Twice Driven (56 page)

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Authors: Madison Faye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Heist, #Organized Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Twice Driven
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I was dimly aware of Anna breaking the kiss and crying out as well, and then Tyler’s powerful yell as his cock throbbed and exploded inside me as his thick cum began to rocket out of him to fill me to the brim. I gasped and clutched at the blankets and onto Anna’s arm as he rode me right through a second climax, before I collapsed back onto the bed with my vision swimming.

I remember panting then, feeling my whole body quicker as I curled up on the bed against my friend. Tyler collapsed next to me, his arms circling my body and holding me close as we just lay there, trying to come back down to earth.

“I swear, you’re going to kill me one of these days, honey,” he whispered into my ear, kissing me.

“But not today, right?” I whispered in Anna’s back.

“Not today.”

Chapter 24


Later, when Tyler got up to use the bathroom, Anna and I finally sat up, shyly grinning huge dopey smiles at each other.


“Hey,” I grinned at her, reaching out to hold her hand in mine. “We’re good.”

Her smile widened. “So, that didn’t count as ‘touching’?” She winked at me.

“That counted as me breaking my own rules and being
okay with it - if you are?” I looked at her, suddenly worried.

She looked at me, squeezing my hand. “I’m okay with it if you know that I’m in no way shape or form ever going to try and ‘steal your man’ or anything. It was hot jut coming along for the ride tonight.”

“So, we’re good?”

She grinned and stuck her tongue out at me, making me giggle. “Yeah, we’re great.”

“I love you you know.” I instantly felt like such a sap saying it, but I could see her eyes twinkle as her smiled widened.

“I love you too, you know.” She started to stand and rummage for her clothes on the chair behind her. “I’m going to leave you guys to spend your last night alone; no, stop pouting.” I grinned at her. “You know you want him to yourself tonight, Chris, and I’m totally okay getting out of your hair.”

She was buttoning her shirt back up and she glanced towards the bathroom and the sound of running water before looking at me with a more serious look in her eyes. “You- you should tell him, you know. No matter what happens with, well,
that goes along with you two, you’re

I flopped back on the bed, acutely aware that I didn’t care in the slightest that I was totally naked in front of my friend. “I know, I
. I just- I just need to find the right time.”

“I know you will.” She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and gave me a squeeze. “Call me tomorrow.”

The bathroom door opened and Tyler walked out, a bit more modestly attired in a towel around his waist.

Byyyee Mr. Weaver
” Anna blew an exaggerated kiss at him, making him turn red, before she looked back at me with a wink in her eye and her tongue sticking out at me.

, Anna,” Tyler said, his face still red as he rolled his eyes towards me.

I just need to find the right time

I fell asleep that night in his arms, wondering when on earth that was going to be.


I did my best not to mope on the way to the train station the next day, or even when we were walking towards the platform checkpoint where I’d have to leave him.

“Look, Tyler, I need to tell-”

Holding my hand, he turned and looked at me, his eyes full of concern. “What is it, honey?”

“I-” I could already feel my resolve to tell him crumbling, just looking into his eyes. Telling him would change everything, I knew that. Telling him meant that this - whatever
was - was suddenly a
more real than I knew he could attach himself to right now. What we had right
, in that moment in time, wasn’t everything I wanted, but it was enough; at least for right now. Adding “oh, I’m pregnant” to that delicate balance would upset the whole thing, and I wasn’t ready to let go yet.

“It’s- it’s nothing.” I smiled at him, biting my lip.

“You sure?” He turned and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close.

“Yeah, just- thank you, for another absolutely amazing weekend.”

He grinned and leaned down to kiss my cheek. “You bet.” He pulled back and looked at me again, his brow raising. “You sure you’re okay?”

No! There’s so much I want to tell you!

“Yeah, I’m great.” I pushed my hair out of my eye, forcing myself not to get all teary-eyed. “So, I guess I’ll talk to you somet-“

“I love you.”

and suddenly found myself staring into his eyes with my jaw hanging open. “What?”

His was looking deeply into my eyes as he took a deep breath. “Look, Christina, I know this isn’t perfect, or fair to you, and I’m sorry. I-” He looked around the half-empty ticketing hall and let the air out slowly before turning back and leaning in close to me; the familiar wonderful smell of him invading my sense, his arms tight around me, and my pulse racing as I tried to process what he’d just said.

“I don’t know what’s happening here, or whats
to happen, or what the hell to do about any of this, honey.
” He brought his hands to my face and held my chin in his hands. “
, all I
know, is that you’re everything I think about,
, and that you’re everything I’ve always wanted in this world.”

I felt the world begin to tumble around me as my head spun, and my heart felt like it’d leap right out of my throat.

“And I love you, Christina Ames; I really,
love you.”

“I love you too.” I barely had time to whisper it out before our lips crashed together; sealed with a kiss. No matter what now, I had this. Hell, no matter what now, I’d have this forever.

Ok, so, we'd go over that other, small,
detail about me being pregnant later.

Chapter 25


Jesus, what the fuck was I going to do?

I was sitting in the business class car on the train on the way back home, staring hard out the window but seeing nothing.

I’d escalated things, big time. I mean, sleeping with a girl half my age was one thing. Claiming her virginity in my Goddamn car outside her parents house, jerking off into her panties, going to
visit her
at fucking
, yeah those were were nuts. Shit, having an almost
with her best friend was even crazier.

But then I’d gone and said the words. I’d said those words and I’d fucking
meant them
. It hadn’t been planned, and in fact, it wasn’t until I’d even said them out loud that I realized they were true.

