Two Masters for Alex (7 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Two Masters for Alex
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Daniel looked suddenly at Alex, who looked down quickly, embarrassed to be caught eyeing his privates. “When he opens the door, make sure your head is bowed. Keep your eyes on the floor and don’t move until he says you can.”

Alex nodded, swallowing nervously. Though she was excited Liam was finally coming home and the actual fun would begin, or so she hoped, she was also quite nervous about what was to come.

The day had passed peaceably enough, though in retrospect it had been somewhat surreal. After the humiliating experience at the bathtub and then Daniel’s reprieve, Alex had applied herself fully to her chores, eager to please. He would stop whatever task he was involved in and patiently review her work, nodding his approval or correcting her as needed. They had stopped for a lunch of chicken salad sandwiches and fresh lemonade. Chores were completed by three o’clock and Daniel said, “You have some free time until Liam arrives, which should be at about five-thirty today. Usually it’s later, but he was able to juggle some things to be here sooner in honor of your first day.”

He handed her a tube of what looked to be very expensive shaving cream and a complicated-looking razor, admonishing her to groom herself to perfection. “The inner door of the shower is a mirror. Check yourself as well as you can and I’ll inspect you as well. Be very careful not to cut yourself. Remember, while you’re here, that body belongs to Liam. Treat it as such.”

Alex took her time shaving her sex, legs and underarms, carefully examining herself to make sure she was as smooth as a baby. It had been embarrassing and slightly
humiliating to have Daniel examine her afterward. She felt like a horse or dog being prepared for a showing at the fair.

He came into her bedroom when she was done showering and said, “Lie down on the bed, put your feet flat on the mattress and drop your knees to the sides.” Though comfortable in her nudity, it was another thing altogether to spread one’s pussy wide for a near stranger, not for sex either, but so he could clinically ascertain if she’d shaved herself to his satisfaction.

He’d sat next to her in only his little white shorts, his hair, still wet from his shower, curling tawny gold against the back of his neck. She would rather have pulled him down for a kiss and reveled in his masculine weight over her bare body. Instead, she forced herself to obey him, assuming the rather unflattering position as ordered.

She turned her head away, closing her eyes as she felt his fingers glide over her labia and down to the cleft of her ass. Much to her chagrin, she felt the tingle in her pussy, aware it was swelling and moistening under his scrutiny and masculine touch. His hands slid down along smooth thighs and calves before gliding back up again and lingering over her sex.

“Is it okay?” she finally whispered, nearly desperate for him to remove his hand before she started gyrating against it like a bitch in heat.

“Very nice, very smooth,” he said, his voice low and throaty. She opened her eyes, his crotch directly in her line of vision. The erection poking hard in his shorts gave additional meaning to his words. She looked up into his face, surprised. Abruptly he withdrew his hand and said, “I’ll let you know when Liam is arriving. You can rest or put away your things. Remember though, no masturbating without Liam’s or my express permission. Ever.”

Now as they knelt together, Daniel said, “He’s here!” A moment later Alex too heard the crunch of gravel on the drive and then the slam of a car door. “Head down!” Daniel hissed, lowering his own as he straightened his back. His cock was pointing directly at the door. Alex smiled to herself at his eagerness and looked at the floor as she awaited Liam’s entrance.

The door opened and Alex saw Liam’s legs, his suit a dark navy, his shoes of expensive-looking leather. She almost looked up at his face but caught herself in time, trying to keep still as he moved to stand in front of them. “A lovely pair,” he said softly. He moved to Daniel and from the sounds they were making, Alex deduced they were kissing. She felt an irrational stab of jealousy. No one was kissing her! She knew that was silly—she was there as their trial-basis sub while they had been lovers for over a year.

“How did it go today? Was she helpful? Was she obedient?” she heard Liam ask.

“For the most part. A bit resistant about the chores at first, but she buckled down after awhile.”

“Did she require punishment?” Alex held her breath, waiting to see what Daniel would say about the bathroom rug.

“No, just a bit of help getting started. Things should go more smoothly tomorrow.” Alex let out her breath gratefully.

