Truth or Date (3 page)

Read Truth or Date Online

Authors: Susan Hatler

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Clean & Wholesome, #Inspirational

BOOK: Truth or Date
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“All right then.” He got up, shut his office door, then sat in the chair right next to me. He swiveled so we faced each other directly, our knees almost brushing. “It was time to move on.”

After several seconds, my brows came together. “That didn’t answer my question.”

“Boy, you don’t let me get away with anything.” He smirked, then looked at a spot on his desk. The air between us thickened before he finally turned back to me. “Making the switch was the right decision. I’ll . . . miss the people here though.”

He used few words, but I could tell how much he meant them. “Of course you will. I mean, you’ve been here a long time and it’s a great place to work.”

“Exactly.” He nodded, then scratched the back of his neck. “But, what can you do?”

My stomach sank as I realized I’d miss getting to see Chris every day. Not that I did, but I’d always had the opportunity to and now I wouldn’t. “Must’ve been a really nice offer.”

“Too good to pass up.”  He shrugged, then leaned back in the chair. “Time to grow up and make the tough choices.”

That’s how I’d felt these past couple years with George. It had been good while it lasted, but wasn’t what I wanted in the end. It seemed so obvious now that I couldn’t believe I’d let it go on so long.

Chris cleared his throat. “My turn.”

My head snapped up as I jerked from my thoughts. “What?”

He wiggled his brows. “Truth or Date?”

Listening to him reveal his private worries about leaving had made me forget we were playing a game. “It’s Truth or Dare, actually.”

“Just trying to expedite things since you told me you never choose Truth.” He smirked. “But, if you want to go through the motions, I’ll play along. Truth or Date?”

I should’ve known he’d have something up his sleeve, but the seriousness of his expression and tone during our conversation had thrown me. “Dare. With an ‘r,’ but—”

“Perfect.” He clapped his hands together. “There is this dinner thing for my new job tomorrow night. My boss will have his wife. Since I’m single, it might be awkward being a third wheel. So, I dare you to be my date.”

A string of beautiful girls on his arm at various holiday parties rolled through my mind. “I’m sure you can check your speed dial and pick out a real date from your many options.”

His eyes danced. “I’d rather go with you.”

My stomach fluttered in a way that seemed dangerous. Very dangerous.

I scoffed. “You can’t dare me to be your date.”

“Why not?” He seemed amused at my discomfort. “No taking off clothes, no bodily contact with someone else, and what happens in Truth or Dare stays there. You chose the rules and I haven’t violated any of them. So how about it?”

It was hard to argue with logic, but I grappled anyway. “My roommate is setting me up with a guy she says is perfect for me.”

Without hesitation he said, “This is the roommate you referred to as crazy? You probably shouldn’t rely on her advice too much. Take mine. Even at my worst, I’m always sane.”

Wow, he excelled at selling himself. No wonder he’d been offered the big bucks in software sales. But why was he being so flirty with me? “Kristen isn’t really nuts. More like annoyingly right all the time.”

“Except in this instance.” His lips turned up in a swoon-worthy smile. “Is this theoretically perfect date tomorrow night?”

My shoulders tensed. “No.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven then.” He snatched a notebook and pen from his desk and handed them to me. “Just write your new address and phone number here. Unless you want to forfeit, that is.”

It’s not like I could back out of the game when I’d started it. “No way.” My shoulders tensed. “Game on.”

With shaky hands, I scribbled out my contact information and he let out a chuckle. “Don’t be so nervous. Just think of it as a favor to an old friend.”

What in the . . . ? He’d dated girl after girl over the years yet going to dinner with me—when I’m also single—would just be a friend thing? How insulting.

My gut twisted at his words, but I forced a smile. “Of course. What else would it be?”

Even though my blood boiled, I fought to stay composed as I made a hasty escape from of his office. Sure, a serial dater didn’t make my list but why didn’t
? Was I not good enough for him? Whatever.

I didn’t realize until later that I’d forgotten to settle the other details for his going away shindig. No way I’d go back right now though. He’d get his chocolate cake, but that was it. And when we went to dinner tomorrow night, I’d dress up extra special. Just to let him know what he was missing.




