Un-Shattering Lucy (The Lucy & Harris Novella Series) (Volume 4) (14 page)

BOOK: Un-Shattering Lucy (The Lucy & Harris Novella Series) (Volume 4)
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Even if it completely destroyed me in the end. Harris was worth that risk.

“Fuck, Lucy. I love you so damn much, sweetness.”

I felt the heat of his lips before he kissed me, was ready and waiting for it. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting to ever let him go. I loved the feel of his hair as I ran my fingers through the short length. My nails scraped over his scalp as his tongue dived deep into my mouth, my body already burning for him.

His hands moved over my body like he couldn’t control them. One cupped my left breast while the other traveled south, squeezing my ass hard as he pulled my lower body roughly against his own. His dick flexed against my stomach and my thighs opened, offering him full access. I was only wearing a pair of boxers and the thin cotton material was barely a barrier for his steel-like cock.

Wanting to feel more of it, I pushed at his chest. Harris went willingly, his hands grasping my waist as he rolled onto his back and pulled me astride him. The moan that escaped me as I positioned myself perfectly over his thick length had his hands tightening at my waist in reaction, but I was too lost in the feel of him to care. I arched into him, shifting my hips to grind down against him. The pleasure was so intense that I saw stars for a second.

“You’re driving me past the point of no return, Lucy. Stop now or things are going to go at warp speed from here on.” His voice was hoarse with a need that matched my own.

He was out of his mind if he thought I was going to stop. I wanted more of what we’d had Monday morning. I wanted him inside of me. Wanted him to make me come in every way humanly possible. Needed him to ease the ache deep within me and then make it ache all over again.

Reaching between us, I pushed my hand into the top of his basketball shorts and wrapped my fingers around his thick shaft. He ground out a harsh curse and clenched his jaw, begging me to stop. I shook my head and took my time enjoying his hot, silky hardness. No wonder I’d ached so much the days following our first time. He was fucking huge. One hand didn’t completely wrap around his fullness and I craved for him to fill me again.

My thumb brushed over his pre-cum-covered tip and he released a hiss through his clenched teeth. “Fucking hell, Lucy. Do what you want to do with it now before I explode in your hand.”

I looked up at him through my lashes, saw that he was barely holding on, and grinned wickedly. “What I want?” He nodded, his jaw clenched so hard I knew he was going to damage something. “Anything I want?”

“Yes, sweetness. Anything. Just, please, do it now.”

Oh, the possibilities. I wanted to taste him, wanted to feel him swell in my mouth as he erupted. I wanted to feel him stretching my inner walls as I took him deep inside my soaked pussy. I wanted…

I squealed in surprise when Harris moved. Suddenly I was on my back, my hair spread across the lounger as Harris sat on his knees over me, his hands already tugging off my boxers. “You are such a tease,” he ground out as he lowered his head and nipped the sensitive spot just behind my left ear. The warm night air blew across my bare pussy as he threw them aside and rubbed his thumb over my already pulsing clit. “Fuck, how am I supposed to hold back when you are this wet for me?”

“Y-you aren’t,” I breathed, arching into his touch in hopes of some kind of relief from the need burning through me. “I want you, Harris. Please.”

“You’re going to get me killed,” he grumbled as he stood. I whimpered in protest, missing his weight against me. He bent, lifted me into his arms like I weighed no more than a butterfly, and carried me into the bedroom.

I had barely landed on the bed when he was covering me again, this time completely naked. I reached for my shirt, wanting to be just as bare as he was, but he stopped me. “Don’t fucking move,” he growled.

His bossiness only made me giggle. “Fine, then you take my shirt and bra off.”

“Trust me, Lu. I’m going to.” He grasped the hem of my shirt and pulled it up, but instead of taking it completely off, he pulled it to the end of my arms and tangled it so that I couldn’t get free.

“Hey.” I pouted when he left me like that. “I want to touch you.”

“Next time,” he promised as he reached behind me with one hand and easily unsnapped my bra. “I’m about to go off right now, sweetness. It’s safer if you keep your hands to yourself.”

My breasts sprang free as he pushed the bra up my arms to tangle with my shirt. His harsh exhale told me without looking that he was enjoying the sight of what he’d uncovered. My nipples tightened to the point of pain as he lowered his head and brushed tender kisses over each globe. When his tongue brushed over one nipple, I had to bite down hard on my bottom lip to keep from crying out.

