Two Times as Hot (11 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

BOOK: Two Times as Hot
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He stepped back from Emma and closed his eyes, willing his erection to go down.
“I don’t know. Just leave him alone, Tara. I’m sure he’ll be back in a second. We
should go back to the tent.” Good old Tyler was trying to steer his sister away from
where Logan and Emma hid.
Tyler had either seen Logan sneak off with Emma, or he suspected they had when both
disappeared at the same time. The kid might be young, but he was already wise in the
ways of the world when it came to women.
Logan opened his eyes again to find Emma looking horrified. Judging by the sounds
of the footsteps, Tara and Tyler were getting closer. Logan and Emma were about to
be caught behind the bushes with no excuse for being there alone together unless Logan
did something quick.
“Stay here,” he mouthed to Emma. After a bracing breath, Logan walked around the hedges
and directly into Tara and Tyler’s path. “Hey, what’s up?”
Tara stopped dead. “Logan. We were just looking for you.”

were looking for him. I, on the other hand, was enjoying a nice drink when you came
bothering me about where he was.” Tyler sent Logan a knowing look from behind his
“Oh? Did Tuck or Becca need me for something?” Logan raised a brow, trying to look
calm even as Emma hid just feet away.
“Well, no, but they just opened the buffet. I didn’t want you to miss dinner. And
then right after that is Tyler’s best man’s speech and the cake. I thought you’d want
to be there for that. Where did you disappear to, anyway?” Tara frowned.
“I decided to use the bathroom in my parents’ house instead of tying up the Jenkinses’
while there are so many people here.” Talk of bodily functions should shut down Tara’s
curiosity fast enough and prevent any further questions. Logan looped an arm around
Tyler’s neck and started toward the tent, knowing Tara would follow. “Come on, Ty.
Let’s get you inside so you can prepare for your big moment, and I know I’m ready
for some of that tasty barbecue they’re serving up.”
“You owe me, dude,” Tyler whispered once they were inside the tent and the sound of
the music would prevent Tara from hearing him.
“For what?” Logan played dumb.
“For running interference with Tara so she didn’t catch you two behind the bushes.”
“Don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, Ty.”
“Yeah, whatever. And by the way, there’s a brand new box of condoms in the top drawer
of the nightstand in my bedroom. Help yourself.”
That had Logan stumbling over his own feet as his heart tripped, as well. He stored
that bit of information away for later and changed the subject. “So, did you write
down your toast or are you going to wing it?”
They’d arrived back at the head table, mostly empty since more than half of the wedding
party had been outside.
“Yeah, like you really care.” Tyler snorted. “Oh, look. There’s your girl sneaking
back in. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get me that drink Tara dragged me away
As Tyler left him, Logan turned and saw that Emma was indeed sneaking back in through
the other side of the tent. She made her way across the dance floor, red faced and
looking freshly kissed. The sight made him smile, and had him rock hard again in seconds.
She reached his side, blushing prettily. Logan leaned in, his mouth close to her ear
so only she would hear his words. “Let’s go get some food. You’re going to need the
energy for later.”
The red hue coloring her face deepened. “Okay.”
They moved to the buffet, clear of people now since they were late. “How much longer
is this damn thing supposed to go on?” Logan asked, glancing sideways at her as he
piled ribs onto his plate.
“They still have to cut the cake.” Emma frowned at the remains of the whole pig in
front of her, then moved on to the smoked brisket in the chafing dish.
“Then we leave?” He raised a brow, following her, and reaching for a scoop of coleslaw.
“Eager to go?” She smiled.
He let out a laugh at that understatement. “What do you think?”
She paused by the end of the table, where there was a small stack of napkins rolled
around silverware. “Logan?”
“Yeah?” He stopped in his perusal of the culinary offerings to look at Emma.
“Thank you.” Sincerity radiated through her words.
“For what?”
“Just for being there. Making me feel better. For everything.” She shrugged.
