Twice Driven (57 page)

Read Twice Driven Online

Authors: Madison Faye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Heist, #Organized Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Twice Driven
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She looked up suddenly, a blush bright across her face. “You know, there’s something
I think we should do more often?”


“M-hmm,” she said with quick nod, blushing and reaching for the bottle of rum.

I raised a brow at her. “Care to
on that one, Ms. Riley?”

She went a shade darker as she took a quick sip from the bottle. “Nope.”

” I rolled my eyes as I snatched the bottle from her hands and took another sip as well. “You can’t open with that and not follow thr-”

“I think we should do the thing where I watch you and Tyler more.”

Her face went an even
shade of red, and her hands flew to her mouth the second she said it. “Ohmygod!” She made a cringing face as she brought her hands down. “Oh
, sorry, that was super weird. Forget it.”

I shook my head slowly, feeling the heat in much more than just my face slowly rising. Because Anna was wrong, it wasn’t weird at all.

It was
hot to think about. The idea of her watching Tyler and I instantly got me wet, right there on the floor of our dorm room. The idea of her slipping a finger into her pussy like I’d watched her do before as she watched Tyler push into me had my pulse roaring like an engine.

I met her eyes and shook my head again. “Not weird, actually,” I said quietly.


“Nope.” I bit my lip between my teeth. “Kinda

Anna said nothing, but I could see her breath catch in her throat a little bit. She grinned a little before she finally opened her mouth. “It was pretty hot watching you guys.”

“You’re telling
,” I said, feeling my heart thumping in my chest as the room got a little warmer around us.

“You’re a pretty good kisser, too, you know.” Anna’s voice was almost a whisper, and my eyes darted up to see her chewing on her lip and fingering the label of the bottle in her hands, her eyes wide and fiery like the mane of red hair framing her face.

I swallowed thickly. “You are too, you know.”

“How is that the first time we’ve ever done that?”

I blushed. “What, kiss?”

“Yeah. I think that’s something friends do, right? Shouldn’t we have been like, practicing kissing at sleepovers or something?”

I giggled. “I don’t think that’s real. I think that only happens in porn.”

Anna grinned and shrugged. “Well...” she trailed off. “I think we should have, because I think I’ve always wanted to do that.”

I blushed.“I thought of something else we should do more often.”
The words came out of my lip before I could stop them, and Anna’s eyes met mine with this fire behind them, like she already knew what I was going to say.

“What,” she breathed out.

I took a shaky breath. “Kiss,” I said firmly, feeling my pulse racing. “We should kiss more often.”

We were leaning towards each other before I could even process it, closing the distance between the two beds we’d been slumped against quicker than I’d have ever thought. And when my lips touched hers, it was like a spark when off in my body. Her lips were soft and pillowy, and I could almost hear her
a little as our mouths pressed hotly together.

It only lasted a second or two before we pulled away - breathless and eyes wide.

Holy shit.

I could see the same emotion writ across her face as we sat there staring at each other. Yeah, that hadn’t been a friend kiss at all. That’d been
more than that. And I knew if it happened again, I’d be crossing a line, and maybe going someplace we weren’t ready to go. But then her lips parted just a little bit, and I could see her eyes shine into mine, and I was lost.

“We should do that aga-”

I didn’t even get the words out before she crashed into me again, and this time, we

I moaned as my lips opened for her tongue, feeling it wrestle hotly with mine as her body pressed to mine and her hands slid around me to pull me against her. My hands followed suit, sliding over her back and holding her tightly as she pressed me back against the side of my bed, kissing me madly and deeply.

Everything we’d never said came out in that kiss. Everything we’d ever secretly thought and never admitted to each other or to ourselves came rushing out in that one, searing kiss. It’d have been easy to say it was the booze, but I knew damn well it was more than that, and she did too. In that moment, it was just her and I, and the rest of the world just fell away.

