Truth Or Dare (5 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Truth Or Dare
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And she couldn’t forget that swat.

As she dressed for the date that night, she again surveyed her bottom. But the mark was long gone, with only the memory remaining. It meant nothing, she told herself yet again, but still her heartbeat sped up whenever she thought of it.

Cameron was right on time. The second she opened her door, he leaned in and kissed her. Snowflakes hung in his dark hair and dusted the shoulders of his black coat. He’d dressed in casual slacks, a dress shirt and sweater.

Asia waited for the verdict as he looked her over from head to toe. Her dress was new, a dark burgundy with gold flecks around the low-scooped neckline and shin-length hem. She wore dark brown leather boots with two-inch heels. Her long hair was in a French braid, hanging down the middle of her back, and gold hoop earrings decorated her ears.

“You look incredible,” Cameron murmured, then pulled her close and kissed her again, this time with purpose.

Asia quivered with need. When her mouth was again free, she said, “Maybe … maybe we should skip dinner?” She didn’t want to eat. She wanted to be alone with Cameron, to find out the extent of these amazing sexual feelings he inspired.

She’d told Erica at break that she owed her big time, because if it hadn’t been for her, she’d never have discovered the truth. As she’d always suspected, fireworks did exist. You only needed the right man to set them off.

Cameron was evidently the right man.

He took her hand and kissed her palm. She felt the brief touch of his warm, damp tongue and nearly moaned. “Do you need to be up early tomorrow?” he asked.

“No, my weekends are always free.”

He took her cloak from her and helped her slip it on. “I hope they won’t be free anymore.”

Asia had nothing to say to that. She couldn’t deny that she wanted to see him again.

“I’ll feed you,” Cameron continued, “and then we’ll go to my place.”

She sniffed and turned away, a little put out that he seemed less anxious than she.

Cameron hugged her from behind, chuckling softly. In her ear, he whispered, “The tension will build and build, sweetheart. Just be patient with me, okay?”

She didn’t want to be patient, but she figured he had to know more about this than she did. Her experience with sex was that it wasn’t much fun most of the time, and other times it was just plain awful.

“All right.”

An hour later, Asia was ready to kill him. The restaurant where they had dinner was elegant, expensive and crowded. Festive Christmas music played softly through the speaker system, and fat gold candles, decorated with holly, lit each table.

People talked and smiled and laughed, and Asia felt conspicuous, as if everyone there knew she was aroused but was too polite to point at her.

Cameron kept her on that keen edge, touching her constantly, her cheek, her chin, her shoulders—touches that seemed innocent but still made her burn because she knew exactly what he could do with those touches, how he could make her body scream in incredible pleasure.

What would it be like when he pushed deep inside her, when he rode her and the friction was within as well as without? She bit her lip hard to keep from gasping aloud with her thoughts.

And still she couldn’t stop thinking them.

Feeling his touch through the barrier of clothes had been indescribable, but when he touched naked flesh, would she be able to stand it? When it was his mouth on her nipples, not just his fingers, how much more would she experience? She shuddered at the thought and felt her body turning liquid.

They danced twice, and the way he moved against her should have been illegal. He knew what he did to her, and he enjoyed it.

She was on fire, her breath coming too fast and too deep, and still he lingered at the table, watching her closely, talking idly about inconsequential things. Her heart threatened to burst, and though the wind howled outside, she felt feverish and taut.


She jumped, nearly panicked by the unfamiliar lust and anticipation. She stared at him blankly.

Cameron just smiled. “I asked you where you got your name.”

She squeezed her hands together, trying to concentrate on things other than the way his dark hair fell over his brow, or how his strong jaw moved as he spoke, or the warm male scent of him that made her stomach curl deliciously. His large hands restedon the tabletop, his wrists thick, his fingers long and rough-tipped—fingers that had touched and teased her. Fingers that would be inside her body tonight.

She closed her eyes, remembering.

Cameron smoothed a curl behind her ear, and his voice was rough and low. Tell me how you got that name, honey.”

She swallowed down her growing excitement. “My grandmother’s name was Anastasia. My father wanted to name me after her, but my mother thought the name too long.”

“So they shortened it to Asia?”

“Yes.” Talking required too much concentration.

“It’s a beautiful name.” His fingertips drifted over her cheek, down her throat, trailed along the neckline of her dress.

She gasped. “Cameron …”

“Are you ready to go?” he asked, even as he stood and pulled out her chair.

“More than ready,” she muttered. While he tended to the bill, Asia pulled on her wrap and turned to leave. Cameron caught her arm before she’d taken three steps.

They walked in silence to his car. The parking garage was freezing cold and her accelerated breath frosted in the air. Cameron saw her seated, then went around to his side of the car.

