, Cowboy. How you doing today?" Travis bent down and picked the small child up in his arms.

"Good. I drew you a picture."

"You did? Where is it?"

"In my room, let me go get it for you." He nearly jumped from Travis's arms before he had a chance to set him on his feet.

Travis smiled as he watched the kid run off. "You've told him?"

Mr. Steele stepped into the room. "We've told him he will be staying with you for a few days. He will be back here soon."

The muscles in Travis's jaw set tight and he bit back an argument. "I will let him know when I get him home."

"You think that is wise? I have contacted my attorney and we plan to have him back as soon as we can."

Travis sighed. "Where can I get his things?" He sent up a silent prayer that God would help him keep his temper under control.

"We only packed a few things. He won't need everything."

Travis rubbed his hand over his short hair. "I will have to buy him what he needs then." He turned and headed down the hallway toward Jason's room. "Hey, Jas?"

Jas peeked his head out of the room, holding a piece of paper in his hands. "See it's you on your horse."

Travis took the picture and looked at the curves and lines that didn't look a thing like a horse. "This is wonderful. We can hang it on the fridge in the kitchen when we get home."

"I can make you more." Jason looked over at the crayons on his desk.

"Well, why don't you throw those crayons into your bag and we can draw together later tonight." Travis reached for the small duffle bag that sat on the floor. "Then tomorrow we can go riding."

"Cool. Can I pick my horse again?"

"Sure you can."

"Grandpa, I'm going to get to ride a horse again."

Travis turned to see the Steeles in the doorway.

"That is great, Jason. I'm sure you will have a great time with your uncle while you are there."

Travis opened the duffle bag and let Jason drop the crayons inside. "Anything else you want to bring? Favorite toys or anything? Oh and don't forget your swimming trunks. We can swim tonight if the weather holds out."

"Oh yeah." Jason started searching through drawers.

A few minutes later he held them up.

"Ready to go then?" Travis couldn't wait to get out of the house.

"Yep." Jason ran to his grandparents. "Bye. I will see you soon." He turned to Travis. Can I have ice cream tonight?"

As Travis carried the bag down the hall, he laughed. "Well, I would guess that would depend on how well you eat your dinner."

"I'll eat it all." Jason promised.

"Then I reckon you might get that ice cream." He opened the front door and stepped out with Jason running past him to his truck in the driveway.

Travis turned to the older couple. "I'm sure I will speak to you soon. I don't plan on keeping Jason from you. He can come visit." Not waiting for a response he made his way to his truck and set him inside.

"My booster seat." Jason said. "It's in grandpa's car."

Travis turned to the couple. "Can I borrow the booster seat?" He should have thought to get one while at the store.

"Sorry, we need ours." Mrs. Steele grinned.

Travis bit back a curse and nodded. "We'll get you one, Jas. We will just have to make sure you're strapped in good this time." He helped Jason to the back of his dual cab and strapped the seatbelt tight around him.

Once he tossed the bag on the passenger seat and jumped in, he started the truck and pulled away, not bothering to look back at the couple watching them leave.

"We'll stop by the store on the way home and get a seat. Is there anything else you can think of you need?" Travis glanced back at Jason.

"I want a cowboy hat."

Travis laughed. "We can get you one. But not at the store we are going to now. We will head into town another day and get you a hat, and maybe even some boots. Can't have you living on the ranch without boots, can we?"

"Living?" Jason asked excitedly.

Travis tensed. "Is that okay with you?"

"You mean I don't have to stay with grandma and grandpa?"

"You will go visit them, but you will live with me. Your new home will be the ranch." He glanced in the review mirror, trying to see Jason's reaction.

"Really?" Jason stared at him, looking unsure if it was true.

"Yeah, that's what your mommy and daddy wanted. Is that what you want?" He wished he had waited until they were home to say anything.

"Yes. Grandma and Grandpa are nice, but it's boring there. With you, it's fun. There is so much to do."

"You know that living with me means that you will have rules and it won't always be fun. You will have chores to do around the ranch and have to help out with things."

"I can brush the horses," Jason offered.

"Sure you can." Travis smiled thinking his horses would have the best brushed legs out of any ranch since that was all Jason could reach. "You can also help feed, clean stalls, and help around the house."

"What about school?"

"We will get you registered for first grade soon."

"Is Mr. Jake at the ranch?"

"He sure is. He will be having dinner with us tonight." Travis pulled into the parking lot of the store. "Okay, we are just going to run in and grab a booster seat, then we will head home. I thought we could barbecue and then swim for a bit."