With his body blocking the view of those in the room, he reached down and gave her
fingers a squeeze. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
hat did you tell your parents?” While walking, Logan glanced over his shoulder at
the Jenkins house as he asked the question of Emma.
It felt as if they were fleeing the scene of a crime. So far, they’d gotten away unseen,
but Tara was still at the house. So were both his and Emma’s parents.
He’d smuggled their overnight bags into his truck about an hour ago when no one was
looking because they were all busy eating cake. That had been right after he’d snuck
into Tyler’s bedroom and pilfered his drawer.
The presence of the strip of condoms in his bag had Logan red-faced, but he’d get
over that. Now, all he had to do was slip Emma into the cab of his truck, get out
of his parents’ driveway without been spotted, and then they’d be scot-free.
“I told them I was going to hang out with some of the
young people
I met at the wedding and not to wait up for me. I’d get a ride back to the hotel
later.” Emma made air-quotes around the words
young people
. “They loved that I was making new friends.”
She obviously knew how to handle her parents. Right now, he was more than grateful
for that. Logan opened the passenger door. “And Becca? What did you say to her?”
“Ha. I didn’t have to tell Becca anything. You saw them. She and Tuck were so anxious
to get to the hotel, she barely said good-bye to me. I’m a little concerned he’s going
to crash on the drive over.” Emma hiked up her dress to climb in. He got a glimpse
of bare leg and had to stop himself from staring.
“I know how they feel.” He stifled a groan and moved around to the driver’s side door.
Once he was settled inside, his hand poised on the key in the ignition, Emma turned
to him from the passenger seat. “So, where are we going?”
“I got us a hotel room.” He’d considered the options over the past couple of hours,
ever since that amazing kiss in the bushes, and he’d realized there was no other choice.
His bedroom in his parents’ house was out of the question.
Emma’s brow crinkled. “You didn’t have to do that. I already have a hotel room. My
parents have their own.”
No way. That was too close for comfort. He didn’t like the idea of going to the hotel
where her parents were any better than he liked the idea of having sex in his own
parents’ house.
“Nuh, uh. I’m taking us to the hotel on the opposite side of town from where your
parents are staying. I don’t want either one of us to have to worry about being interrupted
. . . or quiet.” He turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life,
sounding as anxious as he felt to get moving.
“Oh. Okay.”
“You okay with that plan?” Glancing over, he saw Emma’s cheeks had turned pink. Logan
grinned at how adorable she was.
“Will your parents look for you if you don’t come home tonight?” Logan wasn’t bringing
her back any earlier than he had to.
“No, I told them I’d come to their room tomorrow in time to leave for the brunch.”
“Good.” He definitely planned on keeping her with him at least until sunrise. One
night with Emma before she left for New York wasn’t going to be enough as it was.
“Do you need to get anything at the hotel for tonight? We can swing by your room quick,
before your parents get there.”
“No. I got dressed for the wedding here with Becca this morning, so I have regular
clothes and makeup in the bag I gave you before.”
Perfect. A detour might just have killed him. “All right, then. That’s it. Let’s go.”
She nodded as he fought the urge to reach out, grab the back of her head, and pull
her toward him for a kiss. But the faster they got away from here, the less likely
it was they’d be seen. There’d be plenty of time for kissing, and so much more, later.
Logan put the truck in reverse and backed into the street, feeling the urgency to
get away. He threw the transmission into gear and peeled out, away from everyone still
at the reception, heading toward one hell of a hot night in his very near future.
At the first stoplight, he glanced at Emma, who hadn’t said a word since they’d left.
“You okay?”
“You sure?”
She laughed. “I’m nervous. Isn’t that crazy?”
“No, not at all.” He didn’t tell her his hands had been shaking when he’d packed the
overnight bag for tonight. Instead he leaned over, wrapped a hand around the back
of her head, and pulled her in for a kiss.
A car horn behind them told Logan the light had turned green. He pulled back and hit
the gas, shooting a sideways glance at Emma. “Any better?”