They were on the road, only minutes from his apartment, before he asked, “You’re not nervous, are you?”

Asia stared at him. She was so beyond nervous, it was all she could do to keep from jumping him. “I’m so excited I can barely stand it.”

He kept his profile to her, but that didn’t diminish the beauty of his masculine satisfaction.“Good.I want you excited.”

Asia thrust her chin into the air. “I want you excited, too.”

Without looking her way, he reached across the seat and caught her arm. His hand trailed down to her wrist, then lifted her fingers into his lap. She inhaled sharply at the well-defined, pulsing erection.

“Believe me, I’m excited,” he said simply.

Rather than release him when he replaced his hand on the steering wheel, Asia scooted closer. He was a large man, his sex strong and long. She traced him through his trousers, glancing at his face occasionally to see his jaw locking hard, his nostrils flaring. His blue eyes looked very dark, frighteningly intense.

His penis flexed in her grasp, and she tightened her hold. She stroked him with her thumb, forcing the material of his slacks to rub against him. Her thumb moved up and over the head of his penis—and just that quickly, he grabbed her hand and forced it away.

“No,” he said harshly, but without anger. “I won’t be able to keep us on the road if you do that.”

“When we get to your place,” she murmured, understanding now why he enjoyed teasing, because she enjoyed it too, “I’ll do that to you again. Only you’ll be naked.”

Cameron gripped the wheel hard, his mouth open as he sucked in air. “I’ll hold you to that, sweetheart.” And then he turned in toward his apartment complex.

Chapter Five

Cameron kissed her as he opened her car door, kissed her in the parking lot and on the stairs up to his apartment. He couldn’t seem to stop kissing her and she didn’t try to make him.

Getting his door unlocked was no easy feat with Asia smoothing her soft little hands all over his body, her mouth open on his throat, her fingertips gliding down his abdomen.

He tugged her inside, slammed the door, and fell with her onto the couch. He felt like a caveman, but his control was shot to hell; he’d teased too long.

She shifted around until she laid atop him. “Cameron,” she muttered, and then kissed his face, his ear, his jaw.

He caught her, holding her steady so he could devour her sweet mouth. They moved together, hampered by coats and too many clothes and an urgent desire that obliterated reason.

“Damn,” he growled, startled as he felt himself sliding off the couch to the floor.

They landed with a thump. He was dumbstruck for a moment, then heard Asia giggle.

“Witch,” he groused low, and sat up beside her. He yanked at the fastenings of her cloak and spread it wide. Her breasts heaved, her legs moved restlessly. Cameron lowered himself again, this time with both hands cupping her breasts.

The air filled with their moans and sighs, but again, it became too frustrating. He didn’t want to stop kissing her, but he stood up and jerked his coat off, tossing it aside, then pulled his sweater over his head.

Asia stayed on the floor, sprawled wantonly, watching him. When his chest was bare and her eyes were soft and wide, looking at him, he knelt and began removing her boots. “These are sexy,” he said low, tugging them off and eyeing her bare legs beneath. His gaze sought hers and he raised one brow. “No panty hose this time?”

She shook her head. Silky fine tendrils of hair had escaped her braid and framed her face. Her lashes hung heavy, her eyes nearly black with lust. “I wanted to make it easier for you to touch me.”

Her words were powerfully arousing. In a rush, he plunged his hands up under her skirt and caught the waistband of her minuscule panties. He started to drag them off her, but seeing her face, the anticipation there, he forced himself to slow down.

He had to remember that Asia had special requirements, a refined inclination toward erotic discipline, and if he wanted to keep her for more than a night or two, he had to adjust. Her pleasure meant everything to him, was half of his own pleasure, so he slowed himself. Instead of pulling her panties off, he cupped her through the thin silk.

“Hot, swollen,” he said, watching her back arch. “You want me, don’t you sweetheart?”

“Yes,” she moaned, her eyes now closing.

He petted her, letting one long finger press between her lips, rub gently over her clitoris.

“Oh, God,” she whispered brokenly.

Watching her was almost as good as sex, Cameron decided. She was so beautiful to him, so perfect. So open and honest and giving.

He removed his hand and flipped her onto her stomach.

She froze for a heartbeat, her hands flat on the carpet at either side of her breasts. “Cameron?”

“Let me get this dress off you,” he explained, and worked the zipper down her back. The bodice opened and he caught the shoulders, pulling them down to her elbows. She freed her right arm, then her left.

Kneeling between her widespread thighs, Cameron eyed her slender back, the graceful line of her spine. In a rush, he pulled the dress the rest of the way off.

Asia half raised herself, but he pressed a hand to the small of her back and took his time looking at her. Her bottom was plump, her cheeks rounded and firm. He stroked her with both hands, feeling the slide of silken panties over her skin.

