Ultimate Fear (Book 2 Ultimate CORE) (CORE Series)

BOOK: Ultimate Fear (Book 2 Ultimate CORE) (CORE Series)
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Copyright © 2014 Kristine Thompson

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

ISBN: 0990654303

ISBN-13: 978-0-9906543-0-8

For Mark —

Life is chaotic and stressful.

Thank God I have you to keep me grounded.



As always, thank you Jamie Denton for your help with this book and Christy Carlson for the hours of brainstorming. Thank you, Tessa Shapcott for your editing skills. I’d also like to thank my fabulous cover designer, Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs.


An angel in the Book of Life wrote down my baby’s birth. And whispered as she closed the book, “Too beautiful for earth.”

—Author unknown

Thirteen years ago…

“BLOOD,” WAYNE COOKE gasped and looked from his wife to the fast-pinging monitors.

A nurse grabbed him by the arm. “We’re going to have to perform an emergency C-section. The doctor needs you to—”

His wife screamed. Fear slithered along his skin as he shook the nurse off and rushed to the hospital bed. “Dimples, baby,” he choked back the tears, and smoothed a hand across her damp forehead.

Panting hard, she clutched his shirt. “Hurts. So. Bad.” Her reddened face twisted with agony. She gritted her teeth and, on a heart-twisting sob, let out a long, low, painful moan.

He looked over his shoulder. “What’s happening?” he shouted. “My wife—”

“Get him out of here,” a doctor wearing blue scrubs and a surgical cap ordered while a nurse helped him with his mask.

“No,” Dimples yelled, then grunted. Tears streamed down her face. “No. Wayne needs to be here. It’s not supposed to be this way.”

“Mr. Cooke, please.” The same nurse who’d informed him about the C-section placed both of her hands on his shoulders. “You have to leave the room. Now.”

The monitors pinging intensified.

“The baby’s in distress,” someone called.

“The mother’s blood pressure is dropping,” another added.

The nurse pushed him. “Go.”

“Wayne,” his wife cried, and hung on to his shirt.

The terror in her eyes was unbearable. Trying his best to be brave for both of them, he took her hand and kissed it. “They’ll take good care of you.”

“Get him out of here,” the doctor shouted.

She gripped his hand and squeezed tight. “I’m so scared. Wayne, I—” She let out another cry and arched her back.

Several nurses moved to hold her down. Someone shoved him and pried Dimples’s hand from his. “Go, go, go!”

He dug in his heels, but the nurse pushing him toward the door had him inching further and further away from the hospital bed. “Wait. My wife,” he pleaded, and kept his gaze locked on Dimples. Driven by the fear in her eyes, he sidestepped the nurse and rushed back to his wife.

“Call security,” someone shouted.

Adrenaline kicked in. Let them. He didn’t give a shit what the hospital police would do to him. His wife needed him. He needed to be here for her. For better or for worse, in sickness and in health…he would always love her.

A male nurse, who had Wayne by both height and weight, grabbed him by the shoulders before he could reach his wife. “Don’t,” he warned, and propelled him toward the door.

As he was pushed from the room Wayne glanced to Dimples just as the doctor in the blue scrubs placed a breathing device of some sort over her mouth and nose. He quickly looked to her protruding stomach, then to between her raised knees and tasted bile. “Blood,” he repeated, while panic weakened his knees. “Why is there—”

The male nurse shoved him into the stark white hallway and closed the door. His entire body trembling, Wayne leaned against the wall and slid to the floor. Hanging his head between his raised knees, he tried to shake the sounds and images from his mind. Dimples’s tortuous cries, the fast-pinging monitors, the fear and anguish in his wife’s eyes…the blood.

His heart sped and his chest constricted. They’d been through Lamaze classes and had watched movies about childbirth. What they’d viewed hadn’t compared to reality. There’d been blood in those films, but not like this. Thick. Dark red. As if someone had dumped a bucket of paint at the center of the bed before lying Dimples on top of it.

It’s not supposed to be this way.

Misery and resentment had his stomach cramping. No, it wasn’t. Not after all they’d been through. For four years they’d been trying for a baby. Dimples had no problem becoming pregnant, but for whatever reason, she couldn’t carry the baby past twenty weeks. After seven miscarriages, when she had carried this baby past twenty weeks, the years of suffering and disappointment had begun to vanish. When she’d hit twenty-six weeks, instead of the endless worrying, they’d become excited about the prospect of finally having a child and creating the family they’d always wanted.

Dimples, for the first time in any one of the pregnancies, had gone ahead and picked out a zoo theme for the baby’s room. Knowing they were having a boy, she’d had Wayne paint the nursery a neutral khaki with an accent wall of robin’s egg blue. She’d also registered for the baby shower her aunt and cousin had hosted for her just last week. The crib was now in place and adorned with the baby animal print bedding. The matching window valances and pictures were also hung. Tiny clothes and blankets were in the dresser drawers waiting to be used. Baby bottles were cleaned and ready for feedings. The only thing missing was their baby boy.

“Can I bring you a cup of coffee?”

Wayne raised his head and rested it against the wall, his nervous stomach souring at the mention of coffee. “No thanks,” he said to the nurse he’d seen earlier when Dimples had been rushed into the maternity ward.

