Two Times as Hot (21 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

BOOK: Two Times as Hot
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She glanced at Logan as he navigated a turn off the highway and onto a country road.
“I would’ve loved to have met this grandfather of yours. He sounds like quite a guy.”
“He was.” Logan glanced at her before focusing back on the road. “I wish you could
have met him. But you can get to know my dad. If you want to, that is.”
The offer made Emma warm inside. “I’d love to. Do you think he’s up to seeing people
“You’re not
. And yes, I think he’d love to visit with you.”
Because she was important to Logan? Emma wanted so badly to ask Logan that, to make
him expand on his comment, but she didn’t want to push.
“I’ll look forward to it.” A thought hit her and she cringed. “He’s going to be okay
with the changes I made to the store, isn’t he?”
“I think so. Why wouldn’t he be?”
“I don’t know. It just looks so different from the way he had it arranged. I’m not
sure he’d be okay with it.” What if she alienated her baby’s grandfather before she
even gave birth?
“Emma, it looks better, not just different. Besides, nothing you did can’t be undone
again by moving a few things back. But really, I think he’ll love it.” Logan shot
her a sideways glance again. “I know I do.”
Hearing the word
from Logan’s lips, even if it wasn’t said in quite the way she longed for, still
made her feel all squishy inside. “Thanks. I’m glad.”
“You’re welcome. And thank you for all the work you’ve done. And for being here for
me. It means a lot.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
He reached over and squeezed Emma’s hand before releasing her. She missed his touch
immediately, but she soon understood why he’d let go as he slowed the truck and made
a sharp turn onto a dirt road. “Here we are.”
She recovered enough from the effects of that brief moment of intimacy to glance at
their surroundings. As the truck crept along the unpaved path, a small cabin sitting
next to a lake framed by trees came into view.
Emma drew in a breath. “Logan, it’s beautiful.”
He shifted the truck into park and turned to smile at Emma. “I’m glad you like it.
Come on. Let’s go look around.”
She’d just reached to open the door herself, when Logan jogged around the truck and
leapt for the handle. Emma lowered her hand and waited for him to open the door for
her. He held out his hand to help her down. Having a man opening doors for her was
something she’d have to get used to. At least, Emma hoped Logan would be around long
enough for her to get used to it once she revealed what she’d been hiding.
“Thank you.” Once standing on the ground, Emma was glad she’d worn flat, comfortable
shoes with her knee-length walking shorts. Guided by Logan, she picked her steps carefully
across the uneven dirt of the driveway, until they were walking through ankle deep
“Sorry about the condition of the property. I’ll have to make time to get over here
and cut the grass.”
“Logan, give yourself a break. You’ve had a few other things on your mind.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Logan stopped their progress and stood gazing at the still water.
“Anyway, this is it. The lake where my grandfather taught me and Layne to swim, and
my father taught us to fish. Hell, not just us. Tuck and Tyler would sometimes come,
That raised a question in Emma’s mind regarding a subject she’d managed to steer clear
of since she’d arrived. “Tara didn’t come?”
“Yeah, she tagged along once or twice.” Logan laughed. “That girl wanted to do everything
and anything her brothers did. I think it was more on principle than because she wanted
to bait a hook. She looked pretty bored and miserable the whole time we were fishing.”
“Humph. Poor thing. That’s a shame.” The statement came out sounding bitchier than
she had intended.
Logan turned toward Emma, took one look at the expression on her face and smiled.
“Are you jealous of Tara?”
“No.” She felt the frown settle on her brow. When he looked doubtful, Emma sighed.
“Okay, yes. I hate that you two have a lifetime of history together. And I hate that
she has a crush on you.”
“The crush I can’t do much about, but our history is that I changed the girl’s diapers
while babysitting her, for God’s sake.” He brought his hands up and laid one on each
of her shoulders. “There is
for you to be jealous about.”
She looked up into his eyes and knew what he said was true. Sometimes it was just
too easy to let jealousy get the better of her. “All right.”
“You don’t look convinced.” He took a step forward, closing the small distance between
them. “I’d be happy to prove it to you, if you need me to.”
