Two Times as Hot (24 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

BOOK: Two Times as Hot
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Becca met Emma inside the kitchen the moment she walked through the door from dinner
at Logan’s. “I haven’t seen you all day. What’s going on?”
Emma knew what her sister really wanted to know, but hadn’t asked, and that was whether
Emma had told Logan yet. “What the hell, Becca? Were you sitting here waiting for
me like Mom used to when I had a curfew?”
“Don’t change the subject. What happened tonight?”
“I texted and told you I was having dinner at Logan’s house.”
“I know that. I meant what’s happening with Logan?”
Luckily, Emma had some news that might satisfy Becca. “I think he asked me to move
in with him.”
“Really?” Becca’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, my God. Emma, that’s huge.”
It did feel pretty huge, but Emma still wasn’t convinced she hadn’t read too much
into it. “Yeah, it wasn’t exactly in those words, but it was close.”
“That’s wonderful. So you definitely can tell him now.”
“Soon. He’s got so much happening with his father just getting home.” That, on top
of the dozen or so other excuses, fears and insecurities Emma’s inner voice whispered
to her day and night.
“Emma . . .”
“I said soon. Jeez. Just give me a little time.” Time for Logan to fall in love with
her before the weight of responsibility made him commit to a lifetime with her.
This should be the best part. The feeling of falling in love. The start of a relationship
full of firsts, when everything was new and shiny. Emma wanted to hold on to the essence
of it before she hit fast forward and they found themselves with a baby.
Tuck walked in from the hall and went to the fridge. Reaching in, he pulled out a
beer, and then glanced at Becca. “She tell him yet?”
“No. Soon.” Becca answered, and Tuck had asked, as if Emma wasn’t in the room.
Before she could yell at Becca for that, the back door swung open and Tyler stomped
his boots on the doormat. “What was for dinner tonight? I hope y’all saved me some.
I’m starved.”
“Pot roast. Your mother left a plate for you in the microwave.” Becca hooked a thumb
at the counter.
“Great.” Tyler opened the microwave door to peek inside, then turned to Emma. “You
tell him yet?”
At least Tyler had asked Emma directly instead of acting like she wasn’t there. That
was something, she supposed. “No, and I’m tired of everyone asking. I’m going to get
changed. While I’m gone, all you people need to get lives of your own.”
“I will have a life when I’m an uncle. Wait, will I be an uncle? She’s my sister-in-law’s
sister.” Tyler’s brow knit in a frown as he tried to reason out the branches of the
family tree.
“Stop with that kind of talk before someone hears you. I’m serious,” Emma hissed.
Before they did anything else to piss her off, Emma escaped to hide in her room until
bedtime. This constant inquisition was getting to be unbearable as was the fear one
of them would tell Logan before she got around to it. Her secret was in the hands
of people who couldn’t seem to keep their mouths shut. It was a dangerous situation.
If she didn’t want Logan finding out from someone else, Emma would have to tell him
Easier said than done.
ogan had walked Emma to the Jenkins yard, kissed her silly behind the hedge he’d become
very fond of, and then made his way back home, a little lighter in his step. He came
into the kitchen to find his mother alone, unloading the dishwasher.
“Hey, Mom. Dad all settled in for the night?”
“He is. I got him into his pajamas and into bed without too much trouble.”
“Mom, you should have waited for me. I could help you with that.”
“It’s better if I do it alone. It’s hard enough for him not being able to do everything
on his own when he wants to.”
“I know, Mom, but it’s too much for you to do all alone.”
“I’ll be fine. The nurse taught me how to move him. There are all sorts of tips and
tricks health care workers use. You know, how to stand when you lift the patient.
Where to position the chair. I practiced with Anna. You remember her, don’t you?”
Logan recalled the nurse who was so often in and out of his father’s room while he
visited. “Sure.”
“Such a little thing, and she’d hoist your dad right up out of that chair and get
him to the bed all on her own. Did I tell you? She’s expecting her first child. It’s
such a demanding job, physically, that I wonder how long she’ll be able to work before
she has to go on maternity leave. I’ll have to remember to pick up a little something
for the baby and send it over before she leaves.” Logan’s mother smiled. “So, Emma
is lovely. She eats like a bird, though. She barely touched dinner.”
Logan had noticed that, too. “I think her stomach was bothering her today.”
His mother nodded. “Well, then I understand. Chili isn’t the best for an upset stomach.
So, are you two serious?”
That not so subtle transition wasn’t lost on Logan. His mother asking about his love
life used to piss Logan off when he was younger. Strange, tonight he didn’t seem to
mind the question one bit.
“We’re getting there.” Logan couldn’t help but smile when he talked about Emma. “I
didn’t think serious was an option until today. But now, she’s talking about maybe
moving to Oklahoma to be near her sister.”
“I’d love to see a wedding in this family. And grandchildren, too, before I get too
old to enjoy them.”