Holy shit, that felt good.

His hands weren’t idle as he took his time with my breasts. They skimmed down my sides to my hips and then down my thighs to my knees. I shook my head as he kissed the valley between my breasts and then moved downward. His breath was hot against my stomach, his scruff tickling the skin just under my belly button, but he continued to move farther south.

“Oh, gods,” I moaned when his questing mouth paused over my mound. I tried to twist away from him as his tongue brushed over my clit, not wanting to come yet but knowing that he could set me off in just a matter of seconds. “Harris, please. I want you.”

“Hush, sweetness. You’ll have me as soon as I get what I want.” He spread my thighs wide and lowered his head farther, his tongue spreading my folds as he licked away the liquid desire already coating me.

“No,” I panted, already feeling the release starting to build. “You. I want you inside me when I come.”

“I will be.” He licked me from opening to clit and back again, driving me toward the brink. “I want your release on my tongue this first time, Lu. Let me have it.”

Let me have it.

I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from screaming as my release shot through me. My body was trembling, my entrance flooding with the release he’d asked for.

I had yet to come down from the high he’d just shot me to when I felt him entering me. Opening my eyes, I looked up at him. The look in his eyes as he pushed into me, stretching tender flesh that had only just healed, filling me up with every inch of him, pushed me toward another orgasm. I didn’t want to let go yet. Didn’t want to come again so soon. I wanted it to last this time, wanted to experience the sheer pleasure of having him inside of me before I lost all reason once more.

His arms flexed as he held himself completely still above me, his neck muscles so tense I could see the veins pulsing in time to the beat of his heart. His head lowered and I heard him utter a short prayer. “God, please. Don’t ever let this end.”

Tears burned my eyes and I fought to free my hands so I could lift them to cup his face, forcing him to meet my gaze. “I love you,” I whispered.

Sweat beaded on his forehead and tears filled his eyes. “I love you, Lucy. So fucking much.”

He began to move then, thrusting gently into me at first. I wrapped my legs around his waist and met him thrust for thrust. I was still soaked from my first release and with each thrust into me my channel became even wetter, making his thick girth slide into me a little easier each time. I tried to hold back the whimpers of pleasure, tried to keep from moaning, and whispered his name as the pleasure intensified.

Dear Lord, he felt so good. Nothing in my life had ever felt as amazing as when I had him inside me like this. How would I ever survive without this again?

I clutched at his shoulders as the next release started to build up. I felt his muscles tightening, his cock thickening even more and knew that he was just as close as I was. He lowered his head, capturing my lips to drown out my cries as I lost control and let my orgasm consume me.

Later, when we could both breathe again, he slowly lifted himself from me and went into my bathroom. I heard the water running and moments later he appeared with a washcloth and a towel. Carefully, Harris cleaned me up, being careful with my still tender flesh as he wiped away all traces of his own release on my skin.

Once he was done he took the towel and washcloth back to the bathroom. Before lying back down beside me, he pulled his basketball shorts back on and then pulled me close. His lips were in my hair, kissing the top of my head, as he stroked his fingers up and down my bare back. “I wish I could sleep with you tonight,” he murmured almost sadly. “I want to hold you all night and wake up with you in the morning.”

“Me too.” As hard as I tried, I couldn’t hold back a yawn. “Will you stay until I fall asleep, though?”

“Always,” he vowed and kissed the top of my head again. “I love you, Lucy.”

“Love you,” I thought I said, but I was already falling asleep, feeling safe in his arms...

The feel of the mattress shifting beside me had me smiling and I lifted my lashes to look at the guy who had just sat down beside me on the bed. When I looked into not one, but two pairs of dark eyes, I squealed. Definitely not who I was expecting.

Luca lifted his waffle that was covered with what looked like Nutella and took a large bite, grinning down at me with his mouth full. “Mom said breakfast is ready,” he informed me.

Groaning, I turned onto my stomach, making sure the covers stayed over me to the neck because I was still naked. Pink filled my cheeks as I remembered why I was naked. Where was Harris? I would have much rather he had woken me up than my twin brothers.