“I think I might.” Emma had a good idea how Logan could go about proving it, if they
were somewhere private.
He kissed her like he meant it, before pulling back with a groan. As the sun began
to dip lower toward the horizon, he glanced back at the cabin. “There’s a blanket
inside. Wait here.”
“Wait, Logan. Outside?”
He grinned. “Yup. I’ll be right back.”
When he jogged back with the blanket, Emma knew he was serious. They were actually
going to do it out here in the open. With a snap of his wrists, he opened the folded
blanket. It drifted down to cover the grass.
He sat and glanced up at Emma. “What’s wrong? Where’s my adventurous New Yorker?”
“Indoors, that’s where.” She sat next to him, still not sure about this.
“Trust me. No one is coming up here.” Logan leaned closer as he spoke, his eyes focused
on her. “It’s a private road. There’s no reason for them to. Besides, you’ve never
really made love until you’ve experienced it outdoors, under the sky. Maybe even in
the water.”
“In the lake?” She eyed the water, the water getting darker by the moment as the sun
dipped behind a tree. “With the fish? Do they bite?”
“There’s only one thing around here that’s going to bite you.” Logan slid the neckline
of her shirt over, to expose her throat. He latched on to her flesh with his teeth
as he tumbled her onto her back.
She couldn’t control the soft moan that slipped from her. He stopped torturing her
long enough to ask, “Is that a yes?”
“To which part?” She wasn’t sure if she was ready for complete immersion in the great
outdoors—or the lake.
“How about we start slow here on dry land and see how it goes?” Logan didn’t give
her a chance to answer. He was already running one hand down her side. Then he stopped,
and propped his head on one elbow next to her.
Emma lifted her head. “What’s wrong?”
He rested one palm low on her belly, causing her stomach to tense. “Emma, I want you
to know something. You and me? It’s not just about sex. Not that I don’t enjoy that,
but it’s more, too.”
Relief and hope had her heating clear through her body. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted.”
“Maybe for a while, before I met you and before Dad’s stroke, I wasn’t sure what I
wanted either. But now I am.”
This could be the perfect time for a confession. With Becca, Tuck, and Tyler all knowing,
Emma was going to have to tell Logan sooner rather than later. Then again, news like
this could be enough to send Logan into a full out retreat. Talk about going from
zero to sixty.
This was all too complicated. As Logan continued to watch her, Emma said, “I’m glad,
because it’s not just sex for me, either.”
“Good. We’re on the same page, then. Real good.” He seemed nervous for the first time
since she’d known him.
“Mmm, hmm. Real good,” she echoed.
Logan leaned down and kissed her, a chaste brush of his lips over hers before he pulled
back again. She wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling in for more. Logan pressed
another kiss against her hair. “Emma?”
“There’s one more thing.” He sure was in a talkative mood tonight.
“All right.”
“You’re not the only one who gets jealous. If I have to listen to you talk about even
the possibility of kissing Jace, I may haul off and punch him the next time I see
That was quite a confession. Emma couldn’t help her smile. Logan was jealous.
“You don’t have to worry about Jace, or my kissing him.”
“Good.” It was obvious he’d dropped the subject of Jace as Logan walked his fingers
down to the waist of Emma’s shorts, where he popped open the button.
She gave in and let him take control. Gazing at the sky, she marveled at the peace
and beauty of their surroundings as he slid her shorts, then her underwear, down her
legs. Then all Emma could think about was Logan and what he did to her every time
he touched her.
On the ground next to the lake, Logan loved her, lavishing his attention over every
part of her body. It was different from the first night they’d been together, which
had been a frenzy of lust too long denied. It was different, too, from their reunion
in the shop, where the naughtiness of doing what they’d done there on the workbench
had overcome both of them, and overshadowed all else.
Today, their loving was slow and gentle. He took his time. There was no sense of urgency;
no rushing in his movements. Logan spent time just lying next to her and watching
her face as he trailed his touch from one part of Emma’s body to another.
He ran his mouth over her skin. When he reached one particularly sensitive spot behind
her ear, she felt him smile as she reacted. He stayed there and teased her with his
lips for a while, before moving on to explore the next area.