“Planning this wedding has turned into a major headache,” Ellen declared that evening from the massage table next to me. She’d wanted a group massage with her bridesmaids in lieu of a bridal shower and the day spa had arranged the four tables to center around our heads for easy conversation. “I mean, my dad’s been absent ninety-nine percent of my life and now he’s passionate and emotional about walking me down the aisle? Like it means the world to him?”

“Maybe your dad feels bad about deserting you,” I suggested, then nearly groaned as the massage therapist rolled her lavender-oiled thumbs into my shoulder muscles. Tension. Way too much tension. “And now he’s trying to make up for lost time.”

My brutal (but, in a good way) therapist kneaded her way toward my neck, locating each and every one of my never-ending knots and then pressed hard on them until the pain released. If I stopped buying groceries, I could probably afford this two-hour treatment every week. Hmmm, certainly something to consider. . . .

“If you don’t want him to walk you down the aisle, then tell him so,” Kristen mumbled from the table across from me. “It’s your wedding and you don’t have to justify your feelings to him. Or anybody for that matter. He’s a big boy and made his bed. Now he can lie in it.”

“Are you giving this advice as my counselor or friend?” Ellen’s voice sounded as strained as my back. If that were possible.

“Your friend.” Kristen’s tone came across hard as a rock. “Otherwise I’d be charging you a hefty fee instead of buying your massage.”

I snickered. Somehow Kristen’s tactless honesty was starting to grow on me. Plus, she’d only mentioned Jake twice since we’d met here after work. Major improvement.

Ellen flipped on her back and stared at the ceiling. “What do you think, Rach?”

The room fell quiet except for the soft
ting ting ting
of wind chimes coming from the built-in speakers above us. When Rach didn’t answer, I lifted my head and glanced over in her direction. Her eyes were closed and she let off a soft snore.

“You’re not going to get much advice from her. She’s out cold.” I wiggled my face back into the head cradle as the muscle goddess worked wonders on my neck. “I’m with Kristen though. Do what feels right to you. What does Henry say?”

She sighed. “He tells me he’ll support whatever I choose.”

“You’ve already decided, Ellen.” Kristen stated this as if it were an obvious fact. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be torturing yourself about letting him down. Counselor this time, but it’s on the house. Happy bridal shower.”

Her bluntness made me chuckle. Once she said it, I realized she was right. Again. If Ellen wanted her dad to give her away, she would’ve just told him yes.

“I suppose I have made up my mind.” Ellen motioned for her massage therapist to lighten up on the pressure. “Let’s talk about something else. Upbeat. How’re things with you, Gina? Chris tells me you’re helping him out with a dinner thing tomorrow night?”

I groaned, my neck muscles immediately squeezing together.

“What?” Kristen’s head shot up and her eyebrows narrowed, her expression surprisingly aggressive considering she was wearing nothing but a sheet. “But I’m setting you up with Ethan.”

“It’s not a date, just a friend thing.” While I inwardly seethed about him not finding me date-worthy, the thought of that swoon-worthy smile made me shiver. Gee, I hoped the massage lady hadn’t noticed that. “Seriously. He’s meeting with his boss and his boss’s wife and he needed to bring someone. I’ve known him for years and he asked me to go as a favor. Nothing more to it.”

Kristen exhaled as if in major relief. “Good, because Ethan’s a treasure. You’re fortunate he’s still available. Has he called you yet?”

“Wait, I’m the fortunate one? What about him?” Watch this magnificent treasure treat me like a friend as well. Maybe my relationship’s demise hadn’t been George. Maybe I’d been shooting off the friend vibe for the past decade and hadn’t realized it.

Kristen’s eyes widened. “Didn’t peg you as insecure, but if it makes you feel better to hear me say it, he’s fortunate you’re free as well. You’re both fortunate. Everybody’s fortunate. Can this massage be any more heavenly?”

Okay, Kristen just lost any points she’d previously gained with me and any muscle strain that had dissipated came back tenfold and settled on my shoulders. No matter how deep the pressure, not one ounce of pain lifted. I gritted my teeth. “For your information, Ethan did call me today. We’re going to lunch tomorrow.”

My heavenly goddess began rubbing my scalp in small circular motions and believe me I needed the stress relief. This friend thing tomorrow night had me wigged. Why had I played Truth or Dare with Chris anyway?