“Cameron …”

“Shhh.” He unfastened her bra and let it fall, freeing her breasts. Leaning over her, his cock nestled securely against that delectable ass, he balanced on one arm. With his free hand he reachedbeneath her and stroked her breasts, paying special attention to her pointed, sensitized nipples. She gave a ragged moan.

Cameron languidly rubbed himself against her, almost blind with need. It would be so easy to enter her this way. She was wet, hot and slippery and he could sink right in.

He groaned and pushed himself away. He had to do this right.

Before he changed his mind, he kicked off his shoes, sat on the edge of the couch, and pulled off his socks.

Asia was near his feet and she turned her head to look at him curiously. Their eyes met and she started to rise.

Cameron caught her under her arms. Her bra fell completely off, and it stunned him, this first glimpse at her bared body. She wore only transparent, insubstantial panties; they offered her no protection at all.

“You are so beautiful,” he said with complete inadequacy.

She smiled shyly, reached for him—and he pulled her across his knees.

For a brief moment, she froze. “Cameron?”

When he didn’t answer, determined on his course, Asia twisted to look at him. He controlled her easily, his gaze focused solely on that gorgeous behind. He could see the deep cleft, and the dark triangle of feminine curls covering her mound. He traced her with a fingertip, down the line of her buttocks, in between. She stilled, her breathing suspended.

Her panties were damp with her excitement and he pressed into her, feeling her heat, her swollenlips. His eyes closed. He wanted to taste her, wanted to tongue her and hear her soft cries. Her hands, braced on his thigh, tightened, her nails digging into his muscles even through his slacks.

He had to do this right.

Teeth clenched, Cameron opened his eyes, looked at his big dark hand on her very soft feminine bottom, and forced himself to give her a stinging slap.

She yelped.

“How does that feel?” he rasped, lifting his hand for another.

Asia was frozen on his thighs, not moving, not speaking.

He brought his hand down again, doing his best to meter his strength, to let her feel the warmth of the smack without actually hurting her in any way.

His heart thundered and his pulse roared in his ears. He thought he might split his pants he was so turned on, despite the distaste he felt in striking her. After all, they were minutes away from making love and she was a warm, womanly scented weight over his lap, all but naked and so beautiful—

“You bastard!”

Like a wild woman, she launched herself away from him. Stupefied, Cameron looked at her sprawled on the carpet some feet away, her naked breasts heaving, her eyes wet with tears.


Her bottom lip trembled and she said with stark accusation, “I thought you were different!”

Very unsure of himself and the situation, Cameron said, “Uh …” And then, “I’m … trying to be.”

“You hit me!”

He had. Cameron looked at his hand, stinging a little from contact with that beautiful behind, and said again, “Uh …”

Asia pushed to her feet. Her breasts swayed, full and still flushed from arousal, the nipples tight points. Feet planted apart in a stance guaranteed to make his blood race, she glared at him.

Slowly, very slowly so he didn’t spook her or make this bizarre situation worse, Cameron came to his feet. “You wanted me to,” he reminded her.

Her eyes widened even more. “What are you talking about?”

He shrugged, gestured toward his bedroom where the damning tape was still in the VCR. He rubbed the back of his neck and felt a sick foreboding close around him. “You, ah, wanted a guy who was into spanking.”

She gasped so hard her breasts jiggled, further exacerbating his desire. “You listened!” she accused.

“Not on purpose.”

It was as if she hadn’t heard him. “You were the guy with the newspaper in the lounge. The guy wearing jeans!”

“Yeah. I, ah, had to work outside that day, to oversee work on the compressors, so my clothes were different.” He nearly winced as he admitted that, then thought to add, a bit righteous, “The lounge is a public place and I heard you say plain as day that you were into spanking.”

“I said no such thing!”

“Yes, you did.” Didn’t she? Her face was red, but he barely noticed with her standing there, the body he’d been dreaming about for two full months more bare than not. “You said you would hook upwith the guy who bought a spanking tape. Well, I bought the stupid thing.”

“Stupid thing?” she growled, and advanced toward him. “You mean you don’t watch them?”

“I never had before.” He was mightily distracted from the argument by the way she moved, and how her body moved, and how much he wanted her. “But I’d have bought a tape of monkeys mating if that’s what it took to get your attention.”

She drew up short, a mere foot away from him. “That’s sick!”

Cameron leaned forward, his own temper igniting. “No, sweetheart. That’s desperation. I wanted you. You barely acknowledged me, except in that too cool, distantly polite voice that kept miles between us. I heard you in the lounge and took advantage. So what?”

She looked slightly confused for a moment, then pugnacious. “You struck me.”

“Because I thought you wanted me to. Hell, do you think I wanted to?”