She touched her fingertips to her lips and nodded. “How many more red lights are there
between here and the hotel?”
The answer to that deceivingly simple question was not enough lights if he got to
kiss her at each stop, and entirely too many because they couldn’t get to their destination
fast enough.
He got them to the hotel, though it took every shred of will power he had to concentrate
on the road. Somehow he navigated through the traffic in the center of town, and brought
them safely to their destination. He swung the truck into a spot in the lot and cut
the engine.
Striding like a man with a purpose, which he sure as hell was, he went to the passenger
side of the vehicle and flung open the door. Finally, they were alone. Or at least
not surrounded by relatives and friends. And they’d be alone soon enough.
Now, it was safe to kiss her. Logan did just that, cradling her face in his hands
right there in the parking lot where there’d be no one to blow a horn and interrupt
them. His lips crashed into hers and he let out a groan full of satisfaction.
She kissed him back with the enthusiasm he’d hoped for, and then pulled back. “Let’s
go inside.”
Her eyes, heavy with need, had his gut twisting with anticipation. He needed to shuck
this tuxedo, just as she needed to ditch her dress. As lovely as it was, he was certain
there was something even more beautiful awaiting him beneath it.
“Good idea.” He helped Emma out of the truck with one hand and then grabbed both of
their overnight bags with the other. “I called the front desk during the reception
to reserve the room and give them my credit card. They have our room all ready. The
only thing we have to do is stop by and pick up the key.”
Emma raised a brow. “A man who’s organized. Wow.”
More like a man who had sex on the brain, but he’d accept any compliment this incredible
woman was willing to give him. In reality, Logan had figured he had better handle
the details while he was still able to think. Because now, with Emma holding his hand,
and the promise of a nice big, king-size mattress so close, he was having trouble
putting one foot in front of the other.
Logan didn’t tell her that. “Eh, logistical planning—just one of the many things the
army has taught me.”
“Lucky me. I get to see you in action.” There was that suggestive tone again in her
voice. Impossibly, Logan’s cock grew harder. He’d show her action, all right. As soon
as they were in the room.
He held open the door for Emma, and then led the way to the front desk. He forced
his attention to the business at hand. Then he could concentrate on the more important
business of getting his hands on her.
“Logan Hunt. I called a couple of hours ago and reserved a room. I requested an expedited
check-in, if possible.” The clerk nodded and reached beneath the desk. “Yes, sir.
I have your keycards right here.”
Logan glanced over and saw Emma’s gaze cut to him as she smiled. If it was his efficiency
at planning and logistics that got her hot, he was all set. The army had instilled
that in him. He could also be very efficient in getting them both out of their clothing.
After a smooth and speedy check-in, Logan and Emma took one silent elevator ride to
the second floor. With the adrenaline coursing through his veins, Logan could have
sprinted the stairs in far less time, but instead he stood and held Emma’s hand, trying
to not let his own tremble with what he attributed to anticipation. He didn’t want
to believe it was nerves. In a few months he’d be forty years old. He shouldn’t be
shaking like a nervous teen, even if Emma made him feel like one.
The elevator came to a jolting stop and the doors opened. A quick glance at the sign
on the wall told him which direction to go and moments later, they stood outside the
door of their room for the night.
Their room. For the whole night. Damn.
Keycard poised and ready in his hand, Logan swallowed and glanced down at Emma. The
look of heat in her eyes was all Logan needed to proceed as planned. He shoved the
key into the slot, the light turned green, and the door handle moved beneath his fingers.
Logan dropped the two bags to the floor with a thud and was aware of the spring-loaded
door clicking shut behind them. That was the last thing about his surroundings he
was aware of as Emma became his sole focus.
Backing her against the wall, he tangled his hand in her hair and leaned low. He was
about to kiss her when she braced her hand against his chest.
“Can we both turn off our cell phones?”
That out-of-the-blue request from Emma, right when things were about to get hot, gave
Logan pause. The last thing on his mind when he’d been about to indulge in the pleasures
of Emma’s sweet mouth was his damn cell phone. Yet for some reason, it was on her
mind. Enough for her to stop him to request he turn it off.