Finally, he snaked a fingertip between her thighs and found the spot that made her
writhe beneath his touch. His eyes never left her face, though they did turn dark.
He waited until her body stopped twitching from the orgasm and then rolled on top
of her. His gaze met hers as he pushed inside her and set a slow pace.
The intimacy of his gaze holding hers while he loved her had Emma falling deeper in
love with this man with every stroke of his body into hers. Each thrust tightened
the ties binding her to him.
She watched his brow draw down over his eyes as he came inside her. She felt him shudder
to completion, and saw in his eyes what she knew was affection, but hoped could be
This was it. She couldn’t continue to hide her secret from him. Emma swallowed hard.
His name on her lips seemed to snap him out of his trance. He let out a short laugh
and rolled off her. “I know. We need to get moving. Stay here. I’ll get some paper
napkins from the truck so we can get cleaned up, and then we’ll find your boards.”
Before she could protest, he was up and headed for the truck.
Emma sighed, as much relieved at the reprieve as she was disappointed the moment had
passed. Tomorrow. She’d tell him tomorrow.
mma turned to Logan after he’d pulled the truck to a stop in his parents’ driveway.
They’d spent most of the day together, yet she didn’t want to say good night. “Thank
you for tonight.”
Logan laughed. “You’re welcome, but you don’t have to thank me. All I did was take
you crawling around an old shed looking for barn boards so you can paint signs for
my father’s shop. I should be thanking you.”
Emma shrugged. “It must have been the company then that made it so special, because
I had a wonderful time.”
“Definitely the company. I had a wonderful time, too.” Logan leaned across the cab
of the truck and cupped her face. He hovered just shy of her lips. “If I start to
kiss you now, there’s a very good chance I’m not going to be able to stop.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Eh, go ahead and risk it. Take a chance.”
He smiled. “You’re so bad.”
“You like me that way.”
“Yes, I do.” Logan closed the remaining distance between them, pressing his lips against
Emma sank into his kiss. Logan had been right that it would be much too easy to slide
down the slippery slope from kissing to doing so much more—if they weren’t sitting
in a parked truck in his parents’ driveway next door to her sister’s new family. Any
number of people could see them through the vehicle’s windows.
Finally, he pulled back. Good thing, because Emma didn’t have the willpower to. She’d
take any time together knowing that the moment she told him about her pregnancy everything
would change. And there was no guarantee the change would be for the better.
“Time to get you back inside before Becca starts looking for you.” Logan opened his
door and walked around the truck to open hers. He helped her step down onto the driveway.
“I’ll walk you over.”
“Don’t be silly. I can get next door on my own. Go on in. I’m sure your mother is
wondering what’s taking you so long to come inside as it is.”
“You sure? I can just—”
“Logan. Yes, I’m sure. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yes, ma’am. You will. I’ll stop over first thing. Promise.”
“Good. I’d like that.” Emma was starting to get used to having breakfast with Logan
every day.
He smiled at her. “Night, Emma.”
“Night, Logan.”
He hesitated, as if he might kiss her again, then didn’t. She understood why. If he
had, they might have ended up making out in the driveway, this time without the small
bit of privacy the truck interior had provided.
This time, she was the strong one. With a small good-bye wave, Emma turned away from
Logan. She even made her way to the back door of the house after looking back at him
only once.
Inside, she found Becca waiting for her in the kitchen.
“Emma. Thank God you’re home.”
“Why? What happened?”
“I was talking to Tuck’s mother and one thing led to another and before we knew it
the subject of Logan being almost forty and still single came up.”
“Oh, Becca. You didn’t ask her, did you?” Emma felt the blood drain from her face.
“No, she kind of volunteered the information. Anyway, stop being angry with me because
I found out something pretty important about Logan’s past.”
“And. What is it?” Emma couldn’t possibly imagine how important it could be since
she’d been spending lots of time with him and nothing had come up.
“Tuck’s mom told me that Logan was engaged. Years ago before he joined the army.”
“Okay.” Emma considered this good news. It meant at least at one point in his life
he’d thought about being married. “That must have been like twenty years ago. Did
she say what happened?”