“Didn’t you?” She gave a pointed stare to his straining erection.

Cameron grunted. “You’re almost naked. You’re excited and wet and hot, and I’ve been hard since the day I first saw you.”

She blinked uncertainly. “You’re saying you didn’t want to swat me?”

Hands on his hips, he leaned down, nose to nose with her. “There are a lot of things I’d rather do to your beautiful naked ass than spank it.”

She half turned away, then back. Watching him with suspicion, and what appeared to be sensual curiosity, she asked, “Like what?”

Cameron took a small step forward, furtherclosing the gap between them. In a lower, more controlled but gravelly voice, he said, “Like pet you, and kiss you—”

“My behind?”

“Hell, yes.” Moving slowly, he reached out and caught her shoulders. “I can’t imagine any man alive not wanting to kiss your behind.”

She giggled at the wording, but flushed at the meaning. “My husband would have never considered …”

He released her so fast, he almost tripped. “Husband?”


Clutching his heart, Cameron said, “Thank God.” It took him a second to recover from that panic. He hadn’t heard anything about her being married. “So you’re divorced?”


“You still care about him?”

She laughed, which was a better answer than a straight out “no,” but she gave him that too.

“I stopped caring about him almost as soon as I said, ‘I do.’ Unfortunately, it took longer than that for me to admit it to everyone else and to get the divorce.”

He didn’t want to talk about any idiot ex-husband. Holding her shoulders again, he said, “Know what I want to do?”

Her hand lifted to his crotch, cuddled his cock warmly. Her smile was sweet and enticing. “I can maybe guess.”

He drew a deep breath. “You’re willing?”

“No more hitting?”

Cameron kissed her. “It took all my concentration to get it done the first time. Believe me, it wasfor you, for what I thought you wanted. Not for me.”

She looked touched by his gesture. “Then, yes, I’m willing.”

Disinclined to take the chance that she might change her mind, Cameron lifted her in his arms and started for his bedroom. “I promise to make it up to you,” he said. And he meant it. Now that he could think clearly, he’d know to concentrate on her responses, not on the dumb conversation he’d overheard. But that made him think of something else.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“That is a question,” Asia replied, but she didn’t sound put out. She was too engrossed in his chest, caressing his chest hair, finding his nipples and flicking them with her thumbnail until his knees nearly buckled.

Cameron quickly sat on the edge of the bed, Asia braced in his arms. He kissed her, then against her mouth asked, “Why did you require I buy that stupid tape?”

She tucked her face into his throat while she explained her theories—dumb ones, Cameron thought privately—and when she’d finished, she looked up at him.

“My ex-husband was forever trying to force me to do … kinky things that turned him on. He said it was the only way I could satisfy him. I didn’t like it, and then he’d be angry about it and call me a prude and a cold fish. I used to wish he’d get his jollies that way with a movie or a book.” She shrugged. “I wanted us to just make love, like two people who …”

Cameron squeezed her, wishing he had herdamned ex close at hand so he could offer her retribution. But all he could do was say, “Like two people who loved each other?”

She gave a tiny nod. “Yes.” Then she shocked the hell out of him by adding, “I haven’t been with anyone since him. I needed to prove to myself first that I was independent, that I didn’t believe all his garbage about me not being woman enough. He made me feel so low, and in my head, I knew he was a jerk. I knew he was wrong, too. But no man tempted me.”

“Not even me,” Cameron admitted, more for himself than her. He’d gained a lot of insight tonight, and most of it broke his heart. He’d handled things all wrong. Asia hadn’t wanted him. She hadn’t wanted any man.

She’d only needed validation, and instead he’d shot down her beliefs by spanking her. Damn, he was a real idiot.

Asia touched his jaw. “That’s not true.” She bit her lip, then let out a breath. “I think if it had been anyone other than you in that store, I wouldn’t have had the guts to go through with it. But it was you, and I liked you already, and respected you a lot.”

“You hid it well,” he teased, shaken with relief.

“That’s because I wanted you, too, though I was afraid to admit it. It scared me to want someone again.”

With a trembling hand, Cameron stroked her throat, her shoulder, her breasts. “Let me show you that there’s nothing to be afraid of, sweetheart. Let me show you how it should be.”
How it’ll always be between us.

“Yes.” Asia closed her eyes on a soft moan. “I think I’d like that.”

Like a lick of fire, Cameron’s kisses burned her everywhere. With incredible gentleness, he tilted her back on the bed and half covered her. She loved the tingling abrasion of his chest hair over her sensitive nipples. She loved the exciting, not-so-gentle stroke of his hand on her body. He seemed to know exactly how and where to touch her. And he found sensitive places she hadn’t known about—the delicate skin beneath her ears, her underarms, below her breasts, the insides of her thighs and backs of her knees.

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