She moaned into my mouth, and before I knew it, I was sliding my hand up the back of her shirt, pushing and pulling at it as if desperate to strip it from her body. I gasped as her mouth slipped away from mine just long enough to yank her shirt off, before her lips delved to my neck, sucking the skin there and making me cry out. My hands slid up and down her almost bare back as she sucked at the skin of my neck, making me shiver and moan. Her hands found the front of the blouse I wore, and my hands clutched at her as she slowly started to pull button after button apart.


I didn’t know what this mean in terms of him. Sure, we weren’t
“boyfriend and girlfriend”, but I knew that was a bullshit excuse for what I was very willingly doing right then. What he and I were was complicated, but...that didn’t change what Anna and I were doing.

Was this cheating?

I know it
have felt like it, but oddly, it didn’t. And it wasn’t that bullshit “oh, but it’s a girl” excuse. This wasn’t two friends pecking in a bar for free drinks from frat boys, this was
more than that, I knew it.

But it still didn’t feel wrong, and suddenly it hit me

Because it was Anna.

This wasn’t some tipsy make-out with someone random when my allegiances should have been to Tyler, this was
. This was my closest, best friend in the entire world - my other half, the person I loved more than anything. Well, anything except maybe Tyler.

I froze suddenly as the thought hit me quite suddenly that I
say I loved one of them over the other. I loved them differently, maybe, but not in ways where I could put one over the other. This was my best friend - my soul sister for life. And Tyler was the man who’d stolen my heart and showed me what it meant to be a woman.

But at that moment, Anna’s lips moved back to mine, and I shoved all that away. Because in that moment, all that mattered was her and I, and the ferocity of that kiss.

She pushed my shirt from my shoulders, and as I yanked it from my arms, she reached behind her and let her bra drop as well. I hadn’t even worn a bra that night, and as she slipped back into my arms, I moaned into her as I felt warm skin against skin, and the electric feel of her nipples dragging across my breasts. Our lips crashed back together, hungry and needing. We started to move somehow up to the bed, our lips still, sealed together, our tongues wrestling with the other as she pushed me back on my bed and moaned into my mouth as she slid on top of me.

My hands moved up her back to her head, finger sliding into her long red hair as I kissed her with all the fire I’d always wanted to but never even realize or at least never admitted. I could feel her fingers fumbling as they reached for the front of my jeans, popping the button before struggling with zipper. We pulled apart then, giggling as we stared up into each other’s eyes.

“What are we doing?” She gasped as my hand slipped between us over the soft skin of her tummy and started to pull at the button of her jeans.

“I- I don’t know,” I whispered, shivering as I felt her pull my zipper down slowly.

“We can stop,” she said, her face red and her breath coming fast as I pulled at her zipper.

“I doubt that,” I husked out, moaning as her lips crashed back into mine.

Yeah, we weren’t stopping. Not a chance.

My fingers slipped into the sides of her jeans, and I shivered as I felt them brush under the lace edge of her panties. She arched her back as I started to push both over her hips, sliding them down over her ass as the blood roared like fire in my ears. I could feel her hands struggling to yank my own pants off, and I pushed her up just for a second as I quickly got them down my legs and kicked them off.

Anna stood and quickly slid jeans and panties down, reaching down to tug them off her feet before standing and meeting my gaze. We were frozen like that for a single second - breaths held, eyes locked, and hearts beating.

And then we crashed together.

I gasped as she slid on top of me, pushing me down onto the bed and kissing me fiercely. Her body molded against mine, her skin hot and her kisses hungry. Her hands moved up my sides to slide up and cup my breath, her thumb teasing over my nipple as my legs tangled with hers. My hands ran up and down her back, grabbing the soft curve of her ass and holding her to me tightly, feeling the wet heat from her pussy right against my thigh.

Anna pulled away with a gasp, her face red and her eyes wildly searching mine as she suddenly frowned. “Tyler?”

I squeezed my eyes shut, biting my lip feeling my heart beating a mile a minute. “I- I don’t know.”