Liam moved to stand in front of her. She felt his finger on her chin as he lifted it. She looked up at him, into those dark eyes as he smiled down at her. “And how are you, little Alex? Was your first day what you expected?”

“Um, not really,” she admitted. “I thought it would be…” she trailed off. She’d been about to say “sexier”. She’d had a fantasy, she realized, of arriving at the house and at once being ravaged and erotically tortured by two sexy men until she passed out from pleasure, only to awaken to find herself shackled to her bed, a love slave awaiting her Masters’ pleasure… “Um…different.”

Liam laughed, saying only, “Fair enough. Well, I think it might be a bit…different…after dinner. Which smells wonderful by the way, Daniel.” He held out his hand and Alex took it, allowing him to pull her to a standing position.

“Clam chowder. Fresh bread. I opened a bottle of that new Shiraz you like.” Alex looked at the two men, one fully clothed in a tailored suit, the other completely naked, easily discussing dinner while a naked woman they barely knew stood by uncertainly. Again the surreal nature of the situation struck her.

Liam turned to her. “Go wait for me in your bedroom. I’m going to inspect you since I didn’t have the opportunity this morning.” Alex glanced nervously at Daniel, who nodded slightly, his expression encouraging. Obediently she turned to go, aware the two men were again embracing, Liam’s hands proprietarily dropping to Daniel’s firm, sexy ass as he held him.

* * * * *

Liam entered the guest bedroom, pleased to see Alex standing with her hands behind her head, her eyes straight ahead. She didn’t turn toward him as he entered. Daniel had taught her well for her first day.

He’d been aware of her gaffe with the bath rug as well as her arriving not freshly groomed since Daniel and he had talked that day on the phone several times, as they always did. Though Liam “owned” Daniel in an erotic sense, first and foremost they were partners, lovers who shared everything, as close, at least in Liam’s mind, as any married couple. He knew bringing a third person into the mix could be potentially dangerous, unsettling the balance of their relationship.

That was one reason a woman had seemed like a good idea, though he hadn’t actively considered one at first. There was less likelihood of jealousy between Daniel and the new sub if she was female. So far things seemed to be going well. Daniel hadn’t yet dominated the girl in any significant way. They agreed it would be wise to give her time to adjust on her first day. Tonight they would put her through her paces and see what she could handle. Liam found himself excited at the prospect. He was also looking forward to giving Daniel the chance to try out his whipping techniques at last.

He approached Alex, who was trembling ever-so slightly, the color on her cheeks heightened. “Don’t move,” he ordered. He reached out and cupped one perfect breast. It was soft, the skin like satin. On an impulse, he bent down and flicked a nipple with his tongue. It hardened at once, pleasing him. He licked the other to keep the symmetry intact. Alex shuddered but kept her position.

Gently Liam tapped against her ankle with his shoe. “Wider,” he said. Obediently she spread her legs, giving him better access to her bare pussy. He leaned close to her as he reached down to cup the shaven mons. He slid his fingers along the labia. They were smooth and as soft as rose petals, warm to the touch. She drew in her breath sharply but maintained her position.

An evil smile curled on his lips as he decided to test her ability to remain still. His fingers moved from outer to inner labia, sliding down to her entrance, which was as he’d expected, wet to the touch. He entered her with two fingers at once, pressing hard up into her. As her muscles contracted against his fingers, she groaned and her hips twitched but still her hands remained behind her head, her eyes apparently on the clock, which ticked in time to her rapid breathing.

He moved the fingers in and out, thrusting them like a cock as she bit her lip to keep from panting. The little slut was about to come! He pulled his fingers away and slid them up onto her clit, rubbing until she began to shudder. Abruptly he pulled them away, holding his fingers slick with her juices under her nose before rubbing them along her cheek. She blushed hotly, turning her head away at last.

“I said not to move. That includes your head. Look straight ahead.” As Alex again faced forward, he noted with amusement the flash of anger in her eyes. “Are you mad because I didn’t let you come or because I know how easy you are, about to orgasm from being finger-fucked for two minutes?”