Logan laughed. “I’ll see what I can do. Just don’t get too excited. I only met Emma
at Tuck’s wedding. It’s barely been two months—”
Two months. Like the pieces of a puzzle, things began to fall into place.
Emma looking ill at the store and munching on crackers as if they were a lifeline.
Her turning green at the sight of his mother’s chili, when he’d seen her wolf down
an overflowing plate full of drippy, spicy barbecue at the buffet at Tuck’s wedding.
Her not drinking tonight when he knew from watching her during the wedding weekend
that she definitely drank alcohol—wine, champagne, and vodka with cranberry.
The way the color had drained from her face when he told her about his short-lived
engagement and the accidental pregnancy that had caused it . . .
Logan was up and out of his chair before the pieces had all settled in his brain.
There were still questions, but he had an idea who had the answers.
“Mom, I gotta run next door for a minute.”
“Sure, sweetie. I may be in bed by the time you get back.”
“Okay, see you in the morning.” Logan was lucky he was able to hold even that much
of a conversation with his mother, as distracted as he was.
He needed to talk to Emma and confirm his suspicion. He pushed through his parents’
kitchen door and strode across the back lawn as he had so many times over the years.
The entire walk over, thoughts of Emma played in his head. How he couldn’t see her
without smiling. How he thought of her day and night, sometimes at the oddest moments,
and every time, she made him feel happy and warm. Complete. Content. Jeez, how could
he have been so stupid not to notice he’d been falling in love with her? More and
more each day. Maybe he didn’t want to see it until today, when she said she might
not be going back to a home a thousand miles away.
It seemed he hadn’t seen a lot of things that had been right in front of him lately.
Such as all the clues about what was going on with Emma, and the entire Jenkins family.
Not standing on ceremony, Logan came to the Jenkinses’ back door and gave a halfhearted
knock while pushing it open.
Tyler glanced up from his plate of food. “Hey, Logan. What’s up?”
“Where’s Emma? I need to talk to her.” Logan didn’t mess around with small talk.
“About time.” Tyler’s brows rose. “She’s been sleeping on the pullout sofa in the
den. I think she’s in there now.”
“Thanks.” Logan strode to the room he knew well. Years ago it was where he’d watch
cartoons and build mock forts made from sofa cushions with the younger kids while
he babysat.
A baby of his own . . . What if Emma really was pregnant?
It raised a million questions. He realized among them, one stood out from the others.
Why had he waited so long to settle down and start a family? As he knocked on the
door to Emma’s room and she opened it, looking surprised to see him, Logan knew the
answer. He’d waited for the right woman and here she was.
“Logan, hi. I didn’t think I’d see you until tomorr—”
He moved into the room. Ignoring the pullout sofa bed sticking into the middle of
the room, and the suitcase open on the floor, he pushed the door closed with a click.
He palmed the back of Emma’s head, wrapped his other hand around her waist and hauled
her to him. “Emma Hart, I’ve fallen totally and completely in love with you.”
She bit her lip as her golden brows drew low over those eyes he could stare into for
years and never get tired of. “You have?”
“I have.” Leaning low, he hovered just shy of her lips. “This is where you’re supposed
to say something.”
He felt it, the love between them. Still, he wanted to hear her say it.
Her eyes shone with unshed tears. “I love you, too.”
A smile bowed his lips before he crashed them against Emma’s. He kissed her until
her tears dampened both of their faces. He pulled back and brushed his thumbs across
her wet cheeks. “I hope these are happy tears.”
His brows rose. “Mostly?”
Emma swallowed hard. “Logan, I have something to tell you.” She drew in a shaky breath.
“I’m scared to death you’re not going to like it.”
“Nothing you can say will change how I feel.” His heart sped as he waited for her
to tell him the news he was sure he already knew. He found it so hard to breathe,
he couldn’t even imagine how she felt.
“The night we were together after the wedding. We didn’t use any protection that time
in the shower.” Emma blurted, “I’m pregnant.”
“The shower.” Logan felt like slapping himself in the forehead as another piece of
the puzzle dropped into place. He’d forgotten. She’d been so tempting that he’d convinced
himself pulling out would be safe enough.
“That’s when I assume it happened. I can’t figure out any other explanation. I haven’t
been with any other man. I’ll take a paternity test—”
“Emma, I believe you. I believe it’s mine. You don’t need to take any test.” It was
overwhelming, and exciting all at the same time. He looked down at the woman he held.
“A baby. Wow.”
“I’m so sorry, Logan.”
“Sorry? No. Don’t be silly.” It wasn’t exactly the way he would have planned it, but
that didn’t mean he wasn’t happy.
She didn’t look convinced as she sighed. “Anyway, I flew here as soon as I could after
I found out, but I didn’t want to just dump it on you with your father and all. I
can do it alone. I’d rather, if you don’t want—”
“Emma. Stop. No, I don’t want you to do it alone. I want to be with you. Both of you.”
Logan shook his head. “I should be upset with myself for being so careless with you
and your body. This affects you as much as it does me. More. But I don’t have any
“Really. None.” A smile spread across his lips.
