Uncle (13 page)

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Authors: E. M. Leya

BOOK: Uncle
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Leaving the parking lot, they entered the building, their steps echoing against the marble floor. They met up with the lawyer outside the courtroom.

"Travis, Evan, good to see you both." His lawyer shook both their hands as he juggled his briefcase in the other. "I feel good about today, thanks to the delivery I received from Evan yesterday."

"He was just telling me about it. I hope it helps. I can't believe so many people are backing me." Travis looked up just as Pastor Reed and several others from the church approached. "Pastor Reed." Travis went to him and hugged him. "Thank you so much for coming."

"How could I not. I know in my heart that Jason will be better off with you. It's where he wants to be. We all support you, Travis." He glanced over his shoulder. "We all want what is best for Jason. That's why we are here to back you."

Travis was overwhelmed with emotion, but the fact they stood in the courthouse, about ready to step inside and meet their fate helped him push the emotions back for the time being. He reached for Evan's hand, needing the extra support. "I am honored that you all would take the time to be here for us," Travis told everyone around them.

"Let's get inside. I don't want to delay things." Travis's lawyer opened the door and held it as the crowd entered.

Travis stepped into the courtroom and he took a deep breath as his gaze fell on the Steeles. Mrs. Steele glanced at his and Evan's joined hands and smirked as she whispered something to her husband.

"Ignore her." Evan glanced over at him and led them to the front of the courtroom.

Travis's lawyer set his briefcase down on the small table and nodded to Travis. "Have a seat."

Travis took a deep breath as he released Evan's hand and hugged him. "I love you." He whispered in Evan's ear.

Evan pulled back, a look of shock crossing his face before quickly being replaced with a smile. "I love you, too. You got this. Tonight we celebrate."

Travis nodded as he let Evan's stare help to ground him. He wanted to say so much, but it would wait for tonight. Letting Evan go he turned back to his lawyer and sat down. "So what do I need to do?"

"Nothing. Just let me talk. The judge might ask you a few questions. This is much more relaxed than a criminal trial. The judge has looked over all evidence. I had the letters Evan gave me delivered to him this morning. Hopefully he has had time to see those." He made a couple notes on a notepad. "I really don't expect this to take long. A few questions and depending on the Steele's objections we should be out within the hour. I also found out the Steeles hired a private investigator to try and catch you doing something wrong. That is how they got the picture of you and Evan together."

Travis glanced over at the Steeles, noticing the courtroom nearly empty behind them. He looked over his shoulder to see close to twenty others sitting behind him. "He had to have been hiding on my property when he took them. Is that legal?"

"We can discuss that more when —"

They both turned as the bailiff called the court to order and announced the judge's entrance. Travis stood beside his lawyer as he tried not to look over at the Steeles. He stared ahead at the judge instead, trying to decide by just looking at him how he might rule.

Once seated Travis listened to the judge run through some basics and he eyed the notes that his lawyer made beside him. None of it made much sense to him. It was several minutes later the judge ended the formalities.

"I have received a ton of evidence in this case from both sides. I have reviewed it all. I have taken both the child's interview and his desires and the statements by both parties into consideration. I have also read the deceased parents' wishes and I do not take their wishes lightly," the judge said.

Hope welled up in Travis's chest.

"First I would like to ask each party a couple questions. We will start with the plaintiffs. Would one of you please stand and give me three reasons why you feel the child belongs with you." The judge looked over at the Steeles.

Travis wasn't surprised when Mrs. Steele stood. "Your Honor, we are able to give Jason a structured home with strong morals, we will send him to the best private schools, and prepare him for the challenges of life better than Mr. Murdock would be able to."

The judge nodded. "Thank you. And Mr. Murdock, three reasons the child should go to you?"

Travis stood, clearing his throat nervously. "Your Honor, first is because it was my sister and brother-in-law's wish, second because it is what Jason desires and third because I love him." Travis looked at his lawyer who smiled and nodded.

The judge wrote something down, making Travis wonder if he said something wrong, but he pushed the fear back. He said what he felt. He didn't think that being honest was wrong.