“Dad said Harris couldn’t come in here,” Lyric said, as if he could read my mind. “They’re in the living room watching soccer.”

“Great, thanks.” I lifted my head and then pointed at the door. “Out. Tell Mom I’ll be there after a shower.”

The twins jumped off my bed and headed for the door. Before they could leave I thought better of it and called after them. “Save me some waffles, Luca.”

He only laughed as he slammed the door behind him.

With another groan, I climbed out of bed and slowly made my way into the bathroom. My entire body was aching, but it was a good ache. I wanted it to ache like this forever. Turning on the shower, I made sure the door was locked before taking off my leather bracelet.

Tracing my index finger over the welted skin of my wrist, I shook my head and stepped into the steaming shower. I took my time washing my hair and then just let the powerful jets ease some of the tension in my shoulders. It was only day two of our vacation but it felt like everything was passing way too quickly. I wanted to freeze time and savor every second of the here and now with Harris and my family.

After I was finished, I dried off and put my bracelet back on before going back into the bedroom to get dressed. I didn’t bother drying my hair, but put enough frizz control in it to hopefully not become a ball of fuzz when I stepped outside. Not that it mattered, I’d have it up in a knot before noon anyway.

Everyone was already sitting at the table when I joined them. Lucky for Luca there were still two waffles left. Taking my place between Lyric and Harris, I reached for my glass of orange juice that was already waiting on me.

“Morning, Lu,” Dad greeted me. “Sleep well?”

“It was good,” I assured him and prayed my cheeks didn’t turn pink and give me away. “Did you and Mom enjoy your walk on the beach?” I asked, glancing from one parent to the other.

Seeing the way my mom’s cheeks turned as pink as I hoped my own weren’t, I almost grinned. I didn’t want to think about what my parents had been doing to make her blush like that, but I loved how they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other twelve years into their marriage.

“It was good,” Dad echoed my answer, winked wickedly at Mom, and quickly stuffed his mouth with a huge bite of waffle.

Under the table, Harris’s big hand covered my shorts-clad thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. I reached for his hand, linking our fingers together. Not wanting to let him go, I picked up my waffle with my fingers and folded it in half. I didn’t like anything on my waffles, unlike everyone else at the table, so I wasn’t likely to cause a mess.

“So you two are going to one of the sandbars later?” Mom asked a few minutes later. “Will you be there all day?”

“We’ll probably be back by dinner,” Harris answered her. “Is that okay?”

“Sure. We were just going to take the boys to a movie or something. If you’re going to be back for dinner, I’ll cook. Who wants spaghetti?”

“We do!” Luca and Lyric said, raising their hands and practically bouncing in their seats at the thought of their favorite dinner.

“We’ll be back around six.” Harris’s fingers tightened around mine for a moment. “I think I’ll take Lucy shopping first, though.”

“No, you’re no—” I started to tell him, but Dad cut me off.

“Good idea. She needs some new swimsuits.”

My mouth fell open. “You didn’t say anything about what I was wearing yesterday.”

“Because I was there to slaughter anyone who looked at you too long, Lu.” Dad gave Harris an approving nod. “Good work, boy.”

I rolled my eyes and released Harris’s hand. “There is nothing wrong with the swimwear I brought with me and I’m not going to waste money on something new.” The two men remained mute and I turned my eyes on my Mom, who was hiding a grin behind her coffee cup. “Tell them, Mom.”

She shook her head. “Don’t drag me into this argument. I’m not going to say a word.”

“But you were with me when I bought those bikinis,” I reminded her. “You said they looked good on me.”

“Your mother’s definition of good is a million miles away from mine, Lucy,” Dad grumbled. “Let Harris take you shopping. Don’t make the boy go insane when he doesn’t have me there to help him keep the creepers away, baby.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but Harris moved and covered my mouth with his own, effectively cutting off anything I might have said. I was so surprised by the kiss I didn’t even hesitate to return it. Slowly, he lifted his head. “I’m taking you shopping. Okay?”

Unable to find my voice, all I could do was nod.

Then I remembered Dad and turned startled eyes toward him.

Oh, shit. Was I going to have to scrape Harris’s remains off the pavement down in the courtyard and send them to his parents?

BOOK: Un-Shattering Lucy (The Lucy & Harris Novella Series) (Volume 4)
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