“I want my mom to walk me down the aisle.” Ellen’s tone held quiet resolution. “She’s always been there for me, even when she drives me crazy, and she should be the one to give me to Henry.” Ellen closed her eyes, the stress seeming to ooze away as her therapist rubbed her feet. “I’ll call my dad and tell him tonight.”

Tears formed in my eyes as emotion overtook me. “Your wedding’s going to be so beautiful, Ellen.”

With her eyes closed, she smiled. “Thanks, sweetie.”

As I lay there under my therapist’s expert hands, I thought about Ellen’s relationship with Henry. They’d fallen together so easily, like two halves joining. More lovely than their wedding, they’d share a wonderful marriage.

It didn’t work that way for everyone.

Or, maybe it would. I’d meet Ethan tomorrow and find out.


I’d made it to Cafe Mattia fifteen minutes early. Partly because it was right around the corner from work, but mostly because I wanted out of the office. My nerves were on edge all morning so I couldn’t concentrate on debits and credits. Either I was super excited for this lunch date with Ethan or extremely nervous. Probably both.

Even with all the compliments Kristen had spewed about Ethan, I still didn’t know anything about him. Was he shy or outgoing? Short or tall? Mr. Career or Soccer Dad? The possibilities made my head spin.

I gulped more water the courteous waiter had already refilled twice and glanced again toward the ornately carved wooden door at the entrance just as a man walked in. That guy
be Ethan. Yet the hostess just fingered her list, gestured in my direction, and was now leading him this way!

But it wasn’t conceivable. In all of Kristen’s many praises, she’d left this part out. Hadn’t told me. . . .

My jaw dropped.

Kristen’s friend Ethan was unbelievably gorgeous. Dark hair, dark eyes, and maybe this partly stemmed from my sitting in a renaissance themed restaurant, but his build under his suit had to be a replica of Michaelangelo’s David. Why, oh, why hadn’t I been to the gym in two weeks?

“Gina Hall?” This perfect specimen of a man smiled at me and I’m embarrassed to say my mouth still hung open. “I’m Ethan Harrison.”

“H-Hi..” I somehow managed to tilt my face toward him as he dipped down and planted a soft peck on my cheek.

His smile shined—there’s no other way to describe it—showing a beautiful set of white teeth as he sat in the red velvet-covered chair across from me.

“May I get you anything?” The hostess asked Ethan with an equally stunning smile. With the way she sized him up and down, I was pretty sure she wanted to give him her phone number. Could I blame her?

Instead of getting her digits, Ethan turned to me. “Would you like something, Gina?”

Hot and attentive. Kristen’s stock was skyrocketing back up. “I’d love an iced tea.”

“I’ll have one as well.” When the hostess turned away, he eyed my half-empty glass of water, then checked his watch. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”

“Not at all.” Only my entire life. I straightened and sucked in my belly. Seriously, did this guy work out every day? “Thanks for meeting me on this side of town. Hope you found parking all right.”

He lifted the tall one page menu. “The firm uses a car service, so it’s easy to get around.”

“Nice.” My eyes scanned the various menu choices and stopped on a salad. That should counteract the cinnamon bun I had for breakfast. “One of my friends is getting married this weekend and I need to fit into my bridesmaid dress so I think I’ll order the Spinach Salad.”

“In that case, you may want them to hold the bacon bits.” He grimaced. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to give you food advice—that just slipped out. Obviously you should order whatever you want. I’m a bit of a health nut and I should probably just stop talking while I’m behind.” He looked sheepish. “Forgive me.”

“No worries.” His comment had stung, but he obviously didn’t mean anything by it. First dates were notorious for being awkward. It wasn’t like he’d expect me to have a rock-hard body like his, right? I mean, the thought of giving up my new relationship with snickerdoodles made me shudder. A spinach salad was as far as I was willing to go.

Our waiter picked the perfect moment to bring us our drinks and ask for our orders.

Insalata di Spinaci
.” I bit back a laugh at my hilarious attempt at an Italian accent. No sense omitting the bacon bits when I wanted them. Ethan should know up front what he was getting into.

Instead of realizing I’d been kidding around with my silly accent, he gave me a nice compliment. Then he made eye contact with the waiter. “
Vorrei Capellini al Pomodoro per favore

His accent sounded flawless although I didn’t really have any way to test its authenticity. Well, other than the one time I’d rented
Under the Tuscan Sun

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