Try - The Complete Romance Series (24 page)

BOOK: Try - The Complete Romance Series
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I sang along with the stereo all the way
home, shaking my head every once in a while at the thought that I’d actually
assumed that Patrick was cheating on me. I didn’t know for sure if things would
work out between us in the long term, but at least talking to his sister told
me that he hadn’t lost interest; if I could trust her report, Patrick was
thinking about me a lot. I got back to my building and carried my bags up to my
apartment, thinking about how good it would be to see Patrick again and to know
that I had a date with him. I remembered my plans from when I’d gone to Lush
and decided that instead of taking a bath to comfort myself about my
possibly-single-again status, I’d take one to celebrate the fact that Patrick
and I were moving forward.


Chapter Two - Patrick

The coffee date with my sister, the text
message from Mackenzie, and the phone call after it lit a fire under my ass. I
wanted to make everything right with her, undo the mistakes I had made. As soon
as I got home from my date, I had started thinking about how I could make an
even bigger impression on Mack, to make a gesture to convince her that not only
was I not cheating on her, but I was serious about our relationship together.

“Landon, we’re going to make a stop on our
way to your session, so we need to get out of here a bit early,” I told my son,
watching as he pulled on some warmer clothes for the drive. I got a coat on and
took off my slippers to put on a decent pair of shoes.

“Where are we stopping?” Landon looked up
at me curiously, swinging his arms at his sides.

“We’re going to stop and get something for
Mack,” I told him. “Are you ready to hit the road?” Landon nodded, running to
the door and grabbing his scarf and gloves. I chuckled, thinking of where we
needed to go and how best to get to the shop and get what I needed before
Landon and I needed to be at his appointment; even for the sake of the surprise
I had in mind, I wasn’t about to be late to his session.

I had called three florist shops as soon
as I got up that morning to find which of them might have the flowers I was
looking for. I had remembered something that Mack had told me on the first
“real” date we’d been on, when I brought her a bouquet of flowers, and I
thought—I hoped—that it would be a good enough gesture to surprise her with
when I got to the appointment.

I helped Landon get into the car and
checked the time; I should have just enough time to get to the flower shop that
had confirmed it had what I wanted and then to the Kid Care clinic. I navigated
into the light—for Chicago—traffic, and smiled to myself. I remembered what
Jessica had said to Mack on the phone, and then what we’d talked about after.
Jess had been the one to give me the idea for how to try and make things right
with Mack before our date on New Year’s Eve. “Obviously, going to the party
with her is one thing,” she’d said, shrugging. “But before you let her show you
off to her family you need to actually make up for letting things get weird
because you were all in your own head about stuff.”

“You’re taking her side over mine?” I’d
asked her.

“Well duh—I know you. You’re a great guy,
but you totally did everything you could to try and make this end without it
being your fault.”

“It takes two people to destroy a
relationship,” I’d said, feeling more than a little defensive.

“That’s a lie,” Jess had told me. “It only
takes one person to ruin it and the other to walk away.” She had wagged her
finger at me. “What you need to do is make some kind of big, romantic gesture.
Something she wouldn’t expect but would love.”

“How am I going to do that?”

Jessica had shrugged. “Surprise her at
work or something. You know her better than I do. You should at least have some
idea of what she would like by now.”

At first I’d rejected the idea of
surprising Mackenzie at work; I knew how committed she was to being
professional while she was in the clinic. I didn’t want to embarrass her with
my surprise. But I remembered that most of the rest of the staff knew that I
had been on at least one or two dates with her; it wasn’t like it was a huge
secret. I made my way across town, looking for the florist shop that I wanted.
I spotted the sign with a block or so to go. “Do you want to come in with me
buddy?” I looked at Landon in the back seat.

“Where are we going?” Landon looked around

“We’re going to stop and get Mack some

Landon let out an exited whoop.
“You want her to know you like her!” he beamed
at me. “You like Mack a lot, don’t you?”

“I do,” I said, nodding as I pulled off of
the road and into the parking area next to the florist. “Do you like her?”

“I like her,” Landon confirmed, nodding
eagerly. “She’s really nice.” I turned to look at him in the back seat as I put
the car in park and turned the engine off.

“How does this sound…I want to take Mack
to dinner with us tonight. We could wait for her shift to be over and then go
Ed Debevic’s
, before I drop you
off at Aunt Jess’.” I’d told Landon earlier in the day that I was going to let
him spend the night at his aunt’s house; Jess had suggested it when I had
tentatively decided to take Mack out to dinner if she was free after the

“I get to go out with you and Mack?”
Landon’s eyes got big in his face and he grinned. “Awesome!”

“You’ve got to be on your best behavior at
the session and at the restaurant,” I told him. “But as long as you’re a good
guy, you can tag along. How does that sound?”

“I’ll be good! I swear,” Landon told me. I
grinned to myself.
If that doesn’t show
her I’m serious about this, then nothing will.

“All right. First I need you to help me
with some things.”

“Okay!” I unlocked the car and got out,
walking around to the back seat to help Landon out of the booster chair.

We went into the florist’s shop and I
spotted the woman I hoped I had talked to earlier in the day. “Hey,” I said,
letting Landon close the door behind us. “I called earlier to ask if you had
any peonies.” The woman’s eyes widened slightly in recognition and she grinned.

“I remember,” she said, coming out from
behind the counter. “It’s not the usual request for this time of year, but we
do actually have some in. They’re not as beautiful as the ones we get at the
beginning of summer, but they are still up to our standards.” She looked down
at Landon. “Do you want to help me wrap them up?”