I loved her.

Jesus, I hand’t
those words in years, and here I’d just blabbed them out in the middle of the fucking train station. But they were true, and for the first time in a long time, I meant them with everything I had.

Which, oddly, made me feel
about the other thing burning a hole in my mind like a little hot coal sitting there in my head.


Yeah, talk about escalation. That first time, when she’d fallen out of the closet like that, all I could imagine was this whole thing coming down. I imagined her freaking out, telling people back home, and the damn lynch mob heading for my house to string me up.

That is, I imagined those things until she stripped her clothes off and played with her pussy while she watched Christina bounce up and down on my cock. After that? Yeah, well, let’s just say I wasn’t thinking about lynch mobs anymore.

I was thinking of

And sure, I felt guilt as shit for thinking of Christian’s friend like that, but how could I
? I mean I was only a man, and whatever my feelings for Christina, there’s only so much you
see when you’re balls deep in one girl while another one strips her clothes off and plays with herself three feet away.

I’d meant what I’d said about Christina. I fucking
that girl, in a way that had me buzzing with this electric current sitting there on the train. But Anna Riley? She was something else, and I knew it wasn’t just pure physical attraction. She was like a compliment to Chris. Where my blonde girlfriend was this angelic creature, Anna was the little devil on the other shoulder - the mischievous one, the firecracker.

They were so similar and yet so different at the same time, both physically and who they were as people. On the surface, they’d almost pass for sisters but for Anna’s wild red hair to Christina’s blonde locks, and where Chris had this sexy sweetness to her, Anna had this vivacious glint in her eyes.

Another thought hit me too, one that had me shaking my head. In another world, in another life, if it’d been
who’d come and worked at my house those summers, it’d be
that I’d be in this deep with. After all, I’d been friends with
parents too before their divorce. Shit, it could’ve been her tempting me around the house and who’s panties I’d jerked off into.


Funny how the world works.

But damn, there was that guilt again. I mean I’d just told Christina that I loved her, and I
damn well
meant it. Which probably meant I needed to stop thinking about Anna like that, because it was making me feel like a scumbag.

Except that
, where all three of us had come together. Jesus fuck that’d been incredible, and I don’t just mean it’d been extra hot - even though of course it had been. But it’d been something else too. It’d felt like I wasn’t just sharing something with Christina, but that
me share something between her and Anna. Something crazy that still had my head spinning as I stared out the window.

Man, I was going to need a fucking manual to get through this.

Chapter 26


It was a Thursday, and a full moon, when it all went upside down.

Funny how you can remember weird details like that.

Anna giggled as she fumbled with the dorm building keycard before the door finally opened. We both snorted as we pulled the straightest faces we could as we nodded quickly to the RA on duty at the front desk - the same guy who’d thought Tyler was my dad, by the way - and scurried down the hall to our room before the silly giggles tumbled out.

Okay, yeah, we’d been drinking a

We weren’t
, that I remember, but we were in that place where you’re just living in the moment and feeling free. We were celebrating that night when we’d gone out to the party off campus. Nothing monumental, just celebrating feeling good, and maybe even a little celebration of Tyler’s last words to me before he’d gotten on the train a week and half before.

was fun,” Anna said with a giggle as she slumped down on the floor, leaning back against her bed. She grinned at me, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkling in that way I loved. “We need to do that more often, you know.”

“What, go drink cheap wine at parties that cute boys invite my best friend to?” I flashed a smile at her as I slid down to the floor across from her against my own bed.

Anna blushed and rolled her eyes at the mention of the guy from the floor above us who’d asked her to come that night. Naturally, I’d crashed the party with her.

“Meh,” she shrugged. “He’s boring.”

I rolled my eyes. “Girl, he’s cute, and
into you.”

A weird feeling came over me then, as I tried to talk to her about the guy from upstairs. It felt like on one hand that I was doing my friend duty of trying to set my single friend up with a guy. And yet, on the other hand, just going through the motions of ‘oh, but he’s cute’ had something twisting inside of me.

Something that felt a
whole lot
like jealousy, which made me frown as the emotion crept strangely over me.

Anna waved her hand. “Nah, not really my type.”

And normally, I’d have laughed and fought her on that.
‘Oh c’mon, he likes you!’
or something like that. Except that night, I said nothing. That night, I almost felt something like
that she wasn’t into him,

I very quickly needed another drink.

“We’ve still got wine stashed in here, right?”

Anna made a face. “Nah, I pitched that. It smelled like feet.”

I frowned, but she suddenly grinned at me, arching her eyebrows. “But I
have swiped a little door prize from that party,” she said with a wicked little grin. She reached for her purse and pulled a little glass flask of rum out of it.

I laughed out loud. “You
that from the party?”

She shrugged, giggling. “Eh, that guy from upstairs asked me if I wanted a sip and then got distracted by that stupid beer pong game. It wasn’t even open yet!” She stuck her tongue out at me as she cracked it open before bringing it to her lips. She choked a little, making a funny face as she passed it over to me.

that was strong. I took one sip and made the same face as her before passing it back her way. Anna shook her head. “I think I need a minute,” she said with a laugh. “That tastes like rubbing alcohol.”

We sat there for a few minutes, just basking in the glow of being buzzed and being in each others company. That’s what was so great about her - we never felt like we had to fill the silence with each other. We were comfortable together, and sometimes it almost felt like we were reading each other’s thoughts without even speaking.

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