Trust Me (51 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

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she told him as he rose on his elbow above her. “I couldn’t wait any longer. Everything today, all the playing, all the teasing, the Eiffel Tower, the dining table, I just needed more.”

I noticed, but don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Anytime you find it difficult to wait, please feel free to call out your inner queen.”



minutes later they sat at the table, damp from their shower and wrapped in the thick hotel robes. A notebook sat between them as they sipped on fresh coffee, discussing their ideas and plans for their future together. Several notes had been scrawled across the paper, ideas, and desires for their impending wedding.

you want to live in Kansas or England?” he asked, kissing her hand.

can’t live in Kansas,” she yawned. “Your company is here in Europe.”

live anywhere you want me to.” Sandra laughed at the determination in his tone. “What’s so amusing?”

are. You want to buy a home in Yorkshire, but you’re willing to move to Kansas? You don’t even know what Kansas is like.”

is so much I need to tell you. So much that may make you angry, but I need you to understand that I’ve loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you.” Sandra smiled warmly stating into his deep-blue eyes.

can I be angry with you over that?”

the first time we met was not on the beach of Cote d’Azur,” he said softly. “The first time was in Kansas two years ago.” Sandra frowned as she stared at the man, trying to understand what he was saying.

get angry, just let me explain,” Creighton rushed on, caressing Sandra’s cheek. “I have been trying to find a suitable place in America to set up a telecommunications plant for the past few years. I need a place that has a lot of sunshine and warmth for the solar power. It would be a prototype of sorts. The building will be run completely by solar or wind power. If we can make this work and build satellite phones that can easily be recharged simply by setting them in the light, then we can reduce greenhouse gases immensely.” He sounded enthusiastic about his idea and Sandra found herself slowly relaxing.

word went out that I was looking for property that would benefit the local community as well and your Mayor Nelson contacted my assistant. I was intrigued, but very skeptical. I don’t know how well a wind-powered plant would hold up in an area riddled with tornados. We visited several locations in America; Arizona was my first choice, but then we went to Kansas to see what the land had to offer and the mayor wanted to show off his town. It was quaint and small and I knew if we built there, it would prove to be a huge benefit to the community. There is a potential of four thousand new jobs once it gets up to full speed.

your mayor introduced me to his staff, including your sister…which for the record; you really are the pretty one.” She blushed at his comment. “He took us to a plot of land, three hundred acres just outside town and told us the local man who owned it was looking forward to selling and there was another hundred held by the city that he would throw in if we made a deal. I wanted to know more about the geology of the area, so we went to the library where we could investigate maps of the wetlands.

we arrived, I saw you reading to a group of children and became instantly intrigued. Fortunately, for me, I had my engineers and assistant along and they did most of the research, so I could watch you. I think that’s what your sister wants to tell you. I’m really surprised she didn’t remember me on her own; she spent nearly two days trying to seduce me, and I have to admit I was interested at first, until I saw you. There was something about you that made me want to know you better, but I never had an opportune time to introduce myself. Every time I tried, either the mayor or your sister would interrupt and I’d get lured into a different direction.”

remember meeting some of the people that were with that company…your company, when they were at the library.” Sandra’s frown deepened as he nodded.

you were introduced to my people, I was outside on the phone with my sister Sabrina. She was in another of her fits about a boy at school. When I returned, the library was closing and your assistant said you had left for the day. I went back to the library twice more before we left, but I always seemed to miss you.” Creighton drew a deep breath and reached out, subconsciously stroking a long finger down her cheek, past her neck and down her sternum, pushing her robe aside and resting his hand on her breast; his fingers caressing an erect nipple. He stroked and teased the tiny bud silently, absently reliving the past in his mind.

returned to Kansas the following August and again last May. I was finally able to meet you on our final trip. You were talking to your assistant about moving back home with your grandparents in order to help save for your trip to France. I listened for a while before I had the opportunity to interrupt. I introduced myself but before we could even shake hands, your sister appeared from out of nowhere and literally pushed her way between us. I was getting very irritated with her constant interruptions and admittedly was quite rude to her, but by the time she took the hint and finally left; you were gone. Your assistant apologized for Cathy’s behavior. He said she had a habit of doing that, pushing you aside to take center stage.

I returned to England, I arranged a contest where the winner won an all expense two-week trip to Cote d’Azur. It was a contest of one.”

thought as much,” she said softly, a sly smile crossing her lips. “I suspected you had a hand in it when you told me you owned the hotel I was staying at.”

just wanted to make you happy and to help you visit the place your heart desired.” He drew a deep breath and looked her in the eye. “There’s more,” he said softly. “Do you know those new security cameras your city council had installed in all the government offices?” Sandra nodded. “My company makes and maintains them. I managed to hack into the camera for the library and have been watching you since they were placed.” He looked hesitantly, waiting for her to respond.