"Thank you, Mr. Murdock." The judge looked back over at the Steeles. "Mrs. Steele, can you tell me why the child should not be with Mr. Murdock. Your claim was endangerment, but nothing in the case findings show signs of endangerment."

Mrs. Steele glared across the courtroom at Travis as her lawyer spoke. "Your Honor, the person who was assigned the to investigate the case was pulled off just a couple days ago when it was found that he has a personal relationship with the defendant."

"Yes. I was made aware of this. Still there are no other signs of endangerment. I was wondering what your clients base their claims on." The judge folded his hands on his desk.

"Your Honor, surely it has been made clear of the immoral living conditions the child will be living under." The Steele's attorney flipped through a stack of papers. "We have submitted photos of such immorality to the court. Perhaps you didn't receive them?"

"I have pictures of Mr. Murdock and another man holding hands as they walk through a field. Are you telling me that while this was taking place the child was in danger?" The judge asked.

"No, Sir. The child was with the Steeles at the time the picture was taken."

"Then how is the child endangered? Is there something about one of these two men that I have yet to be made aware of?"

Travis's heart pounded as he listened, hope growing stronger with each word the judge said. Still he didn't dare assume anything yet.

"Your Honor, can we just cut through this and be blunt. My clients feel that the fact that Mr. Murdock is gay is endangering the child and teaching him immoral and destructive behavior." The Steele's lawyer glanced over at Travis. "The fact that the child could witness this type of behavior would put the child at risk."

"For?" The judge sat up straighter, his brows raised.

"To think that this behavior is acceptable."

The Judge nodded and looked back to Travis. "Mr. Murdock, can you give me a reason why Jason should not be with the Steeles?"

Travis took a deep breath and forced back all the anger he felt toward the Steele's and thought about Jason. "Other than the fact that my sister and her husband requested he be with me, and Jason states that he wants to live with me, no, Your Honor."

The judge looked at Travis surprised. "You have no issues with the Steeles?"

Travis wiped his sweaty palms on his pant legs. "I personally have issues with some of the Steeles views, but when it comes to Jason, I have no issues with them. I want Jason to be part of his grandparent's life. I have no plans to keep them apart should I keep custody. My personal views are just that. Mine. I don't think Jason would come to harm under their care, but I do think he will be happier living with me."

The judge glanced through a large stack of papers on his desk. "I have twenty-three letters of recommendation in favor of Mr. Murdock. Several from well-known members of our community. I have excluded the statement by Mr. Mitchell, but still I have no evidence from any other source that Mr. Murdock is any threat to this child. The investigation shows that he is more than financially able to raise a child and the child has made it clear to more than one person that he wishes to live with Mr. Murdock. So at this time, custody of the child will remain with Mr. Murdock as his parents requested. Should you find any reason to question this decision in the future, you may contact child services at any time and they will look into your request."

Travis reached down, gripping the edge of the desk. Tears stung his eyes as all the stress and worry that had built over the last few weeks finally left him.

"Custody will stay as is, with the child having visitation with his grandparents twice a month." The judge stood. "Court is adjourned."

Travis stayed where he was as the judge left the courtroom, before turning to shake his own lawyer's hand. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"I did nothing. If you thank anyone, thank Evan. It was his gathering of support for you that probably helped to push the decision," the lawyer said.

Travis turned, seeing Evan standing on the other side of the small partition, smiling. Travis took the two long steps to him and wrapped him in his arms, kissing him softly. "Thank you."

"I told you we would win." Evan reached up and cupped Travis's cheek.

"All because of you," Travis said.

"Excuse us."

Travis turned to find the Steeles at his back. "Listen, I don't want to make this hard. I would like to keep the arrangement we have set up for visitation, at least until school starts. We can work out something new then, is that okay with you?"

Mrs. Steele started to speak but her husband's hand on her shoulder quieted her.

"That will be fine, Travis. Tell Jason we look forward to seeing him next week." Mr. Steele took his wife by the elbow and led her from the courtroom.

