TYCE II (15 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what, that I’m a drug addict? I thought I could deal with the shit on my own. I didn’t say anything about the sex clubs because I didn’t want you to trip.”

Ranae walked over to Sway and ran her hands through his curly hair.

“I trip when you’re dishonest with me. I knew somethin’ was wrong with you, you forget I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. You didn’t give me a chance to accept what you were doin’ with Angelique or the chance to help you deal with your nightmares. I’m your wife Sway, we’re a team.”

Sway kissed her palm, “I know babe and I’m sorry. But I’m comin’ clean now, I jus’ need for you to believe me
…do you believe me?”

“I can tell when you’re lying Sway…so I know you’re tellin’ me the truth…finally.” She playfully slapped him upside his head.

Ranae sat down on his knee, “Truth be told, when I was walking through that club I was liking what I saw, that’s some freaky ass shit.” She chuckled.

“I didn’t think you would like that shit.” Sway admitted.

“Sway, your wife is a freak, don’t you know that?” Ranae winked her brown eye at him.

“You crazy girl.”

“Speakin’ of crazy, ummm can you call Angelique over hear so I can apologize to her. I’m woman enough to step to a bitch but I’m al
so woman enough to apologize when I’m wrong.”

“Yeah I can do that.” Sway patted her ass.

“You missed a good rumble babe, I held my own but that Angelique aint no punk, that bitch can bang.” Ranae rubbed her aching chest.

Sway looked surprised, “Ya’ll two fought?”

“Hell yeah we was goin’ at it in that small ass room. I saw the two of you in there and seen red, you was next on my hi
t list!” Ranae joked seriously.

“Damn, that shit was crazy, I feel bad about the whole thing, it was all my fault.” Sway held his head down.

“No babe, it’s the drugs, and we’re gonna get you some help ok?”

Sway smiled, “Ok.”

Kind Soul


“Where is she


Carmela trotted up the steps as fast as her nearly
legs could carry her. It had been 30 minutes since she made the call for help and now it had finally arrived.

“Thank you coming senora, I didn’t know who else to call! I can’t very well let this poor woman die, God will never forgive me!” Carmela exclaimed while she walked down the long hallway.

“Where is she shot?”

“In her leg, she’s unconscious but she’s still breathing.”

The two women entered the room
and instantly sprang into action in an attempt to save a life. The turquoise satin comforter was soaked with blood.

“Get me a towel so I can tie her leg off!”

Carmela dashed off to the bathroom to retrieve a towel. Her mind was spinning and her heart was beating like a drum. She knew all hell would break loose if Diego suddenly came home. The thought of that made her move even faster as she raced down the hallway back toward the room.

“Here’s the towel…ummm should I call 911?”
Carmela rubbed her hands on her apron.

“No no don’t do that, I don’t want the police showing up here under any circumstances. I’ll take her to the hospital myself

“Is she going to live?” Carmela’s face was dripping with worry.

“I don’t know, she’s lost a lot of blood, do you know who she is?”

“I overheard your father and
Armando; s
he’s here because of her son Tyce. They don’t think I hear
senora I hear everything.” Carmela pointed a finger to her ear.

The woman looked up at Carmela with a stunned expression on her face.

“What is it senora, did I say something wrong?”

“No no not at all, help me get her downstairs.”

Carmela stopped rubbing her hands on her apron long enough to touch the shoulder of her helpful angel.

“Thank you so much for coming Sabrina, you are a God send.”


Twenty minutes later a sleek black convertible Porsche came screeching to a halt outside the emergency room doors of the hospital. Sabrina hopped out and ran inside.

I need help here

The attendants looked up from their paperwork as she ran up to the counter.

“What’s the matter, are you hurt?” A male nurse rushed up to her from the side.

“No not me, I have a woman who’s been shot outside in my car, I think the bullet hit an artery or somethin’ cuz there’s blood

The male nurse nodded his head rapidly as he took in the information on the newest victim of the hour.

“I need a doctor out
front now! Sheila get me an oxygen bag and set up an IV drip stat!” The man ran outside followed closely by Sabrina. “What’s her name?”

“I don’t know sir
!” Sabrina
answered like an army recruit.

Four men rushed out the automated doors within seconds pushing a hospital bed. They carefully lifted her limp body out of the passenger seat and placed her on the skinny white rolle
r bed. Sabrina assumed the tall
one was the doctor because he seemed to take charge as they wheeled her in. Sabrina stood next to her open car door as he shouted to the staff inside.

“We have a
female with a gunshot
to the left thigh!”

Crazy Sexy Cool


I walked into the
hotel looking like a million bucks. I didn’t have on a
purple label shirt or five thousand dollar slacks. I always felt that the man makes the clothes. Any cock sucking coward can buy some expensive clothes but that don’t make him a man. It’s the skin you’re in, the heart in your chest, and the balls below your waist that make you a man.
I must say I was looking very mannish in a plain white fitted T-shirt paired with light blue jeans. The T-shirt let the bottom half of my biceps breathe showing off my tattoos while my jeans left plenty to the imagination. I never wore skinny jeans at all. The only piece of clothing I liked to fit that tight was my socks. I rarely wore underwear and today was no exception. I let my dick swing all day everyday…why cage a wild animal?