“Yeah!” Landon practically jumped up and
down at the offer. I followed the florist to the back area of the shop, and saw
the flowers I’d requested; she’d set them aside when I called, and when I saw
them it was easier to understand why Mack loved them so much. The big bouquet
of peonies was just beginning to open, revealing fluffy cream-pink flowers that
looked delicate and intricate and strong all at once—just like Mack. The
florist gathered them up in her arms and trimmed the leaves from all but the
top of the stems, and I watched as Landon helped her wrap them up in ribbon and
plastic to keep them neat.

I paid for the flowers and thanked the
woman and hurried Landon back out to the car; we were going to be cutting it
close, but I hoped that we’d still be able to get to his session on time. I
wanted to surprise Mack—but I didn’t want to give her any more reasons to be
upset at me. I wove through traffic from the flower shop to the clinic, feeling
jittery and as nervous as I had the first time that I’d gotten Mack to meet
with me at the coffee shop.

“Okay, bud,” I said when I pulled into a
parking spot in the structure attached to the clinic. “One last thing I need
you to do for me. Think you’re up to it?”

“What is it?” Landon was fidgety with
excitement in the back seat.

“Take the flowers in for me, okay? I’ll be
right outside. You run in first with the flowers and tell Mack that they’re
from me, and then I’ll come in. How’s that sound?”

“Should I tell her you’re sorry?” Landon

“Yes,” I said, smiling in spite of myself.
I was starting to get excited by my plan. I felt a flicker of doubt. I hoped
that Mack wouldn’t think that this was too much, that she wouldn’t be
embarrassed at the big gesture. “Tell her that I’m really sorry for how I’ve
messed things up. Can you do that?” I held out the bouquet to my son.

“I can do that!” Landon took the flowers
from me with a quick snatch.

“Be careful with them,” I told him
sharply. “It’d be terrible to hurt the flowers before you get them to her,
wouldn’t it?” Landon considered that question and then nodded.

I let him out of the car and watched him
race towards the front door of the clinic as fast as he could; his limp was
almost completely gone, and I thought that it was just as well that I’d managed
to luck into a chance to make things right with Mack when I had—Landon couldn’t
possibly have too many sessions left before Mack cleared him.

I locked up the car and waited for a
moment before following my son into the clinic. I opened the door and saw that
he had somehow managed to convince Mack to come out from the back right away.
She was standing frozen in shock, staring at the flowers,
sweetest smile on her face that I had ever seen in my life. I strode from the
door to where Mackenzie and Landon stood, and she looked up from the bouquet,
her eyes still showing her shock. She shook her head, and smiled again. “You

“I did,” I said, nodding. The other
members of the staff had gone quiet; everyone was watching us. “I know you
wanted to keep things professional whenever we’re here together, but I wanted
to show you how sorry I am that I let everything fall apart the way I did.”

“It’s—no, it’s fine,” Mack said quickly.
“I’m just so surprised you were able to get peonies…and that you brought them…”
She looked down at Landon and then looked at me again. “They’re beautiful.”

“That was the first part,” I said, smiling
still. “I was also wondering if you had any plans for after you get done with
work for the day.”

“No,” she said.

“Would you do Landon and me the honor of
coming to dinner with us? I know you have to do some more things after the
session is over, but we can wait for you.”

“You want to take me to dinner with you
and Landon?”

I chuckled at the sheer surprise in her
voice. “I do. And Landon wants to go out with us, too,” I said, reaching out
and fondling my son’s hair.

“Does that sound good to you?”

“It does,” Mack said. She buried her face
against the peony blooms and I saw her take a deep breath. “No one in this
office is ever going to let me live this down,” she told me, grinning wryly.
“But it is totally worth it.” She took another deep breath and I saw one of her
hands dart up to dash away a couple of what I hoped were happy tears. “Let’s
head to the back and I’ll put these in some water.” She looked down at Landon.
“We’ve wasted too much time on your session sport.”

“Let’s get to work then,” I agreed. “The
sooner we get started, the sooner we can meet you outside to go to dinner.”

The session itself went by faster than I
thought it would, and Landon was still brimming with energy by the time
Mackenzie told him he was done for the day; he hopped up and down while she and
I went through the motions of being professional, discussing his progress. She
told me that she thought that by the next week, she could re-evaluate his
condition and that she might be able to even move him down to once or twice per
week sessions for a few more weeks, and then discharge him to go about his life
as normal.

“I just need to do some paperwork and then
I can meet you outside,” Mack told me, glancing at the bouquet that she’d put
into a vase of water before we’d started the session. “I have a change of
clothes in my locker too, if you can wait for me.”

“You look beautiful no matter what you
wear,” I told her. The rest of the staff at the clinic had looked at us over
and over again during the session, grinning in a truly happy way.

“Give me maybe fifteen minutes, and I’ll
be right out,” Mack told me.

“Remember to take the flowers with you!” Someone
told her.

“I will,” Mack said, rolling her eyes.
“Hurry up and make your escape before someone finds the mistletoe from the
holiday party.” I laughed and made my retreat, leading Landon through the
waiting room and out to the car outside.

“What are you going to get at the
restaurant, buddy?” I asked my son while we settled in to wait for Mackenzie to
be able to leave the office.

“Mozzarella sticks!” I laughed at his

“You’re going to need more than that,” I
pointed out. We discussed the different things that he could make a dinner out
of, and fifteen minutes later—maybe a little less—I saw Mackenzie come out of
the building and head for the parking structure. She looked around and I honked
the horn to get her attention, rolling down my window. Mack started slightly at
the loudness of the car horn and then hurried over to my SUV, smiling and
carrying the flowers I’d gotten for her in the vase she’d put them in.

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