She gave him a sympathetic smile. “If you change your mind, just let me know.”

“Thanks. Um, how long does an emergency C-section take?” He glanced to his watch. “They kicked me out of the room about twenty minutes ago.”

The nurse looked to the floor. “It’s hard to say and is really case by case.”

She’s lying
. Wayne didn’t know how he knew this, but he did. “Could you see how things are going for me? I…I’m worried.”

The nurse squatted in front of him and touched his arm. “I’m sure you’ll hear something soon,” she said, and offered him a small smile that contradicted the sadness in her eyes. “Please let me know if you—”

The hospital door swung open and Wayne jumped to his feet. His heart sped with hope, until he met the doctor’s bleak eyes. “Excuse us,” the doctor said to the nurse, who nodded and walked away. When the man faced Wayne again, he rubbed his forehead, then fisted his hands at his side. “Mr. Cooke, your wife experienced an amniotic fluid embolism and flatlined during delivery. She was gone for about two minutes before we revived her.”

Wayne steadied himself against the wall. When he’d been in high school, his buddy’s mom had had an embolism and died. He couldn’t stop the tears welling in his eyes or his chin from trembling. “Is she…” He cleared his throat. “My wife—”

“She’s unresponsive. Once we get her in ICU and run tests, we’ll know more.”

“What exactly does unresponsive mean?” he demanded, anger surging to the surface. This man was the doctor. Doctors were supposed to know, they were supposed to have the answers.

“Your wife has slipped into a coma.”

“Coma,” he whispered. “I…will she come out of it?”

“Again, we need to run tests. But I’ll be frank, what your wife experienced is extremely rare. If she survives, there’s a possibility that the embolism will leave her with neurological issues.”


“She might not be the same.”

Wayne twined his fingers together and pressed them against the top of his head. He spun away and walked to the opposite wall. Tears streamed down his face and he used his shoulder to wipe them away. His wife had died. She’d fucking died and he hadn’t been in the room with her. He turned on the doctor. “I should have been in there. I should have—”

The doctor held up his hands. “Our focus was on her and the baby. I understand you love your wife, but I stand by my call.”

Oh, my God. He’d been so focused on his Dimples he hadn’t asked about his son. “The baby. How is he? Can I see him?”

The misery in the doctor’s tired eyes was all the answer he needed. Lightheaded, his legs weakening, he reached for the wall and missed. The doctor caught him.

“I’m so sorry. I’m so very sorry,” he said and held Wayne upright. “There was nothing we could do.”


Six days had passed since his wife had gone into a coma and he’d lost his son. Six agonizingly long days. Although God had answered his prayers and had given him his wife back, he now had to tell her the heart wrenching truth.

He edged around the hospital bed and took her hand in his. When she gave him a light squeeze, he dropped to his knees, pressed her hand to his forehead and let the tears fall. Although he wanted children, he loved his wife so damned much he’d rather go without the big family of their dreams than lose her. The worrying, the waiting, the grieving…this week had been hell. And he never wanted to experience anything like it again. According to Dimples’s doctor, they never would.

“Wayne,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

He looked up and forced a smile. With her face pale, her lips dry and chapped, and dark smudges under her eyes, his beautiful wife looked like a corpse. Thankfully they’d removed the ventilator and the sensors the doctor had attached to her head to monitor her brain activity. He didn’t know much about science and medicine, but hated seeing the medical equipment attached to her body. He wanted her back to her old self, and had missed her smile and the laughter and hope in her eyes. Considering what he had to tell her, he feared it would be a long time before he saw that smile again.

He rose and sat at the edge of the bed. Keeping his hand in hers, he leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I love you, Dimples.” His eyes stung with fresh tears. “I was so worried.”

“What’s happened?” she asked, her weary, expectant eyes searching his. “When can I see the baby?”

Now Wayne wished he had let the doctor tell Dimples the truth. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt his wife. What he had to tell her would not only hurt her, but destroy her hopes for a future with a big family. “Honey, you’ve been in a coma for six days.”

“Six…” She closed her eyes. “Am I gonna be okay?”

“Your doctor thinks so. Now that you’re awake, they’ll have to run more tests to make sure you didn’t suffer any neurological damage.”

When she met his gaze, the worry scrunching her forehead had his stomach knotting. “You mean like brain damage?” she asked.

“Yeah, honey,” he said, and brushed a lock of blond hair from her forehead. “You suffered an amniotic fluid embolism, and actually flatlined for two minutes.”

“What?” she asked, and tried to push herself upright.

He eased her back down against the pillows. “But like I said, the doc thinks you’re gonna be okay.”

“Six days.” She let out a shaky breath as a tear slipped down the side of her face. “I practically missed the whole first week of my baby’s life.” She turned her head and tightened her grip on his hand. “When can I see him? I wanted to breastfeed, so I’ll need to see one of those lactation nurses the Lamaze instructor recommended. After a week of formula, he might not want to take from me.”

“Dimples, he…ah…” Wayne looked away and dug deep, searching for the courage to tell his wife the truth. He’d spent the week grieving for his wife and child, and praying to God he’d have the strength to live through it again. “He didn’t make it.”

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