Maybe this was the push he’d needed. It was frightening how easy it would have been
for Emma to have gone back to New York after the wedding. For Logan to have never
seen her again. He could have missed all this. He could have lost her.
Logan was starting to get a little teary-eyed himself. He cleared his throat. “So
I guess the only thing left to decide is do you want to come with me to pick out your
engagement ring, or do you want me to surprise you? Think hard about that, because
you’ll have to live with it on your finger for the rest of your life, and I have no
experience when it comes to picking out women’s jewelry.”
“Logan, please be sure you want this. Want me.” At the look of uncertainty in her
eyes, he squeezed her tighter to him.
“There is no doubt in my mind. I think I started to fall for you the moment I met
you.” Logan laughed, remembering. “Way back when Jace kept getting in the way.”
“Jace. I forgot all about him. We’re going to have to tell not only Jace, but your
parents, and my parents, and Tuck’s parents . . .”
let me be the one to tell Jace we’re getting married and you’re having my baby.”
It was petty. Logan knew that, and he didn’t care.
Emma rolled her eyes. “Fine, but you can also be the one to tell Tara. I’m afraid
she’s going to want to scratch my eyes out when she hears.”
“Maybe now she’ll get on with her life and find someone who makes her as happy as
you make me.” Logan watched Emma smile at that and couldn’t help but smile himself.
“I hope she does. I truly do want her to be happy.” A scowl twisted Emma’s beautiful
face. “Just someplace nowhere near you.”
His little wife-to-be was jealous. Sick man that he was, Logan liked that. Hell of
a pair they made. “I can say the same thing about Jace. I truly hope the man finds
the woman of his dreams—somewhere far away from you and me and our new life together.”
“I like the sound of that. Our life together. But, you should thank Jace, you know.
If he wasn’t such a jerk, we might not have ended up together.”
“I’ll try to remember that.” Logan remembered something else. “Tuck, Tyler, and Becca—they
all know?”
“Yeah.” She cringed. “I’m so sorry they knew before you. I didn’t tell any of them,
I swear. They found out by accident.”
“It’s okay, baby. It does explain a lot of the strange behavior around here, though.”
He hugged her to him, resting his head on top of hers.
“So I guess we should go tell your sister you’ll be planning another wedding. And
soon.” Logan stepped back and pressed one palm to Emma’s belly, knowing it was much
too soon to feel anything. He still couldn’t help himself. He had a feeling he’d have
his hands on her so much she’d have to tell him to go away.
“Will your brother be able to fly home from Japan for the wedding?”
“I doubt it. Not so soon after he’s just been home. That’s okay. Layne will meet both
of you the next time he’s home.” Emotions swam through Logan. He wanted to lay Emma
down and make love to her, even as he wanted to coddle and protect her and their unborn
child. It was a strange mix of feelings. The good news was he had a lifetime to get
used to them.
“Can we hide in here for a little while longer?” Emma covered his hand with hers.
“I kind of feel like I want to have you all to myself for a bit.”
“That sounds very good to me.” Logan dipped his head, intent on kissing Emma, when
whispers in the hallway had him halting in his path to her lips. “It seems we have
an audience.“
“I know. I hear it. Ignore them.” Emma reached up and reeled him in the rest of the
Logan had no problem taking full advantage of their last bit of privacy, real or imagined.
Soon they’d have to face the rest of the world. At least they’d face it together.
He kissed her, and realized it felt different from before. Better. Deeper. Like it
was a promise for the future, not just a pleasure for the present.
Cupping her face with his hand, Logan kissed her thoroughly. His promise to her that
he’d love her and cherish her for the rest of their lives. He pressed one palm to
her belly again, marveling that there was a life growing inside her. A baby he’d put
there. The purely male part of Logan reacted, wanting to take her right then and there.
Stake a claim to her body.
He broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against hers. “We can’t have sex in Mr. and
Mrs. Jenkins’ den. I’m sorry, but I can’t do it. I practically grew up in this house.
They’re like my second parents.”
“I know. I agree.” She leaned back and blew out a breath. “But that means you have
to stop kissing me like that or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”
They’d have to work something out. Somewhere to be alone, because there was no way
he’d be able to keep his hands off her until they were married, no matter how soon
that might be. Maybe the hunting cabin . . .
As he considered that option, Logan’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out
and saw
Mark Ross
on the readout. He glanced at Emma, about to shove the phone back in his pocket and
call Mark back later. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have even looked. I know you hate cell phones.”
“No. Go ahead. I think we could both use the distraction.” She laughed, sounding a
little breathless and as eager as he to find privacy.
“Okay.” Smiling, he dropped a quick kiss on his future wife before he hit the button
to answer the call. “Hey, Mark.”
“Logan. Hi. We’ve missed you around here. Are you ever coming back to Stillwater?”
Behind the joking tone, there was a bit of underlying concern in Mark’s question.

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