I’ve agreed to marry a perverted stalker?” she asked, and he blanched until he saw the smile creep across her lips.

you angry?”

sure Cathy will think I’m insane, but no I’m not. It’s very romantic, a little disturbed, but intriguing. Why didn’t you just tell me who you were at the beach? I would have understood.”

didn’t want you to think there was something strange about me,” he said with a half grin. “Stay here,” he ordered and walked into the bedroom, returning a few minutes later with a small leather binder. Creighton unfastened the gold clasp and handed it to Sandra.

it,” he said. Inside was a pocket holding several pieces of paper; one was an article from the Kansas Daily Harold about New Hope Technologies planning to build a factory in Hoisington. Another was an article about the owner of New Hope returning to Hoisington to continue negotiations for a revolutionary technology plant. The last piece of paper was a black-and-white photograph of several people. The woman she had met at the hotel…Michelle Dubois…two men in casual leisure suits, one dark skinned the other older with grey hair and a mustache, Mayor Nelson, Cathy, and next to her was Creighton, who stood beside Sandra. She remembered the picture, remembered when it was taken but frowned at the man next to her in the picture. How could she not remember meeting him?

mayor wanted a picture for the newspaper and since we spent most of our time at the library, I insisted we have the head librarian in it as well.”

remember the picture,” she said. “I wasn’t feeling well that day and just wanted to get the shipment of new books recorded so I could go home and go back to bed. But the mayor insisted I be in the picture as well; I tried to back out. I remember your assistant telling me it would be brief and promised me that I could get back to work once it was over.”

really wanted you beside me, but Cathy kept edging her way between us, until I pulled you in next to me,” he admitted. “I’m sorry if you felt like you were bullied.” Sandra smiled, touching the man in the picture.

wasn’t so bad. I don’t remember you per say, but I do remember a very handsome man with incredible blue eyes. Maybe if I hadn’t been under the spell of Nyquil, I would have remembered you clearer.”

you angry?”

I’m flattered and deeply touched, though a little creeped out. I’m in love with a perverted stalker.”

have only stalked you and I have no desire to do so with another woman. The reason I took so long to tell you about this, is because after I learned it was your grandfather who owned the land; I thought you might have felt I was trying to coerce you into convincing him to sell his land to me. I honestly didn’t know he was your grandfather; his name is Stevens and yours is Dennis. I just never considered a connection.”

Papa wanted to sell his land. It was Mayor Nelson who approached him, long before you ever came to Kansas the first time. He’s getting too old to take care of it and really wants to down size.”

is, I’m not sure if it would be the best place for my factory,” Creighton said as he stretched out in the chair beside her. “I can’t have a wind-powered plant in the same neighborhood where tornados make their home.”

what I said the first time Mayor Nelson suggested it,” Sandra insisted, causing Creighton to smile.

can still build a plant, only a different one than I originally was thinking about, and probably not as large. We can make it work; it will take a little ingenious planning, but I have my engineers working on it.”

know I still have to go home,” Sandra said sleepily. “I need time to get things in order.”

it’s England you want to make home?” Sandra yawned again.

a romantic, remember? Yorkshire sounds like an adventure I can’t pass up.”

will make certain every day is an adventure,” he promised her and leaned over, kissing her forehead, causing her to giggle at his response.

have no doubt of that, Mr. Ashford, no doubt at all.”



had his arm draped around her waist, holding her firmly to the mattress; his deep steady breath blowing against her hair. Sandra moved slightly in the bed, looking at the clock; seven forty. She stretched her legs, blinking her eyes against the light from the window.

of the day before filtered through her mind and she sighed happily. She felt alive and excited, like bouncing on the bed excited. This man had seen into her heart, had awakened her and made her whole. She was engaged, in love and happier than she could ever remember being.

look happy,” Creighton said next to her ear, causing her to smile.

am,” she told him honestly.

“Good,” he said again, his voice thick with sleep.
“I was afraid you’d regret your decision in the light of the day, considering everything I told you last night.” He stretched out his legs and rolled to his back, pulling her over with him. “Still want to visit the Louvre?”

very much.” She snuggled into his chest, her head resting across his heart, smiling at the rhythmic sound.

to get some breakfast first? The Louvre has a museum café that is quite nice, or we can go to a restaurant. We can see the museum and then have brunch; whatever you would like.” Sandra turned her head to look into the dark eyes that stared down at her.

we really have to go to Milan tomorrow?” she asked again. Creighton reached down, caressed the side of her face and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

already told you I did. You can still stay here if you don’t want to accompany me.”

want to spend the rest of my time in France with you, not that pouty little brat. I’m likely to be the one to spank her, not you.” Creighton laughed, kissing her forehead and pulling her to lie across on top of him. “Our children are not going to be spoiled like that,” she insisted.

of which,” he said, adjusting his position beneath her, so they could look into each other’s face. “When are you due for your monthly?” Sandra blushed; she knew there as a risk of her being pregnant - a big one - the thought had been in the background of her mind since she realized they had not been protected, but it seemed really odd to discuss her
with a man; even this man.

for another week,” she said shyly.

you upset that you may be pregnant?” Sandra buried her face into his chest, breathing in the scent that was pure Creighton.

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