Becca ran a hand over her face. “That’s the bad part.
apparently broke off the engagement.”
“Did she say why?”
“No one knows. Neither Logan or the girl explained why.”
“Something must have happened.” The Logan Emma knew needed a good reason to do just
about anything. Breaking off an engagement would require a huge one. “Who knows? Maybe
she cheated on him.”
Her sister’s brow rose. “Maybe he cheated on her.”
“Just exploring all the options.”
“Well, stop. You’re not helping.” Emma knew Logan well enough to know he wasn’t a
cheater. “Did you talk to Tuck about this?”
“No. He doesn’t like when I pry. He’s going to yell at me.”
“Oh, stop. There’s no way he’d ever get mad or yell at you, so suck it up. I need
to know. Go ask your husband or I will.”
Becca hesitated, and then let out a breath. “All right. Did you say anything to Logan
“No.” Judgment—make that disapproval—was clearly written in Becca’s expression. Emma
hated that she felt the need to explain. “I was planning on maybe telling him tomorrow,
but now you’ve got me all turned around with this news. I’m not telling him until
I find out some answers.”
Becca’s eyes widened. “No, Em. Don’t change your plans. You have to tell him. What
are you going to do? Wait until the day before you leave for home?”
“No. Stop pressuring me. I still have time before I go back.” Emma shot her sister
a frown. “Go find your husband.”
“I can’t. He took the truck to the store to buy lumber before they close.”
“Lumber? What for?”
“He and Tyler are going to build a wheelchair ramp next door for Logan’s dad. He’s
coming home tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow. Wow. I wonder why Logan didn’t tell me.” Maybe Logan wasn’t as forthcoming
as Emma thought he was.
“Emma, don’t look like that. He probably didn’t know. The doctors just told his mom
tonight. She came over on her way home from visiting his dad.”
“Okay, that makes sense.” It still didn’t ease Emma’s racing mind about the mysterious
broken engagement. “But the minute Tuck is back, you have to ask.”
“Fine. And as soon as you know the answer, you need to tell Logan.” Becca waited,
looking expectant. “Em, promise.”
Emma blew out a big breath. “All right, I will.”
“Hey, Mom. What’s going on here?” Logan glanced around at the chaos in what was usually
a quiet house. It was after dark, yet his mom was wide awake and as busy as if it
was nine in the morning rather than nine at night.
She paused, a batch of sheets in the laundry basket held in her hand. “They’re releasing
your father tomorrow. I have to get the house ready for him.”
“Really? They think he’s ready?”
“Yeah. The docs say he can come home. There will still be a lot of rehabilitation,
but they said he could do it here. He hates being in that place. They think his being
at home will help his state of mind and make the recovery go faster. The physical
therapist will come once a day to work with him.”
“That’s wonderful.” Surprising, but good news.
“There’s so much to do. All the furniture needs to be moved so he has a clear path
for the wheelchair. The physical therapist said we needed to install bars in the bathroom,
both next to the toilet and in the shower. I still have to measure the bathroom doorway
to make sure the chair is even going to fit through it.” Pressing her lips together,
his mother shook her head and looked overwhelmed.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Mom, we’ll get it all done. Don’t worry.”
“I know. Thank you. You’re such a comfort. And the Jenkins family, too. I don’t know
what I can ever do to repay their kindness.”
“Not necessary.” Tuck walked through the door at just that moment.
“Well now, Tuck. Let’s not be too hasty.” Tyler followed his brother into the room.
“I do remember some cookies you make every Christmas. They have some sort of raspberry
jam in the middle.”
“Tyler, the woman more than has her hands full right now. Don’t you dare hint she
should bake you cookies.” Tuck frowned.
“You’re talking about my thumbprint cookies,” Logan’s mother said, and smiled. “And
they’re Mr. Hunt’s favorite, too. As soon as he’s home and settled, I’ll happily make
a big batch for both of you. He’d love some, I’m sure.”