Everybody knew my face around here
. This was my second home. At one time in my life, I was sleeping more in the hotel bed than in my own. So I spotted familiar faces as I walked through the lobby toward the elevators, faces that welcomed me back with polite smiles and slight nods of the head.

As the shiny elevator door closed, sealing me inside I looked at my reflection in the spotless chrome wall. I looked myself in the
he looked back at me and winked as if to say, “I got you.”
As the elevator rose to the 12 floor, I leaned my back against the wall. My gun pressed into my flesh l
etting me know it was close by.

The light for the 12 floor glowed and the polished doors opened up. The hallway was quiet as I approached the room Angelique had reserved at my request. Suite number 1207…I knocked six times letting her know it was me. Moments
she opened the door
and let me in.

“Hi mom.”

Pamela reached up to hug my neck, “I’m so glad to see you, I was worried sick.”

“It’s good to see you too, I’m alright though.”

“Well I can see that.” Pamela patted my stomach.

“Come in, come in, sit down.”

I removed the gun from the small of my back and took a seat on the couch. Although my mother had been in this room constantly for the past few days it looked nice and clean.

“We have to talk Tyce.” She sat down next to me.


“Diego has Gloria and she’s been shot!”

I shook my head, “Damn, is she dead?”

“I don’t know, I got a call from her this morning, I don’t want to assume the worst, but it doesn’t look good.”

“I thought she was supposed to
on attempted kidnapping charges when he s
howed up.
the hell

Pamela stood up pacing the floor. “Your plan was going smooth, the spyware was sent to his phone in a dummy mail order bride message so we knew every move he made. I talked to him when he called my office and
set the meeting up.

I looked confused, “Ok, so what went wrong?”

“I have no idea.”

“What about Armando’s phone? Can you track his loc
ation?” I asked optimistically.

Pamela shook her head and sighed, “I tried that, but it’
s not responding, he must have disabled the software or something. Tyce…s
he said Diego wants to trade you for her. She also said he wants the 13 million dollars you stole from him or he’s going to kill her.”

“Did you try calling her back?”

“Of course I did, but it keeps going to voicemail, I don’t know what else to do. I feel so helpless stuck here in this hotel.”

I walked over to her an
d looked into her solemn blue eyes.

“You’re here because I knew Diego would come after you and I can’t allow that to happen. I’ll handle this shit…my way. Fuck Diego, he aint gettin’ shit back.”

My phone suddenly vibrated interrupting our important conversation. I took the phone out my pocket and smiled when I seen who it was.

babe, where are you?”

home now, sorry I didn’t call you but I kinda had a wild night.”

“Yeah you had me worried when you didn’t come home this morning.”

I know baby
and I’m sorry.
I’ll fill you in when I see you later. Hey ahhhh,
up to speed
on the latest…I hear we’re eight million dollars richer.”

That woman has a whole in her lip, she can’t hold water.”

“Shit you know Dallas.”

“Yeah I know, hey I don’t mean to c
ut you short but I got somethin’
brewin’ over here so I’
hafta call you back.”

“Oh ok baby,
but before you go is
ummm Sway with you?”


“Oh no reason, jus’ askin’ I’ll talk to you later.”

“Ok, I’m gone.”

Pamela looked at me kinda strange, “Who was that?”
“Oh that was Angelique, she was MIA last night, she was jus’ callin’ to let me know she was alright.”

“A beautiful woman missing in action all night and half the morning…hmmm.” Pamela raised her eyebrow.

“What’s the hmmm for?” I chuckled.

“I don’t put anything past these young women these days, you sure she’s not stepping out on you?”

I really laughed this time, “She’d be a
to cheat on me, and Angelique is nobody’s
. I trust her with my life
my heart.”

Pamela smiled, “That’s good son, I’m happy for you. But now, getting back to business, what the hell are we going to do about my friend Gloria and this bastard Diego?”

I winked at her, “I got this.”


As fast Tyce came he was gone
and Pamela was left again in the empty room with her head full of thoughts.


Was her friend going to be ok?


Where in the hell was Armando?


And, most importantly, how would she tell her only son what he didn’t know?



Dallas sat on her bed naked tweezing the stray hairs from her vaginal area one by one. It had been a little over a week since her last Brazilian wax appointment an
d the hairs were starting to pee
k through
. A smooth hairless pussy was her preference; Dallas wanted nothing to come in between a warm tongue and her hot pussy. It boggled her mind as to why some women still had afros in their nether regions. The other night she watched a porno and the woman in the scene had a bunch of hairs poking out the side of her panties. That was just tacky she thought as she pulled the last hair from her
silky soft

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