She didn’t answer. He hadn’t really expected her to, though if she were properly trained, she would have known to respond to a direct question however embarrassing. It was her first day after all. He’d cut her some slack. Gently he said, “Put on something sexy and feminine and come to dinner.”

* * * * *

Daniel was gratified to see how much Liam enjoyed the clam chowder, a recipe he’d tried for the first time. Alex too seemed to have a hearty appetite, having helped herself to a second bowl and another piece of fresh bread still warm from the oven, slathered with plenty of melting butter. Daniel studied her as she ate, admiring her delicate features—the wide green eyes, the flyaway golden hair falling into her face despite her shaking it away every few moments, the little upturned nose, the small, pointed chin. Only her mouth saved her from being too pixyish, its lips wide and generous.

Her dress was cut close to her body, its soft fabric clinging to nipples obviously bare beneath it, drawing the eye to the center of each round breast. He glanced at Liam, who was eyeing the girl as well.

Liam had changed into black silk drawstring pants and a white tank top. Daniel wore a pair of cotton shorts, his chest still bare. Usually as they ate their dinner Liam would touch Daniel—his hand dropping to his thigh or caressing his shoulder, his finger sliding over Daniel’s lips before he leaned over to kiss him.

Tonight Liam barely seemed aware of Daniel’s presence, staring at Alex, his eyes narrowing, his lips curving into a smile. Daniel tried not to be jealous. He’d had the entire day after all to get used to Alex’s presence. He was certain of Liam’s love for him—it wasn’t that. But, he realized, he was used to Liam’s complete attention when they were together. While he’d been the one most eager to add a third person to their D/s play, now he felt unsure. Though not a jealous person by nature, he found himself wondering if Liam preferred her company, at least for tonight, to his.

As if reading his mind and wanting to dispel his worries, Liam turned to him, reaching out to stroke his cheek. “Do you like your new toy, my love? She’s for you, you know. I want you to be happy.”

Daniel smiled gratefully at him. He looked at Alex, who was looking down at her bowl, her cheeks slightly flushed, though from the wine or Liam’s referring to her as a toy, he wasn’t sure. Liam stroked his thigh, moving his fingers over the crotch of Daniel’s shorts to cup his cock and balls. Daniel felt his shaft rising beneath his Master’s firm hand. “Thank you, Sir. I’m looking forward to whipping her.”

“And you will.” Turning to Alex, he said, “Tonight we’ll begin to test your limits. I value obedience, sexual responsiveness and willingness to suffer for me. As Daniel has told you, that’s
body. While you’re here, you belong to me. As my property, you do my bidding. You will do Daniel’s bidding as well. As you learned today, you are not equals. You will submit to him the same as you would to me. Tonight we’ll see how well you take a whipping. Depending on how you do, we’ll see where we go from there. Do you like to be whipped, Alex?”

Alex was staring at him, her eyes wide, though from fear or desire it was hard to say. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

Liam smiled. “Good. Though it wouldn’t have mattered if you’d said no. We’ll whip you because we want to not because you like it. I merely asked as a matter of interest. Which do you prefer, the heavy-tressed suede flogger, the sting of a crop or the bite of a single-tail whip?”

“Oh,” Alex said, her eyes shining. “The flogger. I love the feel of the soft leather warming my back and ass.”

“And the crop? The single tail? The cane?”

“I can handle the crop. I don’t like single-tail whips or canes. They hurt!” She made a face.

Liam laughed. “Of course they do. That’s the point.” He pushed back his chair and glanced at his watch. “I need about thirty minutes to take care of some work in my study. Once you’re done in here, take Alex to the playroom and get her ready for me.” He stood and added as if in afterthought. “Oh, and get out the snake, Daniel.”

* * * * *

Liam walked out of the kitchen. Daniel stood and quickly cleared the table. Alex automatically began to help him. Daniel rinsed the dishes, handing them to Alex, who loaded them into the dishwasher. They worked easily together, as if they’d done it for a long time.

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