“See.” Tyler sent Tucker an’
I told you so
Tuck rolled his eyes and then turned to Logan. “We’ve got all the supplies we need
to build the wheelchair ramp. We laid it all out on the grass. Do you want to come
and take a look? See how steep an angle it’s going to be to get from the ground to
the top step.”
Logan glanced outside and saw how dark it had become. “It’s late. You sure you want
to do this now?”
“Sure.” Tuck dipped his head in a nod. “If you all don’t mind, we’ll lay it out now.
That way we can get right to work on it at first light.”
“I don’t mind a bit. I have a dozen things to do before bed tonight anyway.” Logan’s
mother glanced at the overflowing laundry basket.
Logan hadn’t seen his mother this excited in a while. She was happy to have his father
coming home, while he was getting a little worried thinking about installing ramps
and grab bars. Caring for a man recuperating from a stroke at home was going to be
challenging, but he wasn’t about to burst his mother’s bubble. Instead Logan agreed.
“All right. Let’s go on out and take a look.”
They’d just cleared the front door when Tuck asked, “How’d the date with Emma go?”
“It wasn’t a date. We just drove over to the lake. I showed her around the place.
We grabbed some of the old barn boards from the shed, then we came home.”
“Mmm, hmm. Sure.” Tyler’s comment earned him an elbow in the gut from Tucker. “Ow.
Stop that.”
“Stop being a smart ass.” Tuck returned the dirty look Tyler had given him for the
“Sorry. I was just saying—”
“Well, stop.” Tuck cut off Tyler and turned back to Logan. “So, how are you two getting
“He means, are you in love yet?” Tyler stretched the word
out like he was a kid teasing his friend in the schoolyard.
Tuck spun on his brother so fast, Tyler had to jump out of striking range. He stayed
a safe distance away with his hands up in surrender. “Okay. I’ll be quiet.”
Even with all the excitement, Tuck still turned his focus back to Logan. Confused,
Logan asked, “What?”
Tuck knocked his hat back and glared at Logan. “You and Emma? What’s going on?”
Logan laughed. “The better question is what’s going on with you? You’ve never given
a shit who I’m seeing. Is this because Emma is Becca’s sister?”
Tyler stayed uncharacteristically quiet, watching and waiting for Tuck’s answer. That
was Logan’s first clue that maybe something was going on. The second was Tuck’s hesitation,
and the expression of pure agony on his face. “I . . . It’s just I’m stuck in the
middle here, Logan.”
“Is Becca bothering you about my intentions toward her sister?”
Tuck ran a hand over his forehead. “Something like that.”
“Tell your wife she doesn’t have to worry. I’m into Emma.”
At Logan’s comment, Tyler let out a snort and laughed. “I bet you are into her a lot.”
Logan reevaluated how to word what he was trying to say. He sent a warning glance
in Tyler’s direction and then continued, “
I like her. A lot. I’m not going to do anything to hurt her, Tuck.”
That didn’t seem to appease Tuck, who kicked the toe of his cowboy boot into the grass
at his feet. “You, uh, see yourself maybe getting serious with her?”
Something was definitely going on here. Becca must really be putting the pressure
on Tuck for some answers.
Logan had always been a private person. He didn’t tell tales about the few serious
relationships he’d had in his life. Which was what made it doubly strange when he
felt compelled to confess the truth. “Yeah, I think I can.”
Tyler’s wide grin caught his eye. Logan turned to him. “What’s making you so happy?
What do you care?”
“Hey, I like that I can say I was there from the very start. Like cupid but instead
of using arrows, I hook up lovers with condoms at wedding receptions.”
“Jeez, Tyler.” Logan felt his face heat. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Tuck.
“Relax, Logan. It’s okay. Tuck already knows.” Tyler’s statement didn’t make Logan
feel much better.
“I told him.” Tyler shrugged.
“You’re nothing like cupid, dumbass.” Tuck shook his head at his brother and then
glanced at Logan. “It’s okay, Logan. I’m not one to judge anyone on his or her behavior.
I’m just glad you and Emma are getting along. You know I love you like a brother.
Sometimes more—”
“Hey.” Tyler frowned, looking insulted.
Tuck continued, “So you know nothing would make me happier than to have you as a brother-in-law.”

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