Try - The Complete Romance Series (31 page)

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“How long do you think it’s going to take
Patrick to get the dress
of her
at the end of the night?” I rolled my eyes at Amie even as she, Jess, and Evie
got to work helping to tighten my bodice and pull the other pieces of the dress
together on my body. I’d tried to pick something out that wouldn’t be too
complicated, but it still required a lot more effort than I would normally put
into a dress I was only ever going to wear once.

“Since she’s not going to wear it again,
it doesn’t matter if he destroys it,” Jess said. I chuckled.

“Are you going to wear that lingerie I got
you for your bridal shower?”

I grinned at Evie, shaking my head
carefully as they worked to get the veil on me.

“I don’t know. Maybe when we get to
Tahiti.” Landon was going to be with us for the honeymoon—but he was staying in
a separate room, with his mother’s parents. I couldn’t have imagined leaving
Landon out of the fun, but the honeymoon was supposed to primarily be about me
and Patrick having a little time to ourselves. We would be in Tahiti for two
weeks, soaking in the sun and getting tanned in the middle of winter. I
couldn’t think of anything I would have wanted more.

“What do you want to bet that she ends up
having a kid with the same birthday as John?” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not
to get pregnant,” I protested. That wasn’t completely and
entirely true; Patrick and I had been talking a lot about when we wanted to try
for a baby. Landon was six, and he still wanted a younger sibling to play with
and take care of; and even though I loved Landon more and more every day, I did
want a baby of my own to raise. While we weren’t exactly planning to have a
child during our honeymoon, I didn’t think I’d be upset if we did. I didn’t
know whether I’d quit working if and when a baby did come—Patrick and I had
both agreed to worry about that when the time came—but I loved spending time
with Landon, and I knew that I would want to spend even more time with him and
with my new baby if and when I had a child.

“Okay—okay. Everyone is seated and the
groom is in his spot,” Evie said, hurrying back into the room from her quick
check-in at the chapel down the hall. “You’re ready to go, you look beautiful.”

Evie kissed me on the cheek, and then so
did Jess and finally Amie, and I stood up, taking one last look at myself in
the mirror. I tingled all over, and when Jess handed me the bouquet—snowy white
roses and blush peonies—I took as deep a breath as my bodice would allow.
“Let’s get this done before midnight, ladies,” Evie laughed.

“It’s my wedding!” I said, grinning. I
took another quick breath and Evie opened the door. “I’ll take as long as I
want to take.”

I swallowed against the dry, tight feeling
in my throat and followed my bridesmaids out of the prep room and down the hall
to the chapel. The doors were closed; everyone except for my dad and the
wedding party were inside, waiting. I looked at my beautiful friends, my family
members, my proud father, and when I heard the music start up in the chapel to
signal the start of my new life as Patrick’s wife and Landon’s step-mother, I
thought that I could never be more overjoyed in my entire life.

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book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are
products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not
to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual
events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


© 2015 Nella Tyler


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