“Uh, sure. If that’s what you want.”
“It’s just, I’ve been here before. In this situation.” Emma laughed, and shook her
head. “Almost exactly. This time, I don’t want any interruptions.”
“Of course.” Logan took a step back. He slid his jacket off and reached into the pocket.
Finding his phone, he pulled it out and hit the button to power the device off. “But
I have to tell you, any man who would answer his phone while he was alone with you
is a freaking idiot—”
Realization hit him the moment he said the word
. Pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Emma’s concern over being interrupted.
Her insecurity at the wedding over Jacqueline. Jace was enough of an idiot that he
might take a call from his ex-girlfriend while alone with a woman. Had Emma been with
Jace like this?
Emma, kissing Jace, and maybe even about to do much more. Logan’s stomach churned
at the thought of Jace and Emma together in the same situation as he and Emma were
in now. He hadn’t thought things had gotten this far between her and Jace. Then again,
now that he thought about it, Jace had been acting pretty cocky the night of the party,
and he’d let plenty of hints drop about how he
Emma. For the first time ever, Logan felt sincerely jealous of Jace.
Emma stepped forward. “Logan. Forget I said anything. Okay?”
“All right.” With new enthusiasm, Logan tossed his phone on the nightstand. He’d make
them both forget Jace even existed.
No matter what had, or hadn’t happened between Emma and Jace, Logan was the one with
her now. He’d show her what it meant to be with a man worthy of her. A man who wanted
her and only her. The outside world, cell phones included, be damned.
Logan pinned her between his bulk and the wall, and crashed his mouth into hers. He
kissed her with an intensity, an out-of-control ferocity, that belied his usual calm
demeanor. Logan had remained collected during firefights. He’d stayed cool while being
dressed-down by his superiors, and while reprimanding those in his command, but he
couldn’t seem to maintain his control now.
A caveman-like urge to dominate Emma, to claim her as his own, surged from deep within
him. Logan took control, crushing her body and her mouth with his own, hoping to drive
away the memory of every other man she’d ever been with. Every man she’d even thought
about being with before him.
She somehow wiggled her hand between their tightly clenched bodies and fumbled with
the closure on his tux pants. He’d ditched the black cowboy hat Tucker had requested
the groomsmen all wear, as well as the tux jacket, but they were both still wearing
too much.
“Emma.” Her name on his lips was a growl, full of possession and need.
Logan pulled back to help her. He saw desire to match his own in her eyes as she unfastened
the hook at his waistband and slid down the zipper. Struggling to toe off his boots,
Logan discovered he couldn’t do it. He was forced to back away from her and sit on
the edge of the bed to yank them off because he couldn’t take his eyes off Emma.
He dropped the boots to the floor one by one, then pulled off his tie as he planned
how to divest her of her wedding clothes once he was out of his own.
“I’m just going into the bathroom to get out of this dress.” She made a motion toward
the door behind her.
“What? Why?” Logan paused after undoing the top two buttons of his shirt.
She didn’t strike him as the overly shy type and more importantly, he’d been hoping
to at least watch, if not help.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to make you shut off the lights so you can’t see me or
anything. It’s just that dresses like this one require some heavy-duty undergarments
that I’d rather you didn’t see.” Emma ran her hands over her torso. “These Spanx work
great, but they’re not real pretty to look at on their own.”
“Spanx?” Logan raised a brow and followed the motion of her hand.
“It’s a brand of shapewear. Women wear it under clingy dresses and stuff . . . and
I shouldn’t have even brought it up.” Emma looked embarrassed about the entire discussion.
Being a consummate bachelor, Logan didn’t know what a Spanx was or what it looked
like, but he didn’t care. He did like the sound of the name, though. “It doesn’t matter
what you’ve got on under there, as long as it can come off. Go get undressed in the
bathroom if you want to, but hurry back.”

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