"Can I dive off the side of the pool?"

"As long as someone is in there to catch you." Travis smiled as they walked hand in hand into the store. Something told him this was just the beginning of a very long night. Surprisingly, he looked forward to every second of it.




By the time they were back at the ranch, Jason was so excited about swimming, Travis wondered how he would get the boy to eat and digest before opening the pool. He smiled as he watched Jason undo his seatbelt and jump down from the cab of the truck on his own. Before Travis could even shut the door, Jason was across the yard and into Jake's arms.

Travis watched as Jake twirled him around several times before placing the boy back on the ground. Travis couldn't hear what they talked about, but he watched as Jason pointed to different areas around the ranch.

He grabbed the duffle bag out of the front seat and went to join them.

"And Uncle Travis says I get to swim, too," Jason was telling Jake.

"But first, we need to get you unpacked and settled in." Travis tousled the boy's hair. "Jake will join us for dinner in an hour or so. He can swim with us if he wants."

Jake shrugged and winked at Jason. "Who knows, I might have left my swim trunks around here somewhere."

"This is so cool. I'm going to love living here." Jason looked at the house. "What room do I get?"

"I thought the one right by mine. Should we go inside and look?"

Jason was already halfway to the house.

Travis laughed and glanced over at Jake. "Think he's excited?"

"Just a bit, but it's all new. Let's see how he takes to it once we get him cleaning stalls."

Travis smiled. "See ya' at dinner. I'm going to go help him unpack."

"You're doing the right thing, Trav. Don't doubt yourself."

Travis glanced up at Jake. "Who said I was doubting?"

"No one had to. I can see it. You will do fine. God wouldn't have sent Jason to you if he didn't think you were up to it. This will be good for both of you." Jake turned and walked back into the barn.

Travis sighed. He prayed Jake was right. He had no clue what he was doing. But Jake was right, with God on his side, how could he go wrong?"

Swinging the bag over his shoulder, he turned and made his way to the house. Jason was waiting just inside, sitting on the floor with Travis's dog, Flossie. The two of them both looked up as Travis stepped inside.

"Looks like Flossie is happy you’re here." Travis bent down and scratched his dog between the ears.

"Can she swim with us?" Jason stood, the dog going right to the boys side.

"If she wants to, but we won't force her in, okay?"


"Now let's get you settled." Travis led him up the stairs and down the hall to his room.

"Cars." Jason ran to the bed and jumped up on it. "I love this movie."

Travis smiled glad he had made the right choice. He had no clue that the bedding had been based on a movie. He had a lot to learn, and didn't doubt for a minute that Jason would teach him.

"I wasn't sure what you wanted. We can get others once we get time." He moved to into the room. "Is this okay?"

Jason turned and nodded. "Can I put my stuff wherever I want?"

"Keep it clean, but this is your room and you may do whatever you want with it."

"What about all the toys Grandma and Grandpa have in their garage they said I couldn't have out?"

Travis tried to hide his disdain for the couple. "I will talk to them. Since you will be living here now, there is no reason you shouldn't have them. We will get most of your stuff and bring it over and leave just a few things there for you to have when you go visit." He sat down on the bed. "You sure you're going to be okay staying here with me?"

"This will be a lot more fun than Grandma's."

Travis watched as Jason started to pull things out of his bag and set them around the room. He had expected more sadness. Was it the resilience of a child that made him seem okay with everything that happened or was this six year old boy just really good at hiding it?

By the time they finished unpacking, cooked dinner, and then swam, Travis was exhausted. He tucked Jason into his bed making sure he knew it was okay to wake him if he couldn't sleep, and headed back downstairs.

Jake sat flipping through the TV channels as he walked into the living room. "He should sleep hard."

"So will I," Travis admitted. "Going to take some time getting used to his energy."

"He will slow down. It's all new to him." Jake flipped the TV off. "I think I'm going to head over to the other house and crash. No point in driving home tonight."

"Thanks for staying. One of the first things he asked me when I told him he was moving here was if you were here." Travis sat down on the couch and yawned. "I'm worried about him though. Not once has he mentioned his parents, and you saw him, he doesn't act like anything happened."

"Could just be the age. We'll all keep a close eye on him." Jake stood. "You better get some sleep. Who knows what time he will be up. I'll see you in the morning."

"Night, Jake." Travis watched him leave before he stood, shutting off the lights as he made his way to the bedroom.

He survived the first few hours, but could he survive the rest? As he climbed into bed he sent a special prayer asking for God to help him and protect Jason from the fight that was about to come.

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