I opened my eyes to see her swallowing heavily, her eyes darting across my face and her lip trembling. “We should stop-“

“No!” The word came out harder and sharper than I’d meant to, and I quickly shook my head. “No, I mean-” I looked into her eyes. I didn’t know what this all meant, for whatever Tyler and I were, but also for what
and I were. I didn’t know that, but I did know one thing.

I knew I wanted her.

My hand slid up to her cheek, cupping her face as I looked right into my best friend’s eyes and took a deep breath. “I don’t know what this means, but I know I don’t want you to stop.”

And this time
was the one that kissed
, fiercely, madly, and with everything I had. Our bodies crushed together, skin against skin, nipples rubbing against one another, and the throbbing heat between our legs growing hotter and wetter. I whimpered into her kiss as I felt her hand sliding down between us, and when I felt her fingers slide over my clit, I broke the kiss and cried out.

Her fingers pushed through my wet folds, finding my center and pressing in as her lips moved over my chest to my nipple. She licked it tentatively before wrapping her lips around it and tongue the pink little bud, making me arch my back as I ran my fingers through her hair. Her touch was gentle, and she slowly pushed her finger deeper before curling it up and stroking the inside of my pussy.

Slowly, haltingly, I slid my hand down her side, teasing my fingers over the skin of her hip until they found the small strip of soft hair between her legs. Anna whimpered as I let my fingers linger there for a second before I took a deep breath and pushed them down into the silken wetness of her slit.

Holy shit was that hot.

Just touching her, and feeling another girl’s body like that for the first time while
finger stroked my pussy and her thumb brushed across my clit was almost enough to make me come right there. I leaned up to catch her mouth with mine, moaning into her lips as I sucked her tongue into my mouth. I began to rub the hard little nub between her legs in slow, deliberate circles, loving the effect it had on my friend as she moaned loudly into my mouth. It was like realizing I had this sort of
being able to have that effect on her - this crazy, erotic power.

Anna threw her head back and gasped, and I craned my head down to take one of her nipples into my lips, making her moan my name. She withdrew her finger from my pussy, only to push back in with
this time. I groaned into her breast as I felt her stretch my little hole wide, loving the way her palm ground into my clit. I pushed a finger into her pussy as my thumb grazed across her clit again and again. It was so
like I was touching
, and yet wildly new at the same time.

We started to move faster, our voices of pleasure filling the room as we rocked together. Her fingers between my legs working faster and deeper, like she was fucking me with her hand. I could feel the climax roaring inside of me, the feeling of her breath against my neck, her nipples brushing mine mine, and her heart beating against my own. I began to rub her clit faster and faster, loving the way she started to buck her hips and grind into me, and the sexy moans coming from her lips.

“Fuck do I love you,” she suddenly moaned into my ear, her teeth biting my earlobe and making me gasp out loud.

“I... I love you too.”

“No,” she husked into my ear, her body rocking against mine, her breath teasing my neck. “No, Christina, I mean I

“Anna,” I turned my head and kissed her fiercely, moaning as her palm ground into my clit. “I know what you mean,” I said softly, kissing her again. “And I love you too, so

And right then, I thought of Tyler. Right then, with Anna’s body rocking against mine, and her lips trailing over my neck, I thought of him. Because there in that hot dorm room with Anna, thinking of man who was the only other person I’d ever said those words to, the final piece clicked together. I loved them
. I just didn’t know what that meant.

But then another thought hit me, one that had my pulse surging in my veins, my pussy throbbing, and my body undulating faster against her fingers.

“It was pretty hot watching you guys.”

I thought of watching

It was almost too hot to even take, but in that moment, I pictured watching Tyler and
. I moaned as her fingers slid in and out of me, while imaging Tyler pulling her clothes off. I pushed my own fingers deep into her slit as I imagined him bending her over just like she was on top of me, lining up his big,
cock behind her, and pushing all the way inside while I watched. I imagined watching him maker come all over that cock, and right then, I knew I was going to fall.

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