Travis watched them leave, and then returned to Evan's arms for another long hug. He was exhausted, and leaned heavy against Evan. "I was so worried. I can't believe how well it went. I thought for sure we would lose him." Travis closed his eyes as he rested against Evan's shoulder.

"Congratulations." Pastor Reed touched Travis's arm.

Travis pulled away from Evan and looked over the crowd before him. "Thank you. Each one of you who showed up today, wrote a note, and showed your support. It's because of you Jason will be staying with me." He looked at Pastor Reed. "I will never forget what you have done for me."

Pastor Reed laughed. "I just showed up, it was God who did the rest. I might have said a few prayers, but He was the one who moved things along."

"Trust me. I will be thanking Him for a very long time." Travis grinned. "I tried to keep faith, but I was so scared what would happen here today."

"I'm very happy for you. Now hurry home and tell Jason what happened. He was concerned about it when I talked to him at church on Sunday. I'm sure he will be excited to hear the news."

Travis nodded as Evan slipped his hand into his. "We will. I can't wait to tell him." He looked at Evan and sighed jokingly. "Even if it does mean McDonald's tonight."

Evan laughed. "You will survive one night."

Thinking about Evan staying the night with him after, he nodded. "I know I will. You will be with me."

The two said goodbye to everyone. Thanking them once more for the support and quickly made their way to the truck. Once inside, Travis started it, cranking up the air conditioning before leaning over and kissing Evan soundly.

"I meant what I said in there. I love you."

Evan took both his hands in his. "I never doubted you. I didn't know where it would go with us when we met, but I couldn't stop the attraction, the need to be around you. I love you, too."

Travis grinned as he pulled back. "I can't wait to tell Jason."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go." Evan nodded toward the exit. "If we hurry we might just beat the dinner crowd at McDonalds."

Travis chocked back a laugh. "Had to bring that up didn't you?"

"Hey, I was just thinking the earlier he eats, the earlier he goes to bed and the two of us can be alone."

Travis's body stirred at the thought as he put the truck in drive and pulled out on the road, trying his best not to speed the whole way home.






Travis pulled the truck up beside the house and climbed out. He met Evan at the front of the truck and took his hand. "He is going to be so excited."

"Do you think he will be okay with me staying tonight?" Evan glanced at him.

"Of course. He loves having you here. Why? Are you worried?"

Evan shrugged. "I just don't want him to think I'm taking you away from him."

Travis stopped walking and pulled Evan against his chest. "You can't take me from him. You know that, and we will make sure he knows that. I don't think he will even think that way. He loves you. He will be happy to have you around more." He leaned close, brushing his lips over Evan's. "We both love you."

Evan lifted his arms, linking them around Travis's neck. "It feels good not to have the case hanging over us anymore."

"It does. Now maybe we can concentrate on us."

"Isn't that —?"

"Travis!" Jakes voice echoed across the yard.

Travis turned to see Jake running from the barn toward them. "What's wrong?" Travis let go of Evan after seeing the look of distress on Jake's face.

"Jason is missing. I have the others searching, but it's been at least half-an-hour. He was upset after you left. Kept saying he wouldn't go live with his grandparents and no one could make him." Jake rubbed his hand over his jaw and shook his head. "I thought we calmed him down. He said he was going inside to go to the bathroom and never came back."

"You've searched the house?" Travis turned, speaking as he made his way to the front door.

"Twice. Checked the barn and every other spot around here we could think of. Two of the guys took their horses out to look for him. I don't know where else to look."

Evan rushed into the house, calling over his shoulder. "You look out here, I'll search the house. Jason! Jason! We won, you can come out. You get to stay here."

Travis left the house to Evan and ran for the barn calling out for Jason. His heart pounded as he peered into each stall as he tried to think like a six year old. Fear gripped him as he ran out the other door at the back of the barn toward the corrals. He first checked to make sure Jason wasn't in them, then started to check behind chute gates and other areas he could hide. He heard Jake yelling as he continued to search and not long after he turned at the sound of footsteps to see Evan running to him.

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